RCC's 1st edition of SOAR Magazine

RCC's 1st edition of SOAR Magazine Featuring: Student success stories on Hannah Pearson, Dr. Ross Masters, and Christian Williams Learn how students are mastering the 'art' of success at RCC and see sample student work. Read original works of poetry from RCC students Try new recipes from Culinary Arts Department Spring 2024 Schedule ... and more!


UNIVERSITY In addition to the partnerships listed below, RCC also PARTNERSHIPS has articulation agreements through the NC Community College System with Appalachian State University, Western Carolina University, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, the North Carolina A&T University, Winston-Salem State University, WITH and North Carolina Central University. PACKTRAC (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all transfer credits. • Available to students immediately a昀琀er high school graduation or community college students with less than 20 credit hours. • 30 semester hours of transferable credit. C-STEP • Study in a participating Agriculture Major in CALS at NC THE CAROLINA STUDENT TRANSFER EXCELLENCE State. PROGRAM • https://cals.ncsu.edu/packtrac/ • Available to students immediately a昀琀er high school • Contact Courtney Kilgore ([email protected]) graduation or community college students with less C3 (NC State Community College Collaboration) than 30 credit hours. • Students must be eligible to receive federal 昀椀nancial • Targets students from rural or low-to-moderate income aid to apply. backgrounds. • Maintain a 3.2 GPA or higher. • Available to students immediately a昀琀er high school • Abide by Carolina’s honor code. graduation or community college students with less than 30 • · Eligible students will be admitted to LMC • Participate in C-STEP programming. credit hours. and transfer the necessary credits of a “C” or • https://admissions.unc.edu/apply/transfer-students/ • Commit to earning AA or AS degree. higher through the state-wide articulation carolina-student-transfer-excellence-program-c-step/ • Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. agreement. • Contact Scotty 吀栀ompson ([email protected]) • Participate in program activities (Paired with NC State • RCC students admitted to LMC, that remain advisor, online.planning tools, and networking events). in good academic standing, will receive • https://c3.ncsu.edu/about/ aca-demic merit scholarships that range up to • Contact: Joey Hinson ([email protected]) and including 60% o昀昀 LMC annual tuition. UNC- Chapel Hill North Carolina State • All RCC students must complete an LMC University application for admission. • 吀栀e application fee is waived. • Students apply during the second semester of Lees-Mcrae College their sophomore year at RCC. • Students must have a 2.2 to 3.0 GPA at RCC, depending on the program of study they plan to transfer into at LMC. • https://www.lmc.edu/admissions/guaran- teed-admission.htm • Contact Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez . ([email protected]) . Chapel Hill Raleigh Greenville . . Fayetteville . Fayetteville State Pembroke RCC . University NC Promise Wilmington East Carolina University • NC Community College graduates can earn a 4-year . degree at FSU with a total average “out-of-pocket” cost of $10,000. UNC-Wilmington • Complete a FAFSA for each year of enrollment. UNC-Pembroke • Enroll and earn at least a “C” or better in required courses speci昀椀ed in a selected pathway • Earn associate’s degree in an approved curriculum • Apply for admission to FSU and meet all criteria • https://www.uncfsu.edu/admission-and-aid NC Promise • Contact: John Bennett ([email protected]) • Minimum 24 hours PIRATE PROMISE of transferable col- lege-level course- • RCC students (including Early College work (completed and Career and College Promise) are Methodist or in progress) PATH eligible if pursuing an approved associate • Students under the Pathway to Excellence Partnership degree University age of 21 will also be • RCC students who transfer to Methodist Univer- expected to meet the • Guaranteed admission for students who • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or sity are awarded credit for courses already earned freshman admission criteria. complete an AA or AS degree with a cu- higher up to 64 credits. • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for all college mulative GPA of 2.5 or higher • Guaranteed admission, waived application • RCC students must meet the requirements for courses as calculated by the UNC Pembroke • UNCW host will RCC students at its an- fee, and joint academic/昀椀nancial advising Undergraduate Admissions O昀케ce. nual Open House. • Eligible to purchase an ECU 1 card to get admission to Methodist University. MU will • A student who completes the Associate in Arts • Waived application fee and joint academ- access to various events, resources, etc. accept AA, AS and AAS degrees. or Associate in Science degree prior to transfer ic/昀椀nancial advising • Guaranteed admission to MU with a 2.0 GPA to a UNC institution will have ful昀椀lled the UNC • https://apply.uncw.edu/register/UNCW- • https://admissions.ecu.edu/apply/trans- and completion of an AA, AS, or AAS degree. institution’s lower-division general education pathways fers/pirate-promise/ • Students may take up to 8 hours and no more requirements • Contact Wendy Fields (w昀椀elds@robeson. • Contact Jim Brisson (jbrisson@robeson. than 2 courses at MU at current RCC tuition rate. • Community college graduates of the Associate edu) • Students must earn a minimum of 31 credits of in Arts or Associate in Science degree programs their bachelor’s degree at MU. who have earned 60 semester hours in approved • Students will receive a student ID card, access transfer courses with a grade of “C” or better and to resources in the library, and joint academic an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will advising. receive at least 60 semester hours of academic credit upon admission to a UNC institution. www.robeson.edu • https://www.methodist.edu/academics/registrar/ • Contact: Kay Freeman [email protected] www.robeson.edu transfer-partners/ Some academic programs at UNCP may have admission • Contact Carla Deese ([email protected]) requirements that exceed those listed above.

Message from the President Happy Holidays from Robeson Community College! Want to know the best gi昀琀 you can give yourself this holiday season? 吀栀e gi昀琀 of education. Education is the key to success that can take you from one season of your life to another and can truly change the trajectory of your life forever. Education is transformational. It gives you con昀椀dence to know that you can achieve your dreams. One Robeson County teen understood this principle at an early age and made the decision to pursue academic excellence while in high school. You may have read about Hannah Pearson in the newspaper and you may have seen her story on IN THIS ISSUE WRAL and other media outlets, as it has gone viral. Hannah heard about the free Career and College Promise classes available through RCC and she was determined 2 COVER STORY: RCC University Gradu- to maximize the bene昀椀t of those classes, earning an associate’s degree from RCC at ate Hannah Pearson enters UNCP as the age of 17, while still in high school. Her story doesn’t stop there, and I hope that a junior at the age of 17 you’ll read more and become inspired by her motivation. 4 The Art of Success Taking just one class can change your mindset and put you on a path you never considered. As you’ll read in one of our stories in this issue, that happened to Dr. 6 Poetry: The Twelfth of June Ross Masters who took one continuing education class to become an EMT, and now he is a practicing physician at a hospital in Tennessee. And not only that, but the 7 Poetry: I Choose Hope... new path that he choose, put him in the right place at the right time to meet the love of his life. What if he had never taken that class? 8 From EMT to MD: How RCC started Dr. Ross Masters on his path in Education allows you to dream, it allows you to reach further than what you thought healthcare was possible. 10 Short-term training opportunities For RCC graduate Christian Williams, education allowed him to defy all odds 11 Recipes from RCC’s Culinary Arts and overcome adversity. As his mother states, “failure was never an option” for Christian, who was diagnosed with autism at an early age. 吀栀rough his struggles, he RCC Graduate Christian Williams has learned so much more about his abilities and has become a major success story 12 Defies All Odds, Overcomes for Robeson Community College. Although he never thought he would become a Adversity college graduate, on May 12, 2023, he walked across the stage to pick up his degree, a moment of triumph in his life, in which he said, “I did it.” 14 Winners of 2023 Fantasy Display 吀栀ere are endless success stories across our campus. From BLET to Health Contest Occupations to University Transfer and Career and Technical programs, our 15 Poetry: America Stood Still students are highly trained and highly quali昀椀ed for the workforce, and there’s always room for more success stories. 16 Virl’s Vines leave a harvest of kind- ness and generosity for students to I invite you to visit our campus, to enroll in one of our amazing programs whether it learn, share is short-term training or a program leading to a certi昀椀cate, diploma or degree. Come join us and start your success story today! We look forward to seeing you on campus 17 Spring 2024 Curriculum Schedule soon and joining the RCC family. 20 Adult High School Enrollment 21 COMTech Programs Melissa Singl攀爀 1

RCC UNIVERSITY TRANSFER GRAD HANNAH PEARSON ENTERS UNCP AS A JUNIOR AT THE AGE OF 17 RCC’s University Transfer graduate an associate degree upon graduation. much it would push me further in Hannah Pearson has a goal – to be- So how did she do it? life, how much it could advance me, come a licensed teacher for the State that’s what made me want to take of North Carolina by the age of 19. “I was a CCP student, I started back those college classes.” At the age of 17, she graduated from in the 10th grade back in 2020,” “CCP is honestly just a wonderful Robeson Community College with Pearson said. “吀栀e program really experience, not only do get a chance an associate of arts and from Fair- helps prepare you for college, and to experience college, but it provides mont High School with her diploma, honestly because I took CCP, now free college classes, you don’t have to and come this Friday, she will begin that I’m actually going to a univer- pay at all,” Pearson added. “You can moving into her dorm at the Univer- sity, I feel more at ease compared take all the classes you want and get sity of North Carolina at Pembroke, to somebody just now getting into your credits without having to pay where she will begin classes with college. a dime, compared to going to col- junior status next Wednesday. lege a昀琀er high school and spending CCP stands for career and college hundreds of thousands just to take a “I’m actually really excited, I am just promise, it’s an initiative that allows course.” ready for the new experience, ready high school students in Robeson to meet more people, and ready to County to earn college credits for Pearson has already scheduled all of see what college life is all about,” free at Robeson Community College. her classes for the Fall semester at Pearson said. UNCP. “Starting high school, I actually had Pearson is ambitious, to say the least. this goal, that before I graduated “I went straight into my major,” she She graduated at the top of her class high school, I wanted to graduate said. as the valedictorian and was the only with at least 60 college credits,” student from Fairmont to also earn Pearson said. “So just knowing how Some of her classes include Intro 2

to Education, Reading and Required else matters,” Pearson says. “If you in the Public Schools of Robeson Language Arts Skills, and Intro to have a goal, set your goal and go for County, private schools, or those who Special Education. it, because you can do it, you can do may be homeschooled. Students can anything that you put your mind to.” choose a variety of pathways, such “I’m really looking at teaching kin- as earning a degree like Hannah or dergarten or 昀椀rst grade, and if not “Attending Robeson Community obtaining industry-recognized cre- those two age College was great, dentials, certi昀椀cates, and diplomas in groups, then I got a degree, not healthcare, cosmetology, industrial I’m looking just a diploma, but technologies, 昀椀re昀椀ghting, business, and at 昀椀昀琀h-grade a degree,” Pearson more. To enroll in the CCP program at math,” Pear- said. “I am really RCC, please contact Patricia Locklear, son stated, grateful to Robeson the director of admissions at 910-272- showing she Community College 3356 or [email protected]. already has a for this opportuni- game plan in ty. If it were not for place for when the CCP program, I she graduates would not be as far from UNCP. in life as I am right now.” Pearson says she feels she “吀栀is has been such is following a pleasant experi- in her mother’s footsteps, who like ence,” Pearson continued. “Going her, excelled in high school, was through the CCP program, being able valedictorian of her class, and went to graduate, and now being able to on to become a teacher. Her mother start college right at my major instead in essence became her inspiration for of having to worry about general edu- wanting to go into the education 昀椀eld, cation classes, and then also thinking Hannah’s story was featured on WRAL to work hard, to persevere, and to ex- about how much money RCC has News and made headlines across North emplify excellence in all that she does. allowed me to save, I just want to say Carolina as well as across the United that I am forever grateful.” States. She was interviewed as well as “She has been a teacher for 28 years,” her parents, pictured above. Pearson said. “Growing up, I always 吀栀e CCP program at Robeson Com- saw how devoted she was to helping munity College is open to high school To view the story, please visit the RCC the kids and I actually took a job students who reside in Robeson YouTube channel. shadowing opportunity back in 8th County, including students enrolled grade where I went to Green Grove Elementary school, and acted as a teacher assistant for a class of kinder- gartners… I just loved that experi- ence.” As Pearson sets sail for UNCP over the next two years, she does have a message for high school students in Robeson County. “I would say to never give up, con- tinue to chase your dreams as long as you do the best you can do, nothing

Mastering the Art of Success If you walk into Scottie 吀栀ompson’s classroom on any given day, you will feel the workings of students’ imaginations. 吀栀e space breathes creativity, from the sculptures sitting atop the windows to the paintings situated on easels around the room to the fabric pieces hung on the walls. Everything about the art studio showcases the original thought, 昀椀nesse, and brilliance of RCC’s art ap- preciation students, who come from all walks of life. O昀케cially called ART 111, Art Appre- ciation has become one of the most popular university transfer classes that is o昀昀ered at Robeson Community College. 吀栀e class satis昀椀es the humanities elec- “We talked about how art impacts our “When I started teaching this, I did tive required by most majors. world economy, how art can change not want my class to be boring,” stated “I give students an opportunity to do the economy, the role that art plays in 吀栀ompson as he went around the room hands-on projects if they are artistic, or history,” 吀栀ompson said. “It’s the role showcasing the various projects stu- if they are a great writer, they can write that art plays not only in our economy dents had completed. about the work, I give them options and in the United States but the world econ- I try to adjust each one of my lessons omy. Without new designs, new product “Collage, this is one of the projects we to the type of learner they are,” stated designs, it would cripple our economy do each semester, giving students an 吀栀ompson. “Some of these students are because people wouldn’t be buying opportunity to investigate their own so talented…I think that each student anything.” personal style,” he said pointing to a should be able to develop the best start painting. they can and then utilize what I teach.” 吀栀e class also presents you with new 吀栀ompson was presented with the High thoughts on art, showing its importance “And this was done by a student study- Five Award last March, a testament to in history. ing culinary here, she took the art his excellence in teaching. appreciation class, and she did this by “吀栀e only reason we know how people using some really great critical thinking “I was very excited about that, especially looked before photography was because skills…She reversed the developmen- since it was my 昀椀rst year as a full-time of portrait paintings and I never really tal process by 昀椀rst applying the bleach faculty member because I had worked thought about that until I studied art to this black piece of fabric, which is here part-time for 12 years in adult basic history myself,” 吀栀ompson said. actually a sheet, then a昀琀er she bleached skills,” 吀栀ompson stated. “I’m just happy out the fabric, she applied a series of to be here, and that our art program is If you’re older, the art appreciation class paint applications and contrasting going to grow. I’m just happy to be the at Robeson Community College is com- colors. Great color theory in this piece,” 昀椀rst time ever art instructor at Robeson pletely di昀昀erent than the art apprecia- 吀栀ompson stated as he was standing by Community College. 吀栀at makes me tion class you may remember from your the fabric (featured on the next page). very proud.” college days. 吀栀ere are not a lot of slides Students enrolled in the class learn a lot involved but there is a lot of hands-on In the future, 吀栀ompson hopes to create about art history, the di昀昀erent periods of learning involved. an Art Club at the college which will art, as well as the importance of art. help better serve students and give them an outlet to express themselves. 4

Experimental investigation in color theory inspired by Jackson Pollock Above – Adriana Sifonte, an associate of arts major, stands by her painting inspired she created in Art Appreciation, Below – Lydia Cummings, a culinary arts student, stands beside the fabric piece that she created during art appreciation class. 5

吀栀e Twel昀琀h of June By: Anna Richardson Today, I learned a large lesson from a little bug on the shore: a winged thing, 昀氀ipped over on his back, soaked. Six legs wiggled with futility then stopped moving completely. My 昀椀rst thought was to end his misery. I picked up a shell, sharp at one end, and hovered it over his trembling form. I’m not sure why I hesitated. 吀栀e moment was lost. I dropped the shell and walked away. When I passed back by, I found him right side up on top of the same sharp shell wings outstretched, sunning himself as if to bronze his yellow stripes. I had come so close to losing hope, and yet was struck with awe by His design on the coastline. I learned something large from something small. 6

I Choose Hope… Arthur R. Hall Hope, for such a small word, it carries so much weight. In times when nothing else seems possible, it is strong enough to carry our dreams, beliefs, and aspirations. In our times of pain, it is Hope that helps to ease the hurt. It is Hope that gives that go-ahead power to continue and not give up or not give in; it is Hope that echoes “this too shall pass”. It is Hope that shows up just before the storm reassuring us that yes, all things are possible. It is Hope that carried us through a pandemic that crushed yes- terdays and erased tomorrows. Hope, yes hope that gallantly equipped us with a weapon to 昀椀ght and continue to 昀椀ght even when the battle was blinded by tears and loss and fear and dark- ness! Hope, the conqueror, Hope, the sustainer, Hope, the navigator! Without Hope, no matter how minuscule the situation, where would we be? A world without Hope is without everything; HOPE is simply How, Obviously, People, Exist. 吀栀ere just is no other choice…worry? I choose HOPE! 7

FROM EMT TO MD: HOW RCC STARTED DR. ROSS MASTERS ON HIS PATH IN MEDICINE Taking just one class at Robeson Com- of Medicine at East Carolina Universi- with that as I would like to,’ so that’s munity College could change your life ty. He is currently serving as a medical when I decided that I should become forever. 吀栀at was the case for Lum- doctor in psychiatry in his second year a paramedic before I go to medical berton native, Dr. Ross Masters, who of residency at Vanderbilt in Nashville, school, to make sure I really liked tak- decided to try out the medical 昀椀eld Tennessee. ing care of patients.” by enrolling in the Emergency Medical “My paramedic experi- RCC was o昀昀ering a paramedic class Technician con- ence is essentially what that Masters says was “open at the tinuing education got me into medical perfect time, that was right in line with class at RCC. school,” Masters said. my schedule, so I enrolled and that was “Working in EMS is a t h a t .” “I wanted some- rewarding career path, it’s thing that was a fun, and you can use that “I didn’t know if medicine was what little more impact- experience and knowl- I really wanted to do, but I thought, ful on other people’s edge gained to make that I can at least work as a paramedic lives,” Masters said, next step into becoming a and be the person who is in charge of who had already PA, MD, or a Nurse.” decision-making and get to do major earned a degree in interventions for people. I thought it political science Masters says the program would be a good way to see if going to from UNC and was gave him insight into the med school for four years and residen- working in sales. “I medical profession that cy would be worth it.” decided I wanted to get into medicine he would not have had otherwise. and I thought the best way to do that Masters discovered that it was exactly was to get some practical experience.” “I started reaping rewards from the what he wanted to do and he devel- program, while I was in the program… oped a passion for it. It was a decision that would take him I was getting a lot of experience on the into healthcare 昀椀rst as an EMT, then as ambulance,” Masters said. “So, then I “100% personally and professional,” a Paramedic, and eventually lead him thought, ‘I’ve got my EMT basic, but Masters stated. to medical school at 吀栀e Brody School I’m not able to do as much in the 昀椀eld 8

“When I started working as a para- “吀栀e di昀昀erence in working in EMS and medic, I realized how much I enjoyed some of the other allied health sciences the personal connections I made with is that if you go far enough in EMS, you patients while I was in the ambulance. are the decision maker on the ambu- I enjoyed how much I was able to help lance, and there is no faster way to get them so that solidi昀椀ed how much I to that point than EMS,” stated Masters. wanted to do medicine,” Masters said. “To be able to do a yearlong certi昀椀cate program or even a two-year associate “From a professional standpoint, when program and then to be able to be in an I went to interviews and could talk independent decision-making role and about the things that I was able to do in a leadership role, I think it’s a pretty saving patients – starting IVs, making expedited path.” diagnostic decisions on the ambulance, coming up with quick treatment plans Before entering medical school, Mas- down to become a psychiatrist.” – when I was able to talk about that in ters also gained experience teaching interviews, it was extremely helpful for EMT Basic at Robeson Community Residency he says is a lot of work, but me.” College to students at Lumberton High he’s enjoying it. School and UNC Pembroke. It was an 吀栀e experience from being a paramed- opportunity for Masters to develop “It’s an accumulation of my experienc- ic also gave him a competitive edge in relationships and serve through EMS in es,” Masters says. “I’m doing some good getting into medical school, which as a greater capacity. and engaging with interesting people Masters says, wasn’t an easy process. and interesting material and I feel that I “I liked all the folks that I interacted am able to make a di昀昀erence.” “Having worked in medicine, when with in the EMS system throughout people are interviewing for medical Robeson County, it is really a great 吀栀e ability to make a di昀昀erence is the school, they say ‘吀栀is is what I think community of people who are really reason he started on this journey to I would like about medicine,’ but they sharp and know what they are doing,” begin with. hadn’t had as thorough an experience Masters said. “I think that in and of as I had had, so I wasn’t speaking in hy- itself makes it worth it, the community Masters and his wife plan to move back potheticals, I was speaking in concrete you build and the skills you learn and to North Carolina near Charlotte once terms,” Masters stated. “And I think that how fun the job is… it’s very high- they both complete their residency was helpful for me too, being able to paced.” at Vanderbilt. His wife is currently a give concrete examples from working resident OBGYN, they met while in as a paramedic.” As a student at RCC, Masters says, “I medical school. loved my instructors, I felt like they had Serving on the ambulance and working the practical experience and the theo- “My experience as a student and then as a paramedic also gave Masters con昀椀- retical knowledge that taught me ev- later working at Robeson Community dence as the decision maker, a preview erything I needed to know while I was College was excellent,” Masters said. “I to what being a doctor would be like there… your preceptors are all really think Robeson County is a really great one day. outstanding folks too, I think that’s im- place to learn EMS and all the a昀케liates portant to say… you do like 500 hours of Robeson County are great… just a “A lot of people who become EMT ba- on the ambulance and in the emergen- good environment for learning.” sics will work as nursing assistants, but cy department, everyone I worked with to work in that paramedic role where was very knowledgeable… they were Seats are still available in the EMS you are the decision maker, you know great to learn from.” degree program at Robeson Commu- how to read EKGs and you know how nity College, as well as in the upcoming to do a lot of di昀昀erent things already, it Currently, in residency with 2 years EMT continuing education course. kind of puts you in a step above the rest and 11 months le昀琀 to go, Masters says Classes begin January 8. If you would of the competition getting into med that although he pivoted to psychiatry, like to learn more, please contact Ken- school, which is a really di昀케cult thing “there are still links to EMS and things ny Locklear at [email protected] to do otherwise,” Masters said. that make sense to me, and being a or 910-272-3404. You can also visit our paramedic helped me to narrow that website at www.robeson.edu/ems. 9

1st Due Engine Company Death & Homicide Investigation medication aide AEMT Dialysis Technology mental health resilience of昀椀cer Alive@25 DMV Dealer License Renewal NC community health worker business of beekeeping DMV Dealer License pre-license nc dmv safety inspections B.E.S.T. Effective Teacher Training notary public education Basic Firearms Handling EMT nurse aide level i Basic Rider EMT Refresher nurse aide level ii Bloodborne Pathogens Entry Level Driver Training obd ii Cardiovascular Tech/Monitoring Fire Behavior OSHA forklift operator Carrying Concealed Weapons 50th Anniversary Fire & Rescue College paramedic refresher CDL Class “B” w/Passenger Firearms Training pediatric cardiac arrest CDL Permit Prep First Aid pharmacy technician training Computed Tomography hazmat endorsement training phlebotomy experience CPR hazmat: Recerti昀椀cation pottery CPR/First Aid/AED/Narcan intro to QuickBooks online psychiatric technician Crisis Intervention Team training intro to Human Services Phase i real estate Critical Care Paramedic Live Fire Leadership Tactical EMS Of昀椀cer DDC4 massage therapy truck driver training... and more! 10

Pan Seared NY Strip Streak Whipped Potatoes Crispy Prosciutto-Wrapped • 2 lbs New York Strip Steaks (2 steaks), • 3 pounds russet or Yukon gold Asparagus or Ribeye or Top Sirloin Steaks (1 lb potatoes (or a mix of the two!) peeled each steak, 1 ⼀攀” thick) and cut into large cubes • 6 slices prosciutto • ⼀挀 tablespoon vegetable oil, or any • 1 tablespoon 昀椀ne sea salt • 12 asparagus spears trimmed (see high-heat cooking oil like canola or • 2 cloves garlic, mashed below) extra light olive oil • ⼀挀-pound unsalted butter, divided • 1 tablespoon of olive oil • 1 ⼀挀 teaspoon sea salt • ⼀最 cup heavy cream • Fresh cracked black pepper • 1 teaspoon black pepper, freshly • Freshly cracked pepper and • Optional garnish: fresh lemon zest ground additional 昀椀ne sea salt • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • Optional: fresh chives Prep the asparagus by removing the blunt • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and quartered 吀栀oroughly wash and then peel the potatoes. ends (bend and snap). • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary Cube the potatoes into golf-ball-sized pieces. Wrap half of one slice of prosciutto around 吀栀oroughly pat the steak dry with paper Place in a strainer and rinse under cold water each asparagus spear at an angle covering the towels. Just before cooking, generously season until the water comes out clear. Place in a length of the spear. with 1 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp black pepper large pot and cover with cold water. Add 1 tablespoon 昀椀ne sea salt and 1 bay leaf; stir and Repeat until all spears are covered. Heat the cast iron pan until hot then add 1/2 bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook tbsp oil over medium-high heat, swirling to until the potatoes are fork-tender; about 15-20 Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over coat. Once the oil is very hot, add steaks to minutes. When a potato can easily be pierced, medium heat. Add the prosciutto-wrapped the skillet. Sear the steaks on the 昀椀rst side drain the potatoes and make sure you get rid asparagus spears and cook until the prosciutto for 4 minutes until a brown crust has formed of ALL the extra moisture. Let them dry for is crisp and asparagus is tender. Time will then 昀氀ip and cook another 3-4 minutes. Using about 5 minutes. Discard the bay leaf. vary depending upon the size of the asparagus tongs, turn the steak on its sides to render spears, but approximately 3-5 minutes. the white fat and sear the edges (1 minute per While the potatoes are still hot, put them edge). through a ricer and add them back into the Reduce heat to medium and immediately pot you cooked them in. add 2 Tbsp butter, quartered garlic cloves, Meanwhile, melt butter on low heat in a and rosemary to the pan. Spoon the butter saucepan. Add 2 cloves of garlic (mashed) sauce over the steak, tilting the pan to get if desired. Add in the heavy cream. Once butter on your spoon. Continue spooning the the mixture is combined and smooth, sauce over the steak for a minute or until the remove from the heat and discard the garlic. steak is about 5-10 degrees from your desired Alternatively, you can mince the garlic and doneness (the temperature will continue to add it to the 昀椀nished potatoes for extra rise another 5-10 degrees while the steaks garlicky potatoes. (We like a barely garlic- rest). infused mashed potato, so we discard it at this point.) Pour the butter mixture over the Transfer steak to a cutting board, loosely riced potatoes. Stir with a wooden spoon until cover, and rest 10 minutes before slicing into smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 1/2” strips to serve. Spoon extra butter sauce If desired, add fresh chives to the top and over sliced steak to serve. melted butter. Serve hot. Catch this recipe and others being made by RCC Culinary Chef Instructors and students on Culinary WWAY beginning November 30th! Visit www.robeson.edu/wway for complete TV schedule and recipes! 11

RCC GRADUATE CHRISTIAN WILLIAMS DEFIES ALL ODDS, OVERCOMES ADVERSITY When Christian Williams set out on “I looked up and said, ‘I did it.’” 昀氀yer, but because of meltdowns, they his journey to Robeson Community didn’t want him in the classes with College a few years ago, he wasn’t sure Williams walked across the stage that the other children. It was hurtful, but what to expect. But through his strug- day and earned an associate degree in we got through it.” gles and perseverance, he has become Information Technology, Networking an inspi- and Simulation 吀栀rough all the pain, came rays of ration and Game De- hope and light – friends who would to many velopment, and protect him from bullying, teachers and a role three certi昀椀cates who would stay a昀琀er class to tutor, model for including video and therapists who helped Chris- others liv- gaming, infor- tian learn how to deal with the daily ing with mation technol- stresses of life – all of which have autism. ogy, and CISCO helped him to become the man he is networking. today. “He em- bodies the “It showed that “Christian knows that if you quit, de昀椀nition I came a long you will never be successful in life… of success way to be able to so we pushed him, which sometimes in every make it to where made things uncomfortable at times, way possi- I am,” Williams but it has taught him that life is not ble,” stated said. always comfortable all the time.” RCC President His mother, Lin- It was that attitude and support sys- Melissa da, agreed. tem that helped Williams to become Singler. a college graduate, a major feat that “He had “Having that shows how high he has soared and every excuse to not attend college, but recognition at graduation, when they how much he has de昀椀ed the odds that’s the very reason why he did – to started talking about Christian, it made stacked against him. show everyone that you can achieve me so proud,” his mother said. “As a your dreams no matter what.” parent, I’m just very proud, it has not “I see my able, not my label,” Wil- been easy for him.” liams says. “You have to focus on During the 2023 graduation ceremony, what you are capable of doing, just Williams was recognized during the Williams was diagnosed with autism think of what you’re capable of and speech by the commencement speak- when he was just 4 years old. It was not let your disability hinder you in er, myFutureNC CEO and President, a diagnosis that could have been any way.” Cecilia Holden. devastating for most, but thankfully for Christian, his mother was strong- Williams decided to go into IT be- “One of our graduates today is autis- willed. As an elementary school cause of his love for technology. tic, but he didn’t let this de昀椀ne him or teacher who worked with children prescribe his outcomes in life,” Holden with exceptionalities, she wasn’t “I am fascinated with computers,” said. “He has persevered and worked going to give up on her son and she Williams said. “One of my favorite hard to graduate today, and I’m excited wasn’t going to allow him to give up classes was when we got to build our to add that he’ll be graduating with a either. own computer with Mr. Jacobs.” 3.9 GPA. Congratulations, Christian.” “Failure was never an option,” his He also enjoys typing and data entry For Williams, hearing those words mother stated. “And so, the battle work, saying he can type up to 77 spoken over him during graduation began and we started 昀椀ghting for words per minute. was a signi昀椀cant moment in time that Christian. We had to 昀椀ght teach- he will never forget. ers, other parents, and it was just a Another passion for Williams is continuous battle… he was a high drawing. 12

“He’s a self-taught artist and has even “He would go above and beyond in he was able to get the help he needed started his own business – Christian the class and on all the assignments, here… the instructors would o昀琀en William’ Custom Artwork,” his moth- I was always excited to see what he stay over to get him caught up.” er said. would come up with,” Stubbs stated. “吀栀ey were good instructors, they 吀栀e business o昀昀ers artistic services Williams says that Mr. Stubbs was always had good things to say about to those who prefer to have original “very entertaining, he was also very Christian,” his mother added. pieces of artwork to display. His port- helpful and whenever I got stuck on folio contains a wide array of draw- something I didn’t know, he would Currently in the market for a job, ings from cars to houses. help me 昀椀gure it out…. Sometimes William hopes to 昀椀nd a position that he would talk about his hobbies with is suitable for him, and that with “He recently spoke at an elementary students, it made me feel comfortable each day that passes, he will become school,” his mother said. “He drew a in the class.” more and more independent. In the gi昀琀 for them to give away to one of short term, he hopes to get a driver’s the students.” Williams also had a chance to create license. Long-term, Williams says he a video game during his time in the would love to live in a new house he Having the ability to be creative is Information Technology program at can call his own. a form of expression for Williams, RCC. it’s an outlet his mother says, and a He also has advice for others interest- source of joy. It is one reason he loved “It’s basically a Mario game,” Wil- ed in seeking an education. his video and gaming classes at Robe- liams said. “It has Luigi and done like son Community College so much. the entertainment system… I did “If you think Robeson Community have fun with that.” College is right for you, then go,” Wil- “He was a great student, he was very liams says. “It wouldn’t hurt to try.” creative,” stated Kenneth Stubbs, one Outside of class, Williams said he of Williams’ favorite teachers. “I had enjoyed sitting in the student center If you are interested in learning him for the 3D modeling class. He with others, playing video games. He more about the Information Tech- made a house with lighting e昀昀ects said they would all bring their con- nology, Networking, and Simulation that had grass all around the house.” soles from home and play for hours and Gaming program at Robeson as he waited for the bus to take him Community College, please contact 吀栀e assignment, Stubbs says, didn’t home. William Stubbs at 910-272-3495 or require that much detail, but Wil- [email protected]. Spring 2024 liams didn’t want to settle for what “He had a great experience here, he classes begin January 8. was just required, he wanted to stand never said anything negative,” his out and make his assignment the best mother stated. “He wasn’t ready for a it could be. 4-year school. RCC felt like home and 13

吀栀e winner of the 2023 Fantasy Display competition in Cosmetology was Jazzlyn Washington with her display of Female Shere Khan. Coming in at second place was Cheneice Milon with the Joker, third place went to Ame- na Baker with her version of the Female Black Panther, Shylah Godwin took fourth place with a display of TE Fiti, 昀椀昀琀h place went to Rosa Navarette with Day of the Dead, and Christian Hunt came in sixth place with his rendition of E昀케e Trinket. Amanda Taylor received an honorable mention for her display of Eddina Scissors Hands. Votes for the contest were cast by RCC faculty and sta昀昀. 14

America Stood Still by Grace Burnette In the blink of an eye, 吀栀e world trembled and shook, As terror pierced the sky, A wound that forever took. Buildings kissed the ground, In a fury of smoke and 昀氀ame, Chaos and fear profound, Echoing each heart’s name. A symphony of sirens, Pierced the heavy air, As heroes without weapons, Rushed in, without a care. 吀栀e towers, once so tall, Now crumbled in despair, Silent screams echoed all, In a nation’s collective prayer. 吀栀e day America stood still, Yet hearts beat with de昀椀ance, Untamed strength, an iron will, United in sorrow’s alliance. Amidst the darkest hour, Hope’s 昀氀ame 昀氀ickered bright, Unity bloomed like a 昀氀ower, As we faced the endless night. We mourned the loss so deep, But from ashes, resilience grew, With love, compassion, we’d keep, Our spirit forever true. 9/11, etched in our souls, A scar that won’t fade away, But together, we shall console, As we rise, come what may. For in the face of adversity’s chill, We’ll remember, we’ll rebuild, 9/11, the day America stood still, A testament to the strength we wield. On September 11, Grace Burnette (right) was able to read her poem during the 9/11 ceremony held at the college to commemorate the 22nd anniversary since the attacks. 吀栀e ceremony is held each year so that we can do as promised – never forget. 15

Virl’s Vines leave a harvest of kindness and generosity for next generation to learn, share Virl Lowery was a man who loved his to the RCC Science Club to start person and he is still a giving person family, and the life he built with his grapevines here on campus,” 吀栀omas even a昀琀er his death.” wife Debbie, out in stated. “Some of the the country on an old grapevines and materials, 吀栀is past October was the 昀椀rst year dirt road in Robeson poles and wire, to start the Science Club was able to sell the County. the grapes in the Green grapes. It’s a project spearheaded by Zone were donated by my Courtney Kilgore, the advisor of the “If he was at home, sister.” Science Club, and it’s a project she he was always outside hopes to make an annual tradition. doing something,” As Debbie walked to the stated Jennifer grapevines on campus, “We have o昀琀en referred to them as 吀栀omas, a biology she stated that she and Virl’s Vines, and the Science Club is and science instructor Virl would have been reaping the rewards, or the fruits of at RCC as she spoke married 44 years this year. their labor, through the fundraiser,” about her brother-in- 吀栀omas said. “It is also a good learning law. “He loved growing “吀栀is month is our resource for the students.” his own fruit and vegetables and anniversary. I still count it, just like he 吀栀e fundraiser helps fund 昀椀eld trips, working on his grapevines and in his was still here,” Debbie said. such as to the Museum of Natural garden.” Science in Raleigh, which Jennifer says 吀栀e grapes donated were planted by “helps to get students o昀昀 campus and November 28th will mark eight years the Science Club in 2017 and continue gives them a learning experience they since Virl passed away in Columbus to thrive and grow each year. 吀栀ey are otherwise would not get to do.” County. maintained by Gene 吀栀orman and the maintenance department, a special “Virl would love knowing that his “Virl died suddenly and tragically,” project they have undertaken. grapevines were still alive and helping Jennifer recalls. “He died while 昀椀shing, students at Robeson Community a昀琀er falling from his boat.” 吀栀is year the grapevines yielded a College in this way,” 吀栀omas said. bountiful harvest, something Jennifer “吀栀at’s how he lived his life... helping Although Virl’s life was taken too and Debbie both say Virl would be others.” soon, his family wanted to continue proud of. his legacy in a positive way. Today, his legacy continues through “He would know that his life meant the muscadine grapevines he started “Virl had grapevines that my sister something and that the things that many years ago, which Jennifer says is could no longer maintain, so she took he did mattered,” Jennifer said. “He “昀椀tting in memory of my brother-in- some down and donated the materials always shared, he was a very giving law Virl Lowery.” 16

REGISTER NOW FOR SPRING 2024 OVER 80 PROGRAMS OF STUDY! Basic Law Enforcement Training Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Culinary Arts / Baking & Pastry Arts / Criminal Justice Electrical Systems Hospitality Management Respiratory Therapy Mechatronics Welding Technology Industrial Systems Associate Degree Nursing / Education / Early Childhood Education Accounting & Finance Practical Nursing / Nurse Aide I Teacher preparation Business Administration / Medical Of昀椀ce 17

Spring 2024 curriculum Schedule /// FACE-TO-FACE /// BLENDED /// HYBRID CLASSES /// Register now! ACADEMIC SUCCESS CULINARY ARTS ACA-111-BMD1 College Student Success Blended 1/8-3/1 M,W 12pm-12:50pm CUL-135-O1 Food & Beverage Service Online 1/8-5/6 ACA-111-HYMD1 College Student Success Hybrid 1/8-3/1 W 2pm-2:50pm CUL-135A-D1 Food & Beverage Serv Lab Traditional 1/8-5/6 TH 8am-9:50am ACA-111-HYMD2 College Student Success Hybrid 3/11-5/6 T 1pm-1:50pm CUL-170-D1 Garde Manger I Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 10am-2:20pm ACCOUNTING CUL-240-D1 Culinary Skills II Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 10am--1:50pm ACC-120-BD1 Prin of Financial Accounting Blended 1/8-5/6 T,TH 11am-12:15pm CUL-250-D1 Classical Cuisine Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 10am--1:50pm ACC-131-HYD1 Federal Income Taxes Hybrid 1/8-5/6 W 9am-9:50am CUL-260-D1 Baking II Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 10am--2:20pm ACC-220-HYD1 Intermediate Accounting I Hybrid 1/8-5/6 W 10am-11:15am CUL-283-D1 Farm-To-Table Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 10am--1:30pm AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING, & REFRIGERATION DRAFTING AHR-110-BCCP1 Intro to Refrigeration Blended 1/23-5/6 TH 10:15am-10:50am DFT-154-BD1 Intro Solid Modeling Blended 1/8-5/6 M 10am-12:50pm M,W,F 8:30am-10:50am EDUCATION AHR-110-LCN1 Intro to Refrigeration Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,T,W 6pm--8:20pm EDU-119-D1 Intro to Early Child Education Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 12pm-1:50pm AHR-111-CCP1 HVACR Electricity Traditional 1/23-5/6 T 8:30am-10:50am EDU-280-BN1 Language/Literacy Experiences Blended 1/8-5/6 TH 3pm-4:50pm TH 8:30am-10:10am EDU-284-HYN1 Early Child Capstone Prac Hybrid 1/8-5/6 T 3pm-4:50pm AHR-111-D1 HVACR Electricity Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 8am--9:50am AHR-112-HYMN1 Heating Technology Hybrid 1/8-3/1 M 6pm-8:50pm ELECTRICITY AHR-113-BD1 Comfort Cooling Blended 1/8-5/6 TH 8am-11:50am ELC-112-BD1 DC/AC Electricity Blended 1/8-5/6 M,T,W 1pm-2:50pm AHR-113-BN1 Comfort Cooling Blended 1/8-5/6 T,W 6pm-7:50pm ELC-114-D1 Commercial Wiring Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 1pm-2:40pm AHR-133-BD1 HVAC Servicing Blended 1/8-5/6 M 11am-1:50pm T,TH 8am-9:40am W 10am-12:50pm ELC-117-CCP1 Motors and Controls Traditional 1/23-5/6 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30am-10:20am AHR-151-D1 HVAC Duct Systems I Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 8am-9am-11:50am ELC-117-D1 Motors and Controls Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,T,W,TH 10am--11:50am AHR-212-BD1 Advanced Comfort Systems Blended 1/8-5/6 T 8am-11:50am ELC-117-LCN1 Motors and Controls Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,T,W 6pm--8:20pm W 8am-9:50am ELC-220-D1 Photovoltaic Sys Tech Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 10am--12:15pm AHR-250-BD1 HVAC System Diagnostics Blended 1/8-5/6 M 8am-10:50am ART APPRECIATION ELECTRONICS ART-111-BN1 Art Appreciation Blended 1/8-5/6 M 6pm-7:15pm ELN-229-D1 Industrial Electronics Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W,F 8am--9:50am ART-111-CCP1 Art Appreciation Traditional 1/23-5/6 T, TH 1:30pm-3pm ELN-229-N1 Industrial Electronics Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 6pm-8:40pm ART-111-D1 Art Appreciation Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 12:30pm-1:45pm ELN-260-BD1 Prog Logic Controllers Blended 1/8-5/6 T,W 10am-11:50am ART-111-D2 Art Appreciation Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, TH 9:30am-10:45am ELN-275-D1 Troubleshooting Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 8am--9:50am AUTOMATION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SCIENCE ATR-280-BD1 Robotic Fundamentals Blended 1/8-5/6 TH 10am-12:50pm EMS-110-BCCP1 EMT Blended 1/23-5/6 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30am-10:50am ATR-280-BN1 Robotic Fundamentals Blended 1/8-5/6 M 6pm-8:50pm S 7am-7pm ATR-280-D1 Robotic Fundamentals Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 8am-10:40am EMS-122-D1 EMS Clinical Practicum I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, TH, S, S 7am-10:40am M 1pm-2:50pm EMS-130-BD1 Pharmacology Blended 1/8-5/6 W 12:30pm-3:40pm BIOLOGY EMS-131-D1 Advanced Airway Management Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 12:30pm--3:20pm BIO-111-D1 General Biology I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 9am-11:40am EMS-210-D1 Adv. Patient Assessment Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 12pm-3:40pm BIO-112-BCCP1 General Biology II Blended 1/23-5/6 W, M, F 8:30am-10:50am EMS-240-D1 Patients W/ Special Challenges Traditional 1/8-5/6 W 8:30am--11:20am BIO-112-D1 General Biology II Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, TH 12:30pm-3:10pm EMS-241-D1 EMS Clinical Practicum IV Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,S,SU,F 7am-7pm BIO-168-BN1 Anatomy and Physiology I Blended 1/8-5/6 M 6pm-8:40pm EMS-270-BD1 Life Span Emergencies Blended 1/8-5/6 T 8:30am-11:40am BIO-168-D1 Anatomy and Physiology I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 9am-11:40am EMS-285-D1 EMS Capstone Traditional 1/8-5/6 TH 8:30am--12:10pm BIO-168-D2 Anatomy and Physiology I Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, TH 12:30pm-3:10pm ENGLISH BIO-169-BN1 Anatomy and Physiology II Blended 1/8-5/6 T 6pm-8:40pm ENG-002-BD1 Transition English Blended 1/8-5/6 M,W 8am-9:15am BIO-169-D1 Anatomy and Physiology II Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 9am-11:40am ENG-002-BD2 Transition English Blended 1/8-5/6 M,W 9:30am-10:45am BIO-169-D2 Anatomy and Physiology II Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, TH 12:30pm-3:10pm ENG-002-BD3 Transition English Blended 1/8-5/6 T,TH 12pm-1:15pm BAKING & PASTRY ARTS ENG-011-CBD1 Writing and Inquiry Support Blended 1/8-5/6 T 8am-9:15am BPA-250-D1 Dessert/Bread Production Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 10am--1:50pm ENG-011-CBD2 Writing and Inquiry Support Blended 1/8-5/6 W 1pm-2:15pm BPA-260-BD1 Pastry & Baking Marketing Blended 1/8-5/6 M 8am-9:50am ENG-110-BD1 Freshman Composition Blended 1/8-5/6 TH 2pm-3:15pm BPR-115-N1 Elc/Fluid Power Diagrams Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 6pm-8:50pm ENG-110-BN1 Freshman Composition Blended 1/8-5/6 W 5:30pm-7pm BUSINESS ENG-111-BD1 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/8-5/6 T 9:30am-10:45am BUS-125-HYMD2 Personal Finance Hybrid 3/11-5/6 TH 11am-12:15pm ENG-111-BD2 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/8-5/6 M 12:30pm-1:45pm ENG-111-BD3 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/8-5/6 W 11am-12:15pm CHEMISTRY ENG-111-BN1 Writing and Inquiry Blended 1/8-5/6 T 6pm-7:15pm CHM-151-D1 General Chemistry I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 9am-11:40am ENG-111-CCP1 Writing and Inquiry Traditional 1/23-5/6 T, TH 9:35am-11:05am CHM-152-D1 General Chemistry II Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 12:30pm-3:10pm ENG-111-D1 Writing and Inquiry Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 8am-9:15am ENG-111-D2 Writing and Inquiry Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, TH 1pm-2:15pm COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENG-112-BD1 Writing/Research in the Disc Blended 1/8-5/6 M 9:30am-10:45am CIS-110-BCCP1 Introduction to Computers Blended 1/23-5/6 M,W 1:30pm-3pm ENG-112-CCP1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/23-5/6 T, TH 8am-9:30am CIS-110-BD1 Introduction to Computers Blended 1/8-5/6 T,TH 10:30am-11:50am ENG-112-D1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/8-5/6 M, W 12:30pm-1:45pm CIS-110-BD2 Introduction to Computers Blended 1/8-5/6 M,W 10:30am-11:50am ENG-112-D2 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 2pm-3:15pm CIS-110-HYMD2 Introduction to Computers Hybrid 3/11-5/6 W 1:30pm-2:30pm ENG-112-FHD1 Writing/Research in the Disc Traditional 1/23-5/6 T,TH 1:30pm-3pm CIS-110-HYN1 Introduction to Computers Hybrid 1/8-5/6 T 6pm-7pm ENG-241-BCCP1 British Literature I Blended 1/23-5/6 T,TH 8:30am-9:20am CIS-111-D1 Basic PC Literacy Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 8am--9:15am ENG-241-FO1 British Literature I Online 1/23-5/6 CIS-111-HYMD2 Basic PC Literacy Hybrid 3/11-5/6 TH 1:30pm-2:30pm HISTORY CIS-111-HYN1 Basic PC Literacy Hybrid 1/8-5/6 M 6pm-7pm HIS-131-BD1 American History I Blended 1/8-5/6 M 2pm-3:15pm CRIMINAL JUSTICE HIS-132-CCP1 American History II Traditional 1/23-5/6 T,TH 9:30am-10:45am CJC-110-D1 Basic Law Enforcement BLET Traditional 1/8-5/17 M,T,W,TH,F 8am-1:25pm M,T,W,TH 2:25pm-5:10pm HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CJC-111-LCN1 Intro to Criminal Justice Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, TH 6pm-7:15pm HRM-220-BD1 Cost Control-Food & Bev Blended 1/8-5/6 W 8am-9:50am COSMETOLOGY HYDRAULICS COS-111-D1 Cosmetology Concepts I Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 8am-11:40am HYD-110-CCP1 Hydraulics/Pneumatics I Traditional 1/23-5/6 M,W,F 8:30am-10:30am COS-111BB-CCP1 Cosmetology Concepts I Traditional 1/23-5/6 M 12:30pm-3:20pm HYD-110-N1 Hydraulics/Pneumatics I Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 6pm--8:15pm COS-112-D1 Salon I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,T,W,TH 8am-11:50am M,T,W,TH 12:30pm-2:30pm INDUSTRIAL SAFETY COS-112BB-CCP1 Salon I Traditional 1/23-5/6 M 3:30pm-4:30pm ISC-110-CCP1 Workplace Safety Traditional 1/23-5/6 T 8:30am-9:30am T,W,TH,F 12:30pm-4:30pm ISC-112-CCP1 Industrial Safety Traditional 1/23-5/6 TH 8:30am-10:30am COS-113-D1 Cosmetology Concepts II Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 8am-11:40am COS-114-D1 Salon II Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,T,W,TH 8am--2:30pm MATHEMATICS COS-117-D1 Cosmetology Concepts IV Traditional 1/8-5/6 T, W 1:35pm-2:30pm MAT-003-BD1 Transition Math Blended 1/8-5/6 T,TH 9am-10:50am COS-118-D1 Salon IV Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,T,W,TH 8am-12pm MAT-110-D1 Math Measurement & Literacy Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 9am--10:50am M 12:30pm-2:30pm MAT-143-BD1 Quantitative Literacy Blended 1/8-5/6 M,W 12:30pm-1:45pm T,W,TH 12:30pm-1:30pm MAT-171-BCCP1 Precalculus Algebra Blended 1/23-5/6 M,W,F 9:35am-11:05am COMPUTER SCIENCE MAT-171-BD1 Precalculus Algebra Blended 1/8-5/6 M,W 8:45am-10:15am CSC-134-HYD1 C++ Programming Hybrid 1/8-5/6 T 3pm-3:50pm MAT-172-BCCP1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/23-5/6 M,W,F 8am-9:30am COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY MAT-172-BD1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/8-5/6 T,TH 8:45am-10:15am CTI-110-HYD1 Web, Pgm, & Db Foundation Hybrid 1/8-5/6 M 10am-10:50am MAT-172-BD2 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/8-5/6 T,TH 10:20am-11:50am CTI-140-FO1 Virtualization Concepts Online 1/23-5/6 MAT-172-FHBD1 Precalculus Trigonometry Blended 1/23-5/6 M,W,F 1:30pm-3pm CTS-220-HYD1 Adv Hard/Software Support Hybrid 1/8-5/6 M 8am-9:50am You Register now for Summer 2024!can Register now for summer 2024!also register for Summer 2024! 18

MECHANICAL SONOGRAPHY MEC-130-BN1 Mechanisms Blended 1/8-5/6 W 6pm-8:50pm SON-111-D1 Sonographic Physics Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 9am-11:40am MEC-265-BD1 Fluid Mechanics Blended 1/8-5/6 T,W 12pm-12:50pm M 1pm-3:40pm MEC-276-BD1 Capstone Design Project Blended 1/8-5/6 TH 8am-9:50am SON-120-D1 SON Clinical Ed I Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 8am-5pm MARKETING M,W,F MKT-120-HYD1 Principles of Marketing Hybrid 1/8-5/6 W 9am-9:50am SON-131-D1 Abdominal Sonography II Traditional 1/8-5/6 W 9am-9:50am W 10am-12:40pm MAINTENANCE SON-220-D1 Son Clinical Ed III Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 8am-5pm MNT-263-D1 Electro-Pneu Components Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,W,TH 1pm--2:50pm F 8am-4pm NURSING ASSISTANT T,TH NAS-101-CCP1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/23-5/6 M,T,W,TH,F 8:30am-10:50am SON-242-D1 Obstetrical Sonography II Traditional 1/8-5/6 TH 9am-10:40am NAS-101-MD1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/8-3/1 T,W 8:30am-3pm SON-250-D1 Vascular Sonography Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 9am-9:50am TH 8am-4:30pm T 10am-12:40pm NAS-101-N1 Nurse Aide I Traditional 1/8-5/6 T,TH 5:30pm-9:30pm SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY S 8am-4:30pm SUR-122-D1 Surgical Procedures I Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 8am-11:50am NAS-102-MD2 Nurse Aide II Traditional 3/11-5/6 M,T 8:30am-1:30pm T 1pm-3:50pm W 9am-3:30pm SUR-123-D1 Sur Clinical Practice I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 7am-1:30pm TH 7:30am-4:30pm W, TH NAS-107-MD1 Medication Aide Traditional 1/8-3/1 M,W 1pm-2:50pm NETWORKING WELDING NET-125-HYD1 Introduction to Networks Hybrid 1/8-5/6 TH 8am-8:50am WLD-116-D1 SMAW (stick) Plate/Pipe Traditional 1/8-5/6 F 8am-9:50am NET-225-HYMD1 Enterprise Networking Hybrid 1/8-3/1 TH 1pm-2:20pm M 8am-11:50am NET-225-HYMD2 Enterprise Networking Hybrid 3/11-5/6 T 1pm-2:20pm M 1pm-4:30pm WLD-121-D1 GMAW (MIG) FCAW/Plate Traditional 1/8-5/6 W 1pm-2:40pm NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS TH 8am-11:50am NOS-130-HYD1 Windows Single User Hybrid 1/8-5/6 W 10am-10:50am W 3pm-4:40pm WLD-132-D1 GTAW (TIG) Plate/Pipe Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 1pm-1:50pm NURSING W 8am-11:50am NUR-101-N1 Practical Nursing I Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 3pm-6:20pm T 2pm-3:40pm M 1pm-6:20pm WLD-141-D1 Symbols & Speci昀椀cations Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 8am-9:50am TH 6:30am-12:20pm T 10am-11:50am W 2pm-5:20pm WLD-151-BD1 Fabrication I Blended 1/8-5/6 M,T,W 8am-9:50am F,S WLD-251-D1 Fabrication II Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 8am-8:50am NUR-112-D1 Health-Illness Concepts Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 9am-11:40am W 1pm-3:40pm TH,F 6:30am-12:20pm M 9am-11:40am S WLD-262-D1 Inspection & Testing Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 1pm-2:50pm NUR-114-BMD1 Holistic Health Concepts Blended 1/8-3/1 T 9am-11:50am M 3pm-4:50pm TH,F 6:30am-12:20pm WLD-265-D1 Automated Welding/Cutting Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 8am-9:50am NUR-117-BD1 Pharmacology Blended 1/8-5/6 T 1pm-2:50pm T 10am-11:50am NUR-213-D1 Complex Health Concepts Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 9am-12:40pm T 1pm-4:30pm W 9am-11:40am M,TH,F 6:30am-12:20pm S How to register: OFFICE SYSTEMS OST-248-HYMD1 Diagnostic Coding Hybrid 1/8-3/1 T 9am-10:30am 1) Complete Application online at OST-288-HYMD2 Medical Of昀椀ce Admin Capstone Hybrid 3/11-5/6 T 11am-11:50am www.robeson.edu/apply-now PHYSICS PHY-151-BD1 College Physics I Blended 1/8-5/6 TH 1pm-2:50pm T 1pm-2:50pm 2) Contact the RCC Admissions office PSYCHOLOGY PSY-150-BD1 General Psychology Blended 1/8-5/6 W 11am-12:15pm - [email protected] PSY-150-BN1 General Psychology Blended 1/8-5/6 M 6pm-7:15pm PSY-150-D1 General Psychology Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 2pm-3:15pm - 910-272-3342 TH PSY-241-HFD1 Developmental Psych HyFlex 1/8-5/6 T,TH 9:30am-10:45am - Visit the Admissions Office, Bldg 13, T,TH 9:30am-10:45am RADIOGRAPHY on the main campus in Lumberton RAD-112-D1 RAD Procedures II Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 9am-11:40am M 1pm-3:40pm RAD-121-D1 Image Production I Traditional 1/8-5/6 W 1pm-2:50pm W 9am-11:40am RAD-161-D1 RAD Clinical Ed II Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 8am-5pm TH 8am-12:30pm F,S,SU RAD-181-D1 RAD Clinical Elective Traditional 1/8-5/6 TH 1:30pm-5pm F,S,SU RAD-261-D1 RAD Clinical Ed V Traditional 1/8-5/6 M,W 8am-6pm F,S,SU RAD-271-D1 Radiography Capstone Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 1pm-2:50pm T 9am-11:40am RESPIRATORY THERAPY RCP-111-D1 Therapeutics/Diagnostics Traditional 1/8-5/6 W 9am-12:50pm F 9am-11:50am RCP-114-D1 C-P Anatomy & Physiology Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 9am-10:15am TH RCP-133-D1 RCP Clinical Practice I Traditional 1/8-5/6 M 7am-4pm S,SU RCP-215-D1 Career Preparation Traditional 1/8-5/6 T 11am-12:15pm T 1pm-2:15pm RCP-238-D1 RCP Clinical Practice IV Traditional 1/8-5/6 W,TH,F 6am-2pm M,S,SU SIMULATION AND GAME DEVELOPMENT SGD-112-HYD1 SGD Design I Hybrid 1/8-5/6 W 9am-9:50am SGD-113-HYD1 SGD Programming I Hybrid 1/8-5/6 W 8am-8:50am SOCIOLOGY SOC-210-BD1 Introduction to Sociology Blended 1/8-5/6 T 11am-12:15pm View Summer 2024 schedule at www.robeson.edu 19

COMPLETELY ONLINE SPRING 2024 CREDIT CLASSES ACA-111 College Student Success EMS-280 EMS Bridging Course You’ve got this! ACA-122 College Transfer Success ENG-002 Transition English ACC-111 Financial Accounting ENG-011 Writing and Inquiry Support ACC-120 Prin of Financial Accounting ENG-110 Freshman Composition ACC-149 Intro to ACC Spreadsheets ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry AHR-160 Refrigerant Certi昀椀cation ENG-112 Writing/Research in the Disc ART-111 Art Appreciation ENG-115 Oral Communication AST-151 General Astronomy I HIS-111 World Civilizations I AST-151A General Astronomy I Lab HIS-112 World Civilizations II BIO-111 General Biology I HIS-131 American History I BIO-112 General Biology II HIS-132 American History II BIO-163 Basic Anat & Physiology HRM-240 Marketing for Hospitality BIO-168 Anatomy and Physiology I HRM-280 Mgmt Problems-Hospitality BIO-169 Anatomy and Physiology II HSC-110 Orientation to Health Careers BIO-275 Microbiology MAT-003 Transition Math BUS-110 Introduction to Business MAT-010 Math Measurement/Literacy Su BUS-115 Business Law I MAT-043 Quantitative Literacy Support BUS-137 Principles of Management MAT-071 Precalculus Algebra Support BUS-153 HR Management MAT-110 Math Measurement & Literacy BUS-230 Small Business Mgt MAT-143 Quantitative Literacy BUS-270 Professional Development MAT-152 Statistical Methods I CHM-090 Chemistry Concepts MAT-171 Precalculus Algebra Complete your CHM-131 Introduction to Chemistry MAT-172 Precalculus Trigonometry CHM-151 General Chemistry I MED-120 Survey of Med Terminology high school diploma! CIS-110 Introduction to Computers MKT-120 Principles of Marketing CIS-111 Basic PC Literacy MUS-110 Music Appreciation CJC-112 Criminology MUS-112 Introduction to Jazz ORIENTATION TAKES PLACE MONTHLY CJC-121 Law Enforcement Operations NOS-230 Windows Administration I New student Orientation takes place CJC-131 Criminal Law OST-141 Med Of昀椀ce Terms I february 22, 23, 24 CJC-132 Court Procedure & Evidence OST-142 Med Of昀椀ce Terms II CALL 910-272-3608 CJC-141 Corrections OST-149 Medical Legal Issues You must be present all 3 days to enroll in classes. CJC-225 Crisis Intervention OST-249 Med Coding Certi昀椀cation Prep CJC-231 Constitutional Law PED-110 Fit and Well for Life CJC-232 Civil Liability PED-120 Walking for Fitness RCC main Campus in lumberton - Bldg 14, Room 1404B CJC-233 Correctional Law PHI-215 Philosophical Issues 1:00pm - 4:00pm - OR - 5:30pm - 8:30pm COM-231 Public Speaking PHI-240 Introduction to Ethics APRENDE INGLÉS CTI-140 Virtualization Concepts PHY-110 Conceptual Physics CUL-135 Food & Beverage Service PHY-110A Conceptual Physics Lab RCC ComTech campus in pembroke – 8:30am - 11:30am CUL-273 Career Development POL-120 American Government Red Springs American Legion Bldg – 1:00pm - 4:00pm Red Springs American Legion Bldg – 1:00pm - 4:00pm ECO-252 Prin of Macroeconomics PSY-118 Interpersonal Psychology CLASES GRATIS EDU-119 Intro to Early Child Education PSY-150 General Psychology EDU-131 Child, Family, and Community PSY-241 Developmental Psych Must be 18 years of age to enroll… *******MUST BRING PICTURE ID******* EDU-144 Child Development I REL-212 Intro to New Testament If you are 16 or 17 years of age, please see staff at the main campus in lumberton, EDU-145 Child Development II REL-221 Religion in America Building 3 or call us at the number below. EDU-153 Health, Safety and Nutrition SEC-110 Security Concepts We welcome all EDU-216 Foundations of Education SOC-210 Introduction to Sociology Active Duty Personnel, EDU-221 Children With Exceptionalities SOC-213 Sociology of the Family EDU-250 Teacher Licensure Preparation SPA-111 Elementary Spanish I Military Af昀椀liated Individuals, EDU-259 Curriculum Planning SPA-112 Elementary Spanish II Military Dependents, and Veterans! ELC-125 Diagrams and Schematics SPA-211 Intermediate Spanish I EMS-235 EMS Management WBL-121B Work-Based Learning II Come see us in the Questions? Call (910) 272-3607 or (910) 272-3619 Military Af昀椀liated Resource Center, FEB 8-11 Building 13 and learn more about the opportunities available for you at 2024 Robeson Community College. Register Today! 910-272-3330 Thank you for your service! [email protected] 20

www.robeson.edu/comtech Start Your Path at RCC’s Comtech campus Located in Pembroke 124 Livermore Drive ESL • Adult High School • Continuing Education • DegreeS Barbering Esthetician Nurse aide i Massage therapy nail technician natural hair care for more information on training and services available, please call 910-272-3484 or 910-272-3447 21

REACH you goals WITH NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID LUMBERTON, NC PERMIT NO. 103 PO BOX 1420 • LUMBERTON, NC 28359 Main Line: 910-272-3700 吀栀is publication funded in part by the ********ECRWSS ASK ABOUT FREE TUITION! POSTAL CUSTOMER Festive Fudge Blossoms • ⼀攀 cup (⼀挀 stick) butter, so昀琀ened • 1 box chocolate fudge cake mix • 1 egg, lightly beaten • 2 tbsp water • ⼀最 to 1 cup 昀椀nely chopped walnuts • 48 chocolate star candies 1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. 2. Cut butter into cake mix in large bowl until mixture forms coarse crumbs. Stir in egg and water until well blended. Shape dough into ⼀挀- inch balls; roll in walnuts, pressing nuts gently into dough. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 3. Bake 12 minutes or until pu昀昀ed and nearly set. Place chocolate star in center of each cookie; bake 1 minute. Cool 2 minutes on cookie sheets. Remove to wire rakes to cool completely. Makes 4 dozen cookies. 22