Virl’s Vines leave a harvest of kindness and generosity for next generation to learn, share Virl Lowery was a man who loved his to the RCC Science Club to start person and he is still a giving person family, and the life he built with his grapevines here on campus,” 吀栀omas even a昀琀er his death.” wife Debbie, out in stated. “Some of the the country on an old grapevines and materials, 吀栀is past October was the 昀椀rst year dirt road in Robeson poles and wire, to start the Science Club was able to sell the County. the grapes in the Green grapes. It’s a project spearheaded by Zone were donated by my Courtney Kilgore, the advisor of the “If he was at home, sister.” Science Club, and it’s a project she he was always outside hopes to make an annual tradition. doing something,” As Debbie walked to the stated Jennifer grapevines on campus, “We have o昀琀en referred to them as 吀栀omas, a biology she stated that she and Virl’s Vines, and the Science Club is and science instructor Virl would have been reaping the rewards, or the fruits of at RCC as she spoke married 44 years this year. their labor, through the fundraiser,” about her brother-in- 吀栀omas said. “It is also a good learning law. “He loved growing “吀栀is month is our resource for the students.” his own fruit and vegetables and anniversary. I still count it, just like he 吀栀e fundraiser helps fund 昀椀eld trips, working on his grapevines and in his was still here,” Debbie said. such as to the Museum of Natural garden.” Science in Raleigh, which Jennifer says 吀栀e grapes donated were planted by “helps to get students o昀昀 campus and November 28th will mark eight years the Science Club in 2017 and continue gives them a learning experience they since Virl passed away in Columbus to thrive and grow each year. 吀栀ey are otherwise would not get to do.” County. maintained by Gene 吀栀orman and the maintenance department, a special “Virl would love knowing that his “Virl died suddenly and tragically,” project they have undertaken. grapevines were still alive and helping Jennifer recalls. “He died while 昀椀shing, students at Robeson Community a昀琀er falling from his boat.” 吀栀is year the grapevines yielded a College in this way,” 吀栀omas said. bountiful harvest, something Jennifer “吀栀at’s how he lived his life... helping Although Virl’s life was taken too and Debbie both say Virl would be others.” soon, his family wanted to continue proud of. his legacy in a positive way. Today, his legacy continues through “He would know that his life meant the muscadine grapevines he started “Virl had grapevines that my sister something and that the things that many years ago, which Jennifer says is could no longer maintain, so she took he did mattered,” Jennifer said. “He “昀椀tting in memory of my brother-in- some down and donated the materials always shared, he was a very giving law Virl Lowery.” 16