RCC GRADUATE CHRISTIAN WILLIAMS DEFIES ALL ODDS, OVERCOMES ADVERSITY When Christian Williams set out on “I looked up and said, ‘I did it.’” 昀氀yer, but because of meltdowns, they his journey to Robeson Community didn’t want him in the classes with College a few years ago, he wasn’t sure Williams walked across the stage that the other children. It was hurtful, but what to expect. But through his strug- day and earned an associate degree in we got through it.” gles and perseverance, he has become Information Technology, Networking an inspi- and Simulation 吀栀rough all the pain, came rays of ration and Game De- hope and light – friends who would to many velopment, and protect him from bullying, teachers and a role three certi昀椀cates who would stay a昀琀er class to tutor, model for including video and therapists who helped Chris- others liv- gaming, infor- tian learn how to deal with the daily ing with mation technol- stresses of life – all of which have autism. ogy, and CISCO helped him to become the man he is networking. today. “He em- bodies the “It showed that “Christian knows that if you quit, de昀椀nition I came a long you will never be successful in life… of success way to be able to so we pushed him, which sometimes in every make it to where made things uncomfortable at times, way possi- I am,” Williams but it has taught him that life is not ble,” stated said. always comfortable all the time.” RCC President His mother, Lin- It was that attitude and support sys- Melissa da, agreed. tem that helped Williams to become Singler. a college graduate, a major feat that “He had “Having that shows how high he has soared and every excuse to not attend college, but recognition at graduation, when they how much he has de昀椀ed the odds that’s the very reason why he did – to started talking about Christian, it made stacked against him. show everyone that you can achieve me so proud,” his mother said. “As a your dreams no matter what.” parent, I’m just very proud, it has not “I see my able, not my label,” Wil- been easy for him.” liams says. “You have to focus on During the 2023 graduation ceremony, what you are capable of doing, just Williams was recognized during the Williams was diagnosed with autism think of what you’re capable of and speech by the commencement speak- when he was just 4 years old. It was not let your disability hinder you in er, myFutureNC CEO and President, a diagnosis that could have been any way.” Cecilia Holden. devastating for most, but thankfully for Christian, his mother was strong- Williams decided to go into IT be- “One of our graduates today is autis- willed. As an elementary school cause of his love for technology. tic, but he didn’t let this de昀椀ne him or teacher who worked with children prescribe his outcomes in life,” Holden with exceptionalities, she wasn’t “I am fascinated with computers,” said. “He has persevered and worked going to give up on her son and she Williams said. “One of my favorite hard to graduate today, and I’m excited wasn’t going to allow him to give up classes was when we got to build our to add that he’ll be graduating with a either. own computer with Mr. Jacobs.” 3.9 GPA. Congratulations, Christian.” “Failure was never an option,” his He also enjoys typing and data entry For Williams, hearing those words mother stated. “And so, the battle work, saying he can type up to 77 spoken over him during graduation began and we started 昀椀ghting for words per minute. was a signi昀椀cant moment in time that Christian. We had to 昀椀ght teach- he will never forget. ers, other parents, and it was just a Another passion for Williams is continuous battle… he was a high drawing. 12