“He’s a self-taught artist and has even “He would go above and beyond in he was able to get the help he needed started his own business – Christian the class and on all the assignments, here… the instructors would o昀琀en William’ Custom Artwork,” his moth- I was always excited to see what he stay over to get him caught up.” er said. would come up with,” Stubbs stated. “吀栀ey were good instructors, they 吀栀e business o昀昀ers artistic services Williams says that Mr. Stubbs was always had good things to say about to those who prefer to have original “very entertaining, he was also very Christian,” his mother added. pieces of artwork to display. His port- helpful and whenever I got stuck on folio contains a wide array of draw- something I didn’t know, he would Currently in the market for a job, ings from cars to houses. help me 昀椀gure it out…. Sometimes William hopes to 昀椀nd a position that he would talk about his hobbies with is suitable for him, and that with “He recently spoke at an elementary students, it made me feel comfortable each day that passes, he will become school,” his mother said. “He drew a in the class.” more and more independent. In the gi昀琀 for them to give away to one of short term, he hopes to get a driver’s the students.” Williams also had a chance to create license. Long-term, Williams says he a video game during his time in the would love to live in a new house he Having the ability to be creative is Information Technology program at can call his own. a form of expression for Williams, RCC. it’s an outlet his mother says, and a He also has advice for others interest- source of joy. It is one reason he loved “It’s basically a Mario game,” Wil- ed in seeking an education. his video and gaming classes at Robe- liams said. “It has Luigi and done like son Community College so much. the entertainment system… I did “If you think Robeson Community have fun with that.” College is right for you, then go,” Wil- “He was a great student, he was very liams says. “It wouldn’t hurt to try.” creative,” stated Kenneth Stubbs, one Outside of class, Williams said he of Williams’ favorite teachers. “I had enjoyed sitting in the student center If you are interested in learning him for the 3D modeling class. He with others, playing video games. He more about the Information Tech- made a house with lighting e昀昀ects said they would all bring their con- nology, Networking, and Simulation that had grass all around the house.” soles from home and play for hours and Gaming program at Robeson as he waited for the bus to take him Community College, please contact 吀栀e assignment, Stubbs says, didn’t home. William Stubbs at 910-272-3495 or require that much detail, but Wil- [email protected]. Spring 2024 liams didn’t want to settle for what “He had a great experience here, he classes begin January 8. was just required, he wanted to stand never said anything negative,” his out and make his assignment the best mother stated. “He wasn’t ready for a it could be. 4-year school. RCC felt like home and 13