I Choose Hope… Arthur R. Hall Hope, for such a small word, it carries so much weight. In times when nothing else seems possible, it is strong enough to carry our dreams, beliefs, and aspirations. In our times of pain, it is Hope that helps to ease the hurt. It is Hope that gives that go-ahead power to continue and not give up or not give in; it is Hope that echoes “this too shall pass”. It is Hope that shows up just before the storm reassuring us that yes, all things are possible. It is Hope that carried us through a pandemic that crushed yes- terdays and erased tomorrows. Hope, yes hope that gallantly equipped us with a weapon to 昀椀ght and continue to 昀椀ght even when the battle was blinded by tears and loss and fear and dark- ness! Hope, the conqueror, Hope, the sustainer, Hope, the navigator! Without Hope, no matter how minuscule the situation, where would we be? A world without Hope is without everything; HOPE is simply How, Obviously, People, Exist. 吀栀ere just is no other choice…worry? I choose HOPE! 7