REACH you goals WITH NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID LUMBERTON, NC PERMIT NO. 103 PO BOX 1420 • LUMBERTON, NC 28359 Main Line: 910-272-3700 吀栀is publication funded in part by the ********ECRWSS ASK ABOUT FREE TUITION! POSTAL CUSTOMER Festive Fudge Blossoms • ⼀攀 cup (⼀挀 stick) butter, so昀琀ened • 1 box chocolate fudge cake mix • 1 egg, lightly beaten • 2 tbsp water • ⼀最 to 1 cup 昀椀nely chopped walnuts • 48 chocolate star candies 1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. 2. Cut butter into cake mix in large bowl until mixture forms coarse crumbs. Stir in egg and water until well blended. Shape dough into ⼀挀- inch balls; roll in walnuts, pressing nuts gently into dough. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 3. Bake 12 minutes or until pu昀昀ed and nearly set. Place chocolate star in center of each cookie; bake 1 minute. Cool 2 minutes on cookie sheets. Remove to wire rakes to cool completely. Makes 4 dozen cookies. 22