to Education, Reading and Required else matters,” Pearson says. “If you in the Public Schools of Robeson Language Arts Skills, and Intro to have a goal, set your goal and go for County, private schools, or those who Special Education. it, because you can do it, you can do may be homeschooled. Students can anything that you put your mind to.” choose a variety of pathways, such “I’m really looking at teaching kin- as earning a degree like Hannah or dergarten or 昀椀rst grade, and if not “Attending Robeson Community obtaining industry-recognized cre- those two age College was great, dentials, certi昀椀cates, and diplomas in groups, then I got a degree, not healthcare, cosmetology, industrial I’m looking just a diploma, but technologies, 昀椀re昀椀ghting, business, and at 昀椀昀琀h-grade a degree,” Pearson more. To enroll in the CCP program at math,” Pear- said. “I am really RCC, please contact Patricia Locklear, son stated, grateful to Robeson the director of admissions at 910-272- showing she Community College 3356 or [email protected]. already has a for this opportuni- game plan in ty. If it were not for place for when the CCP program, I she graduates would not be as far from UNCP. in life as I am right now.” Pearson says she feels she “吀栀is has been such is following a pleasant experi- in her mother’s footsteps, who like ence,” Pearson continued. “Going her, excelled in high school, was through the CCP program, being able valedictorian of her class, and went to graduate, and now being able to on to become a teacher. Her mother start college right at my major instead in essence became her inspiration for of having to worry about general edu- wanting to go into the education 昀椀eld, cation classes, and then also thinking Hannah’s story was featured on WRAL to work hard, to persevere, and to ex- about how much money RCC has News and made headlines across North emplify excellence in all that she does. allowed me to save, I just want to say Carolina as well as across the United that I am forever grateful.” States. She was interviewed as well as “She has been a teacher for 28 years,” her parents, pictured above. Pearson said. “Growing up, I always 吀栀e CCP program at Robeson Com- saw how devoted she was to helping munity College is open to high school To view the story, please visit the RCC the kids and I actually took a job students who reside in Robeson YouTube channel. shadowing opportunity back in 8th County, including students enrolled grade where I went to Green Grove Elementary school, and acted as a teacher assistant for a class of kinder- gartners… I just loved that experi- ence.” As Pearson sets sail for UNCP over the next two years, she does have a message for high school students in Robeson County. “I would say to never give up, con- tinue to chase your dreams as long as you do the best you can do, nothing