COMPLETELY ONLINE SPRING 2024 CREDIT CLASSES ACA-111 College Student Success EMS-280 EMS Bridging Course You’ve got this! ACA-122 College Transfer Success ENG-002 Transition English ACC-111 Financial Accounting ENG-011 Writing and Inquiry Support ACC-120 Prin of Financial Accounting ENG-110 Freshman Composition ACC-149 Intro to ACC Spreadsheets ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry AHR-160 Refrigerant Certi昀椀cation ENG-112 Writing/Research in the Disc ART-111 Art Appreciation ENG-115 Oral Communication AST-151 General Astronomy I HIS-111 World Civilizations I AST-151A General Astronomy I Lab HIS-112 World Civilizations II BIO-111 General Biology I HIS-131 American History I BIO-112 General Biology II HIS-132 American History II BIO-163 Basic Anat & Physiology HRM-240 Marketing for Hospitality BIO-168 Anatomy and Physiology I HRM-280 Mgmt Problems-Hospitality BIO-169 Anatomy and Physiology II HSC-110 Orientation to Health Careers BIO-275 Microbiology MAT-003 Transition Math BUS-110 Introduction to Business MAT-010 Math Measurement/Literacy Su BUS-115 Business Law I MAT-043 Quantitative Literacy Support BUS-137 Principles of Management MAT-071 Precalculus Algebra Support BUS-153 HR Management MAT-110 Math Measurement & Literacy BUS-230 Small Business Mgt MAT-143 Quantitative Literacy BUS-270 Professional Development MAT-152 Statistical Methods I CHM-090 Chemistry Concepts MAT-171 Precalculus Algebra Complete your CHM-131 Introduction to Chemistry MAT-172 Precalculus Trigonometry CHM-151 General Chemistry I MED-120 Survey of Med Terminology high school diploma! CIS-110 Introduction to Computers MKT-120 Principles of Marketing CIS-111 Basic PC Literacy MUS-110 Music Appreciation CJC-112 Criminology MUS-112 Introduction to Jazz ORIENTATION TAKES PLACE MONTHLY CJC-121 Law Enforcement Operations NOS-230 Windows Administration I New student Orientation takes place CJC-131 Criminal Law OST-141 Med Of昀椀ce Terms I february 22, 23, 24 CJC-132 Court Procedure & Evidence OST-142 Med Of昀椀ce Terms II CALL 910-272-3608 CJC-141 Corrections OST-149 Medical Legal Issues You must be present all 3 days to enroll in classes. CJC-225 Crisis Intervention OST-249 Med Coding Certi昀椀cation Prep CJC-231 Constitutional Law PED-110 Fit and Well for Life CJC-232 Civil Liability PED-120 Walking for Fitness RCC main Campus in lumberton - Bldg 14, Room 1404B CJC-233 Correctional Law PHI-215 Philosophical Issues 1:00pm - 4:00pm - OR - 5:30pm - 8:30pm COM-231 Public Speaking PHI-240 Introduction to Ethics APRENDE INGLÉS CTI-140 Virtualization Concepts PHY-110 Conceptual Physics CUL-135 Food & Beverage Service PHY-110A Conceptual Physics Lab RCC ComTech campus in pembroke – 8:30am - 11:30am CUL-273 Career Development POL-120 American Government Red Springs American Legion Bldg – 1:00pm - 4:00pm Red Springs American Legion Bldg – 1:00pm - 4:00pm ECO-252 Prin of Macroeconomics PSY-118 Interpersonal Psychology CLASES GRATIS EDU-119 Intro to Early Child Education PSY-150 General Psychology EDU-131 Child, Family, and Community PSY-241 Developmental Psych Must be 18 years of age to enroll… *******MUST BRING PICTURE ID******* EDU-144 Child Development I REL-212 Intro to New Testament If you are 16 or 17 years of age, please see staff at the main campus in lumberton, EDU-145 Child Development II REL-221 Religion in America Building 3 or call us at the number below. EDU-153 Health, Safety and Nutrition SEC-110 Security Concepts We welcome all EDU-216 Foundations of Education SOC-210 Introduction to Sociology Active Duty Personnel, EDU-221 Children With Exceptionalities SOC-213 Sociology of the Family EDU-250 Teacher Licensure Preparation SPA-111 Elementary Spanish I Military Af昀椀liated Individuals, EDU-259 Curriculum Planning SPA-112 Elementary Spanish II Military Dependents, and Veterans! ELC-125 Diagrams and Schematics SPA-211 Intermediate Spanish I EMS-235 EMS Management WBL-121B Work-Based Learning II Come see us in the Questions? Call (910) 272-3607 or (910) 272-3619 Military Af昀椀liated Resource Center, FEB 8-11 Building 13 and learn more about the opportunities available for you at 2024 Robeson Community College. Register Today! 910-272-3330 Thank you for your service! [email protected] 20