Attacks on Clinton 6/26/15

ATTACKS ON SEC CLINTON 6-26-15 Summary  Rand Paul said that Secretary Clinton wants American workers to pay thousands more in payroll taxes.  Carly Fiorina called Secretary Clinton “hardworking” and “serious” but said she still disagrees with all of Clinton’s policies.  Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton’s “ambition outweighs ability to be effective leader.”  Carly Fiorina said the probability of Secretary Clinton becoming the Democratic nominee was “exceedingly high.”  Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton wrongly declared victory in Iraq, called Assad a reformer, and gave Putin a reset button, and said someone should ask Clinton whether we should have pulled out of Iraq in the first place.  Rand Paul attacked Secretary Clinton for her support for intervention in Libya and asked if we are better off now than we were before Qadhafi was gone.  Bobby Jindal accused Secretary Clinton of ignoring our allies.  Bobby Jindal said Clinton and Obama were wrong not to call radical Islam evil.  Jeb Bush said Clinton did not think America’s presence in the world was a force for good, said he could not name an accomplishment from her time as Secretary, and cited Libya and Russia’s ‘reset’ as policies of hers that have led to a less safe world.  Jeb Bush said Obama and Clinton have created instability and a situation where lives have been lost in Iraq and Syria.  Marco Rubio said Clinton failed to reform the United Nations.  Scott Walker said the recent OPM hack is a result of Secretary Clinton’s weakness toward China.  Scott Walker noted the fact that Secretary Clinton quoted the song “Yesterday,” which came out before he was born.  Carly Fiorina said she did not think Secretary Clinton was honest or trustworthy.  Jeb Bush criticized Secretary Clinton for refusing to answer a hypothetical question before the King v. Burwell ruling.  George Pataki called Secretary Clinton a politician who put herself above the laws that the rest of Americans follow.  Carly Fiorina said that Secretary Clinton would not only be a third Obama term, but go further than she did.  Bobby Jindal said he worried about what Clinton and Obama were trying to do to America.  Carly Fiorina said that by speaking out in the aftermath of the Charleston shooting, Clinton was “continuing Obama’s legacy of identity.”  Bobby Jindal said that Clinton and Obama were trying to “turn the American dream into socialism,” and said that Clinton was running for Obama’s third term.  Jeb Bush criticized Secretary Clinton over her use of a private server.  Donald Trump said that Democrats were able to “get away with” things like “Benghazi or the emails” in a way conservatives could not.  George Pataki said that Clinton’s use of a home server was a crime and that concern about her own political career led her to “jeopardize critical American communications.”  Carly Fiorina said that Obama and Clinton’s lies over Benghazi led terrorists to conclude that U.S. lacks resolve and disrespected families of the fallen.  Carly Fiorina called the policies on women that Clinton espoused “damaging.”  Rand Paul said he’s beating Clinton in states that Obama won.  Jeb Bush implied that Clinton was not informed by her faith, as he was.  Bobby Jindal hit Secretary Clinton over religious liberty, saying she was trying to divide Americans by religion, ethnicity, and economic status.

 Bobby Jindal accused Clinton of comparing his commitment to religious liberty to the “torture of women in Afghanistan and other violent acts.”  Jeb Bush called Clinton’s comparison of Christians to Islamic extremists “insulting.”  Jeb Bush hit Clinton for opposing Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor.  Carly Fiorina accused Secretary Clinton of hypocrisy for taking money from countries that mistreat women.  Bobby Jindal said Secretary Clinton wanted to end the debate on Obamacare.  Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton will “make Obamacare her own.”  Ted Cruz said that anyone who sees a premium decrease of $2500 should vote for Secretary Clinton, and he’d take anyone else.  Bobby Jindal said Secretary Clinton wanted to grow the government, not the real economy.  Carly Fiorina said that Clinton’s energy policies would raise energy costs for the middle class.  Bobby Jindal said that unlike Clinton and Obama, his ideas on marriage equality were “not evolving.”  Jeb Bush linked Clinton to Bill deBlasio, saying they wanted to undermine good school programs for low-income children.  Carly Fiorina said Clinton never criticized baseball players or Hollywood moguls for making too much money.  George Pataki called the Obama-Clinton approach to climate change a “disaster.”  Donald Trump hit Secretary Clinton for attacking him in the aftermath of the Charleston shooting. Taxes Sen. Rand Paul, Fox News Cashin In 6/20/15 Video: here [middle] - Wants to have this argument with HRC if she wants to argue every worker in America should be paying a couple thousand in payroll tax and he wants to argue people making $30-40k should have a couple extra thousand dollars in their paycheck, happy to have that argument in HRC General Policy Carly Fiorina, MSNBC The Cycle, 6/22/15 Video: here [middle] What would you say to HRC if she walked into this room? - HRC is a hardworking, serious woman who should not be underestimated - I disagree with her profoundly on all of her policy prescriptions Leadership Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 5 HRC: - Hardworking intelligent woman - Dedicated life to public service - Ambition outweighs ability to be effective leader

Foreign Policy Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here [Q&A] Bernie has pulled close to HRC. Do you think another Democrat might get in? - Honestly I have no idea - I don’t know what those people are thinking - The probability of HRC being nominee is exceedingly high - We’ll see if I’m right about that - Today we had 3 coordinated terrorist attacks in 3 nations for which ISIS took responsibility - Innocents were slaughtered, it’s an example of pivotal moment we’re at - It’s vitally important that we have a discussion about how America must lead in the world - I will remind you that HRC has been wrong on so many of these issues - Ex: declaring victory in Iraq, calling Assad a positive reformer, reset button for Putin - On Day 1 I would call my good friend Bibi and Supreme Leader of Iran, I would take action against Putin, and hold Camp David summit for Arab allies - The U.S. is not leading and we saw that today Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 2 If we hadn't pulled out of Iraq: - Of course that's the question - Someone should be asking HRC - Degradation is result of precipitous withdrawal - Allies are saying we can't count on the U.S. - On Day 1 I would call Bibi and Supreme Leader of Iran - Iran is never going to agree to nuclear deal unless there is consistent pressure which this administration is unwilling to exert Sen. Rand Paul, CBN The Brody File 6/22/15 Video: here [00:45] History has proven that always intervening in the Middle East leads us to unfortunate consequences, for example Hillary’s war in Libya. We had chaos, rise of radical Islam, Libya is now a failed state. Are we better off now with Qadhafi gone or would we have been better not going in in the first place? Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here Sec Clinton has got it wrong by ignoring our allies Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here [towards end]

- As America goes, so goes the world. We are the light of freedom in a dark world. It's time we started acting like it. I will not be intimidated from talking about the fact that radical Islam is evil and most be destroyed. HRC and Obama have it wrong. It is time we played to win again Gov. Jeb Bush, Hillsborough GOP Dinner 6/19/15 Video: Here Need to reengage with the rest of the world, no such thing as fortress America, Obama, Clinton, Kerry the first ones to believe america’s presence not a force for good Friends don’t think we have our back, enemies don’t fear us, pointing to china island in south china sea, Russia moving at will in Baltics, isis in Iraq Less safe when we pull back, next president needs to restore america’s presence, consistency, leadership in world On Hillary “I can’t think of anything” “what has she done as secretary of state” Blames reset, Libya on Hillary as leading to less safe world Jeb Bush Blamed Hillary Clinton And President Obama For Creating A “Maddening Situation Where Hundreds Of People Have Lost Their Lives” In Syria And Iraq Due To ISIS, Arguing “We've Created Such Instability By The Lack Of Involvement After We Promised To Do So” With “Red Line.” “And on ISIS, Bush tore into Obama's foreign policy, using strong rhetoric to blame the President and Clinton, the former secretary of state, for the unrest that has developed in Iraq after the U.S. withdrew its remaining combat troops four years ago. ‘There's no question that the President and Hillary Clinton have created a maddening situation where hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives tragically,’ he said. ‘But we've created such instability by the lack of involvement after we promised to do so, that we have to stick with it. I don't think it's going to take a generation, but we can't expect this to happen in a week, either.’” [CNN, 6/23/15] Jeb Bush Argued That Defeating ISIS Wouldn’t Take A “Generation,” But Added “We Can’t Expect This To Happen In a Week, Either.” “And on ISIS, Bush tore into Obama's foreign policy, using strong rhetoric to blame the President and Clinton, the former secretary of state, for the unrest that has developed in Iraq after the U.S. withdrew its remaining combat troops four years ago. ‘There's no question that the President and Hillary Clinton have created a maddening situation where hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives tragically,’ he said. ‘But we've created such instability by the lack of involvement after we promised to do so, that we have to stick with it. I don't think it's going to take a generation, but we can't expect this to happen in a week, either.’” [CNN, 6/23/15] Rubio After The UN Human Rights Council Accused Israel Of War Crimes Against Hamas: “The UN Human Rights Council Is Not A Fair Tribunal. It Is A Source Of Regular And One-Sided Biased Attacks Against Israel… This Attack On Israel Is Just The Latest Piece Of Evidence That President Obama And Secretary Clinton’s Efforts To Reform The Organization From Within Have Failed.” “U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) formally accusing Israel of war crimes during last year’s military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip: ‘Today’s report by the UN Human Rights Council commission of inquiry is just another sign that the council has lost all credibility. The UN Human Rights Council is not a fair tribunal. It is a source of regular and one-sided biased attacks against Israel, produced by a membership featuring some of the world’s worst human rights abusers. This attack on Israel is just the latest piece of evidence that President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s efforts to reform the organization from within have failed. The U.S. should not participate in the council until it is truly reformed.’” [Press Release, Office of Senator Rubio, 6/22/15]

Walker: Obama’s Inability To Defend Our Networks From Chinese Attacks Is Another Example Of His And Clinton’s Weakness Toward China. “As he prepares to launch his presidential bid, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Tuesday the United States ‘must forcefully raise concerns’ with China about cyber attacks … ‘President (Barack) Obama’s inability to defend our networks from these attacks, despite spending $12.7 billion on cybersecurity last year, is yet another example of his and Secretary (Hillary) Clinton’s weakness toward China.’ He also said the United States ‘must press China to cease its provocations in the South China Sea and support the rights of its people.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/23/15] Accomplishments as Secretary Gov. Jeb Bush, Hillsborough GOP Dinner 6/19/15 Video: Here Need to reengage with the rest of the world, no such thing as fortress America, Obama, Clinton, Kerry the first ones to believe america’s presence not a force for good Friends don’t think we have our back, enemies don’t fear us, pointing to china island in south china sea, Russia moving at will in Baltics, isis in Iraq Less safe when we pull back, next president needs to restore america’s presence, consistency, leadership in world On Hillary “I can’t think of anything” “what has she done as secretary of state” Blames reset, Libya on Hillary as leading to less safe world Jeb Bush Blasted Hillary Clinton’s Record, Arguing “What Has She Done As Secretary Of State? I Can't Think Of Anything…She Can't Think Of Anything, Better Yet.” “For the most part, Bush strayed from attacks on his Republican rivals, instead emphasizing his own experience. He saved time, though, for several shots at Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and her record at the State Department. ‘What has she done as secretary of state? I can't think of anything,’ Bush said. ‘She can't think of anything, better yet.’” [Tampa Bay Times, 6/19/15] Ideas of the Past Gov. Scott Walker, Facebook 6/20/15 5405/?type=1&theater A week ago, Hillary Clinton quoted the Beatles song "Yesterday" (which actually came out a few years before I was born) Trustworthiness Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Do you think HRC is honest and trustworthy? - No, I don't - It's entirely legitimate to question - It's more productive to be training my fire on HRC

Carly Fiorina, Faith and Freedom Road To Majority 6/20/15 Video: here [Beginning of speech] - HRC must not be POTUS because she is untrustworthy - Joke about man’s hormones clouding judgment Jeb Bush Criticized Hillary Clinton For Calling Post-King v. Burwell Reforms A “Hypothetical,” Told Reporter “She’s Doing The Rope A Dope On You.” “Here is what Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state and former New York U.S. senator, and Bush, a former Florida governor and former real estate developer, had to say in their own words:…DES MOINES REGISTER: What do you think is the best course of action if the Supreme Court strikes down federal health care subsidies in 34 states leaving millions without health insurance? I asked Hillary Clinton what she'd do for a fix and she said she's not going to answer a hypothetical. JEB BUSH:…‘ In the Burwell case, assume it was ruled unconstitutional, one of the possibilities would be to extend it for a period of time so as to get beyond the election and allow the election to be a place where people offer alternatives. And I would have one of those…‘Look, it's not a hypothetical. How's that a hypothetical? Court's going to rule on it in two weeks. She's doing the rope a dope on you.’” [Des Moines Register, 6/22/15] Doesn’t follow the rules George Pataki Signed A State Law That Closed Many Of The Loopholes For Would-Be Jurors To Dodge Their Duty. “[George] Pataki, who signed a state law that closed many of the loopholes for would- be jurors to dodge their duty, called the allegations about Trump disappointing. ‘Sadly, this is the exact same attitude of politicians like Hillary Clinton and the Washington insiders who consistently put themselves above the laws the rest of Americans respect,’ said Pataki spokesman David Catalfamo. ‘The American people are fed up with the rich, powerful and connected picking and choosing what laws apply to them.’ Pataki memorably appeared at the Putnan County courthouse for jury dury while governor in 1997.” [New York Daily News, 6/21/15] Third Obama Term Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Is HRC a third term of Obama? - Yes, at least - She is doubling down and would go further Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox America’s Newsroom 6/24/15 Video: here [03:40] I worry about what this president and Hillary Clinton are trying to do to America. Carly Fiorina, Laura Ingraham 6/24/15 Audio: here [beginning] Confederate flag

- What’s interesting to me when this tragedy occurred I made the comment that I thought it was a decision for the people of SC - I think it was inspiring to see Charleston come together in unity - There are many politicians who will use this to divide - The Democrats’ legacy is identity politics, dividing people and pitting them against each other - HRC is continuing Obama legacy of identity Gov. Bobby Jindal, Politics and Eggs 6/25/15 Video: here [beginning] -Today Obama and his apprentice in Chief HRC are trying to turn the American dream into socialism Gov. Bobby Jindal, Politics and Eggs 6/25/15 Video: here Q&A [beginning] You’ve been unbending in your critique of the ACA, how realistic is repeal? -It is very realistic. - People made it clear they don’t want the ACA. -The GOP should have voted on their alternative before the court ruled -HRC will be running for Obama’s third term Inevitability Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here [Q&A] Bernie has pulled close to HRC. Do you think another Democrat might get in? - Honestly I have no idea - I don’t know what those people are thinking - The probability of HRC being nominee is exceedingly high - We’ll see if I’m right about that Private emails Gov. Jeb Bush, Bill Bennett 6/23/15 Audio: here [03:10] Q – would like to hear from HRC If you’re in a position of responsibility like that you don’t have a private server where you’re conducting public business in a world where very sophisticated efforts to try to access information occurs on a daily basis Donald Trump, Fox News, The Real Story 6/25/15

Video: here [04:00] On Lerner emails -Can you imagine if this happened to a conservative -What was on those emails would have been shocking -They get away with it because the republicans don’t do anything, maybe they have an inside deal. Whether it’s Benghazi or the emails HEADLINE: “Pataki Slams Clinton Over Emails, Chinese Hackers” [Boston Herald, 6/22/15] George Pataki: “It’s Clear To Me That Having That Home Server Not Only Violated State Department Rules And Regulations, Deleting Those Emails Was Probably A Crime Because [Hillary Clinton] Had Good Reason To Know That Congress Wanted To See What Was In Them.” “Former New York Gov. George Pataki slammed Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton today for ‘probably’ breaking the law by erasing emails on a private server that likely left information open to Chinese hackers. ‘It’s clear to me that having that home server not only violated State Department rules and regulations, deleting those emails was probably a crime because she had good reason to know that Congress wanted to see what was in them,’ Pataki said on Boston Herald Radio today. ‘But what is most disturbing to me is that the Chinese in all likelihood know what every one of those 30,000 emails said. The American people don’t, Congress doesn’t, the State Department don’t, that is wrong.’” [Boston Herald, 6/22/15] George Pataki: “[Hillary Clinton] Is So Concerned About Her Political Career That She Will Jeopardize Critical American Communications.” “[George] Pataki claimed the entire incident shows that Clinton is more concerned about her own political reputation than protecting the security of sensitive information. ‘Clearly Hillary’s basement server isn’t going to have that level of protection,’ he added. ‘It was grossly irresponsible for her to do this. It poses a tremendous security risk to America. But more importantly, it raises questions about her judgment in so many ways. She is so concerned about her political career that she will jeopardize critical American communications.’” [Boston Herald, 6/22/15] Benghazi Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Benghazi: - It's unbelievable - Imagine what you're thinking if you're a terrorist or enemy and you watch while Sec of State and POTUS lie - You conclude that this is a nation that lacks resolve - Disrespect to fallen and families of fallen when HRC continues this fiction Donald Trump, Fox News, The Real Story 6/25/15 Video: here [04:00] On Lerner emails -Can you imagine if this happened to a conservative -What was on those emails would have been shocking -They get away with it because the republicans don’t do anything, maybe they have an inside deal. Whether it’s Benghazi or the emails

Campaign Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Are others timid to come out against [HRC] because they will be accused of sexism? - I hope not - I too have been accused of being a threat to women - We can't give up on women's vote Double standard? - Of course there is - Women are prepared to disagree if respectful - In politics everything is an argument and vitriol - The left wing has a double standard - The policies that HRC and Bernie espouse are damaging Sen. Rand Paul, Fox News Cashin In 6/20/15 Video: here [end] - He’s beating HRC in five states Obama one. The way you win elections is by winning purple states, not just the red ones. Polls show him beating HRC by 8-10 points among independents, thinks it’s because he talks about liberty issues Religious Freedom Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here “I’m going to say this slowly so even Hillary Clinton can understand this—America did not create religious liberty, liberty created the United States of America.” HRC is trying to divide us by ethnicity, religion, economic status. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Politics and Eggs 6/25/15 Video: here [middle] -We have seen an assault on our religious liberty rights. Hits HRC for her comments about changing the beliefs of those who are pro-life. The left wants to take god out of the public square. I’ll say this slowly so that even HRC can understand- America didn’t create religious liberty, religious liberty created America -HRC and Obama are trying to divide us. I’m tired of hyphenated Americans Jeb Bush, In Iowa The Day After Discounting The Role Of Faith In Politics In New Hampshire, Decried The Fact That The Issues Of Prayer In Schools Had Been Decided By The Supreme Court And Noted He Was “Heavily Informed By My Faith In A Lot Of Things.” “Bush's statement in New Hampshire also conflicted with comments he would make later in the week. The next morning he was in Iowa, where the first question Bush fielded was about what he could do ‘to put God back in our school system … and back into the forefront of our country.’ Bush said the issue of religion in schools had ‘unfortunately’ been decided by the Supreme Court. He then pivoted to discuss the importance of

religious liberty. ‘It's not just in the church pews where you should be able to express your opinion, it's on the town square. And that's what's missing right now,’ Bush said. He added: ‘We're now at a point where people that do have faith that guides their decisions [are told] they need to keep it in a lockbox somewhere—keep it at home, keep a lock on it. And I think that's where we take our stand.’ To leave no doubt about his kinship with Iowa's heavily-evangelical GOP electorate, Bush contrasted himself with Hillary Clinton, noting that ‘I'm a Catholic and I'm informed by my faith in a lot of things.’” [National Journal, 6/23/15] Jindal Attempted To Fundraise Off Of The Clinton Campaign “Comparing My Commitment To Protecting Religious Liberty In America To The Torture Of Women In Afghanistan And Other Violent Acts.” “Just a few minutes ago, Hillary’s campaign attacked me — and all of us — by comparing my commitment to protecting religious liberty in America to the torture of women in Afghanistan and other violent acts. You see, Hillary Clinton and the left literally can’t tell the difference between a Christian in America practicing her faith and an ISIS terrorist who beheads innocent people. Hillary’s wrong. I’m not afraid to say so. And I need you to stand with me, right now:” [, 6/19/15] Jeb Bush Communications Director Said Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman’s Comparison Of “Christians Acting On Their Conscience” To “Barbaric Islamic Extremists” Was “Insulting.” “Spokespeople for Bush and Jindal responded on Friday. ‘What’s insulting is that Sec. Clinton’s campaign chairman would compare Christians acting on their conscience to barbaric Islamic extremists,’ Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s communications director said in response to Podesta.” [BuzzFeed, 6/19/15] Jeb Bush Blasted Hillary Clinton And The Obama Administration For Suing Hobby Lobby And The Little Sisters Of The Poor Over Religious Objections To Obamacare, Arguing “Religious Freedom Now Is Under Attack More Than Ever Before.” “Bush, who has run afoul of the GOP base by supporting immigration reform and Common Core education standards, emphasized his Catholicism and social conservatism. ‘We shouldn’t push aside those who believe in traditional marriage,’ he said, touching on a subject he rarely brings up during his forays into Iowa and New Hampshire. As he did in his announcement speech in Miami Monday, Bush focused on his belief in religious freedom and blasted Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration for suing Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor over their religious objections to Obamacare. ‘Religious freedom now is under attack more than ever before,’ Bush said, as he defended religion generally as ‘the greatest force for good in the world.’ ‘If we act on our faith everyday, we’re going to create a more just, more loving world,’ Bush said.” [Politico, 6/19/15] Big government Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here [towards end] - This president and his apprentice in waiting Hillary Clinton are leading America down the path to destruction. Economically, culturally, and internationally. The most devastating thing they are trying to do, is redefine the American dream. They are trying to turn the American dream into socialism, into the European nightmare Gov Bobby Jindal, Hannity 6/24/15 Video: here How do you separate from the crowd? -Bush is out there saying we have to lose the primary to win the general. That’s nonsense -Obama and HRC are trying to turn the American dream into the European nightmare. We have to save this country from socialism

Women Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Money from countries who treat women poorly: - It's called hypocrisy - It's one thing to do photo op - HRC, Obama are masters of giving a good speech, wonderful words - HRC's actions don't match words Healthcare Gov. Bobby Jindal, Twitter 6/25/15 Jindal: “President Obama And Hillary Clinton Would Like This To Be The End Of The Debate On Obamacare, But It Isn’t: Http://T.Co/Xpy9htxfqo” [@BobbyJindal, Twitter, 6/25/15] Sen. Lindsey Graham, Senate Floor 6/25/15 Video: here On SCOTUS -The 2016 race, domestically, will be centered on health care as the most dominant domestic issue in the country. If you're running for the house or you're running for the senate or you're running for president, here is what this supreme court ruling means. If the public wants to continue Obamacare, which I think would be a huge mistake, vote Democrat. If you want to repeal and replace Obamacare with something better for you and your family, bipartisan, vote Republican. Hillary Clinton, the most likely democratic nominee, will make Obamacare her own. Whoever the Republican party may nominate, the one thing I can assure you is that they will repeal and replace Obamacare with something better. Ted Cruz: “Obamacare Has Driven Health Insurance Premiums Through The Roof.” “WILL: But the six million people who will be out of health insurance had to buy it. There was a mandate. They relied on this. Are they just - - what do you say to them? Tough? CRUZ: What I say is we should use this opportunity to address the real problem, which is that Obamacare has driven health insurance premiums through the roof. Remember, President Obama promised the average family's health insurance premiums would drop $2500 under Obamacare. In actuality, the average family's premiums have risen $3,000. I've joked on the campaign trail, every family whose premiums have dropped $2500, they should vote for Hillary Clinton. I'll take everybody else.” [Fox Special Report With Bret Baier, Fox News, 6/24/15] Economy Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here [towards beginning] - You can't grow the economy and the government at the same time. -HRC wants to grow the government in Washington. We want to grow the real economy out here in America

Energy Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here [Q&A] Do you think nuclear should be a part of solution? - Absolutely - We ought to be leaders in all energy sources - HRC talks about being champion for middle class but her energy policies will raise energy costs, yet another example of hypocrisy - Being a leader in energy would help keep bad actors in check, ex: Putin LGBT issues Gov. Bobby Jindal, Clive, IA Periscope 6/26/15 Video: here -Supports a constitutional amendment overturning SSM decision -Unlike Obama and HRC my views on this are not evolving -Says he has gay friends and would say the same things to them Education Jeb Bush Accused Bill De Blasio, “A Protégé Of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” For “Depriving Low- Income Kids Of The Education They Need To Succeed” By Championing The Cause Of Teachers Unions. “Sadly, teachers unions and much of the education establishment in America continues to fight against parental control of education. Mayor de Blasio, a protégé of Hillary Rodham Clinton, has taken up their cause, fighting to undercut school choice at every turn. While calling New York a tale of two cities, the mayor appears to be doing everything in his power to keep it that way — depriving low-income kids of the education they need to succeed.” [Jeb Bush op-ed, New York Post, 6/23/15] Jeb Bush Slammed Hillary Clinton For Standing By As Bill De Blasio “Attempted To Undermine The Benefits That The Success Academies And Other School-Choice Programs Have Provided To Low-Income Children.” “The families of New York City charter-school students have not taken this treatment lying down. They’ve rallied by the thousands under the slogan ‘don’t steal possible,’ and at their urging, Gov. Cuomo and the state Legislature passed a law guaranteeing charters rent-free access to unused public-school facilities. Yet these schools continue to face a constant barrage of political attacks and policies that constrain their growth. The Clintons, who have an outsize influence in New York politics, have largely stood by as Mayor de Blasio has attempted to undermine the benefits that the Success Academies and other school-choice programs have provided to low-income children. Will former Secretary Clinton continue to put the interests of the entrenched education establishment above the interests of kids in America?” [Jeb Bush op-ed, New York Post, 6/23/15] Jeb Bush “Will Former Secretary Clinton Continue To Put The Interests Of The Entrenched Education Establishment Above The Interests Of Kids In America?” [Jeb Bush op-ed, New York Post, 6/23/15] Income inequality Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here

[Q&A] Do you feel that your salary was too high? - There are some cases that CEO pay appears to be egregious - You have to let shareholders vote on it and you have to be transparent - That was the case for me - My pay was calculated based upon progress and success of the business - I don’t hear HRC ever saying baseball players or Hollywood moguls make too much Climate Change George Pataki: “The Notion Espoused By Some In My Party ... That The Pope Lacks Standing To Lend His Voice On The Issue Of Climate Change Is Absurd.” “One Republican candidate, former New York governor George Pataki, pushed back in a statement last week at GOP rivals. ‘The notion espoused by some in my party ... that the pope lacks standing to lend his voice on the issue of climate change is absurd. Further, to suggest there is a not a moral component to governance and public policy is equally absurd,’ Pataki said. However, he went on to say the Obama-Clinton approach to climate change has been a ‘disaster.’ He promised his own plan ‘in coming weeks.’” [Kathie Obradovich, Des Moines Register, 6/20/15] Charleston Shooting Trump Hit Back At The Hillary Clinton’s Remarks That His Rhetoric Could Lead To Racial Hatred Similar To What Was Seen During The Charleston Shooting, Claiming It Was “Totally Inappropriate For Mrs. Clinton To Exploit This Terrible Tragedy And Use It As An Opportunity To Attack Donald Trump.” “Clinton suggested Thursday that Trump’s comments about Mexicans, during his campaign announcement speech three days earlier, could incite racial hatred like that which led to white male Dylann Roof on Wednesday evening allegedly killing nine black people attending a bible study inside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Charleston, S.C….Mr. Trump believes that Hillary Clinton does not have any credibility when she blames words for violence. … It is totally inappropriate for Mrs. Clinton to exploit this terrible tragedy and use it as an opportunity to attack Donald Trump.” “The 21-year-old Roof had reportedly made racists remarks and threats of violence well before Trump’s speech. Trump responded on social media to Clinton’s apparent criticism of him. ‘Wow it’s pretty pathetic that Hillary Clinton just blamed me for the horrendous attack that took place in South Carolina,’ he said on Instagram. ‘This is why politicians are just no good. Our country is in trouble.’ Trump also post several responses Friday on his Facebook page and pointed out that he cancelled a campaign event in South Carolina. ‘Mr. Trump believes that Hillary Clinton has lost all credibility when she blames him for the horrible incident in South Carolina. Why would Mrs. Clinton attack Donald Trump for something that he has nothing to do with?’ he wrote in one post. ‘Mr. Trump continues to send his prayers and condolences to the people of South Carolina.’ He also wrote: ‘Mr. Trump believes that Hillary Clinton does not have any credibility when she blames words for violence. … It is totally inappropriate for Mrs. Clinton to exploit this terrible tragedy and use it as an opportunity to attack Donald Trump. She must be nervous about something.’” [Fox News, 6/21/15]