- What’s interesting to me when this tragedy occurred I made the comment that I thought it was a decision for the people of SC - I think it was inspiring to see Charleston come together in unity - There are many politicians who will use this to divide - The Democrats’ legacy is identity politics, dividing people and pitting them against each other - HRC is continuing Obama legacy of identity Gov. Bobby Jindal, Politics and Eggs 6/25/15 Video: here [beginning] -Today Obama and his apprentice in Chief HRC are trying to turn the American dream into socialism Gov. Bobby Jindal, Politics and Eggs 6/25/15 Video: here Q&A [beginning] You’ve been unbending in your critique of the ACA, how realistic is repeal? -It is very realistic. - People made it clear they don’t want the ACA. -The GOP should have voted on their alternative before the court ruled -HRC will be running for Obama’s third term Inevitability Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here [Q&A] Bernie has pulled close to HRC. Do you think another Democrat might get in? - Honestly I have no idea - I don’t know what those people are thinking - The probability of HRC being nominee is exceedingly high - We’ll see if I’m right about that Private emails Gov. Jeb Bush, Bill Bennett 6/23/15 Audio: here [03:10] Q – would like to hear from HRC If you’re in a position of responsibility like that you don’t have a private server where you’re conducting public business in a world where very sophisticated efforts to try to access information occurs on a daily basis Donald Trump, Fox News, The Real Story 6/25/15

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