Carly Fiorina, Faith and Freedom Road To Majority 6/20/15 Video: here [Beginning of speech] - HRC must not be POTUS because she is untrustworthy - Joke about man’s hormones clouding judgment Jeb Bush Criticized Hillary Clinton For Calling Post-King v. Burwell Reforms A “Hypothetical,” Told Reporter “She’s Doing The Rope A Dope On You.” “Here is what Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state and former New York U.S. senator, and Bush, a former Florida governor and former real estate developer, had to say in their own words:…DES MOINES REGISTER: What do you think is the best course of action if the Supreme Court strikes down federal health care subsidies in 34 states leaving millions without health insurance? I asked Hillary Clinton what she'd do for a fix and she said she's not going to answer a hypothetical. JEB BUSH:…‘ In the Burwell case, assume it was ruled unconstitutional, one of the possibilities would be to extend it for a period of time so as to get beyond the election and allow the election to be a place where people offer alternatives. And I would have one of those…‘Look, it's not a hypothetical. How's that a hypothetical? Court's going to rule on it in two weeks. She's doing the rope a dope on you.’” [Des Moines Register, 6/22/15] Doesn’t follow the rules George Pataki Signed A State Law That Closed Many Of The Loopholes For Would-Be Jurors To Dodge Their Duty. “[George] Pataki, who signed a state law that closed many of the loopholes for would- be jurors to dodge their duty, called the allegations about Trump disappointing. ‘Sadly, this is the exact same attitude of politicians like Hillary Clinton and the Washington insiders who consistently put themselves above the laws the rest of Americans respect,’ said Pataki spokesman David Catalfamo. ‘The American people are fed up with the rich, powerful and connected picking and choosing what laws apply to them.’ Pataki memorably appeared at the Putnan County courthouse for jury dury while governor in 1997.” [New York Daily News, 6/21/15] Third Obama Term Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Is HRC a third term of Obama? - Yes, at least - She is doubling down and would go further Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox America’s Newsroom 6/24/15 Video: here [03:40] I worry about what this president and Hillary Clinton are trying to do to America. Carly Fiorina, Laura Ingraham 6/24/15 Audio: here [beginning] Confederate flag

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