Walker: Obama’s Inability To Defend Our Networks From Chinese Attacks Is Another Example Of His And Clinton’s Weakness Toward China. “As he prepares to launch his presidential bid, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Tuesday the United States ‘must forcefully raise concerns’ with China about cyber attacks … ‘President (Barack) Obama’s inability to defend our networks from these attacks, despite spending $12.7 billion on cybersecurity last year, is yet another example of his and Secretary (Hillary) Clinton’s weakness toward China.’ He also said the United States ‘must press China to cease its provocations in the South China Sea and support the rights of its people.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/23/15] Accomplishments as Secretary Gov. Jeb Bush, Hillsborough GOP Dinner 6/19/15 Video: Here Need to reengage with the rest of the world, no such thing as fortress America, Obama, Clinton, Kerry the first ones to believe america’s presence not a force for good Friends don’t think we have our back, enemies don’t fear us, pointing to china island in south china sea, Russia moving at will in Baltics, isis in Iraq Less safe when we pull back, next president needs to restore america’s presence, consistency, leadership in world On Hillary “I can’t think of anything” “what has she done as secretary of state” Blames reset, Libya on Hillary as leading to less safe world Jeb Bush Blasted Hillary Clinton’s Record, Arguing “What Has She Done As Secretary Of State? I Can't Think Of Anything…She Can't Think Of Anything, Better Yet.” “For the most part, Bush strayed from attacks on his Republican rivals, instead emphasizing his own experience. He saved time, though, for several shots at Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and her record at the State Department. ‘What has she done as secretary of state? I can't think of anything,’ Bush said. ‘She can't think of anything, better yet.’” [Tampa Bay Times, 6/19/15] Ideas of the Past Gov. Scott Walker, Facebook 6/20/15 https://www.facebook.com/scottkwalker/photos/a.350768045404.346120.138492335404/1015565626557 5405/?type=1&theater A week ago, Hillary Clinton quoted the Beatles song "Yesterday" (which actually came out a few years before I was born) Trustworthiness Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 1 Do you think HRC is honest and trustworthy? - No, I don't - It's entirely legitimate to question - It's more productive to be training my fire on HRC

Attacks on Clinton 6/26/15 - Page 5 Attacks on Clinton 6/26/15 Page 4 Page 6