Energy Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here [Q&A] Do you think nuclear should be a part of solution? - Absolutely - We ought to be leaders in all energy sources - HRC talks about being champion for middle class but her energy policies will raise energy costs, yet another example of hypocrisy - Being a leader in energy would help keep bad actors in check, ex: Putin LGBT issues Gov. Bobby Jindal, Clive, IA Periscope 6/26/15 Video: here -Supports a constitutional amendment overturning SSM decision -Unlike Obama and HRC my views on this are not evolving -Says he has gay friends and would say the same things to them Education Jeb Bush Accused Bill De Blasio, “A Protégé Of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” For “Depriving Low- Income Kids Of The Education They Need To Succeed” By Championing The Cause Of Teachers Unions. “Sadly, teachers unions and much of the education establishment in America continues to fight against parental control of education. Mayor de Blasio, a protégé of Hillary Rodham Clinton, has taken up their cause, fighting to undercut school choice at every turn. While calling New York a tale of two cities, the mayor appears to be doing everything in his power to keep it that way — depriving low-income kids of the education they need to succeed.” [Jeb Bush op-ed, New York Post, 6/23/15] Jeb Bush Slammed Hillary Clinton For Standing By As Bill De Blasio “Attempted To Undermine The Benefits That The Success Academies And Other School-Choice Programs Have Provided To Low-Income Children.” “The families of New York City charter-school students have not taken this treatment lying down. They’ve rallied by the thousands under the slogan ‘don’t steal possible,’ and at their urging, Gov. Cuomo and the state Legislature passed a law guaranteeing charters rent-free access to unused public-school facilities. Yet these schools continue to face a constant barrage of political attacks and policies that constrain their growth. The Clintons, who have an outsize influence in New York politics, have largely stood by as Mayor de Blasio has attempted to undermine the benefits that the Success Academies and other school-choice programs have provided to low-income children. Will former Secretary Clinton continue to put the interests of the entrenched education establishment above the interests of kids in America?” [Jeb Bush op-ed, New York Post, 6/23/15] Jeb Bush “Will Former Secretary Clinton Continue To Put The Interests Of The Entrenched Education Establishment Above The Interests Of Kids In America?” [Jeb Bush op-ed, New York Post, 6/23/15] Income inequality Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here

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