Foreign Policy Carly Fiorina, Real Clear Politics in CO 6/26/15 Video: Here [Q&A] Bernie has pulled close to HRC. Do you think another Democrat might get in? - Honestly I have no idea - I don’t know what those people are thinking - The probability of HRC being nominee is exceedingly high - We’ll see if I’m right about that - Today we had 3 coordinated terrorist attacks in 3 nations for which ISIS took responsibility - Innocents were slaughtered, it’s an example of pivotal moment we’re at - It’s vitally important that we have a discussion about how America must lead in the world - I will remind you that HRC has been wrong on so many of these issues - Ex: declaring victory in Iraq, calling Assad a positive reformer, reset button for Putin - On Day 1 I would call my good friend Bibi and Supreme Leader of Iran, I would take action against Putin, and hold Camp David summit for Arab allies - The U.S. is not leading and we saw that today Carly Fiorina, Fox News Hannity 6/25/15 Video: Part 2 If we hadn't pulled out of Iraq: - Of course that's the question - Someone should be asking HRC - Degradation is result of precipitous withdrawal - Allies are saying we can't count on the U.S. - On Day 1 I would call Bibi and Supreme Leader of Iran - Iran is never going to agree to nuclear deal unless there is consistent pressure which this administration is unwilling to exert Sen. Rand Paul, CBN The Brody File 6/22/15 Video: here [00:45] History has proven that always intervening in the Middle East leads us to unfortunate consequences, for example Hillary’s war in Libya. We had chaos, rise of radical Islam, Libya is now a failed state. Are we better off now with Qadhafi gone or would we have been better not going in in the first place? Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here Sec Clinton has got it wrong by ignoring our allies Gov. Bobby Jindal, Announcement 6/24/15 Video: here [towards end]

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