Attacks on Clinton 7/2/15

ATTACKS ON SEC CLINTON 7-2-15 Summary  Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton would be an Obama third term, with Carly Fiorina saying she has already doubled down on Obama’s “failed” policies.  Bobby Jindal accused Secretary Clinton of saying pro-life people had to change their beliefs, and accused her of trying to “silence” religious individuals and of mounting an “all-out assault on religious freedom.”  Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton’s “fingerprints [were] all over” Obama’s foreign policy, and asked what her position on Cuba was.  Chris Christie warned against turning the presidency over to Secretary Clinton because she was Obama’s “second mate.”  Carly Fiorina said Clinton has no track record of accomplishment and Scott Walker implied she had not accomplished anything.  Chris Christie criticized Clinton’s Russia ‘reset’ button.  Carly Fiorina hit Secretary Clinton over Benghazi extensively and said the GOP nominee would need to go after Clinton on Benghazi.  Bobby Jindal said with Secretary Clinton in charge, the U.S. economy would go the way of Greece, as Clinton wants us to go “further down the road of socialism.”  Mike Huckabee said Clinton’s evolution on same-sex marriage was an example of following instead of leading.  Bobby Jindal criticized Clinton of “evolving with the polls” on marriage.  Carly Fiorina said Secretary Clinton lacked transparency.  Lindsey Graham said it was easier to get an interview with a Middle Eastern leader than with Secretary Clinton.  Jeb Bush accused Clinton of hiding in an invitation-only “cocoon” instead of interacting with a wide audience.  Bobby Jindal hit Clinton over her private server and said Russia and China could have accessed her emails, as did Scott Walker.  Ted Cruz said Clinton’s private email server was a security risk and that DOJ should investigate her.  Bobby Jindal accused Clinton of hiding and destroying the private emails she didn’t want the public to see, and accused her of dishonesty and breaching national security.  Ted Cruz hit Clinton over Clinton Foundation foreign donors and speaking fees received by Bill Clinton.  Scott Walker called foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary Clinton served at State a “conflict of interest.”  Jeb Bush mocked high speaking fees for the Clintons and joked that he earned less for an appearance than Chelsea Clinton.  Rand Paul accused the Clintons of proudly presiding over mass incarceration instead of alleviating poverty and reducing crime.  Scott Walker implied that Secretary Clinton was “name from the past.”  Scott Walker called Secretary Clinton “out of touch.”  Scott Walker implied that Secretary Clinton was divisive.  Carly Fiorina said that Clinton lacked a “track record of leadership.”  Scott Walker said that Secretary Clinton “embodies Washington.”  Rand Paul claimed he was best positioned to beat Secretary Clinton.  Rand Paul hit Secretary Clinton for being “bad on privacy” and supporting NSA’s bulk collection program.  Lindsey Graham said Secretary Clinton would embrace the Affordable Care Act as a third Obama term.  Lindsey Graham criticized Secretary Clinton over the hypothetical Supreme Court nominations she would make as president.  Carly Fiorina mocked Secretary Clinton for wanting to “run on being a grandmother and coloring her hair.”  Chris Christie said Secretary Clinton “shouldn’t be president” and said Bill Clinton was “charming” and “an okay president.” Obama Third Term Carly Fiorina, Ingraham Angle [guest host Betsy McCaughey] 7/2/15 Audio: here [02:50]

HRC has doubled down on Obama policies Sen. Lindsey Graham, DMR editorial board 7/1/15 Video: here [1:15:15] What are HRC’s biggest weaknesses -Third term of Obama. She represents a failed presidency -Never did anything big and bold -She needs to take on Sanders -She needs to show leadership -Easier to get an interview with Middle Eastern leaders than her Religious Liberty Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox Special Report, 6/29/15 Video here [beginning] Reaction to SCOTUS -HRC said those of us, who are pro-life, need to change our beliefs, my beliefs are between me and god -I'm a Christian and a conservative. We have a bigger issue in terms of where the culture is moving. Unlike Hillary Clinton and president Obama, my beliefs aren't evolving with the polls when it comes to marriage. Gov. Bobby Jindal, NBC Meet the Press 6/28/15 Video: here >> how quickly do you think you'll comply with the law? >> it will be up to the court as soon as they issue their ruling. i suspect a matter of days. chuck, i do suspect -- i know there are efforts in congress to support our tenth amendment rights, spes rights, especially when it comes to our rights. i think it is wrong for the federal government to force christian individuals, businesses, pastors, churches, to participate in wedding ceremonies that violate our sincerely sincerely-held religious beliefs. the left wants to silence us. hillary clinton wants to silence us. we're not going away. >> the issue of religion and faith was used in the '60s during the debate about interracial marriage. none other than former president harry truman, "the new york times" since september 1, 1963. the headline, truman opposes biracial marriage. he said racial intermarriage ran counter to teachings of the bible. so, are you comfortable using religion as a way to defend your position on marriage? >> chuck, look, i think it's offensive to -- of evangelical christians, catholics to follow their church's teachings and millions of other americans who believe marriage between a man and woman was taught in our faiths for centuries. president obama and secretary clinton, it wasn't just a republican position. so, i think it's offensive to try to equate the two. Gov. Bobby Jindal, The Hill, 6/26/15 “He also argued that protecting same-sex marriage would open the door to discrimination against people of faith who oppose its practice. ‘Hillary Clinton and the Left will now mount an all-out assault on religious freedom guaranteed in the first amendment,’ Jindal said of the Democratic 2016 front-runner. ‘Regardless of your views on marriage, all freedom- loving people must pledge to respect our first amendment rights,’ he added. Clinton praised the Supreme Court's landmark decision on Twitter Friday morning.” Foreign Policy Sen. Lindsey Graham, DMR editorial board 7/1/15

Video: here [46:30] -HRC will be the third term on Obama, she will embrace the ACA. She has her fingerprints all over this POTUS foreign policy. Where is she at on Cuba? Gov. Chris Christie, Presidential Announcement, 6/30/15 Video here. [21:40] After seven years of a week and feckless foreign policy run by Barack Obama, we better not turn it over to his second mate, Hillary Clinton. Accomplishments as Secretary Carly Fiorina, Ingraham Angle [guest host Betsy McCaughey] 7/2/15 Audio: here [02:50] HRC doesn’t have a track record of accomplishment, does have lack of transparency, Benghazi, Blumenthal HRC has doubled down on Obama policies Gov. Chris Christie, NH Town Hall, 6/30/15 Video here Leadership is when you don’t hesitate when people look to you. Whether it’s appointing panel members to make right healthcare decisions or the right Secretary of State who won’t hit reset button with Russia or head of VA Gov. Scott Walker, Washington Times – Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Asked how he would defeat Ms. Clinton, Mr. Walker cited three reasons: “If we’re going to beat a name from the past, we’re going to need a name from the future,” in an apparent jab at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whose brother and father have served as president. “If we’re going to beat somebody who embodies Washington … we need someone who is the anti-Washington,” Mr. Walker said. He also said that unlike Mrs. Clinton, “we’ve actually done something.” Benghazi Carly Fiorina, Hugh Hewitt Show, 7/1/15 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina argued “we’d better have a nominee next summer” who will “drive Benghazi “over and over and over in the debates” on Tuesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.” After she was asked, “Is there a cover-up underway that Mrs. Clinton is a part of?” Regarding Benghazi, Fiorina responded, “Well, it certainly looks that way, doesn’t it?” Fiorina added, “I mean, it certainly appears that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama, knew immediately that these were terrorist attacks, that they had been pre-planned, that this was not a casual demonstration. And yet, both of them, including Mrs. Clinton, stood over coffins, and told the American people, for

many weeks following that, that this was a demonstration, that we couldn’t have predicted this. And later, of course, Mrs. Clinton said to a Congressional hearing, what possible difference could it make why or how these Americans were murdered. It’s stunning. And yet we also know, Hugh, I will remind you and all of your listeners we really thought in 2012 that Benghazi was going to be Obama’s great Achilles’ heel in the 2012 election. It turned out not to be the case. And it wasn’t the case, because unfortunately, our nominee, a good man, he would have made a fine president, but our nominee wouldn’t drive the point home, which is why no matter how bad Benghazi looks now, we’d better have a nominee next summer who will drive this point home over and over and over in the debates, because otherwise, I fear Mrs. Clinton will get away with Benghazi just as President Obama did.” Economy Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox Special Report, 6/29/15 Video: here [00:35] What can we do to avoid becoming Greece? – We're going to be on the same path with president Obama and Hillary Clinton in this country. We have no plan to pay off the debt or balance the budget. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Press Release (Greek Economy) 6/29/15 Governor Jindal said, “Every American should pay close attention to the economic collapse that is occurring in Greece. People’s savings are wiped out, banks are shuttered, ATM’s are out of mone y, and there is nowhere to turn. “T his is the American future if we continue going down the road that President Obama has us on, and that Hillary Clinton wants to continue and even accelerate. … “Greece is now coming to the pot of gold that awaits at the end of the socialist rainbow, and Hillary Clinton pledges to take America further down the road to socialism. Marriage Equality Mike Huckabee, YouTube Campaign Video, 6/30/15 Video here Criticized President Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, for changing their minds and embracing same-sex marriage. “Do you want a president who follows? Or do you want a president who leads?” Gov. Bobby Jindal, Fox Special Report, 6/29/15 Video here [beginning] Reaction to SCOTUS -HRC said those of us, who are pro-life, need to change our beliefs, my beliefs are between me and god -I'm a Christian and a conservative. We have a bigger issue in terms of where the culture is moving. Unlike Hillary Clinton and president Obama, my beliefs aren't evolving with the polls when it comes to marriage. Gov. Bobby Jindal, NBC Meet the Press 6/28/15 Video: here >> i want you to respond because you bring up a couple of debate points that are familiar. rick grinell, long time conservative foreign policy voice, worked in the bush administration. and he makes a conservative case for safe him sex marriage writing this, the debate on marriage within the republican party has been hijacked by those who wish to dictate their beliefs onto others.

the only true conservative position, the individual right of marriage for all has been affirmed by the supreme court. it's time for consistent conservatives to come out in favor of the court's ruling. that's a conservative argument for same-sex marriage. why do you believe he's wrong? look, i think he's wrong, hillary clinton, president obama is wrong. they evolve their views because of opinion polls. they can read opinion polls like the supreme court. my view of marriage is based on my christian faith Dodging questions / Trust Carly Fiorina, Ingraham Angle [guest host Betsy McCaughey] 7/2/15 Audio: here [02:50] HRC doesn’t have a track record of accomplishment, does have lack of transparency, Benghazi, Blumenthal Sen. Lindsey Graham, DMR editorial board 7/1/15 Video: here [1:15:15] What are HRC’s biggest weaknesses -Third term of Obama. She represents a failed presidency -Never did anything big and bold -She needs to take on Sanders -She needs to show leadership -Easier to get an interview with Middle Eastern leaders than her Jeb Bush, Bloomberg 6/29/15 “During Bush’s earlier remarks in the gym, he’d said that his campaign strategy was to go everywhere, answer every question, and say the same thing in every venue, too, instead of tailoring his message to please this or that audience or staying inside what he suggested was his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s cozy, invitation-only cocoon.” Carly Fiorina, Washington Times, 6/28/15 DENVER — Ben Carson repeated Sunday as the winner of the Western Conservative Summit’s Republican presidential straw poll, but Carly Fiorina stole the show. … Nobody needed reminding that Ms. Fiorina is the only female Republican presidential candidate at a time when Hillary Rodham Clinton, the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic nomination, is casting her candidacy as a historic opportunity to put a woman in the White House. “Hillary Clinton must not be president of these United States, but not because she’s a woman,” Ms. Fiorina said. “Hillary Clinton must not be president of these United States because she lacks a track record of leadership, because she is not transparent, and because her policies are bad for the people of this nation.” Private Server / Email Gov. Bobby Jindal, KWQC-DAV (NBC), 7/1/15 Video here

... the state department has released nearly two-thousand of hillary clinton's e-mails from her time as secretary of state. earlier this year it was revealed that clinton used a personal e-mail account instead of a government account while in office. louisiana governor, and presidential candidate bobby jindal spoke about the emails yesterday at a fundraising event in waukee, iowa. he says clintons use of a personal email account is now putting the u-s at a disadvantage. (jindal) by putting emails on her own server, china and russia have access to those emails. america may be the last super power to see those emails. hackers may have them. it's ridiculous that we may have to ask them to see those emails. ... Gov. Scott Walker, CNN - Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Speaking in Denver at the Western Conservatives Summit on Saturday, the Wisconsin governor spelled out his criteria for judges and weighed in on the religious liberty debate. … In his remarks, Walker also went after Hillary Clinton for using a private email server while she was secretary of state -- a topic of renewed attention after the recent security breach at the Office of Personnel Management that compromised the personal data of an estimated 18 million current, former and prospective federal employees. "This is funny and I wish it wasn't funny," Walker said, jokingly. "But it's probably true today that China and maybe even Russia probably know more about what was on Hillary Clinton's server than do members of the ... United State Congress." He argued any "high school freshman taking an ethics course" could recognize that the Clinton Foundation's acceptance of donations from foreign governments while she was serving as secretary of state was a "conflict of interest." "Hillary Clinton is woefully out of touch with mainstream America," he said. Asked how Republicans can beat Clinton in the general election, Walker -- who recently said he'll announce his 2016 decision the week of July 13 -- repeated a line that he used earlier this year that's also viewed as a knock against Jeb Bush. "If we're going to beat a name from the past, we need a name from the future -- not a name from the past," he said. Sen. Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Radio Interview, 7/1/15 Video here Says Clinton’s private email server was a security risk. Rhetorically asks what does it say about the rule of law when there is not a prayer that anyone at the DOJ will begin investigating Hillary Clinton. … Says a Senate resolution calling for an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email is “worth considering”. Suggests he may introduce it Gov. Bobby Jindal, Press Release & Twitter, 6/30/15 mails/ JINDAL: Sec. Clinton Breached National Security, U.S. Only Superpower Not Seeing Sec. Clinton’s E-mails

WEST DES MOINES, IA – Governor Bobby Jindal said Secretary Hillary Clinton has “created a major breach of national security” by hiding her e-mails on a personal server and that the United States may be the only superpower in the world who hasn’t seen the Secretary’s e-mails. Governor Jindal said, “Today the State Department plans to release more of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails from her private server. Every time this happens, it gets treated as breaking news. But there are two very important things in this continuing drama that are routinely overlooked. “First, the American public is only getting the emails that Hillary Clinton herself is allowing us to see. She has already edited the e-mails, and has already destroyed the ones she did not want us to see, which makes the whole thing a meaningless charade. “Secondly, and far more importantly, by choosing to use her own server in her own house she created a major breach of national security. Everyone seems to focus on the dishonesty, the lack of transparency, and the fact that she destroyed all these records. But those are standard practices for the Clintons. “The real issue is that while the American people will never see these emails, it is likely that the Russians and the Chinese already have all of them. This is the real consequence of having a Secretary of State who unlawfully chose to conduct America’s foreign policy business on her own private email system. “If the Congressional leaders really want to see all of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, they would have a better chance of getting them from the hackers working for foreign governments. We are likely the only superpower in the world that will never see Hillary Clinton’s e-mails.” Gov. Bobby Jindal, Twitter 6/30/15

Gov. Bobby Jindal, Twitter 6/30/15 Gov. Bobby Jindal, Twitter 6/30/15 Clinton Foundation Sen. Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Radio Interview, 7/1/15 Video here

Says while she was Secretary of State, her foundation received donations from foreign nations and Bill Clinton received money for speaking fees. Says if it were a Republican Secretary of State, there would be a criminal investigation. Says a Senate resolution calling for an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email is “worth considering”. Suggests he may introduce it Gov. Scott Walker, CNN - Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Speaking in Denver at the Western Conservatives Summit on Saturday, the Wisconsin governor spelled out his criteria for judges and weighed in on the religious liberty debate. … He argued any "high school freshman taking an ethics course" could recognize that the Clinton Foundation's acceptance of donations from foreign governments while she was serving as secretary of state was a "conflict of interest." Speaking Fees Sen. Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Radio Interview, 7/1/15 Video here Says while she was Secretary of State, her foundation received donations from foreign nations and Bill Clinton received money for speaking fees. Says if it were a Republican Secretary of State, there would be a criminal investigation. Says a Senate resolution calling for an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email is “worth considering”. Suggests he may introduce it Gov. Jeb Bush, Bloomberg Politics, 6/30/15 show Asked whether the speaking fees and seven-figure payments disconnected him from most Americans, Bush said the appearances put him in front of people from “every sector of life.” “I talked to a lot of people that have added a lot of value in my life,” Bush said, adding that he was mostly talking to community and business leaders. “I made less than Chelsea Clinton,” Bush joked, referring to a Washington Post report Tuesday that the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, earned $65,000 for an appearance this year at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. “I’m not even on the third team of the Clintons,” Bush said. Chelsea

Gov. Jeb Bush, Bloomberg Politics, 6/30/15 show Asked whether the speaking fees and seven-figure payments disconnected him from most Americans, Bush said the appearances put him in front of people from “every sector of life.” “I talked to a lot of people that have added a lot of value in my life,” Bush said, adding that he was mostly talking to community and business leaders. “I made less than Chelsea Clinton,” Bush joked, referring to a Washington Post report Tuesday that the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, earned $65,000 for an appearance this year at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. “I’m not even on the third team of the Clintons,” Bush said. Criminal Justice Sen. Rand Paul, BuzzFeed, 6/26/15 incarce#.hn9MEOZ1x On Mass Incarceration: Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul said Thursday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are “proud” to have presided “over the incarceration of a whole generation of young black men” in comments singling out mass incarceration as “the new Jim Crow.” … “And so Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, they were all proud to do this,” said Paul. “But now that I’ve been speaking out and saying that mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow, now all of a sudden the Clintons are saying, ‘oh wait a minute, we are going to be back on the other side of this issue right now.’” … “And I hate to tell you this, but someone from the Democrat National Committee is listening to our radio interview right now and they are looking for ways to attack me, because they see me as a threat to Hillary Clinton, because I’m going to the south side of Chicago, I’m going to the inner city of Philadelphia, I’m going to Baltimore, I’m going to Ferguson, and I’m saying, what have the Democrats done for you? What have they done to alleviate poverty? What have they done for crime? What have they done for the young men in your community and you know why? It’s starting to gain traction, and that is why we lead her in several states that Obama won.” Ideas of the Past Gov. Scott Walker, CNN - Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Speaking in Denver at the Western Conservatives Summit on Saturday, the Wisconsin governor spelled out his criteria for judges and weighed in on the religious liberty debate. … "If we're going to beat a name from the past, we need a name from the future -- not a name from the past," he said. Out of touch Gov. Scott Walker, CNN - Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Speaking in Denver at the Western Conservatives Summit on Saturday, the Wisconsin governor spelled out his criteria for judges and weighed in on the religious liberty debate. … "Hillary Clinton is woefully out of touch with mainstream America," he said. Divisive Gov. Scott Walker, Radio Show: Boston Herald Drive, 6/17/15 Audio here pit/article_d8c02d06-a1e3-5b3f-86e2-de43e4101542.html Attacks Her On Equal Pay: Scott Walker: Hillary Clinton Uses Equal Pay advocacy To ‘Pit One Group of Americans Versus Another’ June 24, 2015 10:30 am • By Molly Beck | Wisconsin State Journal Hillary Clinton’s support for legislation that would address a disparity between what men and women earn is a political tactic to “pit one group of Americans versus another,” Gov. Scott Walker said last week. Walker’s comments were made June 17 on the radio show “Boston Herald Drive” in Boston and published online by the liberal blog Right Wing Watch on Tuesday. In the 22-minute interview, radio host Adriana Cohen asked Walker to weigh in on Clinton advocating for equal pay legislation after a disputed report was released indicating women on Clinton’s former New York U.S. Senate staff were paid less than men working for her. “I think it’s part of that amazing double standard,” Walker replied. “But I think even a bigger issue than that. And this is sadly something that would make her consistent with the president, and that is I believe that the president and now Hillary Clinton tend to think that politically, they do better if they pit one group of Americans versus another.” Walker said the focus, rather, should be on ensuring all Americans have the skills and qualifications “they need to succeed in life.” When asked to clarify which groups Walker was referring to, AshLee Strong, spokeswoman for Walker’s political nonprofit Our American Revival, said Wednesday that Walker “was addressing the overall point” that Democrats like Obama and

Clinton are again “being divisive on an important issue instead of working to provide solutions for Americans” and that Walker “fully supports equal pay for equal work.” Walker also said Clinton and other Democrats measure success by how many people are dependent on the government, reiterating a common refrain he uses in stump speeches across the country. Walker is expected to announce next month a bid for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. Clinton, expected to be the Democratic presidential nominee, has already begun criticizing GOP hopefuls on equal pay — pointing to comments Walker made when he signed a bill in 2012 that repealed Wisconsin’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed lawsuits alleging claims of unequal pay to be filed in state court instead of only in federal court. At the time, Walker called debate over the repeal “a bogus issue.” “You gotta push back,” he said when asked about Clinton’s criticism. “I ran against someone by the name of Mary Burke last (election). We had some of the same sorts of attacks out there.” During her campaign to unseat Walker as governor in 2014, Burke hammered Walker on the repeal, saying it left women without equal pay protections in Wisconsin. In the interview, Walker emphasized he supports the state’s Fair Employment Act. “The law that I signed a repeal on was a law that was really just a handout to the trial attorneys,” he said. “It technically had never been used because the law that’s already in place, that’s still in place today — a law that I support — says it’s illegal to discriminate in employment based on sex just as it is on race and other categories.” Leadership Carly Fiorina, Washington Times, 6/28/15 DENVER — Ben Carson repeated Sunday as the winner of the Western Conservative Summit’s Republican presidential straw poll, but Carly Fiorina stole the show. … Nobody needed reminding that Ms. Fiorina is the only female Republican presidential candidate at a time when Hillary Rodham Clinton, the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic nomination, is casting her candidacy as a historic opportunity to put a woman in the White House. “Hillary Clinton must not be president of these United States, but not because she’s a woman,” Ms. Fiorina said. “Hillary Clinton must not be president of these United States because she lacks a track record of leadership, because she is not transparent, and because her policies are bad for the people of this nation.” Washington politician Gov. Scott Walker, Washington Times – Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Asked how he would defeat Ms. Clinton, Mr. Walker cited three reasons: “If we’re going to beat a name from the past, we’re going to need a name from the future,” in an apparent jab at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whose brother and father have served as president. “If we’re going to beat somebody who embodies Washington … we need someone who is the anti-Washington,” Mr. Walker said. He also said that unlike Mrs. Clinton, “we’ve actually done something.” Campaign Sen. Rand Paul, Campaign Fundraising E-Mail, 6/30/15

Fellow Conservative, This is urgent. Rand asked me to email you right away about the deadline to reach $1 million raised for his End of Quarter Money Bomb. The media has tried to destroy his candidacy from day one because they see the polls that show him as the Republican best positioned to defeat Hillary Clinton. So they are trying to push the story that the choices in 2016 are "inevitable." Can he count on you to chip in a contribution of $20.16 before the deadline? A strong fundraising report will put the political world on notice that the conservative grassroots have the final say on who our party nominates. And there are less than 8 hours until the deadline! Time is running out so please chip in a contribution of $20.16 right away. … In Liberty, Liz NSA / Bulk Collection Sen. Rand Paul, Event in Colorado, 6/30/15 - Hitting HRC, Jeb Bush for being bad on privacy, supporting bulk collection Healthcare Sen. Lindsey Graham, DMR editorial board 7/1/15 Video: here [46:30] -HRC will be the third term on Obama, she will embrace the ACA. She has her fingerprints all over this POTUS foreign policy. Where is she at on Cuba? Supreme Court Sen. Lindsey Graham, DMR editorial board 7/1/15

Video: here [1:06:00] On picking SCOTUS Judges -HRC would pick judges we don’t like -HRC picking a judge would be a huge deal -I would pick qualified people who think for themselves Running as woman Carly Fiorina, Ingraham Angle [guest host Betsy McCaughey] 7/2/15 Audio: here [02:50] HRC wants to run on being the first woman president HRC wants to run on being a grandmother and coloring her hair General Gov. Chris Christie, Hannity, 6/30/15 Video here [03:18] What comes to mind? Paul: dangerous for natsec Bush: good man Cruz: very bright Rubio: good man Trump: friend Fiorina: smart Carson: tough Kasich: good friend Obama: failed president HRC: shouldn’t be president Bill Clinton: charming, okay president