Video: here [1:06:00] On picking SCOTUS Judges -HRC would pick judges we don’t like -HRC picking a judge would be a huge deal -I would pick qualified people who think for themselves Running as woman Carly Fiorina, Ingraham Angle [guest host Betsy McCaughey] 7/2/15 Audio: here [02:50] HRC wants to run on being the first woman president HRC wants to run on being a grandmother and coloring her hair General Gov. Chris Christie, Hannity, 6/30/15 Video here [03:18] What comes to mind? Paul: dangerous for natsec Bush: good man Cruz: very bright Rubio: good man Trump: friend Fiorina: smart Carson: tough Kasich: good friend Obama: failed president HRC: shouldn’t be president Bill Clinton: charming, okay president