Gov. Jeb Bush, Bloomberg Politics, 6/30/15 show Asked whether the speaking fees and seven-figure payments disconnected him from most Americans, Bush said the appearances put him in front of people from “every sector of life.” “I talked to a lot of people that have added a lot of value in my life,” Bush said, adding that he was mostly talking to community and business leaders. “I made less than Chelsea Clinton,” Bush joked, referring to a Washington Post report Tuesday that the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, earned $65,000 for an appearance this year at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. “I’m not even on the third team of the Clintons,” Bush said. Criminal Justice Sen. Rand Paul, BuzzFeed, 6/26/15 incarce#.hn9MEOZ1x On Mass Incarceration: Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul said Thursday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are “proud” to have presided “over the incarceration of a whole generation of young black men” in comments singling out mass incarceration as “the new Jim Crow.” … “And so Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, they were all proud to do this,” said Paul. “But now that I’ve been speaking out and saying that mass incarceration is the new Jim Crow, now all of a sudden the Clintons are saying, ‘oh wait a minute, we are going to be back on the other side of this issue right now.’” … “And I hate to tell you this, but someone from the Democrat National Committee is listening to our radio interview right now and they are looking for ways to attack me, because they see me as a threat to Hillary Clinton, because I’m going to the south side of Chicago, I’m going to the inner city of Philadelphia, I’m going to Baltimore, I’m going to Ferguson, and I’m saying, what have the Democrats done for you? What have they done to alleviate poverty? What have they done for crime? What have they done for the young men in your community and you know why? It’s starting to gain traction, and that is why we lead her in several states that Obama won.” Ideas of the Past Gov. Scott Walker, CNN - Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here