Says while she was Secretary of State, her foundation received donations from foreign nations and Bill Clinton received money for speaking fees. Says if it were a Republican Secretary of State, there would be a criminal investigation. Says a Senate resolution calling for an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email is “worth considering”. Suggests he may introduce it Gov. Scott Walker, CNN - Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Speaking in Denver at the Western Conservatives Summit on Saturday, the Wisconsin governor spelled out his criteria for judges and weighed in on the religious liberty debate. … He argued any "high school freshman taking an ethics course" could recognize that the Clinton Foundation's acceptance of donations from foreign governments while she was serving as secretary of state was a "conflict of interest." Speaking Fees Sen. Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt Radio Interview, 7/1/15 Video here Says while she was Secretary of State, her foundation received donations from foreign nations and Bill Clinton received money for speaking fees. Says if it were a Republican Secretary of State, there would be a criminal investigation. Says a Senate resolution calling for an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email is “worth considering”. Suggests he may introduce it Gov. Jeb Bush, Bloomberg Politics, 6/30/15 show Asked whether the speaking fees and seven-figure payments disconnected him from most Americans, Bush said the appearances put him in front of people from “every sector of life.” “I talked to a lot of people that have added a lot of value in my life,” Bush said, adding that he was mostly talking to community and business leaders. “I made less than Chelsea Clinton,” Bush joked, referring to a Washington Post report Tuesday that the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, earned $65,000 for an appearance this year at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. “I’m not even on the third team of the Clintons,” Bush said. Chelsea