Clinton are again “being divisive on an important issue instead of working to provide solutions for Americans” and that Walker “fully supports equal pay for equal work.” Walker also said Clinton and other Democrats measure success by how many people are dependent on the government, reiterating a common refrain he uses in stump speeches across the country. Walker is expected to announce next month a bid for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. Clinton, expected to be the Democratic presidential nominee, has already begun criticizing GOP hopefuls on equal pay — pointing to comments Walker made when he signed a bill in 2012 that repealed Wisconsin’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed lawsuits alleging claims of unequal pay to be filed in state court instead of only in federal court. At the time, Walker called debate over the repeal “a bogus issue.” “You gotta push back,” he said when asked about Clinton’s criticism. “I ran against someone by the name of Mary Burke last (election). We had some of the same sorts of attacks out there.” During her campaign to unseat Walker as governor in 2014, Burke hammered Walker on the repeal, saying it left women without equal pay protections in Wisconsin. In the interview, Walker emphasized he supports the state’s Fair Employment Act. “The law that I signed a repeal on was a law that was really just a handout to the trial attorneys,” he said. “It technically had never been used because the law that’s already in place, that’s still in place today — a law that I support — says it’s illegal to discriminate in employment based on sex just as it is on race and other categories.” Leadership Carly Fiorina, Washington Times, 6/28/15 DENVER — Ben Carson repeated Sunday as the winner of the Western Conservative Summit’s Republican presidential straw poll, but Carly Fiorina stole the show. … Nobody needed reminding that Ms. Fiorina is the only female Republican presidential candidate at a time when Hillary Rodham Clinton, the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic nomination, is casting her candidacy as a historic opportunity to put a woman in the White House. “Hillary Clinton must not be president of these United States, but not because she’s a woman,” Ms. Fiorina said. “Hillary Clinton must not be president of these United States because she lacks a track record of leadership, because she is not transparent, and because her policies are bad for the people of this nation.” Washington politician Gov. Scott Walker, Washington Times – Western Conservative Summit, 6/28/15 Video here Asked how he would defeat Ms. Clinton, Mr. Walker cited three reasons: “If we’re going to beat a name from the past, we’re going to need a name from the future,” in an apparent jab at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whose brother and father have served as president. “If we’re going to beat somebody who embodies Washington … we need someone who is the anti-Washington,” Mr. Walker said. He also said that unlike Mrs. Clinton, “we’ve actually done something.” Campaign Sen. Rand Paul, Campaign Fundraising E-Mail, 6/30/15