Clintons PFD 2002

UNITED STAI _-SSENATE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT : FOR ANNUAL AND TERMINATION REPORTS , , , , , , Last Name FirstName andM dde ntal Annua Report : SenateOffice,/,AgencynwhchEmpoyed f_._l_=nd_r Y_=_r _..nu_=r==d hv I_=nnrt" CLINTON HILLARY RODHAM 2002 U.S. SENATE SenateOfficeAddress(Number,Street City,State, andZ PCode) SenateOfficeTelephoneNumber TerminationReport •PriorOffice/Agency nwhchEmpoyed " ' ' ' ' i , , , - 476 RUSSELL OFFICE BUILDING., WASHINGTON, DC (IncludeAreaCode) TerminationDate(mm/dd/yy): 2051o 202-224-4451 AFTER READING THE INSTRUCTIONS -ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS AND ATTACH THE RELEVANT PART NO ' , , , • , , , Did you, your spouse, or dependentchild receive unearnedor nvestmentincomeofmorethan$200 inthe reporting perod orholdany reportableasset worth morethan $1,000 atthe end ofthe _ r--- z period? If Yes, Complete &Attach PART Ilia and/or IIIB. V'q / NF Did youholdany reportablepositions on or before thedate of filinginthecurrent calendaryear9 If Yes, CompleteandAttach PARTVIII. • Do you haveany reportableagreement orarrangement with an outsideentity? If YeS,Complete andAttach PART IX. Nil ' = If this iS your FIRST Report: Did you receive compensation of more than _5,000 from a single source in the tvvo prior years7 If Yes, Complete and Attach PART X. _ File this report and any amendments with the Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records, Room 232, Hart Senate Office Building, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510. $200 Penalty for filing more than 30 days after due date. This Financial Disclosure Statement is required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended The statement will be made available by the FOR OFFICIAL USE oNLY Office of the Secretary of the Senate to any requesting person upon written application and will be reviewed by the Select Committee on Ethics. Any Do Not Write Below this Line individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies, or who knowingly and willfully fails to file this report may be subject to civil and criminal sanctions. (See 5 U.S.C. app 6, 104, and 18 U.S.C. 1001.) c:) m Certification Signatureof ReportingIndividual Date(Month, Day, Year) _ _ 1CERTIFY thatthe MatementsI have madeon thisform Z_ and allattached schedules are true, complete and --< ::_ correct to the best of my knowledge and belief _ "< (Jq ",n For Official UseOnly - Do Not Write BelowThis Line --4 It is the Opinion of the reviewer that the statements I Siqnatureof Reviewinq Official Date(Month,Day, Year) -'o ::t: made in thisform arein compliance with Title Iof _ rn the Ethics in GovernmentAct. f",O rn I "° Z _., Brought to you by

PART II. EARNED AND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME I 1 Reporting Individual's Name I]_ , H1LLARY RODHAM CLINTON ] Pag,, e, Number 1_ ] 2 ="d= Report the source (name and address), type, and amount of earned income to you from anyspouse aggregating $200 or more dur ng the reporting period. For your spouse, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregate $1 000 or more during the reporting period. No amount needs to be specified for your spouse. (See p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTS Part B of Instructions.) Do not report income from employment by the U.S. Government for you or your spouse. ! Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received which aggregates $200 ormore by exact amount, give the date of, and describe the activity (speech, appearance or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I. Name of Income Source Address (City, State) Type of Income Amount JP Computers Wash., DC Example Salary Example $15,000 Examples: .- MCI (Spouse) Arlington, VA Example Salary Example Over $1, 000 1 University of Judaism (Spouse) Universal City, CA. Speech 1/14/02 $125,000 2 The Dabbagh Group on behalf of STARS (Spouse) Dubai, United Arab Emirates Speech 1/17/02 $300,000 3 Future Generation Foundation (Spouse) Cairo, Egypt Speech 1/18/02 $175,000 The Dabbagh Group on behalf of the Jeddah Economic Forum Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Speech 1/20/02 $300,000 4 (Spouse) 5 Ness Technologies, Inc. (Spouse) Tel Aviv, Israel Speech 1/21/02 $150,000 6 Stree - Global Investments in Women (Spouse) Palo Alto, CA Speech 1/29/02 $125,000 7 Educational Institute of The AHLA (Spouse) Santa Barbara, CA Speech I/31/02 $125,000 8 WIZO (Spouse) Miami Beach, FL Speech 2/7/02 $125,000 9 Group Vivendi Universal (Spouse) Sundance, UT Speech 2/11/02 $150,000 10 Long Island Association, Inc. (Spouse) Woodbury, NY Speech 2/15/02 $125,000 11 ORT Montreal (Spouse) Montreal, Quebec Canada Speech 2/18/02 $125,000 Austrailian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful 12 Reunification of China (Spouse) Sydney, Australia Speech 2/22/02 $300,000 13 Markson Sparks on behalf of Princess Margaret Children's j Hospital, Perth (Spouse) Perth, Australia Speech 2/23/02 $125,000 Brought to you by

' PART II. EARNED AND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME I Reporting Individual's Name I_ HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON I Page Number I]_ [ 3 1 M ' For your spouse, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregate $1,000 or more during the reporting period. No Report the source (name and address), type, and amount of earned income to you from any spouse aggregating $200 or more during the reporting period. amount needs to be specified for your spouse. (See p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTS Part B of Instructions.) Do not report income from employment by the U.S. Government for you or your spouse. Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received which aggregates $200 or more by exact amount, give the date of, and describe the activity (speech, appearance or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I. Name of Income Source Address (City, State) JP Computers Wash., DC Example Salary Examples: MCI(Spouse) Arlington, VA Example Salary Over $1 000 Markson Sparks on behalf of Tile Women aud Children's 1 Hospital, Adelaide (Spouse) Adelaide, Australia Speech 2/25/02 $125,000 2 Australian Information Industry Association (Spouse) Adelaide, Australia Speech 2/26/02- $250,000 Markson Sparks on behalf of The Microsurgery Foundation, 3 Melbourne (Spouse) Melbourne, Australia Speech 2/27/02 $125,000 4 Markson Sparks on behalf of The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation, Brisbane (Spouse) Brisbane, Australia Speech 3/1/02 $125,000 I 5 Markson Sparks on behalf of The Prince of Wales Medical • Research Institute, Sydney (Spouse) Sydney, Australia Speech 3/2/02 $125,000 6 Tufts University (Spouse) Medford, MA Speech 3/13/02 $125,000 7 One Family - Israel Emergency Solidarity Fund (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 3/14/02 $125,000 8 Maruri Communications Group (Spouse) Guayaquil, Equador Speech 3/16/02 $200,000 9 Listin Diario (Spouse) LaRomana, Dominican Republic Speech 3/18/02 $250,000 10 Personal Dynamics on behalf of (Spouse) Montreal, Quebec Canada Speech 4/5/02 $125,000 EPC International on behalf of Workshop Ischgl-Club of the 11 Alps (Spouse) Ischgl, Austria Speech 4/13/02 $245,000 12 Warburg Pincus (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 4/15/02 $125,000 13 Hunter College Foundation (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 5/6/02 $ 35,000 Brought to you by

PART II. EARNED AND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME J Reporting Individual's Name I1_ ] HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON ] Page Number I]_ 4 Report the source (name and address), type, and amount of earned income to youfrom any spouse aggregating $200 ormore during the reporting period. For your spouse, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregate $1,000 or more during the reporting period. No amount needs to be specified for your spouse. (See p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTS Part B of Instructions.) Do not report income from employment bythe U.S. Government for you or your spouse. Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received which aggregates $200 or more by exact amount, give the date of, and describe the activity (speech, appearance or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I. Name of Income Source Address (City, State) Type of Income Amount Examples: I JP Computers Wash., DC Example Salary Example $15,000 IMCI (Spouse) Arlington, VA Example Salary Example Over $1,000 1 Compuware Corporation (Spouse) Dana Point, CA Speech 5/10/02 $125,000 Gruner & Jahr Publishing USA oll behalf of Tile American 2 Jewish Committee (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 5/15/02 $125,000 3 Global Artists on behalf of Nihon University (Spouse) Tokyo, Japan Speech 5/21/02 $200,000 4 CLSA Ltd (Spouse) Hong Kong, PRC Speech 5/22/02 $250,000 dnmStrategies oil behalf of JingJi Real Estate Development 5 Group (Spouse) Shenzhen, PRC Speech 5/23/02 $200,000 6 Success Resources Pte Ltd. (Spouse) Singapore Speech 5/24/02 $250,000 7 BMW Group of New Zealand (Spouse) Auckland, New Zealand Speech 5/27/02 $137,500 8 Protocol Resource and Operation Services (Spouse) Dublin, Ireland Speech 6/6/02 $200,000 9 Aripaeva Kirjastus (Spouse) TaIlin, Estonia Speech 6/10/02 $150,000 10 Tile American University in Dubai (Spouse) Dubai, United Arab Emirates Speech 6/11/02 $150,000 Nordstrona International APS on behalf of World Celebrity 11 Golf(Spouse) Stockhohn, Sweeden Speech 7/6/02 $300,000 12 Ahmet San Productions on behalf of TUSIAD (Spouse) Istanbul, Turkey Speech 7/6/02 $250,000 13 Toranto Hadassah - WIZO (Spouse) Toranto, Ontario Canada Speech 7/29/02 $125,000 i Brought to you by

PART II. EARNED AND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME Report the source (name and address), type, and amount of earned income to you from any spouse aggregating $200 or more during the reporting period ! For your spouse, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregate $1,000 or more during the reporting period. No 4 amount needs to be specified for your spouse. (See p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTS Part Bof Instructions.) Do not report income from employment by th_ U.S. Government for you or your spouse. Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: t For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received which aggregates $200 or more by exact amount, give the date of, and describe the activity (speech, appearance or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I. Name of Income Source Address (City, State) Type of Income Amount Examples: JP Computers Wash., DC Example Salary Example $15,000 MCI (Spouse) Arlington, VA Example Salary Example Over $1,000 1 PeopleSoft, Inc. (Spouse) New Orleans, LA Speech 8/29/02 $125,000 The German Union of Small and Medium-Sized Compaines 2 (Spouse) Munich, Germany Speech 10/4/02 $100,000 3 Media Control GmbH (Spouse) Baden Baden, Germany Speech 10/05/02 $100,000 4 American Friends of the Rabin Medical Center (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 10/27/02 $125,000 5 London Drugs (Spouse) Mississauga, Ontario Canada Speech 1I/4/02 $125,000 6 The Abraham Fund (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 11/6/02 $125,000 7 Celebrity Forum II (Spouse) San Jose, CA Speech 11/11/02 $100,000 8 MPSF, Inc. (Spouse) Oakland, CA Speech 11/12/02 $100,000 9 MPSF, Inc. (Spouse) San Mateo, CA Speech 11/13/02 $100,000 10 MPSF, Inc. (Spouse) San Rafael, CA Speech 11/14/02 $100,000 11 Celebrity Forum II (Spouse) Cupertino, CA Speech 11/15/02 $100,000 12 University of Califormia- Davis (Spouse) Davis, CA Speech 11/17/02 $100,000 13 Mito City Political Research Group (Spouse) Mito City, Japan Speech 11/19/02 $400,000 Brought to you by

PART II. EARNED AND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME 1 Reporting Individual's Name I]_ [ HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Page Number I]_ I 6 I Report the source (name and address), type, and amount of earned income to you from any spouse aggregating $200 or more during the reporting period. i For your spouse, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregate $1,000 or more during the reporting period. No amount needs to be specified for your spouse. (See p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTS Part B of Instructions.) Do not report income from employment by the U.S. Government for you or your spouse. Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received which aggregates $200 or more by exact amount, give the date of, and describe the activity (speech, appearance or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I. Name of Income Source Address (City, State) Type of Income Amount Examples: JP Computers Wash., DC Example Salary Example $15,000 MCI (Spouse) Arlington, VA Example Salary Example OverS1,000 I 1 Global Artists (Spouse) Tokyo, Japan Speech! 1/21/02 $100,000' 2 Value Orupo Financiero (Spouse) Monterrey, Mexico Speech 12/2/02 $175,000 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 3 (Spouse) Lancashire, England Speech 12/7/02 $100,000 4 Temple Beth Avodah (Spouse) Newton, MA Speech 12/9/02 $125,000 5 GBD Group (Spouse) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Speech 12/13/02 $250,000 6 United Israel Appeal of Geneva (Spouse) Geneva, Switzerland Speech 12/14/02 $150,000 7 RDM Group (Spouse) Rotterdam, The Netherlands Speech 12/15/02 $125,000 8 European Travel Commission (Spouse) New York, NY Speech 12/18/02 $125,000 9 Info USA, Inc. (Spouse) Omaha, NE Nonemployee Compensation Over $1,000 10 Simon & Schuster, Inc. - literary work Parsippany, NJ Book Royalties $1,149,621 11 Simon & Schuster, Inc. - It Takes a Village (no royalties due and owing at 12/31/02. Future value not ascertainable)* Parsippany, NJ Book Royalties $1,23 7 12 *Senator Clinton donates the royalties from this book to charity. 13 Brought to you by

PART IIIA. PUBLICLY TRADED ASSETS AND UNEARNED INCOME SOURCES Reporting Individual's Name _ HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Page Number _ 7 BLOCKA Identity of Publicly Traded Assets BLOCKC 4 and Unearned IncomeSources BLOCKB i • TypeandAmount of Income Reportthe complete name of each Valuation of Assets publicly traded asset held by you,your If "None (or less than$201)" is Checked, no otherentry is needed in Block C for At the close of reporting period, that item. This includesincome receivedor accruedto the benefitof the spouse, oryour dependent child, (See If None, or less than $1,001, Check thefirst individual. ' p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTSPartB column. of Instructions) for production of income orinvestment which: Type of Income Amount of Income (1) had a value exceeding $1,000 at the close of the reporting period; and/or (2) generated over $200 in "unearned" income duringthe o , , Amount reporting period, oo , o oo oo ,- ---. -o i "- o° - o °do _ o o o ,,= Other o o d "_ (Specify _ o, o Includeon this PART IliA a complete __- _- ** o6 8 = o ° - 0 ._ 0 identification of eac ublic bond ._ o _ _ Type) _ o o o: o o ,._-o ,,__ - o hp , Ooo. o o o _ #. _ _ _ 0 ° o°° o o.o1_ -o_ _ _, , oo°- =__ =_= O_,o _ , mutual fund, publicly traded partnership _ _ Lo .- 8" ' _, o°" .- °o o o o_o o 8 _ - q: interest, exce ted investment funds - _, .L " .- ..- o oo d "_ _ -o ,_: , , , .-o o_ ,,, .. , , _ oo ,- § o °_'t, _ ,-o_ bank acc0unts, excepteda ndqualified _ _ o °o °° °° "" od °d __" -6_' 8 -_ "_ _ _ °i=el ....o o _o oo oo- °d lind t PubliClYtraded assets o o _ o o" o . . _ _" '_" o S o _ $ o b rusts, and _o .-- Lo > '_ x _- "_ o _ .-" _" _o".- _ (_ of a retirement plan. ' _ '_ _ o o i . ] Ex. Dc,S'IBMCorp.(stock) X X Example X Example orJ (S) KeystoneFund , i , X Example X Example 1 Citibank (Dep0sitAcc0unts)(J) [] [] [-- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [_ [] [] [] [] F [- [-- F- F [- [x E E F F- 2 us Bank NA - CD (formerly First Star) (DC) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] E I_ E C E E E E E E E 3 U.S. SavingsB0nds(gC) [] [] [] [-- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [? [- [- [] [- E E E E [- E 4 Verizon-Common (DC) [] [] [] _ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] r- [_ r- l- [- E r- r- [- E [- 5 Bellsouth-Common(gC) [] [] [] [] [] i--] [] 17! [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []I [] [] [] [- [X F F I- [- [-- F- F F [-- 6 (cashNorthwestvalue)Mutual(s)Life Insurance [] [] [] [] []; l-- [] I-- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [- r- r- [_ I- [- i- E F- F E Northwest Mutual Life Insurance 7 (cash value) [] [] [] [] [- r- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] F- [- [] [- I- r- _ E E [- I- i- E r- SenateQualified BlindTrust (J Net 8 andDC) [][][]FI[3[3FI[3[]FI[][][][][][][]E [] I_EEEEEEEEEE Loss 9 AT&TC0mm0n(DC) [] [] [] [] [] [] [-- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] r- [] [_ [- E [- I- [- E E_i- E E 10 Arkansas Public Employees [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [-- I_ [- i-- E [- I- [- [- E I- i-- Retirement System (S) Brought to you by

., PART IIIA. PUBLICLY TRADED ASSETS AND UNEARNED INCOME SOURCES Reporting Individual's Name _ HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Page Number _ / 8 BLOCKA .L_ Identity of Publicly Traded Assets BLOCKC =j and Unearned Income Sources BLOCKB Type and Amount of Income Report the complete name of each Valuation of Assets If "None (or less than $201)" is Checked, nootherentry is neededin Block Cfor publicly traded asset held byyou, your At the close of reporting period, that item. This includes income receivedor accrued to thebenefit of the spouse, or yo.urdependent child, (See If None, or less than $1,001, Check thefirst individual. , p.3, CONTENTS OF REPORTS Part B column of Instructions) for production of income or investment which: Amount of Income (1) had a value exceeding $1,000 at the close of the reporting period; and/or (2) generated over $200 in "unearned" income during the Actual reporting period. Amount Requrec Include on this PARTIliA a complete if identification of each public bond, "Other" mutual fund publicly traded partnership Specifiec interest, excepted investment funds, bank accounts, exceptedand qualified blind trusts, and publicly traded assets of a retirement plan. -- _ IBM Corp.(stock) Example Ex. DC,I---DC,_-- __ __ Keystone Fund Example 1 LucentTechnology - Common (PC) 2 State Street Corporation - 3 RiggsBank of Washington, D.C. 4 Comcast Corp.(received in 5 distribution from AT&T) (DC) 6 ' 7 8 9 10 11 Brought to you by

i PART VII. LIABILITIES Reporting Individual's Name / HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON / i I I : I I Category i m ' I O g I ' O O "__ , i o o o'' creditor at any time during the reporting per od. Check the highest amount . o o_ •_ I I O O O " Q O owed dur ng the reporting period. Exclude: (1) Mortgages on your persona I o= _ o o OoOoOoo-=. Oo residences unless rented; (2) oans secured byautomobles, household c _ o o o o 8' q° o° o_ _ o o eq to ,--" o. ed to certain elati s listed in _ o o o- ,n _ _ funtur ances n . . r ve _ ,,-, ,- _ ,- ,_ e _ d ' ' r eorapp a d(3) ab tesow " "_ " - nstruct ons See nstruct ons for reporting revolving charge accounts. D " _, _, _, ,_' ,..' o° _ o'- o° c° o o o o o e_ o o" _Ln i _. ,- ,- ,- o o ,--- o oO- o o o d o _ °o o o ,_ d _ o- o Lo o e_" • LO 'v-- Cq (_ _ LO- I > Name of Creditor Address ' Typ eof Liabili ty I _ _ _ _* _ _ _ O S FirstDistrictBank Wash.,DC Mortgageonundevelopedland 1981 ' 13% 25yrs X p Ex. DC " " orJ (J) JohnJones Wash.,DC PromissoryNote 1989 10% HmH p E • I o On / i 1999 1 Wflliams&Connolly-Washington.,DC(S) LegalFees to ['--] [--] r--] [--] [-7 _] [--] [_ r---] [--] r- 2002 2 SkaddenArps-Washington, DC(S) LegalFees 1998 [_ Ill [-'-] r-] r-] [_ 1-] 1-7 r-1 [z]i [-- 3 WrightLindsey &Jennings, Little Rock, AR (J) LegalFees 1998" [--] [--] [_ [_ [--] [--'] [-'] [-'-] [--7 [-7 [-- 4 Mayer Brown&Platt(S) LegalFees 1998 [--] [--] E] [_ ['--] [-] [---] [--] I---] [[[] [-" s N I-] N I-1 I-1I-1I-I FI I-1FI r- • In2002 WLJadvisedthattheyhad identified 1998 [_ [-7 r--] I-] r--] [-] [_ [--7 r---] r--] [- 6 invoicesthatthey hadnever providedto theClintons. 7 r-I I-11Z]N N N I-1N I--IN I- 8 I--1I-I F1 t-1I-1 I-1E] F1I--1I-1I- 9 N I-1F1r-I I-I I-I N I-1I--INF- 10 I-1N N N N N N N 1-31-11- 11 r-I r-1i-1 F1N I-1N N I--I N 1- f 12 © I--IN N I-1N r-] N N N I- EXEMPTION TEST (see instructions before marking box): If you omitted any liability because it meets the three-part test for exemption described in the Instructions, please check here. I]_ •**This category applies only if the obligation was solely that of the spouse or dependent child. If the obligation was the flier's or a joint obligation with the spouse or dependent child, use the other F-] categories, as appropriate. Brought to you by

PART IX. AGREEMENTS OR ARRANGEMENTS i , Reporting Individual's Name I_" HILLARYRODHAMCLINTON PageNumber _" ] 10 ,I Report youragreements or arrangements forfuture empoyment (including agreements with a publisherfor writing a bookorsale of otherintellectual property), leaves of absence, continuation of payment bya former employer (including severancepayments), or continuing participation in anemployee benefit plan. See Instructions regarding the reporting of negotiations for anyof these arrangements or benefits. Status and Terms of anyAgreement or Arrangement Parties Date Pursuant topartnership agreement, will receive lump sumpayment of capita/account & partnership share calculated on servicesperformed through 11/OXand retainedpension benefits Jones& Smith, Hometown,USA Example ] /83 (diversified, independently manacled,fully funded,defined contributionplan) Examples: Employment agreement withXYZ become Vice Presidentof GovernmentRelations. Terms of agreement include salary between$50,001-$100,000, signing bonus between $2,501-$5,000 Z}'Z Co.,Bethesda,MD Example 1/03 I and Stockoptions 1 Publishing agreement regarding the literary work "It Takes A Village" (will receive royalty payments Simon & Shuster, Inc. 1/4/96 mrsuant to usual and customary terms of the trade) 2 Publishing agreement for autobiographical literary work approved by Select Committee on Ethics (will Simon & Shuster, Inc. 1/2/01 receive royalty payments pursuant to usual and customary terms of the trade) 3 Publishing agreement regarding the work "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy" (royalty payments assigned to Simon & Shuster, Inc. 9/98 National Parks Foundation) 4 Charitable gift assignment regarding the work "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy" (royalty payments assigned to National Parks Foundation 9/98 National Parks Foundation and paid directly by the publisher) 5 Publishing agreement regarding the literary work "Invitation to the White House" (royalty payments Simon & Shuster, Inc. 12/99 assigned to the White House Historical Society) 6 Charitable gift assignment regarding the literary work "Invitation to the White House" (royalty payments White House Historical Society 12/99 assigned to the White House Historical Society and paid directly by the publisher) 7. 8 9 10 • 11 12 13 l Brought to you by