PART IX. AGREEMENTS OR ARRANGEMENTS i , Reporting Individual's Name I_" HILLARYRODHAMCLINTON PageNumber _" ] 10 ,I Report youragreements or arrangements forfuture empoyment (including agreements with a publisherfor writing a bookorsale of otherintellectual property), leaves of absence, continuation of payment bya former employer (including severancepayments), or continuing participation in anemployee benefit plan. See Instructions regarding the reporting of negotiations for anyof these arrangements or benefits. Status and Terms of anyAgreement or Arrangement Parties Date Pursuant topartnership agreement, will receive lump sumpayment of capita/account & partnership share calculated on servicesperformed through 11/OXand retainedpension benefits Jones& Smith, Hometown,USA Example ] /83 (diversified, independently manacled,fully funded,defined contributionplan) Examples: Employment agreement withXYZ become Vice Presidentof GovernmentRelations. Terms of agreement include salary between$50,001-$100,000, signing bonus between $2,501-$5,000 Z}'Z Co.,Bethesda,MD Example 1/03 I and Stockoptions 1 Publishing agreement regarding the literary work "It Takes A Village" (will receive royalty payments Simon & Shuster, Inc. 1/4/96 mrsuant to usual and customary terms of the trade) 2 Publishing agreement for autobiographical literary work approved by Select Committee on Ethics (will Simon & Shuster, Inc. 1/2/01 receive royalty payments pursuant to usual and customary terms of the trade) 3 Publishing agreement regarding the work "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy" (royalty payments assigned to Simon & Shuster, Inc. 9/98 National Parks Foundation) 4 Charitable gift assignment regarding the work "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy" (royalty payments assigned to National Parks Foundation 9/98 National Parks Foundation and paid directly by the publisher) 5 Publishing agreement regarding the literary work "Invitation to the White House" (royalty payments Simon & Shuster, Inc. 12/99 assigned to the White House Historical Society) 6 Charitable gift assignment regarding the literary work "Invitation to the White House" (royalty payments White House Historical Society 12/99 assigned to the White House Historical Society and paid directly by the publisher) 7. 8 9 10 • 11 12 13 l Brought to you by
Clintons PFD 2002 Page 9