i PART VII. LIABILITIES Reporting Individual's Name / HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON / i I I : I I Category i m ' I O g I ' O O "__ , i o o o'' creditor at any time during the reporting per od. Check the highest amount . o o_ •_ I I O O O " Q O owed dur ng the reporting period. Exclude: (1) Mortgages on your persona I o= _ o o OoOoOoo-=. Oo residences unless rented; (2) oans secured byautomobles, household c _ o o o o 8' q° o° o_ _ o o eq to ,--" o. ed to certain elati s listed in _ o o o- ,n _ _ funtur ances n . . r ve _ ,,-, ,- _ ,- ,_ e _ d ' ' r eorapp a d(3) ab tesow " "_ " - nstruct ons See nstruct ons for reporting revolving charge accounts. D " _, _, _, ,_' ,..' o° _ o'- o° c° o o o o o e_ o o" _Ln i _. ,- ,- ,- o o ,--- o oO- o o o d o _ °o o o ,_ d _ o- o Lo o e_" • LO 'v-- Cq (_ _ LO- I > Name of Creditor Address ' Typ eof Liabili ty I _ _ _ _* _ _ _ O S FirstDistrictBank Wash.,DC Mortgageonundevelopedland 1981 ' 13% 25yrs X p Ex. DC " " orJ (J) JohnJones Wash.,DC PromissoryNote 1989 10% HmH p E • I o On / i 1999 1 Wflliams&Connolly-Washington.,DC(S) LegalFees to ['--] [--] r--] [--] [-7 _] [--] [_ r---] [--] r- 2002 2 SkaddenArps-Washington, DC(S) LegalFees 1998 [_ Ill [-'-] r-] r-] [_ 1-] 1-7 r-1 [z]i [-- 3 WrightLindsey &Jennings, Little Rock, AR (J) LegalFees 1998" [--] [--] [_ [_ [--] [--'] [-'] [-'-] [--7 [-7 [-- 4 Mayer Brown&Platt(S) LegalFees 1998 [--] [--] E] [_ ['--] [-] [---] [--] I---] [[[] [-" s N I-] N I-1 I-1I-1I-I FI I-1FI r- • In2002 WLJadvisedthattheyhad identified 1998 [_ [-7 r--] I-] r--] [-] [_ [--7 r---] r--] [- 6 invoicesthatthey hadnever providedto theClintons. 7 r-I I-11Z]N N N I-1N I--IN I- 8 I--1I-I F1 t-1I-1 I-1E] F1I--1I-1I- 9 N I-1F1r-I I-I I-I N I-1I--INF- 10 I-1N N N N N N N 1-31-11- 11 r-I r-1i-1 F1N I-1N N I--I N 1- f 12 © I--IN N I-1N r-] N N N I- EXEMPTION TEST (see instructions before marking box): If you omitted any liability because it meets the three-part test for exemption described in the Instructions, please check here. I]_ •**This category applies only if the obligation was solely that of the spouse or dependent child. If the obligation was the flier's or a joint obligation with the spouse or dependent child, use the other F-] categories, as appropriate. Brought to you by OpenSecrets.org
Clintons PFD 2002 Page 8 Page 10