Clintons PFD 2002

UNITED STAI _-SSENATE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT : FOR ANNUAL AND TERMINATION REPORTS , , , , , , Last Name FirstName andM dde ntal Annua Report : SenateOffice,/,AgencynwhchEmpoyed f_._l_=nd_r Y_=_r _..nu_=r==d hv I_=nnrt" CLINTON HILLARY RODHAM 2002 U.S. SENATE SenateOfficeAddress(Number,Street City,State, andZ PCode) SenateOfficeTelephoneNumber TerminationReport •PriorOffice/Agency nwhchEmpoyed " ' ' ' ' i , , , - 476 RUSSELL OFFICE BUILDING., WASHINGTON, DC (IncludeAreaCode) TerminationDate(mm/dd/yy): 2051o 202-224-4451 AFTER READING THE INSTRUCTIONS -ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS AND ATTACH THE RELEVANT PART NO ' , , , • , , , Did you, your spouse, or dependentchild receive unearnedor nvestmentincomeofmorethan$200 inthe reporting perod orholdany reportableasset worth morethan $1,000 atthe end ofthe _ r--- z period? If Yes, Complete &Attach PART Ilia and/or IIIB. V'q / NF Did youholdany reportablepositions on or before thedate of filinginthecurrent calendaryear9 If Yes, CompleteandAttach PARTVIII. • Do you haveany reportableagreement orarrangement with an outsideentity? If YeS,Complete andAttach PART IX. Nil ' = If this iS your FIRST Report: Did you receive compensation of more than _5,000 from a single source in the tvvo prior years7 If Yes, Complete and Attach PART X. _ File this report and any amendments with the Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records, Room 232, Hart Senate Office Building, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510. $200 Penalty for filing more than 30 days after due date. This Financial Disclosure Statement is required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended The statement will be made available by the FOR OFFICIAL USE oNLY Office of the Secretary of the Senate to any requesting person upon written application and will be reviewed by the Select Committee on Ethics. Any Do Not Write Below this Line individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies, or who knowingly and willfully fails to file this report may be subject to civil and criminal sanctions. (See 5 U.S.C. app 6, 104, and 18 U.S.C. 1001.) c:) m Certification Signatureof ReportingIndividual Date(Month, Day, Year) _ _ 1CERTIFY thatthe MatementsI have madeon thisform Z_ and allattached schedules are true, complete and --< ::_ correct to the best of my knowledge and belief _ "< (Jq ",n For Official UseOnly - Do Not Write BelowThis Line --4 It is the Opinion of the reviewer that the statements I Siqnatureof Reviewinq Official Date(Month,Day, Year) -'o ::t: made in thisform arein compliance with Title Iof _ rn the Ethics in GovernmentAct. f",O rn I "° Z _., Brought to you by

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