2023 Lorain County Fair Premium Book
2023 Lorain County Fair Premium Book

INDEX Admission Prices .................................................................................................. 5 Agriculture & Horticulture .................................................................................... 81 Antiques............................................................................................................ 107 Arts and Crafts .................................................................................................. 142 Beef Cattle ........................................................................................................ 147 Bees ................................................................................................................... 93 Boer Goats ......................................................................................................... 67 Camping ............................................................................................................. 20 Ceramics .......................................................................................................... 133 Code of Conduct & Prohibited Activities ............................................................. 10 Combine Derby ................................................................................................... 22 Concession/Vendor Regulation Sheet ................................................................ 37 Constitution of Lorain County Agricultural Society .............................................. 14 Contact Information .............................................................................................. 4 County Fair Kids Fun Show ................................................................................ 24 Culinary Arts ....................................................................................................... 99 Dairy Cattle ......................................................................................................... 52 Dairy Goats ......................................................................................................... 65 Demolition Derby ................................................................................................ 23 Directions to Exhibitors ....................................................................................... 18 Directors & Fair Personnel .................................................................................... 8 Draft Horses ....................................................................................................... 45 Egg Competition ................................................................................................. 75 Entry Instructions ................................................................................................ 42 Fair History ....................................................................................................... 174 Farm Machinery - New & Old ............................................................................. 40 Flowers ............................................................................................................. 124 Free Entertainment Schedule ............................................................................. 13 Friends of Fair .................................................................................................. 157 Grandstand Schedule ......................................................................................... 12 Hay Bale Contest ................................................................................................ 25 Hobbies & Collectibles ...................................................................................... 140 Horse Pulling ...................................................................................................... 60 Kiddie Pedal Pull ................................................................................................ 28 Kids’ Day ............................................................................................................ 26 Lapidary ............................................................................................................ 111 Livestock Entry Fees .......................................................................................... 43 Livestock Health Exhibition Rules ..................................................................... 150 Livestock Regulations ......................................................................................... 44 Map of Fairgrounds .......................................................................................... 171 Map of Townships ............................................................................................ 170 Midway & Concessions....................................................................................... 36 Miniature Horse Pull ........................................................................................... 63 Needlework ....................................................................................................... 112 NTPA Tractor Pull ............................................................................................... 28 Officers ................................................................................................................. 6 OSTPA Truck Pull .............................................................................................. 30 Paintings & Drawings........................................................................................ 136 Parking & Reserved Parking ............................................................................... 38 Photography ..................................................................................................... 144 Pick-Up Truck Derby........................................................................................... 32 Pigeons............................................................................................................... 76 Ponies................................................................................................................. 45 Poultry ................................................................................................................ 69 Quilts ................................................................................................................ 119 Rabbits & Cavies ................................................................................................ 77 Schedule of Events ............................................................................................... 2 Scholarships ....................................................................................................... 31 Senior Citizens Day ............................................................................................ 39 Sheep ................................................................................................................. 57 Small Stage ........................................................................................................ 40 Soil Conservation ............................................................................................... 84 Speed Program .................................................................................................. 32 Spinning............................................................................................................ 118 Sponsorships .................................................................................................... 155 Tractor Pulling Contest ....................................................................................... 34 Vegetables and Fruits ......................................................................................... 86 Wines................................................................................................................ 105
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2023 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 4-H Cloverbud Show & Tell - Ring 9 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Junior Fair Cat, Small Animal Judging - Barn 11 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 4-H Ag Products & Still Life Judging 4:15 pm Judging of Wines SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2023 - FREE DAY 3:00 pm HTCS Harness Racing 5:00 pm Flag Raising Ceremony - Pavilion 1 Stage Official Opening with 4-H Band Crowning of Junior Fair King and Queen 4-H Special Awards 5:30 pm Judging of Paintings & Drawings 6:00 pm Judging of Antiques 6:00 pm Judging of Arts & Crafts 6:00 pm Judging of Ceramics 6.00 pm Judging of Culinary Arts - Books 701-704 and 710-716 6:00 pm Judging of Lapidary Art MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 8:00 am Junior Fair Dog Show - Show Barn 4 8:30 am Junior Fair Fowl Show - Barn 15 9:00 am Judging of Culinary Arts - Books 705-709 and 717-718 9:00 am Judging of Needlework 9:00 am Honey Judging 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Hobbies & Collectibles 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Spinning 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Vegetables & Fruits and Bees 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Boer Goats - Pavilion 2 10:00 am Open Class Judging - Registered Haflingers, Draft Horses & Draft Ponies - Pony Ring 11:00 am Open Class Judging - Photography 11:00 am HTCS Harness Racing 12 noon Junior Fair Boer Goat Show - Show Barn 4 12 noon Junior Fair Draft Horse Halter Show - Pony Ring 12:30 pm Open Class Judging - Draft Horses - Pony Ring 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Voting for Directors of Lorain County Agricultural Society - Senior Fair Office 2:15 pm FFA Special Awards - Barn 14 5:00 pm Culinary Arts Bake Sale - Pavilion 2 5:30 pm Junior Fair Sheep Show - Show Barn 4 8:00 pm ENTERTAINMENT TO BE ANNOUNCED TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 8:00 am Open Class Judging - Rabbit & Cavy - Barn 39 8:30 am Junior Fair Swine Show - Barn 9 9:00 am Junior Fair Miniature Horse Show - Ring A 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Dairy Cattle - Show Barn 4 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Sheep - Pavilion 2 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Silage & Hay Show, Grain Show 10:00 am Open Class Judging - Poultry - Barn 38 12:30 pm Open Class Judging - Department 1, Books 4-7 - Pony Ring 2:30 pm Junior Fair Cavy Judging - Barn 15 4:30 pm Fowl Costume and Poultry Judging Contest - Show Ring - Barn 15 5:30 pm Junior Fair Pack, Harness, Pygmy Goat Show - Show Barn 4 8:00 pm ENTERTAINMENT TO BE ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 - KIDS’ DAY (see page 27 for Kids’ Day) 8:00 am Gates Open - KIDS’ DAY - special activities throughout fairgrounds! 9:00 am Junior Fair Dairy Goat/Market Dairy Goat - Barn 9 9:00 am Junior Fair Draft Horse Cart Show - Pony Ring 9:00 am Junior Fair Saddle Horse Judging - Ring A 9:00 am Open Class Ponies and Stalled Hitch Classes - Grandstand 12 noon Junior Fair Beef Breeding Show - Show Barn 4 12 noon Open Class Judging - Flowers 2
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 (continued) 1:00 pm Junior Fair Judging - Rabbit Breed - Barn 15 1:00 pm Miniature Horse Pull - Pony Ring 2:00 pm Junior Fair Market Beef Show - Show Barn 4 7:00 pm OSTPA TRUCK PULL THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023 - SENIOR CITIZENS/VETERANS DAY 8:00 am Gates Open - Senior Citizens (65 and older) - free all day Veterans and Military Personnel with ID - free all day 8:30 am Junior Fair - Rabbit Showmanship - Barn 15 8:30 am Junior Fair Judging - Beef Showmanship, BBR Market Steer - Show Barn 4 8:30 am Pony Pull - Grandstand 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Dairy Goats - Pavilion 2 9:00 am 4-H Open Mini Horse Fun Show - Ring A 8:30 am -11:00 am County Fair Kids Fun Show - Barn 9 12 noon Horse Pull - Grandstand 1:00 pm Junior Fair Auction - Meat Chickens, Market Ducks, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Meat Rabbits, Turkeys - REFER TO JUNIOR FAIR BOOK FOR SALE ORDER 4:00 pm Pigeon Rolling and Homing Pigeon Demonstration - Barn 38 5:30 pm Junior Fair Small Animal Sweepstakes Showmanship - Barn 9 6:00 pm Junior Fair Dog Agility Show 6:00 pm COUNTY TRACTOR PULL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 9:00 am Junior Fair Dairy Judging - Show Barn 4 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Miniature Horses - Ring A 12 noon Junior Fair Dairy Auction - Show Barn 4 12 noon Rooster Crowing, Turkey Calling, and Fowl Race - Barn 15 4:00 pm Draft Horse/Draft Pony Fun Pull (stabled entries only) - Pony Ring 4:00 pm Adult Poultry Showmanship - Barn 38 4:30 pm Junior Fair Large Animal Sweepstakes Showmanship - Barn 4 6:30 pm NTPA GRAND NATIONAL PULL SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 8:30 am Junior Fair Livestock Auction - Market Beef and Market Hogs - Barn 9 - REFER TO JUNIOR FAIR BOOK FOR SALE ORDER 9:00 am 4-H Open Saddle Horse Fun Show - Ring A 9:00 am Open Class Judging - Beef Cattle - Show Barn 4 10:00 am Open to the World Draft Horse & Pony Hitch - Grandstand 1:30 pm Kiddie Pedal Pull - Pavilion 2 4:00 pm Pigeon Rolling and Homing Pigeon Demonstration - Barn 38 7:00 pm COMBINE DERBY AND PICK-UP TRUCK DERBY SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 2023 8:00 am Gates Open 9:00 am Interdenominational Worship Service - Show Barn 4 **If a Catholic mass is desired, please visit St. Patrick Church’s website for worship times** 9:30 am 4-H Saddle Horse Versatility Show - Ring A 10:00 am Pony Fun Show - Pony Ring 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Spinners & Weavers - Pavilion 2 1:00 pm Power Wheel Derby 4:00 pm DEMOLITION DERBY - GRANDSTAND GATES OPEN AT 3:00 PM 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Premium Check Distribution for Depts. 8-10 - between Buildings 25 & 26 6:00 pm Dismiss Entries 7:00 pm Release Commercial Exhibits Please use this QR code to check for any updates or changes to this schedule 3
CONTACT INFORMATION #loraincountyfair MAILING AND PHYSICAL ADDRESS: LORAIN COUNTY FAIR 23000 Fairgrounds Road Wellington, OH 44090 PHONE: (440) 647-2781 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: loraincountyfair.com SECRETARY’S OFFICE HOURS (located behind grandstand on fairgrounds) January – July Monday – Friday 9 am – 3 pm August 1 – August 18 Monday – Saturday 9 am – 5 pm August 19 & 20 Saturday & Sunday 9 am – 6 pm August 21 – 26 FAIR WEEK 9 am – 9 pm August 27 FAIR WEEK (Sunday) 9 am – 8 pm August 28 – December Monday – Friday 9 am – 3 pm The Lorain County Fair Board and Lorain County Agricultural Society assume no responsibility for livestock and/or articles exhibited, entered, and/or shown upon the Lorain County fairgrounds. Exhibitor/entrant specifically acknowledges his/her awareness that livestock and exhibition articles are placed upon and maintained upon the Lorain County fairgrounds by them at their sole risk. Further, exhibitor/entrant agrees to hold the Lorain County Agricultural Society and the Lorain County Fair Board harmless and/or indemnify them from any and all claims to or resulting from their respective livestock and/or exhibits from any cause whatsoever. The aforesaid indemnification shall include injuries of the person or property of third parties resulting from the aforesaid livestock and/or exhibition articles. The Lorain County Fair Board assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this booklet. Please check our website and/or Facebook page for updates and changes to information in this book. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance Lorain County through an annual celebration promoting agriculture, education, entertainment, and encouraging positive youth development and leadership skills. 4
ADMISSION PRICES Membership Pass (available through August 20) ......... $40.00 (must be at least 21 years old and Lorain County resident to purchase) Season Pass (available through August 20) ................. $40.00 Both provide seven admissions to the fair - the difference is a Membership Pass includes voting privileges for Lorain County Agricultural Society Directors and Constitutional changes. Sale of Membership and Season Passes end on Sunday before the fair. Membership and Season Passes are non-refundable. Membership and Season Passes sold at Fair Office starting January 1. Sale of Membership Passes is restricted to two - one to the person purchasing it and another person in the same household. GATES OPEN AT 8:00 AM Single Gate Admission (August 21-27) ............................... $ 8.00* Children (8 and under) ........................................................ FREE Senior Citizens (65 and older) ............. FREE all day on Thursday Veterans and Military Personnel with ID ........................................ FREE all day on Thursday Automobiles ........................................................ FREE PARKING *credit/debit cards accepted at Gates 1, 3, 4, and 6 for gate admission NO CHECKS TAKEN AT THE GATES NO DOGS/PETS ALLOWED UNLESS IN JUNIOR FAIR COMPETITION ALL SERVICE ANIMALS ARE PERMITTED. PETS, COMFORT, AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS ARE PROHIBITED. ENTRY FEES Ponies, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Draft Horse Hitch Classes, Goats, Poultry, Pigeons, Rabbits, Cavies, and Beef Cattle must pay either an entry fee or pen fee at time of entry. Please see pages 42-43 for an “At-A-Glance” chart of livestock entry fees. IMPORTANT DATES May 31 Camping applications accepted June 1 Reserved Parking applications accepted June 14 Deadline for Camping applications July 1 Entries for Open Class accepted July 1 Combine Derby applications accepted July 1 County Tractor Pull applications accepted July 1 Demolition Derby applications accepted August 5 Deadline for Open Class entries August 11 Deadline for Hay Bale contest applications August 18 Hay Bales must be set up by 12 noon August 20 Deadline for purchasing Membership & Season Passes NOTE: Entries and applications will not be accepted prior to the listed dates 5
LORAIN COUNTY FAIR OFFICERS RICK TERNES SCOTT SMITH CHARISSE NIKEL SONJA BEAT Rick Ternes ............................................... President Scott Smith ........................................ Vice-President Charisse Nikel .................................... Fair Secretary Sonja Beat ................................................. Treasurer Dan Linden .............. 2023 Executive Board Member Joe Buchs ................ 2024 Executive Board Member Patrick Twining ........ 2025 Executive Board Member Marie Waite .................... Immediate Past President 6
DIRECTORS - TERMS EXPIRING 2023 Heath Baus .................................................Amherst Joe Buchs ................................................. Henrietta Matt Hignett .....................................................Eaton Jed Lamb ............................................... Huntington Steve Neff ............................................... Wellington Craig Norton ................................................Brighton Scott Smith .................................................... Russia DIRECTORS - TERMS EXPIRING 2024 Nikki Claubaugh ..................................... Brownhelm Dan Linden ............................................... LaGrange Fred Pitts ................................................. Wellington Tim Sickels .................................................. Penfield Rick Ternes ............................................... Henrietta Patrick Twining ........................................ Rochester Marie Waite ................................................ Pittsfield DIRECTORS - TERMS EXPIRING 2025 Don Crawford ............................................. Camden Chris Jordan ............................................... Pittsfield Kim Meyers .................................................Brighton Ron Pickworth .......................................... LaGrange John Piwinski ................................................ Russia Kelly Squire ............................................. Rochester Brian Twining ......................................... Huntington Voting for Directors of the Lorain County Agricultural Society is held Monday of fair week from 1:00 to 7:00 pm at the Fair Office. You must purchase a Membership Pass to get voting privileges. Seven Directors are voted for three-year terms each year. Not more than two residents of any one Original Township shall serve on the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society at the same time. Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. 7
LORAIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY CODE OF CONDUCT Lorain County Agricultural Society (LCAS) Code of Conduct states that all participants and attendees are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. If any attendee directs any disrespectful, vulgar, threatening or abusive language, and/or obscene gestures or remarks toward any Lorain County Fair representative, Lorain County Junior Fair or Senior Fair Board member, and/or any fair staff, the attendee will be in direct violation of the Lorain County Fair Code of Conduct. Any person in violation will face disciplinary actions as deemed by the LCAS Board. Exhibitors and their families violating the Code of Conduct may forfeit premiums and/or may be banned from exhibiting for a period of time determined by the LCAS. Anyone violating the Code of Conduct may be escorted from the grounds, may be subject to arrest and prosecution, and/or may be banned by the LCAS from the fairgrounds. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES Protests, public demonstrations, confrontational or threatening conduct, fighting or inciting riot is strictly prohibited. No person shall engage in any activity that would jeopardize the safety and well-being of another person. Anyone initiating or participating in these activities shall be removed from the fairgrounds. There will be no refund of paid admission for anyone removed for violation of these rules. Violators of these rules may be banned from attending the fair for the remainder of the week. Violators may also be subject to arrest and prosecution as determined by police officers and sheriff deputies providing security for the fair. PREMIUM BOOKS Our premium book is downloadable at loraincountyfair.com/entries. We only mail premium books to those who enter in the open class of the fair. Premium books can also be picked up at the office when they come in, usually around June 1, on a first come, first serve basis. Please check our website and/or Facebook page for updates and changes to information in this book. 10
GRANDSTAND SCHEDULE Sunday, August 20 3:00 pm FREE HTCS Harness Racing Monday, August 21 11:00 am FREE HTCS Harness Racing Monday, August 21 8:00 pm TBD TO BE ANNOUNCED Tuesday, August 22 8:00 pm TBD TO BE ANNOUNCED Wednesday, August 23 9:00 am FREE Open Class Ponies and Stalled Hitch Classes Wednesday, August 23 7:00 pm $12 OSTPA TRUCK PULL Thursday, August 24 8:30 am FREE Pony Pull Thursday, August 24 12 noon FREE Horse Pull Thursday, August 24 6:00 pm FREE County Tractor Pull Friday, August 25 6:30 pm $17 NTPA GRAND NATIONAL PULL Saturday, August 26 10:00 am FREE Open to the World Draft Horse & Pony Hitch Saturday, August 26 7:00 pm $15 COMBINE DERBY AND PICK-UP TRUCK DERBY Sunday, August 27 4:00 pm $15 DEMOLITION DERBY Grandstand events appearing in BOLD require tickets. These may be purchased in advance as listed below. Show tickets are sold: ONLINE: loraincountyfair.com IN PERSON: Secretary’s Office behind the grandstand on fairgrounds at the address below PHONE: (440) 647-2781 MAIL: ATTENTION: TICKET ORDERS LORAIN COUNTY FAIR 23000 Fairgrounds Road Wellington, Ohio 44090 NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS BEGINNING AUGUST 14 For mail orders, a ticket order form (available on our website) and payment must be included with your order. Credit/debit cards are accepted, as well as check or money order payable to Lorain County Fair. If your first choice is not available, we will fill your order with the next best available seats. Orders are processed in order of date and time of receipt and are subject to ticket availability. All orders must be on a ticket order form and include $5.00 per ticket processing fee. NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT BEGINNING AUGUST 14. NO REFUNDS. ***Please see our website for updates to pricing and specific seating charts for each event.*** During fair week, tickets can be purchased online, at the Secretary’s Office, or at the ticket booth behind the grandstand. Ticket booth hours will be posted on the ticket booth during fair week and sold out of the Secretary’s Office when the ticket booth is closed. A limited number of BOX SEATS (12 seats per box or 6 seats per half box for every show listed above) are available on a first come, first serve basis at a discounted rate. To be placed on our waiting list for a full or half box, please call the Secretary’s Office at (440) 647-2781. 12
2023 FREE ENTERTAINMENT PAVILION ONE MONDAY 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Brian Hayes - Acoustic 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Dirty Deeds - AC/DC Tribute Band TUESDAY 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Steve Baxter - Acoustic 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Scotty Kosmic & the Cool Kats - 50’s, 60’s, 70’s WEDNESDAY 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Always Wanted Gem Mining - Kids’ Day Activity 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm DogWood Rockers - Classic Rock THURSDAY 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Acoustic Scotti - Acoustic 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Terry Lee Goffee (Johnny Cash Tribute) FRIDAY 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rusty Joints - Acoustic 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Lethal Band - Classic Rock SATURDAY 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm K K Farnsworth - Acoustic 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Luther Trammel - Acoustic 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Yellow Delicious Band - Classic Rock SUNDAY 10:30 am - 1:30 pm Generations - Christian 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Erin Stoll - Acoustic CINCINNATI CIRCUS COMPANY THRILL SHOW 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 PM DAILY 13
CONSTITUTION OF THE LORAIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ARTICLE I This organization shall be known as the Lorain County Agricultural Society. The purpose of the Society shall be the holding of an annual fair for the promotion and improvement of Agriculture, Home Economics, and the Arts and Industries of the County. ARTICLE II SECTION I The Board of Directors for the management of the Society shall consist of twenty-one (21) members who shall be elected by ballot. Any person desiring to run for election to the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society may not be a current member of the Lorain County Junior Fair Board or its equivalent and must actually reside in the Original Township he or she represents at the time of the election and throughout their term. Not more than two (2) residents of any one Original Township shall serve on the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society at the same time. For purposes of this section, the term “Original Township” shall mean any of the geographical areas depicted as Original Townships in the map posted at the Fair Board Office and published as an appendix to this Constitution. One-third (l/3) of the elected Directors shall be elected annually for three (3) years. SECTION II The County Extension Agents, County Superintendent of Schools, Commissioners, Sheriff, and retired Directors shall be considered to be ex-officio members of the Board. Ex-officio members will serve in an advisory capacity, assisting Directors in their duties and participate in the decision making process, except for voting. SECTION III The annual election shall be by ballot and conducted by three judges and two clerks who are members of the Society appointed by the President on MONDAY, during the week of the fair, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., at the Lorain County fairgrounds in Wellington, Ohio. Identification may be required. SECTION IV Members of the Society shall declare their candidacy for the office of Director by filing with the Society a petition signed by ten (10) or more members of the Society, who are residents of Lorain County, at least seven (7) days before the annual Election of Directors is held. Each candidate shall be required to submit, with their petition, proof that both a BCI&I and FBI criminal background check have been done and provide a copy of their Driver’s License or other acceptable form of identification. The criminal background check must be done within 120 days prior to the election. Any person convicted of a felony, theft offense, sexual offense, or any other criminal offense involving moral turpitude shall not be eligible to serve on the Board. The official ballot shall contain only the names and townships of those candidates who have filed the required petition. ARTICLE III SECTION I Only members of the Society twenty-one (21) years of age or older and residents of Lorain County and holding membership tickets can vote at the annual election. Membership tickets can be secured only from the Secretary of the Society or from any of the Directors of the Society. Only members holding membership tickets for the current year shall be permitted to vote at the annual election and must vote for not less than four (4) or more than seven (7) candidates. SECTION II The Board of Directors shall, at the call of the President, on the second Tuesday of November in each year at 8:00 p.m., meet and elect a President and Vice-President and appoint a Secretary and Treasurer. The election of the President and Vice-President shall be by ballot. The President and Vice-President shall be elected to serve one year, the Secretary appointed to serve a term not to exceed three years, and the Treasurer appointed to serve not more than one year, as the Board of Directors may determine, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The President and Vice-President shall be members of the Society. The President and Vice-President must be Directors. Before the election of officers is conducted, the newly elected Directors shall qualify by taking oath before a competent authority. 14
ARTICLE IV The President of the Society shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board, and shall discharge such other duties as pertain to his/her office and, in his/her absence, the Vice-President shall discharge the duties of his/her office. ARTICLE V The Secretary shall keep the roll of members and conduct the correspondence of the Society. The Secretary shall make a careful record of all the meetings and business done by the Board of Directors, together with the report of all committees appointed, and place such reports on file in a book kept for such purposes. The Secretary shall receive all moneys due or coming to the Society and the Secretary shall keep a book showing from what source it came. The Secretary shall pay all money received by him/her to the Treasurer and take a receipt for the same. The Secretary shall also keep an itemized account of all money paid out by the Society and for what purpose. ARTICLE VI The Treasurer shall receive all moneys from the Secretary collected for membership fees or otherwise, also shall receive all money for tickets sold during exhibitions of the Society, and make an annual report to the Board of Directors at the regular annual meeting. The Treasurer shall pay bills on the order of the Board. ARTICLE VII The President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, and three (3) Directors shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Secretary and Treasurer serve in an advisory capacity. Directors who serve on the Executive Committee, other than in the capacity of President, Vice-President, and Immediate Past President, shall each serve for a three (3) year term and shall be ineligible for election to the Executive Committee for a period of one (1) year after completion of such three (3) year term. The initial terms of such members shall be of such length and so arranged that the term of one (1) member will expire each year. Any vacancies that may occur shall be filled by vote of the Directors and shall be for the unexpired term. ARTICLE VIII Judges for judging the different classes of articles offered in competition and awarding premiums on these articles shall be selected by the Superintendents. ARTICLE IX The annual exhibit of the Society shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. ARTICLE X Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at regular intervals as decided by the Board of Directors. A meeting may be called on the request of the President of the Society. In the event the President of the Society refuses to call a meeting, the Secretary shall be required to do so when requested in writing by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XI The Board of Directors is empowered to make the necessary bylaws, rules, and regulations which, in their opinion, they deem necessary to govern the affairs of the Society. ARTICLE XII A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 15
ARTICLE XIII Removal of Director for Cause: A Director may be removed for cause by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of a quorum of the Board of Directors. For the purpose of this provision “for cause” shall include the following: (a) absence from any three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board and not to exceed four (4) total monthly meetings in one (1) fiscal year without sufficient excuse or cause; (b) conviction of a felony offense; (c) conviction of any theft offense; (d) conviction of any other criminal offense involving moral turpitude; (e) material violation of the Fair Board’s conflict of interest policy, or (f) engaging in specific actions which cause or tend to cause the organization damage to its property or reputation or which create potential legal liability on the part of the organization. The Director against whom removal is considered shall be given notice of basis for his or her possible removal and shall be given the opportunity to present matters in defense or mitigation at the removal hearing. The Board shall adopt rules for the hearing which, in its discretion, serve the interests of fairness and interest of the organization generally. The Director against whom removal is considered shall have the right to be represented by counsel. The Director against whom removal is considered shall not be entitled to vote on the issue of removal. Once the Director is removed from the Board, he or she will not be eligible to run for the Board of Directors without an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of quorum of the Board of Directors prior to the election. If the Director is removed, the Directors may then vote to appoint a Director to fill the vacancy until the next annual election. ARTICLE XIV The annual meeting of the Lorain County Agricultural Society shall be held at 8:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of November of each year. Amendments and alterations of this Constitution may be made only at the annual meeting of the members and two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall be necessary to adopt. ARTICLE XV The rules governing the operation of County Agricultural Societies by the Ohio Department of Agriculture are hereby adopted. Rules 16 and 17 of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for the management of the County and Independent Agricultural Societies follow: RULE 16. Each County and Independent Agricultural Society shall have, at their annual fair or at any other exhibition sponsored by or under the control of the Agricultural Society, an official veterinarian who has been approved by the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio. Before appointing an official veterinarian, the Agricultural Society shall submit to the Director of Agriculture, for his/ her approval, the name and address of the veterinarian whom the Agricultural Society proposes to appoint. After the veterinarian recommended for appointment has been approved by the State Director of Agriculture, the Agricultural Society shall certify his/her appointment to the Director of Agriculture not less than ten (10) days before the opening day of the fair. It shall be the responsibility of the Agricultural Society, through the official veterinarian appointed by them, to enforce the laws of Ohio and the regulations and rules of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio which pertain to livestock exhibited at the county and independent fairs. The official veterinarian shall enforce these laws, rules, and regulations according to the recommendations of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio. He/she shall inspect the livestock and entries and necessary health certificates for evidence of infectious disease and shall carry out the recommendations of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio to protect the health of livestock exhibited at the fair. He/she shall report to the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio any refusal or failure on the part of an exhibitor or fair management to observe or comply with the laws, rules and regulations governing the movement or exhibition of livestock and, at the close of the fair, shall make an official report as may be required by the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio. RULE 17. Agricultural Societies shall not permit the injection or administration of drugs of any kind or description, or the physical application of any electrical, mechanical or other appliance, for the purpose of stimulating an animal entered in any form of competition. 16
ARTICLE XVI The compensation of each member of the Board of Directors for the management of the Agricultural Society shall be fixed by the Board in accordance with the rules of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The Board of Directors shall fix compensation for the Secretary and Treasurer on an annual basis. ARTICLE XVII Should a vacancy occur on the Board, the Board would advertise the vacancy for a minimum of two (2) weeks. The Executive Committee will then interview the potential candidates and make a recommendation to the Board. A majority vote of the Board will be required to appoint the new Director. The newly appointed Director will then stand for election at the next regular election. The election term will be for one (1) or two (2) years as is required to complete the original term. ARTICLE XVIII Indemnification of Directors and Officers: Henceforth, all Board members and Officers will be indemnified by the Society to the fullest extent allowable by law. Indemnification shall be determined by the Board of Directors, on a case-by-case basis, and shall be freely given to all parties who (a) have acted in good faith, and in the scope of their duties and (b) have acted in good faith in the best interest of the Society. The Directors and Officers of this Society are hereby authorized to insure this Society against losses or expenditures it might have in making indemnification as provided by this Article. ARTICLE XIX In accordance with Ohio Attorney General opinion 2013-023, the Lorain County Agricultural Society is permitted to sell beer and/or wine at the annual Lorain County Fair, or at any other event open to the public and conducted on the fairgrounds. The Lorain County Agricultural Society may 1) authorize the holder of a valid liquor license permit to have an event that is open to the public and conducted on the fairgrounds and 2) receive fees from the permit holder. The Lorain County Agricultural Society may retain revenue derived from the sales of beer and/or wine. It may authorize the use of moneys to purchase and acquire beer and/or wine and a liquor license permit to sell beer and/or wine at an event open to the public and conducted on the fairgrounds property and to retain revenue derived from the sales. With the exception of the provisions set forth above, intoxicating liquors, intoxicating drinks, and drugs of abuse of any kind are strictly prohibited on the grounds, in the parking lots, and on the roads leading to and from the fairgrounds during the annual Lorain County Fair. 2023 UPDATES Please check our website and/or Facebook page for updates and changes to information in this book. Use this QR code to access our website. 17
HOLDERS OF MEMBERSHIP PASSES • You can, for any day you attend the fair, go in and out at your pleasure - only one punch of your pass is required per day per person. • You can enter articles free in the Agricultural, Horticultural, Culinary Arts, Arts & Crafts, Ceramics, Flowers, Hobbies & Collectibles, Paintings & Drawings, and Photography Departments (Departments 8-10). • You become a member of the Lorain County Agricultural Society and are entitled to vote for the Directors at the Annual Election held on Monday of fair week. We also invite you to attend the Annual Meeting the second Tuesday of November at 8:00 pm, where you can vote for any proposed constitutional amendments. DIRECTIONS TO EXHIBITORS 1. Persons wishing to enter articles for premiums should access the Society’s premium book at loraincountyfair.com under “Entries” or pick one up at the Secretary’s Office. Exhibitors should ascertain, before making an entry, which class the animal or article is named, so the Secretary will not be delayed in making entries and to avoid confusion and mistakes. Many mistakes will be avoided if exhibitors are careful. Exhibitors must determine for themselves in which class they will make their entry. Unless the entry is made in the class in which the article is named, no premium will be awarded. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for any errors that may appear in this book. You must check our website and/or Facebook page for updates and changes to information in this book. 2. Entries will be accepted beginning July 1. All exhibitors must have entries for competition made and entered on the books of the Secretary. Entries close on August 5 @ 5:00 pm at the Secretary’s Office, by mail (must be received by entry deadline date), or online. Entries can be submitted online or entry forms are available to download at loraincountyfair.com. 3. a. Each exhibitor must purchase a Membership or Season Pass; b. 10% of the first premium will be charged for all entries in Open Class competition in Departments 2 and 11. See individual Departments for entry fees for Departments 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Departments 8, 9, and 10 require Membership or Season Pass only. 4. All mailed entries must include a $5.00 fee or will not be processed. 5. Youth must enter the Youth classes or buy a Season Pass to enter Adult classes. 6. Entries CANNOT be made in farm name if a check cannot be cashed in that name. Checks will not be reissued. 7. Entry mistakes made by the exhibitor will not be changed after July 31. If a correction needs to be made because of a clerical error, you must notify us within 7 days or August 12 (whichever is earlier). ABSOLUTELY NO CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER AUGUST 12. NO ADD-ONS are permitted once entries have been submitted. 8. If there is a problem with the Membership/Season Pass sent with your entries, you must notify us by August 12. No passes will be replaced after August 12. 9. Online entries must check their confirmation email for errors and notify us of any mistakes within two business days. Your entries cannot be processed if you did not buy a Membership or Season Pass or indicate that the entrant is a “Youth,” or if you enter a child in two different age categories. 10. Entries submitted online in the last 48 hours of entry deadline should receive tags by August 12. If you do not, you must let us know on August 13. 11. All articles entered or exhibited for premiums must be owned by the exhibitor. 12. No person will be allowed to discuss, or in any way interfere, with the Awarding Committee during their deliberations. Any person who, by agent letter or otherwise, shall so interfere may be excluded from competition and, if the Committee on investigation is satisfied that a premium has been secured by irregularities or fraud, then such premiums shall be withheld. 13. No animal or articles can compete for more than one premium in one class and all exhibitors must have entry tag with exhibitor’s number thereon for each 18
animal or article shown, nor will any exhibitor be awarded more than one premium in any one class. 14. Forage for stock - straw, shavings, and sawdust may be used for bedding. ALL EXHIBITORS MUST FURNISH THEIR OWN BEDDING. 15. In the exhibition of horses and cattle, not more than ten minutes will be allowed to bring the same to the judges’ stand after the call of the Marshal, unless special permission be given for delay by the Superintendent in charge. The Committee will proceed at once to make awards on animals in the ring. 16. Superintendents will see that Awarding Committees, in their respective Departments, are properly organized and provided with cards and ribbons for the premium places designated, which they will affix to articles or animals according to their awards. No person will be allowed to see the reports of the Committee until they have been acted upon by the Society. Awarding Committees are requested not to award discretionary premiums if articles of merit are exhibited and no premiums have been offered. The Committee may report the facts with suggestions in the book of awards so that the Secretary may report the same to the Society for justification. No person will be allowed to act as judge in any class in which he or she is an exhibitor. Any person so doing forfeits his or her premium. Superintendents will collect reports of Committees and return them to the Secretary. 17. The Society will take ordinary care to protect all exhibits but shall not be held responsible for articles lost or stolen or destroyed by fire or any act of nature. 18. Donation awards will be paid in full. 19. The Fair Board may exclude livestock that is diseased from the fairgrounds. 20. Premiums will not be paid on articles removed from the grounds before 6:00 pm of the last day, unless such removal has the written consent of the Superintendent of the Department. No animal or article entered for premium shall be awarded either first or second premium unless worthy of same. Worthiness of animal or article to be determined by Awarding Committee. 21. For Departments 9 & 10, items not picked up on August 27 will be moved to the Fair Board Office. These items will be disposed of after one week. NO ITEMS OR RIBBONS WILL BE MAILED. Premiums should be picked up between Buildings 25 & 26 on Sunday, August 27, from 5:30-7:30 pm or until Thursday, August 31, at the Secretary’s Office on the fairgrounds. Any premiums $20 or less not picked up by Thursday, August 31, will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. Premium checks (livestock departments and anything more than $20 in Departments 8 -10) not picked up by Thursday, August 31, will be mailed the following Tuesday. 22. The premiums awarded will be paid on or before October 1, pro rata, providing the receipts are not sufficient to pay all in full. 23. ALL PREMIUM CHECKS NOT CASHED WITHIN 60 DAYS WILL BE CONSIDERED A DONATION TO THE LORAIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Board of Directors will determine the proper use of donated money. PLEASE NOTE! Due to Sunday harness racing, exhibitors in Departments 8, 9, and 10 will not be able to enter the speed gate on Sunday, August 20. Exhibitors in Departments 9 and 10 are encouraged to bring their exhibits on Saturday, August 19. On Sunday, August 20, we will have an alternate plan to assist you. Check with traffic directors to assist you to an alternate entrance. 19
CAMPING NIKKI CLAUBAUGH SCOTT SMITH Co-Superintendent ............................................................. Nikki Claubaugh Co-Superintendent ..................................................................... Scott Smith Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Matt Hignett Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Tim Sickels CAMPING FORMS can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 CAMPING FEE: $185 per lot - May 31 @ 9:00 am thru June 14 @ 3:00 pm LATE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED: $235 per lot thru June 16 @ 3:00 pm CAMPING PACKETS MAILED by August 1 1. Applications for camping lots and the pony lot will be accepted by mail, online, or in person at the Secretary’s Office. A fee of $185 per lot must accompany each application received May 31 thru June 14 @ 3:00 pm (in the office or postmarked by June 14 if mailed). Late applications will be accepted if received in the office by June 16 @ 3:00 pm or postmarked by June 16 with a $50 late fee (non- refundable) per lot. 2. If a group or club reserves a number of lots, send in only one application and one point of contact for all the lots. Please list all individuals in each campsite, as well as length and width of each camper. Measurement should include from tongue to bumper and any pull-outs. If a group point of contact changes, the individual(s) must notify the Camping Committee in writing of the change. The new point of contact will come from the current group and must have been in the group a minimum of two years. The Camping Committee must approve all changes. A map detailing the group’s layout should be attached to the application with width, length, and owner’s name. 3. All campers must park no less than 18 inches inside lengthwise border. Please compensate appropriately for pull-outs. 4. Groups employing the square/circle set-up must leave a 3 foot opening at each corner. Additionally, after every 50 feet, another 3 foot opening must exist. No campers are allowed to park in the middle of square/circle set-up. 5. Campers may occupy lots starting Friday, August 18, at 12 noon. All campers must be in place by Sunday, August 20, at 8:00 pm when the gates are locked. Sunday, August 27, the gates will open for dismissal. Utilities will be turned on Friday before the fair and turned off Wednesday after the fair. Any campers not removed from the campground seven days after the end of fair are subject to storage fees. 6. Electricity at the pole, furnish your own GROUNDED 3 WIRE CORD. 15 amp = 14 gauge; 20 amp = 12 gauge; 30 amp = 10 gauge. One plug-in per camper. Outside refrigerators are allowed, as long as they are properly grounded and do not block any avenues of egress. 7. Open fire rings are permitted. Maximum width is 2 feet for fire ring and must be no less than 10 feet from nearest combustible item. A hose, fire extinguisher, or bucket of water must be close by to help extinguish fires. Any individual or group with an unattended fire will lose privileges. 8. Water may be obtained at the hose bib with no hose to be left attached once trailer tank is filled. Furnish your own white food grade hose. Y connections are no longer allowed for multiple hook-ups. Each camper (mobile unit) must have a 20
proper backflow device, either an ASSE I024 or ASSE I012, furnished by owner of camping unit. 9. Each lot is approximately 16 feet by 26 feet. Please do not extend your campsite beyond these assigned parameters. Any camper longer than 26’ WILL NOT fit on one lot. Nothing other than electric cords or water hoses are to extend into the next lot without your neighbor’s consent. If you are a returning camper and the size of your camper changes from the previous year, the new camper will still have to fit on your lot. If it does not fit, you are not guaranteed a spot. 10. FIRE LANES are to be kept open at all times! Cooperate for your safety and protection. No hay or straw is allowed in the camping area. 11. NO VEHICLES are allowed to park in the camping area once they are unhooked from the camper. The camp will be closed to traffic during the fair. 12. NO PETS are allowed in the campground except service dogs. Pets found on the fairgrounds and/or in the camping areas will be removed and the camping contract terminated. 13. Quiet hours are from 12:00 am to 6:00 am. All unnecessary lights must be extinguished and sound-producing items must be reduced to a decibel level that is satisfactory to your neighbors. 14. An adult must accompany each campsite. 15. All pressurized cylinders, whether in use or in storage, shall be chained or metal strapped and capped in a stable vertical position so they will not fall over and placed out of the way to protect from any physical damage. This rule also applies to turkey deep fryers. 16. No beer, alcohol, or other intoxicants allowed in the Lorain County fairgrounds camping lot. Persons found in possession of beer, alcohol, and/or intoxicants of any kind, or any other illegal substances, may be removed from the grounds. 17. NO CHINESE LANTERNS in the camping area or on fairgrounds. 18. Pony Lot camping is a privilege for exhibitors in the Draft Horse, Pony, and Sheep Departments. In order to camp in the Pony Lot, the camper must have entries in the aforementioned Departments and those entries must be exhibited. Failure to comply with this rule will result in reassignment to the general camping area, if space exists. 19. Anyone allowing gray water or sewage to be discharged onto the ground is subject to immediate dismissal. 20. The Fair Board, in cooperation with the Wellington Fire Department, asks that you consider having a working smoke alarm and an updated fire extinguisher per each camper. 21. Slide-outs and awnings will be allowed, if they do not extend past the boundaries of your lot. 22. Do not affix anything to Fair Board property. 23. Each camper will be assigned a number permit that needs to be displayed in the window nearest to the Fire Lane. This is to identify lot numbers for Safety Services. 24. The Campground Superintendent will rule on any questions not covered in these regulations. 25. The Camping Committee has the right to assign campers to any spot or location as needed. 26. Camping spaces cannot be resold or used by anyone other than those listed on the application. 27. THE LORAIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL A LOT CONTRACT AT ANY TIME AND TO REFUSE OR REJECT ANY APPLICATIONS FOR CAMPING AND WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OF ANY SORT. 28. Unruliness or Poor Attitude: Camping lot leaseholders or tenants who become unruly or belligerent with the Camping Committee, or any Director of the Lorain County Agricultural Society, will be permanently evicted from the fairgrounds. 29. Waiting List: The Camping Committee will maintain a waiting list for those unable to secure a camping spot. The spaces that become available will be assigned to the first person on the waiting list until the list is exhausted. Waiting lists do not roll over and a new list is created each year. HONEY DIPPER Please check our website under “Services” for details about the honey dipper. 21
COMBINE DERBY sponsored by Achieve Credit Union SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2023 @ 7:00 PM In Front of Grandstand DON CRAWFORD Superintendent ..................................................................... Don Crawford Assistant Superintendent ................................................. Nikki Claubaugh Assistant Superintendent .......................................................Chris Jordan Assistant Superintendent ......................................................... Tim Sickels ENTRY FEE: $25.00 through August 20 $40.00 August 21 - day of show APPLICATION FORMS AND RULES can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 • Derby is open to all - out of county entries are allowed. • Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office and by mail starting July 1. • Driver and combine must be at show two hours prior to start time. • Due to the morning horse show, there will be no driving combines around the infield until 4:30 pm. • All combines need to congregate on the west end of the infield when moving in. Can move after 4:30 pm. • Entry fee includes three wristbands; extra wristbands are sold at the price of the show (limit 4). The entry fee is non-refundable. • W-9 must be submitted with application. 22
DEMOLITION DERBY sponsored by Achieve Credit Union SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 2023 @ 4:00 PM In Front of Grandstand TIM SICKELS Superintendent ......................................................................... Tim Sickels Assistant Superintendent ................................................. Nikki Claubaugh Assistant Superintendent ....................................................... Chris Jordan Appointed Personnel ............................................................. Mark Diedrick Appointed Personnel .......................................................... Jason Stanfield ENTRY FEE: $50.00 through August 20 $60.00 August 21 - 2:00 pm day of show $100.00 August 27 @ 2:00 pm APPLICATION FORMS AND RULES can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 POWER WHEEL DERBY STARTS AT 1:00 PM and the stands will be cleared after the show. NO SAVING OF SEATS FOR THE DEMOLITION DERBY - any coverings on seats will be removed. GRANDSTAND GATES FOR THE DEMOLITION DERBY OPEN AT 3:00 PM. Demolition Derby is open to both Lorain County residents and out of county residents. Driver must have a valid Ohio driver’s license at the time of application. No temporary licenses accepted. No alcoholic beverages allowed in the pits. If you sign up before the day of the show, your entry fee will include a vehicle pass that gets the driver into the fair. Only vehicles with this pass will be permitted in the speed gate. The entry fee is non-refundable. EVERYONE ELSE PAYS $8.00 GATE ADMISSION 23
COUNTY FAIR KIDS FUN SHOW THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Junior Fair Show Ring - Barn 9 MARIE WAITE Adult Supervisor ....................................................................... Marie Waite 1. This Fun Show is open to all children up to and including 8 years of age at fair time. 2. Children may bring any type of animal or item to this fun show. Examples: cat, dog, calf, pet mouse, craft or item the child made, cookies the child helped bake, a collection of leaves the child can identify, vegetables or flowers the child has planted or grown, etc. 3. Animals used may be those already on the fairgrounds being exhibited by parents, older brothers and sisters, etc., or may be a housepet brought from home. 4. The item or animal should be one that the child is familiar with and can tell a judge about. Each child will participate in a short interview with a judge. 5. Participants may come to this fun show any time between 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 am and may leave as soon as they have their interview. 6. This is not a competitive judging. No grades or premium money will be given. Each child will receive a county fair participation ribbon. 24
HAY BALE CONTEST FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 2023 Set-Up by 12 NOON APPLICATION FORMS AND RULES can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 • Open to groups, clubs, businesses, individuals. No political promotion. • Must submit an entry form by August 10. • Decorated hay bales must be set up no later than Friday, August 18 @ noon. NEW!! A picture of the final decorated bale, with the description name, must be sent to [email protected] by August 18 @ noon for online voting. • Judging Starts: Friday, August 18 @ noon. • If you want your decorations and/or bales, they must be removed no later than Tuesday, August 29. • There will be a limited number of donated bales on a first come, first serve basis. Donated bales are 4’ x 5’ round. No more than four donated bales per person or organization. • We will set the bales; you must stabilize to avoid tipping or rolling. Anything deemed unsafe or inappropriate will be removed. • Entries will be placed throughout the fairgrounds at our discretion although you can request a preferred location. • No lights or illumination unless solar lighting. • Entries cannot be larger than 12 feet wide and 15 feet long. st nd • Prize money: 1 place - $150; 2 place - $100; rd th 3 place - $75; 4 place - $50. Contact Charisse Nikel for details at (440) 647-2781 or [email protected] 25
KIDS’ DAY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 Co-Superintendent.................................................................. Kelly Squire Co-Superintendent.............................................................. Charisse Nikel Lorain County Fair is having a Kids’ Day throughout the fairgrounds - there will be special activities for kids in the barns and buildings, roving entertainment, small stage shows geared for kids, discounted wristbands for rides, and other fun activities. COLORING CONTEST Look for this year’s coloring contest page and rules on our website and Facebook mid-July. A special thank you to Mark Diedrick and Ag Credit for sponsoring the coloring contest 26
KIDS’ DAY SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Building Into the Future - Pavilion 2 sponsored by Reaser Construction Reaser Construction will give kids the opportunity to have a hands on building project that they can take home! Quantities are limited; first come, first serve. Ages 4-10 years old 1:00 pm Ice Cream Eating Contest - Pavilion 2 sponsored by Ohio Dots 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm COSI SCIENCE LIVE! - Free Stage by Pavilion 1 Educational shows, COSI swag, learn about science, and hands on activities! 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Always Wanted Gem Mining - Pavilion 1 Sift for gems - limited to first 70 children 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Believe Dream Dare Princess Parties please visit their Facebook page Be sure to bring your camera and take a picture with Belle and Sleeping Beauty by Pavilion 1 There will be kids’ activities in different barns, buildings, and vendor booths. Please check our website in August for an updated list of those participating. 27
KIDDIE PEDAL PULL SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2023 Pavilion 2 (behind Fair Office) @ 1:30 pm CRAIG NORTON Superintendent ....................................................................... Craig Norton Entries taken from 12 noon to 1:00 pm CLASSES Ages 5-6 • Ages 7-8 • Ages 9-10 Trophies for top 3 boys and 3 girls in each class SPONSORED BY DULING AG. SERVICES SPRENG VETERINARY SERVICES NTPA TRACTOR PULL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2023 @ 6:30 PM In Front of Grandstand FRED PITTS Superintendent ........................................................................... Fred Pitts Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Joe Buchs Assistant Superintendent ..................................................... Don Crawford Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Chris Jordan Assistant Superintendent ........................................................ Dan Linden Assistant Superintendent .................................................. Patrick Twining See next page for details 28
NTPA GRAND NATIONAL PULLING COMES BACK TO LORAIN COUNTY! It’s the “Friday Night Spectacular” NTPA Championship Pulling Circuit FRIDAY @ 6:30 pm PURSE $50,000 • 10,000 lb. Pro Stock Tractors • 8,000 lb. Light Supers • Unlimited Modified • Classic Supers • Modified Minis The STARS of the NTPA Championship Pulling Circuit, as seen weekly on RFD-TV, will be in full force in Wellington, gunning for a coveted NATIONAL TITLE!! For more information, visit www.ntpapull.com 29
OSTPA TRUCK PULL sponsored by Achieve Credit Union & D R Metals Scrapyard WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 @ 7:00 PM In Front of Grandstand JOE BUCHS Superintendent ............................................................................. Joe Buchs Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Chris Jordan Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Rick Ternes Assistant Superintendent ......................................................... Brian Twining Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Patrick Twining CLASS B EVENT - $17,905 PURSE Featuring: Pro Stock Semis Super Modified Four Wheel Drive Super Stock Diesel Trucks Limited Pro Diesel Trucks Two Wheel Drive Trucks For more information, visit www.ostpa.com OHIO STATE TRACTOR PULLERS return to Lorain County! 30
SCHOLARSHIPS RON PICKWORTH Superintendent ................................................................ Ron Pickworth Assistant Superintendent ................................................... Chris Jordan The Lorain County Agricultural Society will award scholarships to youth that have participated in the Lorain County Fair through 4-H, FFA, FCCLA, and Farm Bureau. Applications are available from the Lorain County Fair office and OSU Extension office. Applicants will be selected based upon: scholarship, leadership, High School activities, and community activities. The following scholarships are available: 4 - $500.00 Lorain County Agricultural Scholarships 2 - $500.00 Department 9 Scholarships sponsored by the Culinary Arts Department 1 - $500.00 Lorain County Fair Directors Scholarship 2 - $1,000.00 Scholarships will be awarded to Junior Fair King and Queen by the Lorain County Agricultural Society With the exception of Junior Fair King and Queen, each applicant must be a 2023 High School graduate The money will be held by the Agricultural Society for a maximum of one year and, if, at that time, the winner has not started college or tech school, the money will revert back to the general fund of the Society. If the King or Queen is not a 2023 High School graduate, the scholarship will be held for one additional year. Within the one year time period allowed, scholarship winners will need to provide the Lorain County Agricultural Society with proof of successful completion of one grading period and evidence of continued enrollment. When these criteria are met, a check will be issued to the recipient. All applications must be filed with OSU Extension – Lorain County, 42110 Russia Road, Elyria, OH 44035, no later than April 1, 2023. Application blanks are available from the above address or at the Lorain County Fair, 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090. Recipients will be notified and are expected to attend the Scholarship Awards program. 31
PICK-UP TRUCK DERBY SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2023 @ 7:00 PM Held during Combine Derby In Front of Grandstand TIM SICKELS Superintendent .......................................................................... Tim Sickels Assistant Superintendent .................................................. Nikki Claubaugh Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Don Crawford Assistant Superintendent ........................................................ Chris Jordan Appointed Personnel ........................................................... Jason Stanfield ENTRY FEE: $40.00 through August 20 $60.00 August 21 - day of show APPLICATION FORMS AND RULES can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 SPEED PROGRAM SCOTT SMITH Superintendent .......................................................................... Scott Smith Assistant Superintendent ......................................................... Matt Hignett Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Dan Linden Assistant Superintendent ....................................................... John Piwinski A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: the OHHA & the Ohio Standardbred Industry See next page for details 32
TRACTOR PULLING CONTEST THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023 @ 6:00 PM In Front of Grandstand MATT HIGNETT Superintendent .......................................................................... Matt Hignett Assistant Superintendent ......................................................... Chris Jordan Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Dan Linden Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Scott Smith GENERAL RULES 1. Contest open to farm-owned tractors equipped with rubber tires. Owner of tractor must own farm land in Lorain County or in Wellington School District and have legal proof on record. If in question, premium will be withheld. 2. Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office and by mail starting July 1. 3. Entry fee through August 20: $25.00 for each tractor entered. Late entry fee, August 21 through day of show: $30.00 for each tractor entered. ENTRIES CLOSE AT 7:00 PM. EVERYONE ELSE PAYS $8.00 GATE ADMISSION. 4. Weight includes driver. Tractor may not be entered in more than one class. 5. Minimum drawbar length 18 inches from center of rear wheel to point of hook. Drawbar to be stationary in all directions. Drawbar height maximum 20 inches from ground to top of hitching device parallel to the ground. Driver to furnish bolted clevis. No devices to be hooked by hydraulic lifts. Hitching device not to be more than 1 1/2 inches in thickness and must have a 4 inch diameter opening. Cross-sectional thickness must be equivalent to 3/4 inch round stock. Pulling point must not have more than 1 1/2 inches from back edge to hitching device. 6. No pressurized fuels allowed, except LP gas. No oxygen allowed. 7. No pre-dyno after pull starts. Time limit of 10 minutes on dyno. 8. All exposed turbochargers or portions thereof must be shrouded with steel 1/16 inch or thicker. 9. All exhausts must discharge vertically upward above the highest point of the tractor, with the exception of roll bars, and be securely attached. 10. No homemade tractors, no dual wheels or tire chains. 4-wheel drive tractor weights must be securely fastened, also weights on rear are as follows: (a) if put on lift arms, must be secured to frame of tractor; (b) also must have room to hitch from standing on front of transfer sled; if not, tractor will be disqualified. 11. All stock tractors must be equipped with a hood and grill. No cut or special designed pulling tires allowed. 12. The contest is to be governed by three judges; all decisions will be final. The judges have the right to stop any pull if it is being operated in an unsafe manner. All protesters must make a $25.00 deposit for re-checking. 13. All minors must have written consent of parents or guardians to enter contest. 14. Only one pull allowed per contestant unless judges declare a tie. Pull is ended when tractor engine stalls or forward motion stops. No jerking allowed. Shifting permitted if forward motion isn't stopped. 15. Driver in seat at all times while pulling in contest. 16. Stock tractors are agricultural tractors having standard block, injection pump, and crankcase for the make and model being entered, power take-off, single fuel, single turbo charge, and factory standard seat. 17. The tractors will remain in front of grandstand after they have pulled and the top weight tractors will be checked for weight and drawbar immediately following the 34
class. The drivers will remain in their seats after pulling and no helpers or spectators will be allowed on or around them until they have been checked. DRIVERS: It is up to you to keep them off or you will be immediately disqualified. 18. Driver allowed one helper while pulling. 19. The same tractor may pull in the same class twice, with different drivers. Tractor must immediately return to the lineup after the first driver pulls. Tractor can place up to once in a class – must dyno and weigh with heaviest driver. 20. CONDUCT: Participants will conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS will be permitted on the premises or in possession of drivers or assistants. Immediate expulsion will result if these rules are broken. 21. REGISTRATION AND ENTRY TO FAIRGROUNDS: EVERYONE PAYS AT THE GATE. Pulling positions will be drawn at registration. 22. CLASS A award presented by NEIL BREYLEY; CLASS B award presented by BAUER’S TOWING & SERVICE; CLASS C award presented by the TERNES FAMILY - CARL TERNES MEMORIAL; CLASS D award presented by WELLINGTON IMPLEMENT - DORRELL PITTS MEMORIAL; CLASS E award presented by ROLLIN HOG & GRAIN FARM - DEAN ROLLIN MEMORIAL; CLASS F award presented by TOM’S COUNTRY PLACE & KODIAK CONSTRUCTION; CLASS G award presented by ACX SERVICE LLC; CLASS H award presented by HAMILTON CROP INSURANCE - COY & ROBIN SMITH. NOTE: Sponsors subject to change. CLASSES THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023 @ 6:00 PM SCALES/ENTRY BOOTH OPENS @ 3:00 PM CLASS A 5,500 $100 $80 $60 3 MPH - In County CLASS B 5,200 $100 $80 $60 Hot Farm Open CLASS C 6,500 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $10 65 PTO - In County CLASS D 8,500 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $10 85 PTO - In County CLASS E 10,500 $100 $80 $60 7 MPH - Open CLASS F 10,500 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $10 105 PTO - In County CLASS G 13,000 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $10 130 PTO - In County CLASS H 13,000 $100 $80 $60 Hot Farm Open CLASS I 13,000 $100 $80 $60 7 MPH - Open CLASS J 16,000 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $10 160 PTO - In County CLASS K Stock $100 $80 $60 Semi’s CLASS L 8,500 $100 $80 $60 Hot Farm Open • Two Sleds/Two Tracks • Entries Close 7:00 pm day of pull • Pull Order - subject to change: North: B, E, H, I, J, L, K South (infield): A, C, D, F, G THANK YOU TO THIS EVENT’S MAJOR SPONSOR: ROSS ENVIRONMENTAL 35
MIDWAY & CONCESSIONS KIM MEYERS Superintendent ........................................................................ Kim Meyers Assistant Superintendent ........................................................ Heath Baus Administration ...................................................................... Charisse Nikel APPLICATION FORMS can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 We accept applications for Concessions and Vendors beginning February 1 of each year for those who want to be placed on our waiting list for space. You may include any brochure, picture, or flier regarding your business with your application. We consider the type of product or service which will be provided when we make a selection of a vendor to whom we issue a contract. Waiting lists are not carried over from year to year, we need a written request for the current year. Our goal is to have a wide variety of products and services available for our visitors. We also try to maintain a balance of the total number of vendors so that each vendor will have a high sales potential. We are limited due to our own space restrictions. If you have any other specific questions, please call (440) 647-2781 during our office hours. No person shall be permitted to make solicitations of any nature on the fairgrounds except in contracted concession or commercial rented spaces. No person will be permitted to post or display signs, distribute handbills or advertising material, or sell or distribute free any merchandise except persons under contract. PARKING REGULATIONS All exhibitors’ vehicles must enter grounds at Route 18. The Fair Board is making every effort possible to try to solve parking problems at the Lorain County Fair. Exhibitors, Fair Officials, and Junior Fair Officials will be issued gate tags. If GATE TAGS ARE NOT PROPERLY DISPLAYED ON THE VEHICLE, the automobile or truck must park in the general parking area. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. PLEASE GIVE US YOUR COOPERATION AND FOLLOW THE PARKING ATTENDANT’S INSTRUCTIONS. 36
FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION GUIDELINES CAN BE FOUND AT : www.wellingtonfire.com/index.asp?pgid=175 37
PARKING HEATH BAUS Superintendent .......................................................................... Heath Baus Assistant Superintendent ............................................................ Steve Neff Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Tim Sickels Assistant Superintendent ..................................................... Patrick Twining ALL PARKING 1. All parking is at Fair Board’s instruction. 2. All vehicles inside the gate shall display a parking permit and be parked as directed by the Fair Board - or will be towed. 3. All vehicles (cars, trucks, campers, trailers, etc.) shall not be parked on fairgrounds prior to seven days before the fair or left more than seven days after the fair; those remaining will be removed at owner’s expense. 4. All vehicles must have a proper pass to enter a designated gate; must load or unload in designated areas only; and must remove vehicle within the designated time limit. 5. Any vehicles parked in fire lanes and emergency routes will be towed. 6. All vehicles must be off the midway, etc., by 10:30 am. 7. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 8. All vehicles and trailers with names/advertising inside the main grounds fence must have a permit. RESERVED PARKING 1. Reserved parking space is for the entire fair week at $50.00 per space; limit two per household. The reserved parking permit MUST BE displayed at all times while on the grounds by affixing to your rearview mirror. 2. If you want to reserve the same space you had last year, you must renew using the pre-numbered application form that will be sent to you by the Secretary’s Office in May, along with the fee, no later than 3:00 pm on July 1. You can also renew online through the “Services” tab at loraincountyfair.com. 3. All spaces not reserved by July 1 will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. 4. Applications will be accepted beginning June 1 until the lot is full. 5. In reserved parking, measurements vary from row to row. Please read the reserved parking rules (downloadable from the website and on the back of renewal letters) to determine the maximum size vehicle allowed in each space. All towing hitches should be removed when parking in reserved lot. 6. It is the responsibility of patrons parking in reserved parking to follow all rules. Failure to do so could/will result in vehicle being towed. 7. Reserved parking starts at 9:00 am on Saturday, August 19, 2023, and ends 6:00 pm on Sunday, August 27, 2023. 8. Application forms can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090. DISCLAIMER: Lorain County Agricultural Society, dba Lorain County Fair, shall not be responsible for damages to vehicles and/or property or personal injury occurring in the parking lot. 38
SENIOR CITIZENS DAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2023 Pavilion 1 (behind the Grandstand) 39
FARM MACHINERY - NEW & OLD JOE BUCHS FRED PITTS Co-Superintendent .................................................................... Joe Buchs Co-Superintendent ...................................................................... Fred Pitts The Superintendent must be consulted in selecting sites for exhibition of machinery and will do all in his power to make the exhibition of agricultural implements easy, conspicuous, and profitable to the exhibitor. SMALL STAGE STEVE NEFF Superintendent .......................................................................... Steve Neff Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Jed Lamb Free entertainment, located under our Pavilions and throughout the fairgrounds, may include local bands, cover bands, big band music, a circus, magicians, karaoke, and much more! The “Free Entertainment” schedule can be found on page 13 and is available on our website, at the gates, or at the Fair Office during fair week. 40
SPONSORSHIPS KELLY SQUIRE Superintendent ....................................................................... Kelly Squire Assistant Superintendent .................................................... Charisse Nikel The Lorain County Fair has many opportunities for sponsorship, including advertisements in our premium book and on our website, “Friends of the Fair” website listings, naming rights of events, banners at our gates and in the grandstand area, NTPA scoreboard, coupons/logos on our show tickets, “Sponsor of the Day,” and much more. Please visit our website, loraincountyfair.com, under “Sponsors” for a downloadable form with all our sponsorship packages or contact the Fair Office to create a custom made sponsorship that will best suit your needs. STAGE SHOWS JOE BUCHS BRIAN TWINING Co-Superintendent..................................................................... Joe Buchs Co-Superintendent................................................................ Brian Twining Assistant Superintendent ......................................................... Dan Linden Assistant Superintendent ............................................................ Fred Pitts Each year, the Lorain County Fair does its best to bring entertainment to the fair that is affordable and family oriented. 41
LIVESTOCK REGULATIONS TESTING FOR DRUGS The Lorain County Agricultural Society shall have the right to require places 1 through 5 in each class of animals, or any other suspected animal, to be subject to examinations or tests, as prescribed by the Society, to determine if a substance has been administered to the animal to change the conformation or temperament of the animal. RULE VIOLATIONS In the question of a rule violation, the following due process will be used: The exhibitor and/or parties involved will be questioned by Fair Officials. If it is felt a violation has occurred, Fair Officials will make recommendations to the committee members of the Lorain County Agricultural Society that are appointed to that particular Department. After the committee hears the case and recommendations are presented by the Fair Officials, they will decide if the case should be brought before the full Fair Board. In the decision of a case being brought before the Agricultural Society, all parties involved will be notified of a hearing date with all parties having the right to present their case. Upon hearing the case, the Lorain County Agricultural Society will make a ruling. When satisfactory evidence has been obtained by the Lorain County Fair Management that any of the livestock rules have been violated, the exhibitor and/or exhibitor’s family may be barred from showing in any future fairs. The minimum number of years the exhibitor will be barred is three (3) before the right to a review. In case any premium shall have been awarded to animals shown in violation of this rule, the Lorain County Fair Management will request the exhibitor to refund all premiums, trophies, awards, ribbons, and sale money under such violation. Unless fraud and/or deception are involved, all championship placings stand. PROTESTS AND APPEALS Protests must be made in writing, signed by party or parties making protest, and filed with the Secretary by noon of the day following award, accompanied by a protest fee of $100.00, which will be retained by the Lorain County Fair if protest is not sustained. The Secretary shall hear protests with the Superintendent of the Department involved and, if necessary, other people will be involved as designated by the Secretary. All protests will be considered at a time set by the Secretary of the Lorain County Fair and all parties will be notified. 44
FIRST DEPARTMENT PONIES, MINIATURES & DRAFT HORSES MATT HIGNETT RICK TERNES Superintendent ........................................................................Rick Ternes Assistant Superintendent ....................................................... Matt Hignett ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees – Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: $5.00 per class Book 9: Classes 1-9 $ 7.00 Classes 10-11 $ 3.00 Classes 12-13 $ 8.00 Classes 14-17 $10.00 Classes 18-19 $ 3.00 Classes 20-21 $10.00 Classes 22-23 $12.00 Class 24 $15.00 Class 25 $30.00 Book 10: $3.00 per class Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. FARM ENTRIES: Entries CANNOT be made in farm name if a check cannot be cashed in that name BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 by 10:00 am DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm 45
1 T JUDGING: N BOOKS 1 & 2 Monday Aug. 21 - Pony Ring 10:00 am E BOOK 3 Monday Aug. 21 - Pony Ring 12:30 pm M T BOOKS 4, 5, 6, 7 Tuesday Aug. 22 - Pony Ring 12:30 pm R BOOK 8 Wednesday Aug. 23 - Grandstand 9:00 am A BOOK 9 Saturday Aug. 26 - Grandstand 10:00 am P E BOOK 10 Friday Aug. 25 - Ring A 9:00 am D RULES: 1. All stalls will be cleaned by 9:00 am DAILY. 2. All ponies will be measured at 4:00 pm Sunday, August 20. 3. All animals must show in one type only. 4. Draft Pony height 58” & under, Pleasure and Fine type height 58” & under, Miniature Horse height 38” & under. 5. All animals must be in show condition. st nd rd th th 6. Halter class premiums: 1 - $35; 2 - $30; 3 - $25; 4 - $20; 5 -$15. 7. Grand Champion Premium - $50, Reserve Champion Premium - $40. 8. Books 1–8 & 10 stalled entries only. 9. Book 9 entries accepted starting at 8:00 am Saturday, August 26. NO PRE-ENTRY – ENTER AT SHOW! 10. All entries will be taken on a first come, first serve basis, based on exhibitors who have showed previous years. 11. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to Lorain County Agricultural Society. Fun Pull Note: If you want to participate in the Draft Horse & Draft Pony Fun Pull on Friday, August 25, you must pre-enter in Department 4. SPECIAL AWARDS E.C. Hershey Memorial Trophy – Registered Haflinger Hitch Jack Bowman Memorial Trophy – Four Pony Hitch Connie Leedom Memorial Trophy – Single Pleasure Driving Pony Guy Radcliffe Memorial Trophy – Team Belgian Hitch Bob Schaffer Memorial Trophy – Six Horse Hitch Clint Plott Memorial – Tandem Belgian Cart Ella Kurz – Supreme Champion Miniature Horse Jim Camp – Grand Champion Pleasure Type Jack & Fern Ternes – Supreme Champion Draft Pony (Registered & Grade) Fred Lewis – Belgian Ladies Cart ENTRY BOOK 1 CLASSES: Registered Haflingers 1. Mare & Current Foal 2. Current Foal 3. Yearling Filly 4. Mare 2 years old 5. Mare 3 years old 6. Mare 4 years & older 7. Grand & Reserve Champion Mare 8. Yearling Stud Colt 9. Stallion 2 years old 10. Stallion 3 years old 11. Stallion 4 years & older 12. Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion / Gelding 13. Gelding 3 years & under 14. Gelding 4 years & older 15. Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding 16. Matched Pair 46
17. Best 3 Head 1 18. Grand Champion Haflinger 19. Draft Pony Showmanship (Mare or Gelding, Regular, or Grade) - T Junior Exhibitor, Ages 14-18 N 20. Draft Pony Showmanship (Mare or Gelding, Regular, or Grade) - E M Junior Exhibitor, Ages 9-13 T 21. Draft Pony Showmanship (Mare or Gelding, Regular, or Grade) - R Junior Exhibitor, Ages 8 & under A 22. Adult Draft Pony Showmanship P 23. Farm Pony Halter Registered & Grade - Stallions, Geldings E 24. Farm Pony Halter Registered & Grade - Mares D ENTRY BOOK 2 CLASSES: Grade Draft Ponies – 58” & under 1. Mare and Current Foal 2. Current Foal 3. Yearling Filly 4. Mare 2 years old 5. Mare 3 years old 6. Mare 4 years & older 7. Grand & Reserve Champion Mare 8. Yearling Stud Colt or Gelding 9. Stallion / Gelding 2 years old 10. Stallion / Gelding 3 years old 11. Stallion / Gelding 4 years & older 12. Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion / Gelding 13. Matched Pair 14. Best 3 Head 15. Grand Champion Grade Draft Pony 16. Supreme Champion Draft Pony (Regular & Grade) No Premium ENTRY BOOK 3 CLASSES: Draft Horses 1. All Breeds: Adult Showmanship 2. All Breeds: Junior Exhibitor (14-18) Mare or Gelding 3. All Breeds: Junior Exhibitor (9-13) accompanied by an Adult, Mare, or Gelding 4. All Breeds: Pee-Wee (8 & under) accompanied by an Adult, Mare, or Gelding 5. Percheron Mare & Current Foal 6. Percheron Current Foal (eligible for appropriate championship) 7. Percheron Yearling Mare 8. Percheron Mare 2 years old 9. Percheron Mare 3 years old 10. Percheron Mare 4 years & older 11. Percheron Grand & Reserve Champion Mare 12. Percheron Stallion Yearling & 2 years old 13. Percheron Stallion 3 years & older 14. Percheron Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion 15. Percheron Gelding 3 years & under 16. Percheron Gelding 4 years & older 17. Percheron Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding 18. Grand Champion Percheron 19. Percheron Matched Pair 20. Percheron Best 3 Head 21. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Mare & Current Foal 22. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Current Foal (eligible for appropriate championship) 23. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Yearling Mare 24. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Mare 2 years old 25. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Mare 3 years old 26. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Mare 4 years & older 27. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Grand & Reserve Champion Mare 28. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Stallion Yearling & 2 years old 29. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Stallion 3 years & older 30. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion 31. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Gelding 3 years & under 32. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Gelding 4 years & older 33. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding 47
1 T 34. Grand Champion Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted N 35. Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Matched Pair E 36 Clydesdale / Shire / Spotted Best 3 Head M 37. Belgian Mare & Current Foal T 38. Belgian Current Foal (eligible for appropriate championship) R 39. Belgian Yearling Mare A 40. Belgian Mare 2 years old P E 41. Belgian Mare 3 years old D 42. Belgian Mare 4 years & older 43. Belgian Grand & Reserve Champion Mare 44. Belgian Stallion Yearling & 2 years old 45. Belgian Stallion 3 years & older 46. Belgian Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion 47. Belgian Gelding 3 years & under 48. Belgian Gelding 4 years & older 49. Belgian Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding 50. Grand Champion Belgian 51. Belgian Matched Pair 52. Belgian Best 3 Head 53. Farm Horse Halter - Stallion / Gelding 54. Farm Horse Halter - Mare 55. Supreme Champion Draft Horse (All Breeds) No Premium 56. Produce of Dam (All Breeds) 57. Get of Sire (All Breeds) ENTRY BOOK 4 CLASSES: Showmanship – Pleasure & Fine Type Ponies 1. Showmanship 8 years & under 2. Showmanship 9-14 years old 3. Showmanship 15-18 years old 4. Showmanship 19 years & older ENTRY BOOK 5 CLASSES: Fine Type 58” & under 1. Mares all ages 2. Stallion / Gelding all ages 3. Current Foal 4. Grand & Reserve Champion Fine Type ENTRY BOOK 6 CLASSES: Pleasure Type 1. Mare and Current Foal (under 58”) 2. Current Foal (under 58”) 3. Mares all ages (over 50” & under 58”) 4. Stallion / Gelding all ages (over 50” & under 58”) 5. Mares all ages (50” & under) 6. Stallion / Gelding all ages (50” & under) 7. Grand & Reserve Champion Pleasure Type ENTRY BOOK 7 CLASSES: Performance 1. Fine-Type Driving (58” & under) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 2. Pleasure-Type Driving (50” & under) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 2-wheeled vehicle no miniature horses 3. Pleasure-Type Driving (over 50” & under 58”) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 2-wheeled vehicle 4. Pleasure Mare / Gelding $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 under saddle (50” & under) no miniature horses 5. Pleasure Mare / Gelding $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 under saddle (over 50” & under 58”) 6. Pony Lead-In - 8 & under (50” & under) no minis $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 48
7. Pony Lead-In over - 8 & under (50” & under 58”) $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 1 8. Walk-Trot Equitation $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 (rider 10 years & under, not in 4-H) T N Mare / Gelding (58” & under), ribbons to all E 9. Trail under saddle $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 M 10. Draft Pony Walk – Trot Western / English Riding $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 T 11. Draft Horse Walk – Trot Western / English Riding $20 $15 $12 $10 $7 R A P ENTRY BOOK 8 E CLASSES: D Stalled Hitches (Draft Horse & Draft Pony 58” & under) 1. Draft Horse Cart (over 18) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 2. Draft Pony Cart (over 18) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 3. Draft Horse Cart – Man or Lady to Drive $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 (Show Harness) 4. Draft Pony Cart – Man or Lady to Drive $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 (Show Harness) 5. Draft Horse Cart – Junior Driver (18 & under) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 to be accompanied by an adult 6. Draft Pony Cart – Junior Driver (18 & under) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 to be accompanied by an adult 7. Farm Horse Cart - Farm Equip - No Show Shoes $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 8. Farm Pony Cart - Farm Equip - No Show Shoes $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 9. Draft Horse Team (over 18) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 10. Draft Pony Team (over 18) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 11. Draft Horse Team (Show Harness) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 12. Draft Pony Team (Show Harness) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 13. Draft Horse Team – Junior Driver (18 & under) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 to be accompanied by an adult 14. Draft Pony Team – Junior Driver (18 & under) $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 to be accompanied by an adult 15. Farm Horse Team - Farm Equip - No Show Shoes $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 16. Farm Pony Team - Farm Equip - No Show Shoes $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 17. Obstacle Course Team – Show or Farm Harness $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 18. Obstacle Course Cart – Show or Farm Harness $40 $30 $20 $10 $5 Exhibitors may NOT enter same horse in Show / Farm Harness classes. ENTRY BOOK 9 No registrations for Book 9 until 8:00 am day of event CLASSES: Open to the World Draft Horse & Draft Pony Hitch Show 1. Ladies’ Cart – Pony $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 2. Ladies’ Cart – Belgian $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 3. Ladies’ Cart – Reg. Haflinger $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 4. Ladies’ Cart – Clydesdale/Shire/Percheron $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 5. Men’s Cart – Pony $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 6. Men’s Cart – Belgian $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 7. Men’s Cart – Reg. Haflinger $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 8. Men’s Cart – Clydesdale/Shire/Percheron $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $15 $10 $10 9. Ladies’ Cart - Haflinger / Hitch Pony Championship $40 $30 $20 $10 $ 5 10. Cart Pony – Junior Exhibitor $20 $15 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 11. Cart Horse – Junior Exhibitor $20 $15 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 12. Tandem Cart – Pony $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $10 13. Tandem Cart – Horse $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $10 14. Team Hitch – Pony $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $20 15. Team Hitch – Belgian $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $20 16. Team Hitch – Reg. Haflinger $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $20 17. Team Hitch – Clydesdale/Shire/Percheron $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $20 18. Team Hitch Pony – Junior Exhibitor $20 $15 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 19. Team Hitch Horse – Junior Exhibitor $20 $15 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 49
1 20. Unicorn Hitch – Pony $85 $75 $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $20 T 21. Unicorn Hitch – Horse $85 $75 $65 $55 $45 $35 $25 $20 N E M T 22. Four Pony Hitch $120 $100 $80 $70 $60 $40 $30 $20 R 23. Four Horse Hitch $120 $100 $80 $70 $60 $40 $30 $20 A P 24. Six Pony: Haflinger and Hitch Pony Championship Series E $210 $195 $180 $165 $150 $130 $100 $70 D 25. Six Horse $550 $450 $325 $275 $125 $100 $90 $85 TROPHY for First and Ribbons for First - Eighth Place Four and Six Horse/Pony Hitches to be hooked in the up configuration Harness must be collared style draft harness ENTRY BOOK 10 CLASSES: Miniature Horses 1. Showmanship (12 & under) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 2. Showmanship (13-18) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 3. Showmanship (over 18) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 4. Stallions 2 years & under $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 5. Stallions 3 years & over $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 6. Spotted Stallions all ages $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 7. Solid Stallions all ages $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 8. Grand Champion Stallion $25 $15 9. Mare and Current Foal $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 10. Mares 2 years & under $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 11. Mares 3 years & over $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 12. Spotted Mares all ages $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 13. Solid Mares all ages $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 14. Grand Champion Mare $25 $15 15. Geldings 2 years & under $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 16. Geldings 3 years & over $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 17. Spotted Geldings all ages $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 18. Solid Geldings all ages $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 19. Grand Champion Gelding $25 $15 20. Draft Type Halter all Stallions, Mares, Geldings $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 Not eligible for Classes 4,5,10,11,15,16,21 21. Miniature Donkey and Mule Halter $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 Jack / Jennies not eligible for Classes 4,5,10,11,15,16,20 22. Supreme Champion Miniature Horse no premium (Ladies’ and Men’s Cart – cannot use same horse) 23. Pretty Face $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 24. Cart – Ladies to Drive (over 18) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 25. Draft Type Cart Man or Lady to Drive - Collard Style Draft Harness $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 26. Cart – Men to Drive (over 18) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 27. Cart – Driver (12 & under accompanied by adult) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 28. Cart – Driver (13-18 years old) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 29. Lead-Line (8 & under) $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 30. In Hand Jumping $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 31. In Hand Trail $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 32. Team Driving Draft/Pleasure $15 $12 $9 $6 $3 Entries in Classes 30 and 31 – Each Miniature Horse may only be exhibited one time and only by one exhibitor. 50
1 FUN SHOW RULES: 1. All entries in Fun Show must have exhibited in any Book 1-8 T 2. No entry fee N E 3. Trophy and ribbons in all classes M 4. 18 & under T R A Pony Fun Show (Sunday, August 27 @ 10:00 am) P 1. Dollar Fanny 5. Egg and Spoon E 2. Flag Race 6. Sack Race D 3. Ride and Run 7. Ball Race (12 & under) 4. Diaper Race (12 & under) 51
SECOND DEPARTMENT DAIRY CATTLE PATRICK TWINING Superintendent .................................................................... Patrick Twining Assistant Superintendent ............................................................ Jed Lamb Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... John Piwinski Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Brian Twining ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees – 10% of first money Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 EXHIBITOR MEETING: Sunday, August 20, 2023 8:00 pm Please have registration papers at this time. DISMISSAL: Equipment will be released after show. All animals will be released after 1:00 pm Wednesday, August 23. Must be out of barn by 5:30 pm. JUDGING: BOOK 5 Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am BOOK 6 Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am BOOK 7 Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am BOOK 8 Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am BOOK 9 Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am 52
RULES: 1. Each exhibitor limited to two entries in any single class and one entry in any group class. 2. All animals, regardless of age, must be recorded in the name of the exhibitor in the record of their respective association. 3. All exhibitors must meet and abide with the Ohio Exhibition Rules 2 found elsewhere in this premium book. T 4. Certificate of Registration must be furnished if called for. N E 5. Books 8 and 9: Certificate of Registration will be collected prior to M T the district shows and returned to the exhibitor immediately following the conclusion of the show. R A 6. All papers must be presented when asked for, including DHIA. P 7. All stock must be registered. E 8. All registration papers checked before showing. Percent of D registration will be governed by your national/state breed association suggestions. 9. Only first prize winners can compete for Champion Prize unless judge calls for second place animal. 10. All Junior Fair entries showing in open class must specify on entry blank: “Housing in Junior Fair Barn.” 11. Straw, shavings, and sawdust may be used for bedding. 12. All equipment must be placed out of pedestrian walkway. All fans must meet approval of Fire Inspector. 13. All milk in the tank must come from cows in the milking parlor only. 14. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. SHOW ORDER HOLSTEIN DISTRICT 8 & JERSEY DISTRICT 3 Ayrshire Brown Swiss Guernsey BOOKS 5, 6, 7 SHOW ORDER: Classes 10-15, then Classes 1-9, followed by Classes 16-20 These breeds will start at conclusion of Jersey show ENTRY BOOKS: ENTRY BOOK 5 — AYRSHIRE ENTRY BOOK 6 — BROWN SWISS ENTRY BOOK 7 — GUERNSEY PREMIUMS (for Books 5, 6, 7): 1. CLASSES 1-7: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 2. CLASSES 8 &15: 1st = $50 plus Champion Rosette 3. CLASSES 9, 17, 18, 19: 1st = $25; 2nd = $20; 3rd = $15; 4th = $10 4. CLASSES 10-14: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th =$10 5. CLASS 16: $100 plus Grand Champion Rosette, $50 Reserved Grand Champion 6. CLASS 20: 1st = Banner CLASSES (for Books 5, 6, 7): 1. Spring Heifer Calf - born on or after March 1, 2023 & over 4 months of age 2. Winter Heifer Calf - born December 1, 2022 through February 2023 3. Fall Heifer Calf - born September 1, 2022 through November 2022 4. Summer Yearling Heifer - born June 1, 2022 through August 2022 5. Spring Yearling Heifer - born March 1, 2022 through May 2022 6. Winter Yearling Heifer - born December 1, 2021 through February 2022 7. Fall Yearling Heifer - born September 1, 2021 through November 2021 8. JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE 53
9. Junior Best Three Females - shall consist of three females under 2 years of age, all bred and owned by the exhibitor 10. Two-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born September 1, 2020 through August 2021 11. Three-Year Old Cow - Best Udder- born September 1, 2019 through August 2020 12. Four-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born September 1, 2018 through August 2019 13. Aged Cow 5 Years Old & Over - Best Udder - born before September 1, 2017 2 14. Dry Cow - born before August 31, 2020 T 15. SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE N 16. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE E 17. Dam and Daughter - Dam and her Daughter, any ages M 18. Produce of Dam - shall consist of two animals, any age, the produce of one cow T 19. Best Three Females - shall consist of three females, any age, all bred and owned R A by the exhibitor P 20. Breeders Herd - one junior animal, one senior animal, and one of any age, all E bred and owned by the exhibitor D SPECIAL AWARDS 1. CLARENCE CONRAD MEMORIAL PLAQUE Donated by Brian Twining and Mark Diedrick 2. THE ALBERTA F. BAKER MEMORIAL TROPHY Donated by Mary Baker for the Junior Champion Female Jersey 3. THE DEAN McCLELLAN MEMORIAL TROPHY Donated by Mary Baker for the Grand Champion Female Jersey 4. GUERNSEY GRAND CHAMPION Donated in memory of Tom & MaryAnne McConnell 5. SUPREME CHAMPION TROPHY Donated in memory of Carl Knapp PREMIUMS (for Book 8 - District 8 Holstein) 1. CLASSES 1-7: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 2. CLASS 8, 15, 21: 1st = $50 plus Champion Rosette 3. CLASSES 10-14 and 16-20: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 4. CLASSES 9, 23, 24, 25: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 5. CLASS 22: $100 plus Grand Champion Rosette; $50 Reserved Grand Champion DISTRICT 8 HOLSTEIN SHOW CLASSES DISTRICT 8 FORM MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OR YOU MUST HAVE IT ON SUNDAY NIGHT IN YOUR POSSESSION. Form can be picked up at the Fair Office, online at loraincountyfair.com, or call (440) 647-2781. BOOK 8 SHOW ORDER: Classes 10-22, then Classes 1-9, followed by Classes 23-25 1. Spring Heifer Calf - born on or after March 1, 2023 & over 4 months of age 2. Winter Heifer Calf - born on or after December 1, 2022 through February 2023 3. Fall Heifer Calf - born on or after September 1, 2022 through November 2022 4. Summer Yearling Heifer - born on or after June 1, 2022 through August 2022 5. Spring Yearling Heifer - born on or after March 1, 2022 through May 2022 6. Winter Yearling Heifer- born on or after December 1, 2021 through February 2022 7. Fall Yearling Heifer - born on or after September 1, 2021 through November 2021 8. JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE 9. Junior Best Three Females - shall consist of three females under 2 years of age, none of which have freshened, all bred and at least one owned by exhibitor 10. Yearling in Milk - Best Udder - born after September 1, 2021 11. Junior Two-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after March 1, 2021 through August 2021 12. Senior Two-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2020 through February 2021 13. Junior Three-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after March 1, 2020 through August 2020 14. Senior Three-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2019 through February 2020 54
15. INTERMEDIATE AND RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION FEMALE 16. Four-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2018 through August 2019 17. Five-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2017 through August 2018 18. Aged Cow - Best Udder - born before September 1, 2017 19. 150,000 Pound Cow - Best Udder - cow that has produced at least 150,000 2 pounds of milk T 20. Dry Cow - born before August 31, 2020 N 21. SENIOR AND RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE E 22. GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE M 23. Best Three Females - shall consist of three females, any age, all bred and at T R least one owned by exhibitor A 24. Dam and Daughter - Dam and her own Daughter, any ages P 25. Produce of Dam - shall consist of two animals, any age, either sex, the produce E of one cow, Dam must be named D PREMIUMS (for Book 9 - District 3 Jersey) 1. CLASSES 1-7: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 2. CLASS 8, 15, 20: 1st = $50 plus Champion Rosette 3. CLASSES 10-14 and 16-19: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 4. CLASSES 9, 22, 23, 24: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd = $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 5. CLASS 21: $100 plus Grand Champion Rosette; $50 Reserved Grand Champion DISTRICT 3 JERSEY SHOW CLASSES DISTRICT 3 FORM MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OR YOU MUST HAVE IT ON SUNDAY NIGHT IN YOUR POSSESSION. Form can be picked up at the Fair Office, online at loraincountyfair.com, or call (440) 647-2781. BOOK 9 SHOW ORDER: Classes 10-20, then Classes 1-9, followed by Classes 21-24 1. Spring Heifer Calf - born on or after March 1, 2023 & over 4 months of age 2. Winter Heifer Calf - born on or after December 1, 2022 through February 2023 3. Fall Heifer Calf - born on or after September 1, 2022 through November 2022 4. Summer Yearling Heifer - born on or after June 1, 2022 through August 2022 5. Spring Yearling Heifer - born on or after March 1, 2022 through May 2022 6. Winter Yearling Heifer- born on or after December 1, 2021 through February 2022 7. Fall Yearling Heifer - born on or after September 1, 2021 through November 2021 8. JUNIOR CHAMPION AND RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE 9. Junior Best Three Females - shall consist of three females under 2 years of age, none of which have freshened, all bred and at least one owned by exhibitor 10. Yearling in Milk - Best Udder - born after September 1, 2021 11. Junior Two-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after March 1, 2021 through August 2021 12. Senior Two-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2020 through February 2021 13. Junior Three-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after March 1, 2020 through August 2020 14. Senior Three-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2019 through February 2020 15. INTERMEDIATE AND RESERVE INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION FEMALE 16. Four-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2018 through August 2019 17. Five-Year Old Cow - Best Udder - born on or after September 1, 2017 through August 2018 18. Aged Cow - Best Udder - born before September 1, 2017 19. Dry Cow - born before August 31, 2020 20. SENIOR AND RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE 21. GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE 22. Best Three Females - shall consist of three females, any age, all bred and at least one owned by exhibitor 55
23. Dam and Daughter - Dam and her own Daughter, any ages 24. Produce of Dam - shall consist of two animals, any age, either sex, the produce of one cow, Dam must be named SPECIAL AWARDS: 2 T • JUNIOR SUPREME CHAMPION classes - all Junior Champions of their breeds N are eligible - $75 payout. E M • SENIOR SUPREME CHAMPION class - all Grand Champion of their breed are T eligible - $150 payout. R A P E DAIRY KIDDIE SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST D 1. Any child under the age of nine at fair time is eligible to enter. No advance registration required. Animal must be a Dairy Female or Cow, must be one that is already on exhibit at the fair. 2. This class will be conducted after the Open Dairy Class show on Tuesday. 3. All entrants will receive a participation prize. No premiums paid on this contest. 4. First, Second, and Third place will receive Special Awards. This contest is sponsored and conducted by the District 8 Holstein Association. DISTRICT 8 SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST 1. Any youth that is a member of District 8 is eligible to enter. No advance registration required. Animal must be a Holstein female exhibited at the District Show. 2. This class will be held after the conclusion of the Open Class Dairy Show. 3. Showmanship will be split into three age divisions in accordance with PDCA guidelines. 4. First, second, and third place, in each age group, will receive cash prizes sponsored by the Lorain County Senior Fair Board. 5. If not a member of District 8, a $2 registration can be paid the morning of the show. 56
THIRD DEPARTMENT SHEEP JED LAMB Superintendent ............................................................................. Jed Lamb Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Heath Baus ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees - $1.00 per animal and $1.00 per group Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:00 am-8:00 pm All entries must be in place by 8:00 pm DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm JUDGING: FOR ENTRY BOOKS 13-26: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 9:00 am RULES: 1. Exhibitors must turn in all Scrapie ear tag numbers on all sheep exhibited. 2. All sheep must be registered or eligible for registration. Certificates of registration must be presented to the Superintendent if called for. 3. All exhibitors in this Department will be limited to two entries per class from the same farm. 4. Single entry on all groups. 5. All exhibitors must meet and abide with the Ohio Exhibition Rules found elsewhere in this premium book. 6. Straw, shavings, and sawdust may be used for bedding. 7. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or 57
trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 8. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. ENTRY BOOKS: 3 ENTRY BOOK 13 — SHROPSHIRE T ENTRY BOOK 14 — SOUTHDOWN N E ENTRY BOOK 15 — CORRIEDALES M ENTRY BOOK 16 — DORSETS T ENTRY BOOK 17 — MONTDALES R A ENTRY BOOK 18 — CHEVIOTS P ENTRY BOOK 19 — OXFORDS E D ENTRY BOOK 20 — HAMPSHIRES ENTRY BOOK 21 — RAMBOUILLET ENTRY BOOK 22 — MERINO ENTRY BOOK 23 — COLUMBIA ENTRY BOOK 24 — SUFFOLK ENTRY BOOK 25 — ALL OTHER BREEDS ENTRY BOOK 26 — BLACK SHEEP PREMIUMS (for Books 13-26): 1. CLASSES 1-7: 1st = $13; 2nd = $12; 3rd = $9; 4th = $7; 5th = $6; 6th = $5 2. CLASSES 8, 9 &10: 1st = $13; 2nd = $12; 3rd = $9; 4th = $7; 5th = $6 3. CLASSES 11 & 12: 1st = $10 plus Champion Rosette; 2nd = $5 plus Reserve Champion Rosette 4. BEST RAM OF SHOW: 1st = $15 plus Plaque 5. BEST EWE OF SHOW: 2nd = $15 plus Plaque CLASSES (for Books 13-26): 1. Ram 1 Year and Under 2 2. Ram Lamb 3. 1 Pair Ram Lambs 4. Ewe 1 Year and Under 2 5. 1 Pair Ewe 1 Year and Under 2 6. Ewe Lamb 7. 1 Pair Ewe Lambs 8. 3 Best Ewes 9. Pen of Lambs - 2 Ewes and 2 Rams 10. Breeder’s Flock - 1 Ram, 2-Year Ewe, 2 Ewe Lambs 11. CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION RAM 12. CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION EWE ***BEST RAM OF SHOW*** ***BEST EWE OF SHOW*** 58
ENTRY BOOK: ENTRY BOOK 27 — WOOL SHOW RULES: 1. Entry fee is $.50 per fleece. 2. 2 fleece per breed. 3. Each fleece marked by breed. 4. Premiums for each breed. 5. All fleece must be in place by Sunday, August 20, 2023 by 8:00 pm. 3 JUDGING: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 9:00 am T N PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2; 4th = $1 E M CLASSES: T R 1. Southdown 9. Columbia A 2. Corriedales 10. Suffolk P 3. Dorsets 11. Shropshire E 4. Montdales 12. Cheviot D 5. Oxfords 13. All Other Breeds 6. Hampshire 14. Black Fleece 7. Rambouillet 15. Grand Champion Fleece 8. Merino 59
FOURTH DEPARTMENT HORSE PULLING • DRAFT HORSES • DRAFT PONIES MATT HIGNETT RICK TERNES Co-Superintendent ................................................................... Matt Hignett Co-Superintendent ....................................................................Rick Ternes Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Heath Baus Assistant Superintendent ........................................................ Chris Jordan RULES: 1. Teams will be pulled on a stone boat. 2. The official pull shall be a continuous forward movement of 27 feet. Pulls of a shorter distance shall not be used except to determine winners when two or more teams fail to pull the full distance of 27 feet. The distance chain to be fastened to the center of rear end of boat. Three trials will be given to each team. 3. Three judges will be selected by the Fair Association to determine the winners. 4. The owner of each contesting team must pay $10 for each team. No other fee will be charged. 5. The owner of each contesting team must have a written weight certificate issued to him by the Superintendent of the fairgrounds scales or a written weight certificate from a pull held within the previous 7 days. 6. The Board of Directors for the Lorain County Agricultural Society unanimously voted that all money winners in the horse pulling contest are subjected to a blood test, to be given by an authorized veterinarian. 7. All monies to be held pending the results of the blood test, and, if the analysis of a blood sample indicates that a horse has been drugged or otherwise improperly stimulated, such horse shall be disqualified and owner barred for life from any horse pulling contest at the Lorain County Fair. 8. All first and second division teams will be pulled together, so please be on time. 9. The distance between side boundary lines shall be 20 feet, or as close to 20 feet as the judges may allow. Crossing the boundary line disqualifies the pull in progress. 10. First and second pulls shall be in the direction indicated by the judges. If the driver unhitches after the first pull, he indicates he is passing up his second pull. The third and final pull can be taken in either direction, but in the order the team originally pulled. 11. Any forward movement of the sled, after the driver gives the command to pull, will be counted as a pull and measurement recorded. In cases of breakage, the team is entitled to another pull. 60
12. A whistle will be given when the team has made the full distance or when the forward movement of the sled stops. If an error has been committed, a whistle signal will be given. 13. The use of open bridles is prohibited. 14. Drivers will be allowed two helpers in hitching but, in no case, will the helpers be allowed to touch the horses or speak to them. Driver and helpers must stay behind the hooking point on the sled or the pull in progress will be disqualified. 15. Drivers shall not prod, hit, kick, or whip the horses. No profane language will be permitted. Violation of this rule disqualifies the team and driver from the contest. 16. There will not be over three tries to hitch or it will be counted as a pull. 17. Drivers of teams must keep their teams in view of the judges at all times. They must be ready to pull in their regular order. 4 Unnecessary delay in getting to the sled can result in the judge T disqualifying such teams. N 18. Each team will be driven by one driver throughout the entire E contest, except in case of injury. M T 19. All teams must be properly handled and under control at all times R during the contest. A P 20. Refer to Ohio Buckeye Horse Pullers Rules for any clarification. E 21. Pull to start promptly at 7:00 pm. D 22. Testing of horses for foreign substance may be done by lottery – one horse from each of the top three teams in each class. 23. Judges’ ruling is final during contest. 24. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. HORSE PULL Thursday, August 24, 2023 @ 12 noon - In Front of Grandstand $5,140.00 - purse money from Lorain County Agricultural Society $500.00 - additional purse money sponsored by Harrison Ford & Trailer Sales TOTAL PURSE - $5,640.00 Entry Fee - $15.00 Bob Schaffer Memorial Pull Horse Pull sled sponsored by Kodiak Construction 1st Division - Purse $2,820.00 - Teams weighing 3,400 and under (Light) 1st $500.00 2nd $425.00 3rd $350.00 4th $305.00 5th $265.00 6th $235.00 7th $210.00 8th $200.00 9th $170.00 10th $160.00 2nd Division - Purse $2,820.00 - Teams weighing over 3,400 (Heavy) 1st $500.00 2nd $425.00 3rd $350.00 4th $305.00 5th $265.00 6th $235.00 7th $210.00 8th $200.00 9th $170.00 10th $160.00 61
CENTRAL OHIO PONY PULLING ASSOCIATION PONY PULLING CONTEST Thursday, August 24, 2023 @ 8:30 am Total Purses - $3,450.00 TROPHIES donated by: Fred Lewis Septic - 1st 52” Dick Runkle Memorial - 2nd 52” Aubrey Witbeck Memorial - 1st 56” Pappy Whitt Memorial - 2nd 56” This event shall be under the direct supervision of the Directors and Officers duly elected for the current year of the Central Ohio Pony 4 Pulling Association, Inc. All rules of entry and contest shall be that of T the above Association for the current year. Following are the premiums N offered in each of the Light and Heavy classes ($1,725.00 per class): E M T 1st $230.00 2nd $215.00 3rd $190.00 4th $180.00 R A P 5th $170.00 6th $165.00 7th $155.00 8th $145.00 E D 9th $140.00 10th $135.00 DRAFT HORSE / DRAFT PONY FUN PULL Friday, August 25, 2023 @ 4:00 pm MUST pre-register for this event Open to Draft Horses and Draft Ponies stalled for the week only ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm ENTRY FEE: None JUDGING: Book 1 RULES: 1. Total Purse of $450.00 will be split evenly among all teams pulling. 2. All double trees must be inspected by a judge before Pull is started. Must have hook and be of iron. 3. All rules printed for Thursday Horse Pull will apply. Exception to Rule #18. If judge feels driver cannot keep the team under control, you will be asked to change drivers or remove the team from the contest. There will be Three Divisions: Class 1 1st Division Teams weighing 3,400 and under (Light) Class 2 2nd Division Teams weighing over 3,400 (Heavy) Class 3 3rd Division Draft Ponies NOTE: This Pull is for your enjoyment !! Anyone interested in donating prizes for the Pull, contact Rick Ternes 62
MINIATURE HORSE PULL Wednesday, August 23, 2023 @ 1:00 pm Pony Ring Total Purses - $1,000.00 Entry Fee - $5.00 per team MEASUREMENT: FIRST DIVISION: 34” and under - ponies will be measured with their feet set squarely under their body and to the last mane hair. The maximum height for this class will be 35 3/8” WITH SHOES. The maximum height for unshod ponies will be 34”. SECOND DIVISION: over 34” to 38” - ponies will be measured with their feet set squarely under their body and to the last mane hair. The 4 maximum height for this class will be 39 3/8” WITH SHOES. The maximum height for unshod ponies will be 38”. T N E M Following premiums offered in each of the First and Second Divisions T ($500.00 per division): R A P 1st $120.00 2nd $105.00 3rd $ 90.00 4th $ 75.00 E D 5th $ 50.00 6th $ 35.00 7th $ 20.00 8th $ 5.00 RULES: 1. Team must pull a distance of 10 feet for a full pull. 2. The pulling track will be 12 feet wide. 3. Team will have three attempts at each load, with the option to pass the second and third attempt; teams must stay hitched for the second attempt unless there is not ample space provided. 4. If a third attempt is necessary, teamster will have the choice of direction given there is ample space provided. 5. Teams will be allowed three tries to hitch to the sled per attempt. Over three tries will result in loss of attempt and no distance will be given for that attempt. 6. If the team is unsuccessful to make a full pull, the greatest distance will be their placing distance. 7. If there is a tie in distances, the next greatest distance will be the placing distance. 8. Each teamster will be permitted two helpers. 9. Any whipping, line slapping, smacking, kicking, etc., will result in the teamster being immediately ejected from the competition with no distance given for that load. 10. Teamster and helper may not be ahead of the double trees or it results in loss of attempt with no distance given for that attempt. 11. No open faced bridles are to be used. If open faced bridles are used, the team will not be allowed to participate in the competition. 12. Drivers or helpers may not head the ponies at any time while they are in the pulling area, except if there are problems with the ponies and/or harness. If the teamster or helper does have to head the ponies, the teamster must take the ponies back outside of the pulling area and return in. 13. ONLY the driver will be allowed to call on the team, excluding profane or offensive language. 63
14. Drivers that lose control of the team during any point of the pull will be ejected from the competition and no distance for that load will be given. 15. In case of a breakdown while the team is hitched to the sled, the teamster will be allotted time to fix it, the pull will proceed, and that teamster will move to the end of the order for that load. 16. In case of a breakdown while the team is hitched to the sled, the teamster will be permitted to unhook to fix it and the distance for that pull will stand. The teamster will automatically forfeit their second attempt if breakdown occurs during the first attempt. 17. There will be no switching of drivers after the second load. If a change of drivers is necessary, the judges must be informed prior to the team hitching for their first attempt on the second load. 18. If you wish to protest a call or measurement, you must post $25, 4 which is to be lodged immediately following the alleged infraction, T NOT at the end of the pull. No protests will be accepted at the N end of the contest. If the protest is sustained by the judges, the E $25 will be refunded. If the judges rule that the call stands, then M the $25 will be forfeited. THE JUDGES MAKE THE FINAL CALL! T R A P E Any questions should be directed to D Rick Ternes at (440) 669-0097 64
FIFTH DEPARTMENT GOATS Official ADGA Show Rosette (Junior and Senior) Sanction Show JED LAMB Superintendent ............................................................................ Jed Lamb Assistant Superintendent.................................................... Patrick Twining Assistant Superintendent........................................................Randy Cowie ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees – $2.00 per animal and $2.00 per group Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:00 am-8:00 pm DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm DAIRY GOATS JUDGING: Thursday, August 24, 2023 9:00 am Pavilion 2 65
RULES: 1. This show is sponsored by the Lorain County Agricultural Society. 2. Competition for premiums open to all. 3. All Buck goats are barred from grounds. 4. ADGA RULES SHALL GOVERN. 5. No exhibitor shall approach the judge. Any questions, concerns, and problems must be addressed to the show chair. 6. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Consequences will be determined as stated under the Lorain County Agricultural Society’s “Directions to Exhibitors” #11. No person will be allowed to discuss, or in any way interfere, with the Awarding Committee during their deliberations. Any person who, by agent letter or otherwise, shall so interfere may be excluded from competition and, if the committee, on investigation, is satisfied that a premium has been secured by irregularities or fraud, then such premiums shall be withheld. 7. The Junior and Senior Shows are separately sanctioned. 8. The show order will be Senior Show first in all breeds, followed by the Junior Show in all breeds. Show order is not subject to change. 9. All entries must be made in the name of the bona fide owner of the 5 animal. T 10. All animals must be ADGA registered. N 11. A valid stamped duplicate or original certificate of registry must be E present at the time of registration and during the show. M T 12. Registration: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, in Barn 40 (Open Class R Dairy Goat Barn) from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. A 13. If you are unable to meet the registration deadline, entries will not be P E valid unless discussed with the show chair. D 14. NO REFRIGERATORS. 15. All goats must have a legible ear or tail web tattoo. 16. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 17. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. The order will be: ENTRY BOOKS: ENTRY BOOK 37 — LAMANCHA ENTRY BOOK 38 — NUBIAN ENTRY BOOK 39 — OBERHASLI ENTRY BOOK 40 — TOGGENBURG ENTRY BOOK 41 — ALL OTHER PUREBREDS ENTRY BOOK 42 — RECORDED GRADES CLASSES: 1. Senior Yearlings in Milk - 1 year under 2 years $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 2. Does in Milk - 2 years under 3 years $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 3. Does in Milk - 3 years under 4 years $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 4. Does in Milk - 4 years under 5 years $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 5. Does in Milk - 5 years and over $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 6. SENIOR GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION Rosettes $5 $3 7. Best Udder to be judged on udder alone - entries in this class must be owned by the exhibitor $9 $7 $6 8. Junior Kids (born April 1 and after) $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 66
9. Intermediate Kids (born March 1 - March 31) $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 10. Senior Kids (January 1 - February 28) $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 11. Dry Yearling - 1 year under 2 years $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 12. JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION Rosettes $5 $3 13. BEST JUNIOR DOE OF SHOW (all breeds) Rosettes 14. BEST SENIOR AND JUNIOR DOE OF SHOW Plaque (Plaque donated by Wuensch’s Spindle Acres) 15. Junior Get of Sire - three Does under 2 years, not in milk, sired by the same Buck $10 $8 $7 16. Get of Sire - three senior Does, different ages, all sired by the same Buck, out of at least two different Dams, only one multiple birth allowed; entries in this class shall be made in the name of the Buck and need not be owned by the exhibitor $10 $8 $7 17. Dam and Daughter - one Doe with one Dam; entries must be owned by the exhibitor $10 $8 $7 18. Produce of Dam - two Does, any age, preferably by different Sires, all having the same Dam $10 $8 $7 19. Dairy Herd - four does of any age, all owned by the exhibitor $10 $8 $7 20. Best Herd - shall consist of one Kid, 1 Dry Yearling, and two milking Does $10 $8 $7 5 T BOER GOATS N E M JUDGING: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:00 am T Pavilion 2 R A P RULES: E 1. This show is sponsored by the Lorain County Agricultural Society. D 2. Competition for premiums open to all. 3. All Buck goats are barred from grounds. 4. Horns are permitted on all Boer goats. 5. No exhibitor shall approach the judge. Any questions, concerns, and problems must be addressed to the show chair. 6. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Consequences will be determined as stated under the Lorain County Agricultural Society’s “Directions to Exhibitors” #11. No person will be allowed to discuss, or in any way interfere, with the Awarding Committee during their deliberations. Any person who, by agent letter or otherwise, shall so interfere may be excluded from competition and, if the committee, on investigation, is satisfied that a premium has been secured by irregularities or fraud, then such premiums shall be withheld. 7. The show order will be all Commercial Boer classes, followed by all Registered Boer classes. 8. Birth dates will be used in determining class divisions. In order to calculate the class breaks, take the show date and count back to the birth date to determine the age and class for the animal. Animals may be dismissed from a class at the judge’s discretion if they fail to show physical age indicators conforming with the class division in which they are entered (i.e., lack of milk teeth in a kid class). 9. Registered goats are any registered animals, of any Boer percentage, and may be registered with any active Boer Goat registry. 10. All goats must have permanent, USDA-approved identification. 11. For all Commercial goats, identification tags or tattoo information will be presented and recorded at registration. 12. All registered goats must have a legible ear tattoo consistent with their registration certificate and a valid registration certificate must be presented and identifying information recorded at the time of registration. 67
13. Registration: Sunday, August 20, 2023, in Barn 40 (Open Class Dairy Goat Barn) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 14. If you are unable to meet the registration deadline, entries will not be valid unless discussed with the show chair. 15. NO REFRIGERATORS. 16. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 17. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. The order will be: ENTRY BOOKS: ENTRY BOOK 47 — COMMERCIAL BOER GOATS 5 ENTRY BOOK 48 — REGISTERED BOER GOATS T N CLASSES: E 1. 0 to under 3 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 M T 2. 3 to under 6 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 R 3. 6 to under 9 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 A 4. 9 to under 12 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 P 5. JUNIOR DIVISION CHAMPION AND E RESERVE CHAMPION Rosettes $5 $3 D 6. 12 to under 16 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 7. 16 to under 20 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 8. 20 to under 24 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 9. YEARLING DIVISION CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION Rosettes $5 $3 10. 24 to under 36 months $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 11. 36 months plus $12 $11 $10 $9 $7 12. SENIOR DIVISION CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION Rosettes $5 $3 13. GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION Banner $5 $3 14. Get of Sire - three Does of any age from the same sire $10 $8 $7 15. Produce of Dam - two Does of different ages, the produce of one dam $10 $8 $7 16. Dam & Daughter $10 $8 $7 17. Best of three Does - shall consist of three Does, any age, all bred and owned by the exhibitor; limited to one entry $10 $8 $7 68
SIXTH DEPARTMENT POULTRY KELLY SQUIRE Superintendent ......................................................................... Kelly Squire Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Steve Zurcher ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 2023 show is an American Poultry and American Bantam Association sanctioned event Belgian d’Uccle and Booted Bantam Club - Special Meet ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees – $1.00 per bird Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be at Poultry Barn on cages prior to check-ins BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:00 am-8:00 pm DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm-9:00 pm JUDGING: ALL BOOKS Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:00 am ADULT POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP (ages 19 & up) - sign up in Barn 38 Friday, August 25, 2023 4:00 pm All poultry and waterfowl must be removed Sunday, August 27, 2023 by 9:00 pm RULES: 1. Birds lacking in breed characteristics, as defined in the American Poultry Standard of Perfection, or those in poor condition, such as bare backs, feathering, illness, or poor vitality, may be removed or 69
refused admittance and/or placed out of class from the show at the Director or judge’s discretion. 2. Each exhibitor will be permitted to enter NO MORE than two chickens in any one class, Ducks or Geese NO MORE than two. 3. BIRDS MUST BE ENTERED IN THE CORRECT CLASS ACCORDING TO BREED, SEX, AND AGE CLASSIFICATION AS SHOWN IN THE PREMIUM BOOK. 4. The Society will use all reasonable precaution against loss but will not be responsible should any loss occur. 5. Each poultry exhibitor must comply with one of the following (waterfowl are exempt) - proof required when animals arrive at fairgrounds or send with entry form: a. Poultry exhibited were obtained from a flock or hatchery of origin, which is a participant in the National Poultry Improvement Plan for the eradication of disease (all commercial Ohio hatcheries meet this requirement); or b. Poultry are from a flock which has had a negative flock test for pullorum disease within 12 months; or c. Poultry had a negative test for pullorum disease within 90 days; d. Hatchery receipt is invalid if comingled with other poultry. 6. Exhibitors will not be allowed to place their names on coops until after judging has been completed. Entries may be limited due to availability of coops. Lorain County residents given preference if limit is reached. Limit of 50 entries per exhibitor. 6 7. Feed, water, and bedding is provided throughout the fair by the Lorain T County Agricultural Society and show sponsors. N 8. All birds will be judged according to the APA Standard of Perfection E by an APA Licensed Judge. M T 9. No birds removed until 6:00 pm Sunday - owned or sold. R 10. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE A P PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or E trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair D rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 11. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. ENTRY BOOKS: STANDARD POULTRY - BANTAMS COCK - a male bird one year old or more HEN - a female bird one year old or more COCKEREL - a male bird less than one year old PULLET - a female bird less than one year old CLASSES (SEX): 1. Cock $5 $3 $1 2. Hen $5 $3 $1 3. Cockerel $5 $3 $1 4. Pullet $5 $3 $1 ENTRY BOOK (BREED): STANDARD POULTRY AMERICAN 1. Plymouth Rock - Barred 7. Plymouth Rock - A.O.V. 2. Plymouth Rock - White 8. Wyandotte - White 3. Plymouth Rock - Partridge 9. Wyandotte - Partridge 4. Plymouth Rock - Buff 10. Wyandotte - Silver Laced 5. Plymouth Rock - Silver Pencil 11. Wyandotte - Golden Laced 6. Plymouth Rock - Blue 12. Wyandotte - A.O.V. 70
13. Rhode Island Red - S.C. ENGLISH 14. Rhode Island Red - R.C. 48. Orpington - Buff 15. Jersey Giant - Black 49. Orpington - White 16. Jersey Giant - White 50. Orpington - Black 17. Delaware 51. Orpington - Blue 18. Buckeye 52. Cornish - Dark 19. New Hampshire 53. Cornish - A.O.V. 20. Dominique 54. Sussex - Speckled ASIATIC 55. Sussex - Light 21. Brahmas - Light 56. Australops - Black 22. Brahmas - Dark CONTINENTAL 23. Brahmas - Buff 57. Polish - White Crested Black 24. Cochin - Buff 58. Polish - Golden 25. Cochin - Partridge 59. Polish - Silver 26. Cochin - White 60. Polish - Buff Laced 27. Cochin - Black 61. Polish - White 28. Cochin - Barred 62. Polish - A.O.V. 29. Cochin - A.O.V. 63. Faverolles - Salmon 30. Langshan - Black 64. Faverolles - White 31. Langshan - A.O.V. 65. Hamburg - Silver Spangled MEDITERRANEAN 66. Hamburg - A.O.V. 32. Leghorn - S.C. Light Brown 67. Lakenvalder 33. Leghorn - S.C. Dark Brown 68. Campines - Golden 34. Leghorn - S.C. Buff 69. Campines - Silver 35. Leghorn - S.C. White 70. Barnevelders 36. Leghorn - S.C. Silver ALL OTHER STANDARD 37. Leghorn - S.C. A.O.V. 71. Sumatras - Blue 38. Leghorn - R.C. Black 72. Sumatras - Black 39. Leghorn - R.C. Dark Brown 73. Phoenix - A.O.V. 6 40. Leghorn - R.C. Light Brown 74. Ameraucanas - A.O.V. T 41. Leghorn - R.C. A.O.V. 75. Araucanas - A.O.V. N 42. Minorca - S.C. Black 76. Modern Game - A.O.V. E 43. Minorca - S.C. Buff 77. Old English Game - A.O.V. M 44. Minorca - R.C. A.O.V. 78. Malay - A.O.V. T 45. White-Faced Black Spanish 79. Sultan - White R A 46. Andalusian - Blue P 47. Ancona - A.O.V. E D ENTRY BOOK (BREED): BANTAMS MODERN GAME BANTAMS S.C.C.L. 80. Modern Game - Black Breasted Red 98. Japanese - Black Tailed White 81. Modern Game - Brown Red 99. Japanese - A.O.V. 82. Modern Game - Red Pyle 100. Delaware 83. Modern Game - Birchen 101. Leghorn - White 84. Modern Game - Black 102. Leghorn - Light Brown 85. Modern Game - A.O.V. 103. Leghorn - Dark Brown GAME BANTAMS 104. Leghorn - Silver 86. Old English Game - Wheaten 105. Serama - A.O.V. 87. Old English Game - Black Breasted Red 106. Naked Neck - Black 88. Old English Game - Brown Red 107. Naked Neck - A.O.V. 89. Old English Game - Silver Duckwing 108. New Hampshires 90. Old English Game - Red Pyle 109. Orpington - Black 91. Old English Game - White 110. Orpington - Blue 92. Old English Game - Black 111. Orpington - Buff 93. Old English Game - Spangled 112. Orpington - White 94. Old English Game - Blue 113. Plymouth Rock - Barred 95. Old English Game - A.O.V. 114. Plymouth Rock - Partridge 96. American Game - Black Breasted Red 115. Plymouth Rock - Silver Penciled 97. American Game - A.O.V. 116. Plymouth Rock - White 71
117. Plymouth Rock - A.O.V. A.O.C.C.L. 118. Rhode Island Red 145. Buckeyes 119. Phoenix - A.O.V. 146. Cornish - Dark 120. Sussex - Speckled 147. Cornish - A.O.V. 121. Sussex - A.O.V. 148. Malay - A.O.V. 122. White Faced Black Spanish 149. Polish - White Crested Black R.C.C.L. 150. Polish - White 123. Leghorn - Black 151. Polish - Buff Laced 124. Leghorn - White 152. Polish - A.O.V. 125. Leghorn - Dark Brown 153. KO Shamo - Wheaten 126. Leghorn - Light Brown 154. Sumatras - Black 127. Leghorn - Silver 155. Sumatras - Blue 128. Leghorn - A.O.V. 156. Ameraucanas - A.O.V. 129. Belgian Bearded D’Anvers - A.O.V. FEATHERLEG 130. Rhode Island Red 157. Brahmas - Buff 131. Rosecombs - Black 158. Brahmas - Dark 132. Rosecombs - Blue 159. Brahmas - Light 133. Rosecombs - White 160. Cochins - Buff 134. Seabright - Golden 161. Cochins - Mottled 135. Seabright - Silver 162. Cochins - White 136. Hamburgs - Silver Spangled 163. Cochins - Black 137. Hamburgs - Golden Pencil 164. Cochins - A.O.V. 138. Hamburgs - Black 165. Favorelles - A.O.V. 139. Hamburgs - A.O.V. 166. Silkie - White 140. Wyandotte - White 167. Silkie - Black 141. Wyandotte - Black 168. Silkie - Blue 142. Wyandotte - Partridge 169. Silkie - A.O.V. 143. Wyandotte - Silver Laced 170. Silkie - Splash 6 144. Wyandotte - A.O.V. 171. Belgian Bearded T d’Uccle - A.O.V. N 172. Sultan - White E 173. Sultan - Black M 174. Sultan - Blue T R A SPECIAL AWARDS P All large fowl and bantam class champions will receive $5 and an award. E All large fowl and bantam reserve class champions will receive $5 and an award. D Champion large fowl and champion bantam will receive an award. Reserve champion large fowl and bantam will receive an award. Champion and reserve champion large fowl - $10 donated by Bill & Robin Fox. Champion and reserve champion bantam - $10 donated by Bill & Robin Fox. GRAND CHAMPION and RESERVE CHAMPION OF SHOW - ALL EXHIBITS Donated by Henrietta Hillbillies Demolition Derby Team in memory of Keith Shay and Joe Milks. CLASSES (SEX) DUCKS 1. Adult Drake $5 $3 $1 2. Adult Duck $5 $3 $1 3. Young Drake $5 $3 $1 4. Young Duck $5 $3 $1 ENTRY BOOK (BREED): DUCKS HEAVY 180. Pekin 185. Muscovy - White 181. Silver Appleyard 186. Muscovy - Blue 182. Rouen 187. Muscovy - Black 183. Aylesbury 188. Saxony 184. Muscovy - Chocolate 72
MEDIUM LIGHT 189. Cayuga 193. Runner - White 190. Crested 194. Runner - Black 191. Swedish 195. Runner - A.O.V. 192. Buff 196. Campbell - Khaki 197. Magpie - A.O.V. 198. Welsh Harlequin ENTRY BOOK (BREED): BANTAM DUCKS 199. Black East Indie 203. Call - A.O.V. 200. Call - Snowy 204. Mandarin 201. Call - Gray 205. Wood 202. Call - White 206. Mallard SPECIAL AWARDS Waterfowl class champions will receive $5 and an award. Waterfowl reserve class champions will receive $5 and an award. Duck champion will receive an award. Duck reserve champion will receive an award. Waterfowl champion will receive an award. Waterfowl reserve champion will receive an award. CLASSES (SEX) GEESE 1. Adult Gander $5 $3 $1 6 2. Adult Goose $5 $3 $1 3. Young Gander $5 $3 $1 T 4. Young Goose $5 $3 $1 N E M ENTRY BOOK (BREED): GEESE T R HEAVY LIGHT A P 210. Toulouse - Buff 218. Chinese - White E 211. Toulouse - Gray 219. Chinese - Brown D 212. Embden 220. Tufted Roman 213. African 221. Egyptian MEDIUM 214. American Buff 215. Pomeranian 216. Sebastopol 217. Pilgrim SPECIAL AWARDS Goose class champions will receive $5 and an award. Goose reserve class champions will receive $5 and an award. Goose champion will receive an award. Goose reserve champion will receive an award. All goose trophies sponsored by Cunningham and Crawford families. 73
CLASSES (SEX) TURKEY 1. Adult Tom $4 $2 $1 2. Adult Hen $4 $2 $1 3. Young Tom $4 $2 $1 4. Young Hen $4 $2 $1 ENTRY BOOK (BREED): TURKEY 230. Bourbon Red 234. Royal Palm 231. Slate 235. Narragansett 232. White Holland 236. Black 233. Bronze 237. Beltsville Small White SPECIAL AWARDS Turkey class champion will receive $5 and an award. Turkey reserve class champion will receive $5 and an award. SPONSORS Feed donated by 511 Feed & Supply - Nova, Ohio Shavings donated by 6 John Matus Farms - Oberlin, Ohio T N E M T R A P E D 74
EGG COMPETITION Director in Charge ................................................................... Kelly Squire BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:00 am-8:00 pm ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be on display plates in Poultry Barn prior to check-ins DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm-9:00 pm All entries not picked up by 9:00 pm will be disposed of at discretion of Director JUDGING: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 RULES: 1. An egg show exhibitor does not have to show in the live “in cage” show. 2. Eggs will be judged based on the American Poultry Association Proposed Egg Competition Standards. Eggs will not be judged the same as commercial categories. 3. Each exhibitor will be permitted two entries per class. 4. Each Egg Display entry consists of three eggs originating from the same animal. Exhibitor should be prepared to write breed name on 6 entry tag at check-in. 5. One egg per Egg Display entry will be broken open at judge’s T N E discretion to evaluate interior qualities. Opened eggs will be disposed of upon completion of judging. M 6. Painted Egg entries consist of one hard boiled or blown egg. Egg T R A to be painted or inked. No decorations may be applied in this class. P An upright support is recommended for this entry. Egg must be E painted or inked by the exhibitor. D 7. Decorated Egg entries consist of one hard boiled or blown egg. However it is decorated, the outline of the egg must be maintained and its shape always recognizable. Egg must be decorated by the exhibitor. 8. Department Director may be contacted for more information. ENTRY BOOK 250: EGG DISPLAY CLASSES 1. Large Eggs (Standard) $3 $2 $1 2. Bantam Eggs $3 $2 $1 3. Waterfowl Eggs $3 $2 $1 Champion Egg Display ......................................................................... $10 and award ENTRY BOOK 251: PAINTED EGG CLASSES 1. Adult $3 $2 $1 2. Youth (age 18 and under) $3 $2 $1 Champion Painted Egg - People’s Choice ........................................... $10 and award ENTRY BOOK 252: DECORATED EGG CLASSES 1. Adult $3 $2 $1 2. Youth (age 18 and under) $3 $2 $1 Champion Decorated Egg - People’s Choice ....................................... $10 and award Egg competition sponsored by Riverhill Farm 75
PIGEONS Director in Charge................................................................... Kelly Squire Superintendent .................................................................... Steve Zurcher BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:00 am-8:00 pm ENTRY FEE: $1.00 per bird ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be at Poultry Barn on cages prior to check-ins DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm JUDGING: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 NO BIRDS ARE PERMITTED TO BE BROUGHT IN ONLY FOR SALE. THE ONLY BIRDS ALLOWED FOR SALE ARE THE ONES ENTERED AND EXHIBITED. Each exhibitor will be permitted to enter 2 birds in any one class; Coops will be furnished; No birds allowed to change class once entered; 6 No pullorum test needed for pigeons. T N E CLASSES (SEX) M 1. Old Cock $4 $3 $1 T 2. Old Hen $4 $3 $1 R 3. Young Cock $4 $3 $1 A P 4. Young Hen $4 $3 $1 E D ENTRY BOOK (BREED): 301. Kings 316. Carriers 302. Modenas 317. Lahores 303. German Beauty Homers 318. Jacobins 304. Racing Homers 319. Baldhead Rollers 305. Giant Homers 320. Oriental Frills 306. Parlors 321. Pouters 307. Rollers 322. Fantails 308. Tipplers 323. Priests 309. Helmets 324. Barbs 310. Nuns 325. Swallows 311. Tumblers 326. Trumpeters 312. Komorner Tumblers 327. Chinese Owls 313. Hungarians 328. Ice 314. Old Dutch Capuchines 329. Old German Owls 315. Archangels 330. A.O.V. - Recognized Breed SPECIAL AWARDS Best Utility ............................................................................ $ 5 and award Best Flying ........................................................................... $ 5 and award Best Fancy ........................................................................... $ 5 and award Champion Pigeon ................................................................ $10 and award Pigeon Rolling Demonstration/Homing Pigeon Demonstration - Barn 38 Thursday, August 24 @ 4:00 pm & Saturday, August 26 @ 11:00 am 76
SEVENTH DEPARTMENT RABBIT SHOW MARIE WAITE Superintendent ......................................................................... Marie Waite Cavy Superintendent ........................................................... Laurie Norman Secretary .................................................................................. Cathy Waite MICHAEL HONOSHOFSKY MEMORIAL SHOW ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees - $1.00 Single Rabbit or Cavy $2.00 Single Fryer $2.00 Doe & Litter $2.00 Meat Pen Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be at Rabbit Barn on cages after judging BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:00 am-8:00 pm All exhibits must be in coops by 8:00 pm DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm JUDGING: ALL BOOKS Tuesday, August 22, 2023 8:00 am 77
RULES: 1. The show will be under the supervision of the Lorain County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association, Inc. 2. The latest rules of the ARBA to govern. Substitutions will be allowed only in the same class, sex, breed, and variety per ARBA rules. These changes must be made with the Secretary at time of check-in, no later than Sunday, August 20, by 8:00 pm. 3. DOE & LITTER MUST CONSIST OF DOE AND AT LEAST FOUR OR MORE YOUNG, 6 TO 8 WEEKS OLD, BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR - ALL SAME BREED. NO MIX BREEDS. 4. No mix breed Doe & Litters or single Rabbits. 5. Coops will be furnished by the Lorain County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association, Inc. and the Lorain County Fair Board. 6. The Superintendent will not be responsible for any Rabbits or Cavies left in the building after 9:00 pm on the last day of the fair. 7. We will not be responsible for lost stock; however, all precautions will be taken. 8. Diseased stock will not be accepted. 9. Judging will be done by licensed ARBA Rules. We reserve the right to substitute judges, if necessary. 10. Entry will be taken on availability of coops. 11. Entries will be taken on regular entry forms - but all ear tag numbers and/or tattoo must be marked. 12. Limit of three Does & Litter per family. To show one Doe & Litter, exhibitor must also show three single Rabbits on Tuesday (cannot be scratched). To show a total of two or three Does & Litters, exhibitor must show a total of six single Rabbits on Tuesday (cannot be scratched) and they cannot come out of Doe & Litter. 13. All Rabbits must be properly tattooed; all Cavies must be tagged. 7 14. No water bottles. T 15. No locks or wire ties on cages. N E 16. Cavy limited to 250 with Lorain County residents given preference if M limit is reached. T 17. Limit of entries an exhibitor can bring may be altered due to R A availability of coops at the Superintendent’s discretion. P 18. Cages must be cleaned by 8:00 am Wednesday and 8:00 am E D Saturday. 19. Any exhibitor having 40% of their entries disqualified or unworthy will not be allowed to show for the next two years. 20. A list of breeds can be obtained at loraincountyfair.com or at the Fair Secretary’s Office. 21. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 22. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to Lorain County Agricultural Society. 78
PREMIUMS - for Rabbits & Cavies: 1. 1 in a class 1.50 2. 2 in a class 2.00 1.50 3. 3-6 in a class 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 4. 7-13 in a class 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 5. 14-20 in a class 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 6. 21 and over in class 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 PREMIUMS - for Doe & Litter: 1. 1 in a class 3.00 2. 2 in a class 3.50 3.00 3. 3-6 in a class 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 4. 7-13 in a class 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.50 2.50 PREMIUMS - Rabbit Display (six or more Rabbits consisting of a display): 1. Best Display in Show ........................................................... $10.00 2. Second Display in Show ...................................................... $ 8.00 3. Third Display in Show .......................................................... $ 6.00 4. Fourth Display in Show ........................................................ $ 4.00 5. Fifth Display in Show............................................................ $ 3.00 ROSETTES WILL BE GIVEN FOR FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD DISPLAYS BEST RABBIT DISPLAY TOP 4 BREEDS IN SHOW: $10 each BEST IN SHOW RABBIT ................................................................ Award BEST RESERVED RABBIT IN SHOW ........................................... Award SECOND BEST RESERVED RABBIT IN SHOW ........................... Award ROSETTES WILL BE GIVEN FOR BEST OF BREED AND BEST OPPOSITE SEX FOR ALL BREEDS IN COMPETITION BEST CAVY DISPLAY TOP 3 BREEDS (consisting of four or more 7 Cavies) IN SHOW: $10 each T Best Display in Show ...................................................................... $8.00 N Second Display in Show ................................................................. $6.00 E Third Display in Show ..................................................................... $5.00 M ROSETTES WILL BE GIVEN FOR FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD DISPLAYS T R A BEST CAVY IN SHOW ................................................................... Award P BEST RESERVED CAVY IN SHOW .............................................. Award E SECOND BEST RESERVED CAVY IN SHOW .............................. Award D ROSETTES WILL BE GIVEN FOR BEST OF BREED AND BEST OPPOSITE SEX FOR ALL BREEDS IN COMPETITION AWARDS FOR Rabbit & Cavy donated by: Lorain County Rabbit Cavy Breeders Association, Inc. Lorain County Fair Board Carolyn Holman 79
MEAT PEN AND SINGLE FRYER: 1. First ...................................................................................... Award & $25.00 2. Second ................................................................................. $20.00 3. Third ..................................................................................... $15.00 4. Fourth ................................................................................... $10.00 5. Fifth ...................................................................................... $ 5.00 RULES: 1. Meat Pen shall consist of three Rabbits, all of the same breed and variety. 2. All three Rabbits must be 10 weeks or younger in age. 3. The minimum weight is 3 1/2 pounds each and maximum weight is 5 1/2 pounds each. 4. Any Rabbit under 3 1/2 pounds or over 5 1/2 pounds disqualifies the whole Meat Pen. 5. “Single Fryer” is one rabbit not under 3 1/2 pounds, not over 5 1/2 pounds, and not over 10 weeks old. 7 T N E M T R A P E D 80
EIGHTH DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE In Cooperation with Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District DAN LINDEN Superintendent .......................................................................... Dan Linden Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Heath Baus Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Scott Smith ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: Membership or Season Pass $40.00 ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be mailed to each exhibitor. The exhibitor is responsible for the accuracy of the entry tag. Office errors will be corrected. Exhibitor errors/omissions cannot be changed. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm JUDGING: BOOKS 1-11 Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am BOOKS 12-39 Monday August 21, 2023 9:00 am BOOK 40 Monday August 21, 2023 9:00 am DISMISSAL: All items must be picked up Sunday, August 27, between 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm. Items not picked up on August 27 will be disposed of. NO ITEMS OR RIBBONS WILL BE MAILED. Premiums should be picked up between Buildings 25 & 26 on Sunday, August 27, from 5:30-7:30 pm or until Thursday, August 31, at the Secretary’s Office. Please check entry tag information sheet for details. Any premiums $20 or less not picked up by Thursday, August 31, will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. 81
RULES: 1. All entries in “Any Other, Variety Named” classes MUST have the variety named WRITTEN on the entry ticket prior to check-in or it will not be considered for judging. This is the exhibitor’s responsibility. 2. Please use care when making your entries. 3. Single entries in a class will be judged and placed according to their quality. 4. Each exhibitor is responsible for attaching the proper entry ticket to the entry. 5. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. GRAIN SHOW PLEASE SEE PAGE 81 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. RULES: 1. All grain entries that require one-quart samples will be placed in jars provided by the Department. (These entries will NOT be returned to the exhibitor.) 2. Exhibits in “Any Other, Variety Named” classes MUST have the name of the variety WRITTEN on the entry ticket prior to check-in or it will not be considered for judging. This is the exhibitor’s responsibility. 3. All entries shall be grown by the exhibitor. 4. All entries must be of the current year’s crop, except corn, soybeans, and other grain or seed crops not normally harvested by the opening date of the fair. 5. Only one entry per exhibitor per class. 6. Judging will start at 9:00 am on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. 8 PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 1-9 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 NT E ENTRY BOOK 1 - WINTER WHEAT (one quart sample required) M T CLASSES: R 1. Variety Named A P ENTRY BOOK 2 - OATS (one quart sample required) DE CLASSES: 1. Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 3 - SOYBEANS - 2022 CROP (one quart sample required) CLASSES: 1. Asgrow 2. French’s 3. Northrup King 4. Pioneer 5. Croplan 6. Wensink 7. Any Other, Variety Named RESERVE CHAMPION .................................... Rosette GRAND CHAMPION ........................................ Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by French’s Hybrids, Wakeman 82
ENTRY BOOK 4 - SHELLED CORN - 2022 CROP (one quart sample required) CLASSES: 1. Dekalb 2. French’s 3. Golden Harvest 4. Pioneer 5. Croplan 6. Wensink 7. Any Other, Variety Named RESERVE CHAMPION ....................................Rosette GRAND CHAMPION ........................................Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by Centerra Co-Op ENTRY BOOK 5 - MISC. GRAIN CROPS (one quart sample required) CLASSES: 1. Barley 2. Red Clover 3. Rye 4. Speltz 5. Timothy 6. Any Other Grain, Variety Named PLANT MATERIALS ENTRY BOOK 6 - SOYBEANS (10 plants tied per entry-remove excess soil) CLASSES: 1. Asgrow 2. French’s 3. Croplan 4. Pioneer 5. Northrup King 6. Wensink 8 7. Any Other, Variety Named RESERVE CHAMPION ....................................Rosette NT GRAND CHAMPION ........................................Rosette & Trophy E M T Trophy sponsored by Steve Schmittle R A Financial Advisor, Edward Jones P DE ENTRY BOOK 7 - EAR CORN - CURRENT YEAR (All husks removed - 10 ears required) CLASSES: 1. Dekalb 2. French’s 3. Pioneer 4. Croplan 5. Wensink 6. Any Other, Variety Named RESERVE CHAMPION ....................................Rosette GRAND CHAMPION ........................................Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by French’s Hybrids, Wakeman 83
ENTRY BOOK 8 - CORN (6 stalks with roots in a plastic bag) CLASSES: 1. Dekalb 2. French’s 3. Pioneer 4. Croplan 5. Wensink 6. Any Other, Variety Named RESERVE CHAMPION .................................... Rosette GRAND CHAMPION ........................................ Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by Centerra Co-Op ENTRY BOOK 9 - MISCELLANEOUS FORAGES (Display a bundle, 2” in diameter, in bloom). Display will not be returned. 1. Alfalfa 2. Birdsfoot Trefoil 3. Red Clover 4. Ladino Clover 5. Any Other Clover, Variety Named GRAINS - CURRENT YEAR (Display a bundle, 2” in diameter, in head). Display will not be returned. 6. Oats, Variety Named 7. Wheat, Variety Named 8. Rye 9. Timothy 10. Speltz, Variety Named MISCELLANEOUS 11. Sunflower, largest (head only) 12. Sunflower, tallest (stalk with single head) 8 13. Sunflower, most flowers in bloom on stalk 14. COMPOST: 1st = $10; 2nd = $6; 3rd = $4; 4th = $2 NT A one-gallon sample in a “Ziploc” type plastic bag E Judged on: color, odor, composition, and particle size M Compost entry will not be returned to exhibitor. T R A P SOIL CONSERVATION DE HAY & SILAGE SHOW Superintendent ........................................................................ Dan Linden PLEASE SEE PAGE 81 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. RULES: 1. Entries shall be of the current year’s crop and shall be properly cured. 2. Each exhibitor is responsible for attaching the proper entry ticket to each entry. 3. Only one entry per exhibitor per class. 4. The judge may reclassify an entry in Classes 10 and 11. Only one premium will be paid to any exhibitor in each class. If an exhibitor places in more than one premium position in the same class, only the highest position will receive a premium. 84
5. Exhibits will be accepted on Sunday, August 20, 2023, from 12 noon to 5:00 pm. All entries must be in place by 5:00 pm on Sunday, except for silage samples, which can be delivered on Monday, August 21, 2023, until 8:00 pm. 6. Judging will start at 9:00 am on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 10 & 11 1st = $5; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2; 4th = $1 ENTRY BOOK 10 - SILAGE (a two-quart sample is required, in a clear plastic bag) (sample is not returned to exhibitor) CLASSES: 1. Legume Rich - 50% or more 2. Grass Rich - 50% or more 3. Small Grain Silage RESERVE CHAMPION Hay Silage ............... Rosette GRAND CHAMPION Hay Silage ................... Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by Mike Sunderman Financial Advisor, Edward Jones 4. Corn Silage 5. High Moisture Corn RESERVE CHAMPION Corn Silage .............. Rosette GRAND CHAMPION Corn Silage .................. Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by Wellington Implement Co. ENTRY BOOK 11 - HAY Small square bales: One unbroken bale of machine-tied hay is required. 8 Large bales: Minimum of three slabs must be exhibited. CLASSES: NT 1. Alfalfa - 90% or more E M 2. Alfalfa - 50% to 90% T 3. Clover - 50% or more R A 4. Grass - 50% or more P 5. Mixed Legumes - more than 50% legumes but less than 50% of any one legume DE RESERVE CHAMPION .................................. Rosette GRAND CHAMPION ...................................... Rosette & Trophy Trophy sponsored by Lund & Smith Insurance Services, LLC 85
VEGETABLES & FRUITS Superintendent ........................................................................ Dan Linden PLEASE SEE PAGE 81 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. RULES: 1. Only one entry per class per exhibitor. 2. Entry tickets shall be attached to the proper exhibit and delivered to the Department on Sunday, August 20, 2023, 12 noon to 5:00 pm. All exhibits must be in place by 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 20, 2023. 3. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to make entries in the correct class. 4. Plates for display will be provided by the Department. Every effort will be made to properly display all exhibits. 5. Judging will start at 9:00 am on Monday, August 21, 2023. 6. Exhibits will be judged on quality, uniformity, freshness, and freedom from insects and disease. NO oil or wax may be applied to vegetables and fruits. 7. Exhibits in “Any Other, Variety Named” MUST have the name of the variety WRITTEN on the entry ticket prior to check-in, or it will not be considered for judging. This is the exhibitor’s responsibility. 8. Single entries in a class will be judged and placed according to its quality. 9. If you plan to pick up your exhibits, please notify us when you drop them off. These must be picked up Sunday from 6:00-7:30 pm only. The exhibitor will need to present the stub from their entry ticket or know their exhibitor number to claim their exhibit at pick-up. Any usable produce will be donated to the local food bank, Well Help Inc. 8 in Wellington. NT PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 12-31 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 E M T ENTRY BOOK 12 - POTATOES R Do not wash potatoes. A half peck is required in your basket. A P CLASSES: DE 1. Irish Cobblers 2. Katahdins 3. Kennebec 4. Pontiac Red 5. Yukon Gold 6. Any Other, Variety Named 7. Sweet Potato, Variety Named (exhibit 6) 8. Fingerlings, Variety Named (exhibit 6) 9. Largest Sweet Potato by Weight (exhibit 1) 10. Largest Potato by Weight (exhibit 1) The Steven Pete Memorial Trophy for the Largest Potato sponsored by the Pete family 86
ENTRY BOOK 13 - GREEN BEANS (exhibit 12 pods) CLASSES: 1. Blue Lake 2. Kentucky Wonder 3. Provider 4. Tendercrop 5. Tenderette 6. Tendergreen 7. Jade 8. Any Other Green Bean, Variety Named 9. Royal Burgundy (Purple Pod) ENTRY BOOK 14 - YELLOW BEANS (exhibit 12 pods) CLASSES: 1. Any Other Yellow Bean, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 15 - LIMA BEANS (exhibit 12 pods) CLASSES: 1. Any Other Lima Bean, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 16 - SHELL BEANS (exhibit 12 pods) CLASSES: 1. Any Other Shell Bean, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 17 - CARROTS (exhibit 5 with 1” tops) CLASSES: 1. Imperator Type 2. Nantes Type 3. Any Other Carrot, Variety Named 4. Longest Carrot ENTRY BOOK 18 - BEETS (exhibit 5 with 1” tops) CLASSES: 8 1. Detroit Dark Red 2. Any Other, Variety Named NT 3. Cylindrical Shaped, Variety Named E 4. Largest Beet by Weight (exhibit 1) M T R ENTRY BOOK 19 - SWEET GREEN PEPPERS (exhibit 5) A CLASSES: P 1. California Wonder DE 2. Big Bertha 3. Pimento 4. Yolo Wonder 5. Bell Tower 6. Any Other Green, Variety Named 7. Novelty Class for Color Peppers (Purple, Brown, etc.) ENTRY BOOK 20 - SWEET YELLOW PEPPERS (exhibit 5) CLASSES: 1. Sweet Banana 2. Gypsy 3. Golden Calwonder 4. Any Other Yellow, Variety Named 87
ENTRY BOOK 21 - HOT PEPPERS (exhibit 5) CLASSES: 1. Hungarian Long Wax 2. Jalapeno 3. Long Red Cayenne 4. Habenero 5. Any Other Hot, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 22 - TOMATOES (exhibit 5) NOTE: No Green Tomatoes; Classes 1-13 and Class 19: NO STEMS CLASSES: 1. Beefmaster 2. Better Boy 3. Big Boy 4. Celebrity 5. Early Girl 6. Jet Star 7. Marglobe 8. Rutgers 9. Supersonic 10. Any Other Red, Variety Named 11. Any Pink, Variety Named 12. Roma 13. Any Other Paste, Variety Named 14. Yellow Pear Type (exhibit 12) 15. Solid Yellow Cherry Type, Variety Named (exhibit 12) 16. Any Other Yellow, Variety Named 17. Sweet 100 (exhibit 12) 18. Solid Red Cherry, Variety Named (exhibit 12) 19. Grape, Variety Named (exhibit 12) 20. Cherry Tomato, Any Other Color, Variety Named (exhibit 12) 21. Largest Tomato by Weight (exhibit 1) PREMIUMS: 1st = $5; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2 8 ENTRY BOOK 23 - CABBAGE & CAULIFLOWER NT (exhibit 1 head with wrapper leaves) E CLASSES: M T 1. Flat Dutch R 2. Golden Acre A 3. Any Other Green, Variety Named P 4. Any Red Cabbage, Variety Named DE 5. Any Cauliflower, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 24 - ONIONS & GARLIC (exhibit 5) Do not clean. Leave outer skin as for storage, remove tops. CLASSES: 1. Any Yellow Onion 2. Any White Onion 3. Any Red Onion 4. Largest Onion, Any Variety 5. Garlic ENTRY BOOK 25 - SUMMER SQUASH (exhibit 2) CLASSES: 1. Crookneck Type 2. Straightneck Type 3. Cocozelle 4. Scallop (Patty Pan) 5. Baby Zucchini 88
6. Golden Zucchini 7. Zucchini 8. Any Other Summer, Variety Named 9. Largest Zucchini by Weight (exhibit 1) ENTRY BOOK 26 - WINTER SQUASH (exhibit 1) CLASSES: 1. Acorn, Green Type 2. Any Other Acorn, Variety Named 3. Buttercup Type 4. Butternut Type 5. Hubbard Type 6. Spaghetti Type 7. Sweet Dumpling Type 8. Turban Type 9. Any Other Winter, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 27 - PUMPKINS (exhibit 1) CLASSES: 1. Jack-O-Lantern 2. Sugar 3. Big Max 4. Jack Be Little (exhibit 3) 5. Any Other White Pumpkin, Variety Named 6. Any Other Pumpkin, Variety Named 7. Any Other Novelty Squash, Variety Named 8. Mini Pumpkins, Orange, Variety Named (exhibit 3) 9. Mini Pumpkins, White, Variety Named (exhibit 3) 10. Largest Pumpkin (by weight) Trophy sponsored in Memory of Jack Ternes Prizes will be awarded to top five: 8 PREMIUMS: 1st = $25; 2nd = $20; 3rd = $15; 4th = $10; 5th = $5 NT ENTRY BOOK 28 - CUCUMBERS (exhibit 3) E CLASSES: M 1. Burpless, Variety Named T R 2. Marketmore A 3. Straight Eight P 4. Any Other Slicing, Variety Named DE 5. Pickling, Variety Named (exhibit 6) ENTRY BOOK 29 - MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES: 1. Broccoli (exhibit 1) 2. Eggplant, Purple Variety, Pear Shaped (exhibit 3) 3. Eggplant, Elongated Shape (exhibit 3) 4. Eggplant, Any Other Color (exhibit 3) 5. Kohlrabi (exhibit 5) 6. Swiss Chard (exhibit 1 bunch) (display in a plastic bag with moist paper towel base) 7. Popcorn, Yellow or White (exhibit 5) - 2022 Crop 8. Popcorn, Strawberry (exhibit 5) - 2022 Crop 9. Ornamental Corn with Husks (exhibit 5) 10. Mini-Ornamental Corn with Husks (exhibit 5) 11. Tomatilloes (exhibit 10) 89
ENTRY BOOK 30 - SWEET CORN (exhibit 6 ears, husked) CLASSES: 1. Any Yellow, Variety Named 2. Any Bi-Color, Variety Named 3. Any White, Variety Named “Best of Show” Trophy in Memory of Frederich A. Lacina, Sr. - “Gramps” Evelyn R. Lacina - “Grams” and Frederich A. Lacina, Jr. - “Fred” ENTRY BOOK 31 - MELONS (exhibit 1) CLASSES: 1. Sugar Baby Watermelon 2. Crimson Sweet 3. Any Other Red Watermelon, Variety Named 4. Any Yellow Watermelon, Variety Named 5. Largest Watermelon by Weight 6. Gold Star Muskmelon 7. Heart of Gold Muskmelon 8. Honey Rock Muskmelon 9. Any Other Muskmelon, Variety Named 10. Largest Muskmelon by Weight 11. Any Honey Dew, Variety Named 12. Largest Honey Dew by Weight THE STEVEN PETE MEMORIAL TROPHY FOR OUTSTANDING GARDENER Will be awarded to the exhibitor who earns the most points in Books 12 through 31, as follows: 1st place = 3 points; 2nd place = 2 points; 3rd place = 1 point This trophy sponsored by the Pete Family 8 Tie will be broken by most 1st places, 2nd places, etc. NT E M T ENTRY BOOK 32 - DISPLAYS (ADULT) R Displays are judged on the variety, quality, and eye appeal of the overall A display of the produce. P CLASSES: DE 1. Mixed Vegetable Display ............................... $5 $3 $2 Use 10 or more kinds of vegetables in a suitable container. No accessories. Maximum size is 24” x 24” x 24”. 2. Harvest Display .............................................. $5 $3 $2 Use Indian corn, gourds, and pumpkins, etc., to make an attractive harvest display in a suitable container. No accessories. Maximum size is 24” x 24” x 24”. 3. Pepper Display ............................................... $5 $3 $2 Use 5 or more kinds in a suitable container. Maximum size is 18” x 18’ x 18”. 4. Gourd Display (Current Year) ........................ $5 $3 $2 Use 3 or more kinds in a suitable container. Maximum size is 18” x 18” x 18”. 5. Vegetable Sculpture ....................................... $5 $3 $2 Use a variety of vegetables to create your sculpture. NO FRUIT OR ACCESSORIES. 90
ENTRY BOOK 33 - FOR CHILDREN ONLY (8 Years and Under) Entry must be made in child’s name. Exhibitor in these classes will also receive a Participant Ribbon. Trophies in Classes 1-3 will be provided by the Lorain SWCD. CLASSES: 1. Mixed Vegetable Display ............................... $5 $3 $2 Use 6 or more kinds in a suitable container. Maximum size is 18” x 18” x 18”. 2. Best Dressed Pumpkin................................... $5 $3 $2 Dress a pumpkin up with a variety of vegetables - NAME YOUR CREATION. 3. Vegetable/Fruit Animal ................................... $5 $3 $2 Make an animal out of vegetables and fruits - NAME IT. No accessories other than your base. ENTRY BOOK 34 - SPECIAL CONTESTS CLASSES: 1. Scarecrow ...................................................... $15 $10 $5 1. Entry must be freestanding. No seated figures please. 2. Height must not exceed six feet nor be below 36 inches. Depth and width should not exceed 36 inches. 3. Use of commercial or rubber masks for faces is not allowed. This will enable scarecrows to have a more handmade look. NOTE: This contest is designed to be a fun category with entries expressing the originality and creativity of the exhibitor. Premiums sponsored by Sandy Denes 2. Painted Pumpkin or Gourd (13 & over) .......... $ 8 $ 5 $3 3. Painted Pumpkin or Gourd (12 & under) ....... $ 8 $ 5 $3 8 NOTE: This contest is designed to show “your” creativity. PAINT NT ONLY. No accessories! No artificial pumpkins or gourds. E M T Premiums sponsored by R A Yvonne Ternes & Don Urig P DE PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 35-39 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 ENTRY BOOK 35 - APPLES (exhibit 5) CLASSES: 1. Fuji 12. McIntosh 2. Northern Spy 13. Cortland 3. Braeburn 14. Empire 4. Liberty or Freedom 15. Gallia Beauty or Red Rome 5. Melrose 16. Gala 6. Stayman Winesap 17. Granny Smith 7. Golden Delicious 18. Honey Crisp 8. Red Delicious 19. Ginger Gold 9. Jonagold 20. Ida Red 10. Jonathan 21. Any Other Apple, Variety Named 11. Paulared 91
ENTRY BOOK 36 - PEACHES (exhibit 5) CLASSES: 1. Flaming Fury 7. Cresthaven 2. Loring 8. Glow Haven 3. Redhaven 9. Elberta 4. Reliance 10. Rich Haven 5. Sunhaven 11. Bounty 6. Redskin 12. Any Other Peach, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 37 - PEARS (exhibit 5) CLASSES: 1. Bartlett 2. Bosc 3. Seckel 4. Asian Pear 5. Any Other Pear, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 38 - GRAPES (exhibit 4 bunches) CLASSES: 1. Reliance 2. Niagara 3. Concord 4. Canadice 5. Any Other Grape, Variety Named ENTRY BOOK 39 - PLUMS & PRUNES (exhibit 8) CLASSES: 1. Stanley 2. Italian 3. Green Gage 4. Bluefre 5. Any Other Prune, Variety Named 8 NT E M T R A P DE 92
BEES ENTRY BOOK 40 - APIARY RULES: 1. Only one entry will be permitted to any exhibitor for any one premium and no two exhibits in the same class shall be made by the same person or any member of the family from the same apiaries, or apiary, and must be harvested since last fair. Entrants must produce all entries in Classes 1-25 from their own apiaries. 2. Honey to be judged on quality, cleanliness, volume, taste, uniformity, moisture content, and color class. Entrants must produce all entries in Classes 1-25 from their own apiaries. 3. Bees and Queens to be judged for evenness in color and form, general appearance, and educational value to the public. 4. Observation Hives must have either a single or double pane with a PLEXIGLASS shield on the outside. 5. Extracting frames must be displayed with a clear bee-proof covering. Frames must be removable. No black foundation permitted. 6. Sweetening used in baked goods, canned fruit/vegetables/pickles must contain honey. 7. All baked goods from open entries will be sold with a small portion left for display. Proceeds will benefit LCBA. 8. There are 3 educational booths, which will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis, by contacting Shelia St. Clair at (440) 647-2602 prior to fair entry deadline. All booths must be installed by 4:00 pm Sunday. Educational booth displays will be judged for (1) educational value, (2) originality of design, (3) overall attractiveness. Size of booth to be determined by fair booth committee. All individual booths will be same size. No contents shall be removed until Sunday at 6:00 pm. 8 9. No labels permitted on open entries 1-43, excluding entry 42. 10. All lids should be uniform. Extracted honey must be displayed in NT E 1 lb. uniform classic glass honey jars. Creamed honey and chunk M honey must be displayed in uniform, round, straight-sided, wide- T mouth 1 lb. glass honey jars. R A 11. Soap, lip balm, and hand cream will be judged on percent of P volume and variety of bee-related products used (Honey, Wax, Pollen, Propolis) and fragrance or flavor. DE 12. Herb in Herbal Honey must be identified in writing on back of entry ticket, only one entry per exhibition in this class. 13. Exhibits must be in place Sunday at 5:00 pm unless prior arrangements have been approved. 14. Judging will be done on Monday at 9:00 am. 15. Judges’ decision will be final on all entries. 16. Flavored honey and creamed honey must have flavor identified in writing on back of entry ticket. 17. Honey entries shall be from fair year to fair year only. 93
OPEN ENTRY CLASSES: 1. Bees with Queen, strain of bees must be identified (Observation Hive) ............................................................... $8 $5 $3 2. Extracted Honey, Water White (Pfund scale 1 to 8) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 3. Extracted Honey, Extra White (Pfund scale greater than 8 up to 17) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 4. Extracted Honey, White (Pfund scale greater than 17 up to 34) 3 1 lb. uniform GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids. ...... $5 $3 $2 5. Extracted Honey, Extra Light Amber (Pfund scale greater than 34 up to 48) 3 1 lb. uniform GLASS HONEY JARS, uniform lids ............. $5 $3 $2 6. Extracted Honey, Light Amber (Pfund scale greater than 48 up to 83) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 7. Extracted Honey, Amber (Pfund scale greater than 83 up to 114) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 8. Extracted Honey, Dark Amber (Pfund scale greater than 114) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 9. Herbal Honey infused, any edible herb (not an oil or flavoring) with herb included in 3 uniform ROUND 8 OUNCE GLASS . $5 $3 $2 10. Herbal Honey infused, any edible herb, using flavoring or oil in 3 uniform ROUND 8 OUNCE GLASS .............................. $5 $3 $2 11. Raw Honey - no filtering, wood and bee parts not acceptable, Pfund scale 1-114, 3-1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids ........................................................................... $5 $3 $2 12. Creamed Honey 3 12 oz. uniform ROUND WIDE-MOUTH GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids............................... $5 $3 $2 13. Flavored Creamed Honey 3 12 oz. uniform ROUND WIDE-MOUTH GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids ...... $5 $3 $2 14. Chunk Honey 3 1 lb. uniform ROUND WIDE-MOUTH GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids............................... $5 $3 $2 15. Pollen (dried) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids ........................................................................... $5 $3 $2 16. Cut Comb Honey (in plastic containers) 4 containers .......... $5 $3 $2 17. Section Comb Honey (in wooden squares) 4 containers ..... $5 $3 $2 18. Section Comb Honey (Ross rounds) 4 sections ................... $5 $3 $2 19. Extracting Frames, 2 deep, must be on self-supporting stands .................................................................................. $5 $3 $2 20. Extracting Frames, 2 medium, must be on self-supporting stands.. ................................................................................ $5 $3 $2 8 21. Extracting Frames, 2 shallow, must be on self-supporting stands .................................................................................. $5 $3 $2 NT BEST OF SHOW - Classes 1-21 ..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE E 22. Beeswax, minimum of 1 lb. piece ......................................... $5 $3 $2 M 23. Molded beeswax figurine(s), not candle(s); T 3 pieces not to be identical ................................................... $5 $3 $2 R A 24. Beeswax figurine(s) not from a mold and not a candle ........ $5 $3 $2 P 25. Candles, molded; two pairs (4 identical pieces); weight of exhibit not to exceed 10 lbs .................................................. $4 $2 $1 DE 26. Candles, dipped; two pairs (4 identical pieces); weight of exhibit not to exceed 10 lbs .................................................. $4 $2 $1 27. Candle(s) other than molded or dipped, 3 pieces; need not to be identical; maximum weight of exhibit 3 lbs ... $4 $2 $1 BEST OF SHOW - Classes 22-27..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE 28. Honey Candy, 1/4 pound with pound recipe attached .......... $4 $2 $1 29. Honey Cookies, dozen recipe attached................................ $4 $2 $1 30. Honey Cake unfrosted, light or dark, recipe attached.. ........ $4 $2 $1 31. Honey Pie, minimum of 8 inches, recipe attached ............... $4 $2 $1 32. Jam or Jelly Canned with Honey, 1/2 pint, recipe and sample included ................................................................... $4 $2 $1 33. Fruit/Vegetables/Pickles Canned with Honey, pints or quarts; one jar recipe attached......................................................... $4 $2 $1 34. Honey Barbeque Sauce, 1/2 pint clear jar, recipe and sample included ................................................................... $4 $2 $1 35. Honey Mustard Sauce, 1/2 pint clear jar, recipe and sample included ................................................................... $4 $2 $1 36. Honey Quick Bread, not iced, recipe attached ..................... $4 $2 $1 37. Honey Yeast Bread, white, not iced, recipe attached ........... $4 $2 $1 38. Honey Yeast Bread, wheat, not iced, recipe attached.......... $4 $2 $1 94
39. Honey Yeast Bread, rolls, dozen, not iced, recipe attached $4 $2 $1 40. Honey Grain Cereal (Granola), 1 quart, in glass or plastic container, recipe attached and sample included....... $4 $2 $1 BEST OF SHOW - Classes 28-40 ..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE 41. Hand Cream, 3 uniform 2 oz. clear containers (percentage of Wax, Honey, Propolis, Pollen must be attached). ................ $5 $3 $2 42. Lip Balm 3 uniform clear lip balm tubes (percentage of Wax, Honey, Propolis, Pollen must be attached) ................. $5 $3 $2 43. Soap, Handmade Lye Based 3 uniform bars (percentage of Wax, Honey, Propolis, Pollen must be attached) ................. $5 $3 $2 44. Honey Gift Packages ........................................................... $8 $6 $5 This display shall consist of a box or suitable container containing packaged honey and beeswax. It may also contain related products. Entire entry gross weight not to exceed 10 pounds or weigh less than 3 pounds. It must be unwrapped. It will be judged on attractiveness of package and quality of contents. Apiary labels are permitted. 45. Honey Pot, one of any design or size .................................. $4 $2 $1 BEST OF SHOW - Classes 41-45 ..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE Items in Classes 22-27 must be 100% beeswax. Candles must have wicks and be functional. Color may be added to items in Classes 23-27, but fragrances may not be used. Painting of candles or figurines is permitted. Candles may be displayed on or in candleholders, but the holders will not add or subtract points. Candleholders will be covered or removed during judging. ENTRY BOOK 41 - BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION 1. 100 pounds Honey to be shown in glass - $100 PREMIUM & CHAMPION ROSETTE. 25 pounds total; Cut Comb Honey, Chunk Honey, and Beeswax. ENTRY BOOK 42 - EDUCATIONAL BOOTH DISPLAY $30 $20 $15 BEST OF SHOW ......................................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 43 - BEE PHOTOGRAPHY BEST OF SHOW ......................................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE RULES: 8 1. Read all rules carefully. Any entry that is received that does not meet sizes NT and mounting requirements, even though shown, will not be allowed in the competitive judging. E 2. All entries should be current photographs by the entrant and not previously M entered at the Lorain County Fair. NOTE: Only one photo per class. T R 3. Exhibitor must place each photo (maximum size 8” x 10”) in a matte plastic A sheet protector or photo protector, 8 1/2” x 11” in size, UNMATTED P PICTURE ONLY. 4. Exhibitor tag must hang in the BOTTOM RIGHTHAND CORNER of protector DE attached by clear tape to the protector. 5. No photocopies, reproductions, or Photoshop-altered images will be accepted. 6. Entries determined not to be in good taste, according to the Superintendent and Committee in charge, will not be shown. 7. By submitting an entry, the entrant grants permission to the Lorain County Beekeepers Association to use the entry and entrant’s name and/or likeness for marketing and promotional purposes, including exhibitions, print, and digital media, with no compensation due to the entrant. NOTE: Ribbons are awarded at the discretion of the judge. PREMIUMS: 1st = $ 3.00 2nd = $ 2.00 3rd = $1.00 Lorain County Beekeepers Association will provide an ADDITIONAL PREMIUM for each place: 1st = $15.00 2nd = $10.00 3rd = $5.00 There will be three place winners for each class. 95
BEE PHOTOGRAPHY DESCRIPTIONS The class descriptions apply to all classes in Entry Book 43 - Bee Photography. HONEYBEE PORTRAIT: Close-up view of honeybee(s). HIVE: Photograph that depicts life inside or outside of the hive. BEEKEEPING: Photograph depicting beekeeper(s) at work. HONEY PRODUCTS: Photograph of any subject matter related to products from the hive. MISCELLANEOUS: Photograph that is honeybee related but does not fit any of the above classes. All photographs maximum size 8” x 10”. The entry must be placed in a matte plastic sheet protector (see rule #3). Only one entry allowed for each class. COLOR, BLACK & WHITE, AND DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS: 1. Honeybee Portrait 2. Hive 3. Beekeeping 4. Honey Products 5. Miscellaneous BEST OF SHOW ....................................................................................... ROSETTE The management of the Department will exercise due care and supervision of exhibits. The committee will not be responsible for unclaimed articles 8 after the close of the fair. The Superintendent in charge will make the final decision for exhibiting. NT E M T R A P DE 96
NINTH DEPARTMENT ANTIQUES, CULINARY ARTS, NEEDLEWORK RON PICKWORTH Superintendent ......................................................................... Ron Pickworth Assistant Superintendent ............................................................Craig Norton DEPARTMENT HEADS Culinary Arts .................................................... Cheryl Parrish, Donna Parrish ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: Membership or Season Pass $40.00 ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be mailed to each exhibitor. The exhibitor is responsible for the accuracy of the entry tag. Office errors will be corrected. Exhibitor errors/omissions cannot be changed. BRING IN EXHIBITS: BOOKS 701-704 Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm BOOKS 710-716 Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm BOOKS 705-709 and 717-718 Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm Monday, August 21, 2023 7:30 am-9:00 am CLOSED JUDGING: BOOKS 701-704 Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00 pm BOOKS 710-716 Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00 pm BOOKS 705-709 Monday, August 21, 2023 9:00 am BOOKS 717-718 Monday, August 21, 2023 9:00 am 98
DISMISSAL: All items must be picked up Sunday, August 27, between 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm. Items not picked up on August 27 will be moved to the Fair Board Office. These items will be disposed of after one week. NO ITEMS OR RIBBONS WILL BE MAILED. Premiums should be picked up between Buildings 25 & 26 on Sunday, August 27, from 5:30-7:30 pm or until Thursday, August 31, at the Secretary’s Office. Please check entry tag information sheet for details. Any premiums $20 or less not picked up by Thursday, August 31, will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. Due to Sunday harness racing, exhibitors in Departments 8, 9, and 10 will not be able to enter the speed gate on Sunday, August 20. Exhibitors in Departments 9 and 10 are encouraged to bring their exhibits on Saturday, August 19. On Sunday, August 20, we will have an alternate plan to assist you. Check with traffic directors to assist you to an alternate entrance. Baked goods will be sold at auction Monday at 5:00 pm in Pavilion 2 behind the Fair Board Office. Auction proceeds go toward scholarships. A sample of each entry will be on display. BEST OF BAKED GOODS AWARD: 9 Red Star will provide some awards and gifts to Culinary Arts Participants. T N E M T CULINARY ARTS R A P E D PLEASE SEE PAGE 98 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. RULES: 1. Decorated cakes: a. Handmade and edible decorations are preferred. b. Ornament on wedding cakes may be artificial. c. Cakes may be no higher than 30”. d. Forms or pans are allowed for decorated cakes. e. Cake decorators will have opportunity for brief interview when they bring in cake. 99
2. Entries are to be brought in on suitable DISPOSABLE plates or pans with entry tags attached. 3. Dinner and sweet rolls, muffins, and biscuits are to be exhibited four (4) on a plate. 4. Cookies are to be exhibited four (4) on a 6” plate. 5. Candies are to be exhibited four (4) pieces on a 6” plate. 6. Cheesecakes are to be exhibited four (4) 2” pieces or slices on a 6” or 10” plate. 7. “ANY OTHER” must have name of product written on entry ticket. 8. Not more than one article can be entered in the same category by the same person. 9. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 701 & 702 $10 $8 $5 ENTRY BOOKS 703, 705-710 $4 $3 $2 ENTRY BOOKS 704, 711-718 $3 $2 $1 ENTRY BOOK 701 - DECORATED CAKES - ALL PARTICIPANTS CLASSES: 1. Wedding 4. Shower 2. Birthday 5. Religious 3. Party BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 702 - DECORATED CAKES - ALL PARTICIPANTS CLASSES: 1. Cupcakes, decorated, 4 per plate 2. Doll (standing or sitting) 3. Character 4. Gingerbread House 20” x 20” or less BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 703 - SINGLE GLASS JAR CLASSES: FRUITS - one quart or pint size 1. Peaches 4. Plums 2. Pears 5. Berries 9 3. Cherries 6. Any Other, Variety Named T BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE N E VEGETABLES - one quart or pint size M 7. Beets 19. Pickled Beets T R 8. Carrots 20. Tiny Pickles (whole) A 9. Cabbage 21. Pickle Spears P 10. Beans, Green 22. Cucumber, Sliced E 11. Beans, Yellow 23. Bread & Butter D 12. Corn 24. Zucchini 13. Tomatoes 25. Relish (any kind) 14. Tomato Juice 26. Any Other Pickle, Variety Named 15. Tomato Sauce 27. Spaghetti Sauce 16. Peppers (any kind) 28. Salsa (sample jar included) 17. Any Other Vegetable 29. Barbeque sauce (sample jar included) PICKLED 18. Pickled Beans (any kind) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 100
JELLIES - one 8 ounce jelly jar accompanied by a tiny jar for judges to sample 30. Strawberry 35. Black Raspberry 31. Peach 36. Any Other Fruits, Variety Named 32. Grape 37. Red Raspberry 33. Apple 38. Any Other Fruit, Herb, Wine 34. Blackberry Vegetable or Combination Jelly, Variety Named BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE JAM - one 8 ounce jelly jar accompanied by a tiny jar for judges to sample 39. Blackberry 46. Any Lo-Cal Jam, Variety Named 40. Red Raspberry 47. Any Other Fruits or Combinations, 41. Strawberry Variety Named 42. Peach 48. Strawberry Freezer Jam 43. Blueberry 49. Peach Freezer Jam 44. Plum 45. Fruit Butter BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 704 - VEGAN BAKING (Recipe must be displayed) 1. Cake 3. Cookie 2. Brownie 4. Muffin ENTRY BOOK 705 - GLUTEN FREE (Recipe must be displayed) CLASSES: 1. Cake (any kind) 4. Cheesecake 2. Cookie (any kind) 5. Bread 3. Pie (any kind) BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 706 - DOUBLE CRUST PIES (8” or 9”) - disposable pans only CLASSES: 1. Apple 5. Cherry 2. Peach 6. Red Raspberry 3. Blueberry 7. Mixed Berry, Variety Named 4. Blackberry 8. Any Other, Variety Named BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 706 - SINGLE CRUST PIES (8” or 9”) - disposable pans only CLASSES: 9. Apple Crumb Top 13. Any Other, Variety Named - does 10. Peach Crumb Top NOT have to be crumb top 9 11. Cherry Crumb Top 14. Any Nut 12. Pumpkin - Plain T N BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE E M ENTRY BOOK 707 - SINGLE OR LAYER CAKES (no larger than 9” x 9” x T 5”) R A CLASSES: P 1. White 5. Nut Cake E 2. Yellow 6. Coconut Cake D 3. Chocolate 7. Any Other 4. Carrot ENTRY BOOK 708 - TUBE CAKES CLASSES: 1. Chiffon (not iced) 3. Sponge (not iced) 2. Angel Food (not iced) 4. Plain Bundt 101
ENTRY BOOK 709 - CAKES CLASSES: 1. Pound Cake (9” x 5” x 3” pan) 5. Any Other, Variety Named 2. Fancy Bundt Cake 6. Cupcakes (4 to a plate) 3. Coffee Cake (no yeast) 7. Wine Recipes 4. Pumpkin Roll (whole) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 710 - YEAST GOODS CLASSES: 1. White Bread 2. Whole Wheat 3. Rye Bread 4. Sourdough 5. Herb 6. Dinner Rolls (4 to a plate) 7. Any Other Savory, Variety Named 8. Sweet Rolls (4 to a plate) 9. Any Other Sweet, Variety Named 10. Bagels (4 to a plate) 11. Donuts (4 to a plate) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 711 - COOKIES (four on 6” plate) CLASSES: 1. Rolled - Cutout 10. Pressed - Spritz or Press 2. Decorated Holiday 11. Refrigerator - Sliced 3. Drop - with Fruit and/or Nuts 12. Filled 4. Drop - with Oatmeal 13. Molded - Ball Flattened 5. Drop - with Sweet Bits 14. Scotch Bread 6. Drop - Any Other Kind 15. Pizzelle 7. Bar - Plain 16. Cake Box Cookies 8. Bar - with Fruit and/or Nuts 17. Brownie - Plain 9. Bar, Any Other, Variety Named 18. Brownie - Fancy BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 712 - QUICK BREADS (approximately 7” x 3” x 2”) CLASSES: 1. Nut Bread 8. Baking Powder Biscuits (4 on 6” plate) 2. Banana Bread - Plain 9. Muffins - Blueberry (4 to a plate) 3. Banana Bread - Fancy 10. Muffins - Corn (4 to a plate) 4. Zucchini Bread - Plain 11. Muffins - Any Other (4 to a plate) 5. Zucchini Bread - Fancy 12. Any Other, Variety Named 9 6. Blueberry Bread (square or loaf) 7. Ginger Bread (8” x 8” square) 13. Scones T N BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE E M T R A P E D 102
ENTRY BOOK 713 - CANDY (four on 6” plate) CLASSES: 1. Chocolate Fudge 5. Peanut Brittle 2. Peanut Butter Fudge 6. Any Other, Variety Named 3. Buckeyes 7. Goat Milk Fudge 4. Molded Mints 8. Candy - Nuts or Spice BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 714 - FOR CHILDREN 8 YEARS AND UNDER Season Pass not required to enter CLASSES: 1. Cookies (any kind) 4. Cake (any kind), 9” x 9” only 2. Cookies with Sweet Bits 5. Candy (any kind) 3. Decorated Holiday Cookies 6. Cupcakes, decorated (4 to a plate) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 715 - FOR MEN ONLY CLASSES: 1. Cookies (any kind) 5. Yeast Bread (any kind) 2. Candy (any kind) 6. Cheesecake - Plain 3. Cake (any kind) 7. Cheesecake - Fancy 4. Pie (any kind) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 716 - FOR YOUTHS (9-17 YEARS) - disposable pans only CLASSES: 1. Cookies (any kind) 6. Bar Cookies 2. Candy (any kind) 7. Bread (any kind) 3. Cake (any kind) 8. Cupcakes, decorated (4 to a plate) 4. Pie (fruit - any kind) 9. Decorated Cakes 5. Decorated Cookies BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 717 - CHEESECAKE 4 (four) 2” pieces, no box mixes CLASSES: 1. Baked - Plain 3. Non-Baked - Plain 2. Baked - Fancy 4. Non-Baked - Fancy BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 718 - REFRIGERATOR PIES CLASSES: 1. Chocolate Cream 4. Peanut Butter Cream 9 2. Coconut Cream 5. Any Other, Variety Named 3. Lemon Meringue T BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE N E M T R A BEST YOUTH DISPLAY TROPHY P sponsored by E MIDWAY TROPHIES D 103
MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCTS PLEASE SEE PAGE 98 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER 5:00 PM ENTRY BOOK 719 - MAPLE SYRUP PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: MAPLE SYRUP - pint jars and sample jar label with exhibitor number and class 1. Grade A - Golden - Delicate 2. Grade A - Amber - Rich 3. Grade A - Dark - Robust MAPLE CANDY 4. Four pieces of candy, minimum of 1” diameter on a plate MAPLE SUGAR 5. 8 oz. sample in a clear jar BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE 9 T N E M T R A P E D 104
WINES Wine Department Head…………………………………...…..…..Scott Hamker PLEASE SEE PAGE 98 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 12 noon-4:00 pm JUDGING: Saturday, August 19, 2023 4:15 pm RULES: 1. Wines may be made from grapes, other fruit, berries, vegetables, grains, other suitable ingredients, or blends of these. 2. Ingredients may be fresh, dried, canned, concentrated, or otherwise preserved. 3. Wines should be AMATEUR-HOMEMADE by the process of fermentation and must not be blended with commercial wines. “Amateur” is referred to as a person who does not have a relationship to a winery and does not sell the wines they make. 4. Wines appropriate for fortification may be fortified with suitable commercial spirits (no honey additions). 5. Only one bottle may be entered in each class. 6. Exhibits should be submitted in clear or colored smooth glass bottles of approximately 26 ounces (4/5 quart) capacity. Classes 10 & 11 exhibit size - small bottles approximately 3.75 liters. 7. Bottles should have nearly straight sides and a top which can be removed without tools, except for a corkscrew. 8. Bottles should be filled within 1” to 2” of the fully installed screw top or cork and must not be overfilled. 9. Wines should be clear and free of flotation particles (not cloudy). 10. Table wine should be free of effervescence. 11. Any wine considered to be unfit will not be judged. 12. Bottles for judging or display cannot be labeled with vineyard or producer names. Any wine containing any honey. 13. NOTE: List all grapes, fruits, and any type of flavor additives must be 9 listed on a plain white label attached to the bottle. Failure to do so will result in a scoring penalty. T N 14. All exhibitors must take their wine home after judging and bring an E M extra bottle with all ingredients listed for display. No personalization T of your product should be on this label. If a ribbon is awarded, it R must be left on the display bottle. A 15. All wine entered in this Department must be made by the exhibitor P E named. If a family makes wine together, only one person may be the D exhibitor and the winner. 16. Please check to make sure entry ticket is correct. No changes will be made by clerks in the Fine Arts Department. PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2; 4th = Ribbon BEST OF SHOW ...................................................................... ROSETTE RESERVE BEST OF SHOW ................................................... ROSETTE 105
ENTRY BOOK 721 - WINES CLASSES: 1. RED DRY-GRAPE - Must be 100% red, blue, or purple grapes with 0-3.0% residual sugar. 2. RED DRY-OTHER THAN GRAPE - Includes blend of grapes and non- grapes with 0-3.0% residual sugar. 3. WHITE DRY-GRAPE - Must be 100% white or golden grapes, with no tinge of pink, brown, or gray, with 0-3.0% residual sugar. 4. WHITE DRY-OTHER THAN GRAPE - Includes blends of white or golden grapes and non-grapes, with no tinge of pink, brown, or gray, with 0-3.0% residual sugar. No honey additions. 5. DRY ROSE GRAPE - Must be 100% pink grapes, with no tinge of brown, delicate in bouquet and flavor, light in body, with 0-3.0% residual sugar. 6. RED SWEET GRAPE - Must be 100% red, blue, or purple grapes, with heavier body and flavor, with 3.0-6.0% residual sugar. Suitable for drinking by itself. 7. RED SWEET NON-GRAPE - Includes blends of grapes and non-grapes with a 3.0-6.0% residual sugar. Must include other fruits or berry, red or purple in color, which is not fortified, suitable for drinking by itself for pleasure. 8. WHITE SWEET GRAPE - Must be 100% white or golden grapes with no tinge of pink, brown, or gray, heavier body and flavor and lighter alcohol content than dry table wine, with 3.0-6.0% residual sugar. 9. WHITE SWEET NON-GRAPE - Includes blends of white or golden grapes and non-grapes. Should not have any tinge of brown or gray, heavier body and flavor and lighter alcohol content than dry table wine, with 3.0-6.0% residual sugar. 10. RED DESSERT WINE - Includes red, blue, purple grapes and non-grapes. Should be tawny or dark brown, rich in bouquet and flavor, medium to sweet, full- bodied and of high alcohol content, may be fortified and/or oxidized, most suitable for serving at the end of the meal with sweets, with over 6.0% residual sugar. 11. WHITE DESSERT WINE - Includes white or golden grapes and non-grapes. Should be golden to light brown, rich in bouquet and flavor, medium to sweet, full bodied and of high alcohol content, may be fortified and/or oxidized, most suitable for serving at the end of the meal with sweets, with over 6.0% residual sugar. 12. HONEY WINE - Obviously white, golden, or brown with tinge of pink or gray, of suitable taste and alcohol content for drinking by itself for pleasure. The alcohol, sweetening, and flavor should be mostly derived from honey. Any wine containing any honey. 13. SWEET ROSE - May be any fruit, berry, or grape with over 3.0% residual sugar. 14. SPARKLING WINE - clear wines with C02 added naturally or otherwise with 9 any level of sweetness. Should be disgorged (free of sediment). T N E M T BEST WINE TROPHY R A sponsored by P MATUS WINERY E D 106
ANTIQUES PLEASE SEE PAGE 98 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER 5:00 PM JUDGING: Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00 pm RULES: 1. All articles must be at least 50 years old and in good state of preservation. 2. All articles in this Department must be delivered to the persons in charge during the times listed above. 3. The Fair Board will spare no pains to see that every precaution is taken for each exhibit, but will not be responsible for missing, stolen, lost, or broken articles. After hours security will be provided. 4. Due to limited space in the Antiques Department, exhibitors will be limited to one entry per class. 5. EXHIBITS ARE LIMITED TO A SINGLE ITEM PER ENTRY UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED UNDER CLASS. 6. Exhibitors must label back of claim ticket with item description. NOTE: Any article winning Best of Class may not be entered again in this Department for two years. PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOKS 731-741 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 ENTRY BOOK 731 - CUT GLASS CLASSES: 1. Bowl 5. Pitcher 2. Creamer and Sugar Bowl 6. Relish Dish 3. Vase 7. Tumbler 4. Compote 8. Salt Dip BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE 9 ENTRY BOOK 732 - COLORED GLASS CLASSES: T N 1. Tumbler 12. Specimen Depression Glass - green E 2. Goblet 13. Basket M 3. Cranberry 14. Opalescent T 4. Salt and Pepper Shakers (1 pair) 15. Delphite R 5. Toothpick Holder 16. Canning Jar A 6. Satin Glass 17. Amberina Glass P E 7. Milk Glass - white 18. Jade-ite D 8. Milk Glass - colored 19. Vaseline 9. Light Carnival Glass 20. Fenton 10. Dark Carnival Glass - 21. Brown Amber Depression Glass red, blue, green 22. Coin Glass 11. Specimen Depression Glass - pink BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE 107
ENTRY BOOK 733 - CLEAR GLASS (NO COLOR) CLASSES: 1. Tumbler 10. Salt Dip 2. Water Pitcher 11. Vinegar Cruet 3. Toothpick Holder 12. Heisey-Signed 4. Salt and Pepper Shakers (1 pair) 13. Sherbet 5. Water Goblet 14. Coin Glass 6. Compote 15. Creamer and Sugar Bowl 7. Cake Stand 16. Vase 8. Berry Bowl 17. Bread Plate 9. Basket 18. Stemware BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 734 - PRESSED GLASS CLASSES: 1. Bowl 5. Pitcher 2. Creamer and Sugar Bowl 6. Relish Dish 3. Vase 7. Candle Holders (1 pair) 4. Compote 8. Spoon Holder BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 735 - CHINA CLASSES: 1. Flo Blue 15. Haviland 2. Cup and Saucer 16. Animal Planters 3. Tea Pot 17. Pitcher and Bowl 4. Plate - any design 18. Cookie Jar 5. Soup Tureen 19. Water Pitcher 6. Ironstone 20. Vase 7. R.S. - Prussia, Germany, Hungary 21. Salt Dip 8. Creamer and Sugar Bowl 22. Butter Pat 9. Staffordshire 23. Salt and Pepper Shakers (1 pair) 10. Chocolate Pot 24. Candy Dish 11. Figurine 25. Demitasse Cup and Saucer 12. Nippon 26. Bowl 13. Mustache Cup with Saucer 27. Limoges 14. Tea Set - teapot, creamer and 28. Plate - Bird or Animal Design sugar bowl, cup and saucer 29. Small Pitcher with Lid (under 8”) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 736 - POTTERY CLASSES: 1. Ohio Brownware 7. Red Wing 9 2. Weller 8. Yellow Ware 3. McCoy 9. Fiesta Ware T 4. Majolica 10. Hull Ware N E 5. Stoneware with Blue Decoration 11. Roseville M 6. Crock - 2 gallons or less T BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE R A ENTRY BOOK 737 - SINGLE SPECIMEN ANTIQUES P E ACCESSORY CLASSES: D 1. Watch 11. Mesh Purse 2. Pocket Watch 12. Pocket Knife 3. Fancy Hair Comb 13. Lighters 4. Money Clip 14. Pipe 5. Ladies’ Hand Mirror 15. Men’s Razor 6. Ladies’ Beauty Box 16. Walking Cane 7. Necklace 17. Clip On Earrings 8. Ring 18. Belt Buckle 9. Eyeglasses 10. Brooch BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 108
KEEPSAKE ITEM CLASSES: 20. Cedar Point 26. Military Item - no guns 21. Cow Bell 27. Military Award 22. Small School Bell 28. Lorain County Item 23. Glass Bell 29. Medical Instrument 24. Local Sport Memorabilia 30. Musical Instrument 25. Small Advertising Item (max. 8” x 10”) BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE METAL OBJECT CLASSES (must fit in 12” x 12” area): 35. Pewter 38. Silver 36. Brass 39. Tin 37. Copper 40. Cast Iron BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE WRITTEN ITEM CLASSES: 45. Farm Implement Manual 50. Harley Davidson Ad (before 1960) 46. Cardboard (maximum 12”) 51. Household Advertisement 47. Yearbook (before 1950) 52. Comic Book 48. Child’s Book 53. Recipe Book 49. Ridge Tool Advertisement 54. Farm Equipment Advertisement (before 1960) BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE TOY CLASSES: 60. Doll - Composition 66. Cast Iron Toy 61. Doll - China 67. Tonka 62. Vinyl Doll 68. Fisher Price 63. Pull Toy 69. Farm Toy 64. Game 70. Any Other Toy 65. Toy Bank 71. Wind Up Toy BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE KITCHEN ITEM CLASSES: 75. Lunch Box 79. Milk Bottle 76. Kitchen Scale 80. Kitchen Hand Tool 77. Flour Sifter 81. Rolling Pin 78. Egg Cup 82. Infant Feeding Plate BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE HOUSEHOLD ITEM CLASSES: 85. Porcelain 95. Music Box 86. Enamelware 96. Stereoscope with pictures 87. Wood (maximum 12”) 97. Hand Rug Beater 9 88. Flat Iron 98. Coal Oil Lamp (under 10”) 89. Ink Bottle 99. Coal Oil Lamp (over 10”) T 90. Letter Opener 100. Vase (under 6”) N E 91. Camera 101. Vase (6” to 12”) M 92. Religious Article (max. 12” x 12”) 102. Clock T 93. Framed Picture (under 6”) 103. Paper Weight R 94. Scrapbook/Baby Book A BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE P E OUTDOOR USE ITEM CLASSES: D 104. Advertising Thermometers 108. Metal Signs, size limited 3’ x 3’ 105. Lantern 109. Insulator 106. Farm Tools 107. Hand Tools BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE 109
FURNITURE CLASSES: 111. Rocking Chair (child’s) 114. Footstool 112. Straight Chair (child’s) 115. Standing Ash Tray 113. Rocking Horse BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 738 - PICTURES (FRAMED, READY TO HANG) CLASSES: 1. Portrait 4. Harley Davidson (before 1960) 2. Picture (hand painted) 5. Prints 3. Picture (scenery) 6. Family Picture BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 739 - ANTIQUE COLLECTIONS NOTE: 5 pieces, each different - displays of more than 5 items will not be judged ALL ITEMS BELOW MUST BE FASTENED TO A DISPLAY BOARD OR IN A CASE CLASSES: 1. Five Brass 11. Five Cookie Cutters 2. Five Copper 12. Five Keychains 3. Five One Quart Oil Cans 13. Five Postage Stamps 1850-1940 4. Five Christmas Cards (maximum 12” x 12”) 5. Five Birthday Cards 14. Five Decorative Buttons 6. Five Sewing Patterns (maximum 12” x 12”) 7. Coin - $.01, .05, .10, .25, .50, 1.00 15. Five Marbles (maximum 12” x 12”) (one of each coin, 50+ years old) 16. Five Keys (maximum 12” x 12”) 8. Five Thimbles 17. Five Postcards (maximum 24” x 24”) 9. Five Toys 18. Five Fishing Lures (mounted for display) 10. Five Watch Fobs 19. Military Awards - collection from 2-10 awards displayed (maximum 24” x 24”) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 740 - ANTIQUE NEEDLEWORK/LINENS CLASSES: 1. Purse 5. Tablecloth 2. Bib or Booties 6. Baby Blanket 3. Dresser Scarf 7. Pillowcase 4. Doily (mounted for display) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 741 - CLOTHING 1850-1963 CLASSES: 1. For Baby 0-3 years - child or 3. Man Clothing baby item 4. Child 3-12 years 9 2. Lady Clothing T BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE N E M T R A P OVERALL BEST OF SHOW ANTIQUE - E D MEMORIAL TROPHY IN HONOR OF JOSEPH AND MARY PICKWORTH 110
LAPIDARY PLEASE SEE PAGE 98 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm JUDGING: Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00 pm PREMIUMS: ENTRY BOOK 751 1st = $5; 2nd = $4; 3rd = $3 ENTRY BOOK 752 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 ENTRY BOOK 751 - LAPIDARY ART All items must be securely mounted in a case or board CLASSES: 1. Fossils (2-5 items) 2. Polished Flats or Geodes (2-5 items) 3. Crystals or Mineral Collection 4. Junior Rock Collection (under age 16) ENTRY BOOK 752 - LAPIDARY ARTIFACTS CLASSES: 1. Flint Arrowheads (2-5 items) 2. One Slate Artifact 3. One Flint Tool 4. One Stone Tool 9 T N E M T R A P E D 111
NEEDLEWORK Needlework Department Head………….....Connie Bradley, Judy Pickworth PLEASE SEE PAGE 98 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 12 noon-5:00 pm NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER 5:00 PM SUNDAY CLOSED JUDGING: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:00 am RULES: 1. Exhibits are limited to one entry per class. 2. All articles to be displayed must have complete entry tag ATTACHED. Exhibitor must attach entry tags. 3. Articles exhibited are to have been MADE by the exhibitor, COMPLETED within the past year. 4. Exhibitors are urged to give careful attention to filling out entry blank. Any article not entered in the proper class will be displayed but not eligible for placing. 5. ANY ARTICLE SOILED OR DEFACED IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR COMPETING. 6. No name tag on project or must be covered (can be covered with blue tape). 7. Weaving - items must be woven on a table, floor, rigid heddle, or any other type of loom. 8. Judging is based on merit and quality of the item entered for competition. A judge may deem that no entries in a particular class are worthy of a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place award. Awards will be based on workmanship and quality of the individual item and is subject to the discretion of the judge(s). 9 9. As a result of ever-changing interest and techniques, we will retire some of the classes/categories next year. T N 10. DAILY DEMONSTRATIONS - WHAT IS BEING DEMONSTRATED E WILL BE POSTED IN OR ON OUTSIDE OF BUILDING. M 11. Hooking Demonstration - Thursday, August 24, 2023 . T R A P E D 112
CROCHETED ENTRY BOOK 761 - CROCHETED - SMALL HOUSEHOLD PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Flat Doilies, 8” to 15” 5. Pillow 2. Flat Doilies, 16” to 36” 6. Towel Hanger 3. Ruffled Crocheted 7. Potholders (2 items) 4. Placemats (2 items) 8. Edged Pillowcases (2 items) BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 762 - CROCHETED - POTPOURRI PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Tree Top Ornament 4. Tree Skirt 2. Set of Three Ornaments 5. Toys 3. Mug Rugs or Coasters 6. Doll Clothes BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 763 - CROCHETED - INFANT ITEMS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Baby Afghan 4. Infant Hat and Scarf 2. Infant Sweater, Hat, and Booties 5. Infant Hat 3. Infant Sweater with Hood ENTRY BOOK 764 - CROCHETED - CHILD, 1 TO 18 YEARS OLD PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 1. Child’s Wearable, sizes 1-12 years old 2. Child’s Clothing, sizes 14-18 3. Child’s Sweater, sizes 1-14 4. Youth Wearable, sizes 14-18 5. Child’s Hat and Scarf 6. Child’s Hat Only BEST OF CLASS - BOOKS 763-764 ........................................................ ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 765 - CROCHETED - ADULT ARTICLES PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 9 CLASSES: 1. Sweater 5. Prayer Shawl, 25” x 70” T 2. Shell or Adult’s Vest 6. Socks or Slippers N 3. Hat and Scarf (2 items only) 7. Adult Shawl E M 4. Purse T BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE R A P E D 113
ENTRY BOOK 766 - CROCHETED - LARGE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2 CLASSES: 1. Afghans, 45” x 70” 5. Afghans, combination of stitches 2. Dresser Scarfs, over 30” width 6. Tablecloth 3. Lap Robes, 36” x 50” approximate 7. Rug 4. Bedspreads, twin to king size BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE KNITTED ENTRY BOOK 767 - KNITTED PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Placemats 3. Pillows 2. Potholders 4. Toys ENTRY BOOK 768 - KNITTED - INFANT ITEMS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Knitted Infant’s Sweater with Hood 2. Knitted Infant’s Sweater, Hat, and Booties 3. Knitted Baby Afghan 4. Knitted Infant’s Hat ENTRY BOOK 769 - KNITTED - CHILD, 1 TO 18 YEARS OLD PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 5. Child’s Wearable, sizes 1-12 years old 6. Child’s Clothing, sizes 14-18 7. Child’s Sweater, sizes 1-14 8. Youth Wearable, sizes 14-18 9. Child’s Hat and Scarf 10. Child’s Hat Only BEST OF CLASS - BOOKS 767-769 ........................................................ ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 770 - KNITTED - ADULT PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 9 CLASSES: T 1. Adult Sweater, Fine Yarn 5. Prayer Shawl, 25” x 70” N 2. Adult Sweater, Heavy Yarn 6. Shell or Adult’s Vest E 3. Hat and Scarf (2 items only) 7. Adult Shawl M 4. Purse 8. Bedroom Slippers/Socks T R A ENTRY BOOK 771 - KNITTED - LARGE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS P PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2 E CLASSES: D 1. Aghans, 45” x 70” 2. Lap Robes, 36” x 50” approximate BEST OF CLASS - BOOKS 770-771 ........................................................ ROSETTE 114
NEEDLEPOINT ENTRY BOOK 772 - NEEDLEPOINT - ANY STITCH PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Picture, up to 36” 3. Christmas 2. Pillow, up to 16” 4. Item With Various Stitch Types BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE HOOKED ENTRY BOOK 773 - HAND HOOKED - HOME DECOR PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Pictures, up to 30” 3. Pillows, 12” to 18” 2. Dresser Scarf, 30”+ 4. Potpourri ENTRY BOOK 774 - HAND HOOKED - WALL HANGINGS & RUGS PREMIUMS: 1st = $7; 2nd = $4; 3rd = $2 CLASSES: 1. Wall Hangings, up to 52”, 3. Primitive Rug, wide cut, 30”+ ready to hang 4. Latch Hooked 2. Tapestry Rug, fine cut, 30”+ 5. Mid-Cut Width (5-7 cuts) ENTRY BOOK 775 - HAND HOOKED - HOLIDAY PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Christmas Stocking 3. Tree Topper 2. Holiday Decoration, free standing 4. Tree Ornament, set of 3, different BEST OF CLASS - BOOKS 773-775 ......................................................... ROSETTE HANDWORK - EMBROIDERY- APPLIQUE 9 T N E ENTRY BOOK 776 - HAND EMBROIDERY - APPLIQUE M Includes cutwork, stump work, crewel, Brazilian, huck toweling, etc. T R PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 A CLASSES: P 1. Doily 6. Potpourri E 2. Pillow 7. Holiday Decorations D 3. Dresser Scarf 8. Tree Ornaments (3) 4. Picture or Wall Hanging, up to 40” 9. Punch Needle Embroidery 5. Tree Skirt 10. Pillowcases (2) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 115
CROSS STITCH ENTRY BOOK 777 - CROSS STITCH - HOME DECOR PREMIUMS: 1st = $5; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Bedspread, twin to king 2. Pillow, 12” to 18” 3. Tablecloth, minimum 36” 4. Christmas Stocking 5. Picture, 14 thread count, up to 15” 6. Picture, 14 thread count, 16” to 40” 7. Picture, 16 thread count, up to 15” 8. Picture, 16 thread count, 16” to 40” 9. Picture, 18 thread count, up to 15” 10. Picture, 18 thread count, 16” to 40” 11. Picture, counted thread on linen, up to 30” 12. Stamped Cross Stitch BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 778 - CROSS STITCH - SMALL ITEMS PREMIUMS: 1st = $5; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Towel 2. Holiday Decoration, free standing 3. Potpourri 4. Tree Topper 5. Tree Ornaments, 3 different BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE Step back in time and try your hand 9 T N LORAIN COUNTY E M T SPINNERS & WEAVERS GUILD R A P E Sunday of Fair Week - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm D in the Pavilion behind the Office DEMONSTRATIONS: Drop Spindle • Dyeing • Spinning • Weaving 11:00 am to 3:00 pm - Sheep to Shawl or Scarf Contest Fiber to Shawl with Weavers and Spinners Teams Competing 116
WEAVING ENTRY BOOK 779 - WEAVING - BLANKET PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Baby Afghan/Blanket, 30” to 40” approximate 2. Lap Robe, 30” to 50” approximate 3. Afghan, 45” to 70” approximate BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 780 - WEAVING - BEDDING/BATH PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Dresser Scarf, over 30” in length 2. Bed Scarves, 36” to 80” approximate 3. Bedspread, twin to king size 4. Bath, Hand Towel, and Washcloth (1 each) BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 781 - WEAVING - KITCHEN/DINING PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Coasters (set of 4) 2. Potholders (set of 2) 3. Kitchen Washcloth/Rag (1), 10” x 10” approximate 4. Placemats (set of 2) 5. Towel (1), no larger than 24” x 36” 6. Table Runner/Dresser Scarf, over 45” length 7. Tablecloth, at least 40” wide BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 782 - WEAVING - ADULT ARTICLES - ON A HANGER PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Scarf 2. Shawl, 24” to 36” in width 3. Woven Clothing (ruana, jacket, skirt, vest, etc.) 4. Woven Fabric, 3 yards or more in any width BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 9 ENTRY BOOK 783 - MISCELLANEOUS WEAVING PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 T N CLASSES: E 1. Purse or Bag M 2. Pillows, 12” to 18” T 3. Rugs, 30” or larger R 4. Wall Hangings (woven, tapestry, felted), must be ready to hang with hanger A P 5. Holiday or Special Occasion E 6. Potpourri (a woven item not listed in any of the above classes) D BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 117
NEEDLE AND WET FELTING ENTRY BOOK 784 - NEEDLE AND WET FELTING PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Needle Felted Flat (clothing, pictures, scenery, appliqué, fabric, etc.) 2. Needle Felted 3D (figures, animals, sculptures, slippers, etc.) 3. Wet Felted Flat (clothing, pictures, scenery, appliqué, fabric, etc.) 4. Wet Felted 3D (figures, animals, sculptures, slippers, etc.) BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE SPINNING ENTRY BOOK 785 PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Entries must be completed within the last year. 3. Spinning - items must be spun on a spinning wheel or drop spindle. 4. Skeins must be two yards in circumference with four figure eight ties. 5. Skeins must weigh one ounce or more except for fine yarns that must be 1/2 ounce or more. CLASSES: 1. Hand spun yarns from animal (wool, alpaca, blend, or other), natural color, any weight and ply 2. Hand spun yarns from plant (cotton, flax, bamboo, blend, other), natural color, any weight and ply 3. Hand spun yarn - art yarn with any combination of fibers/colors, any weight and ply 4. Hand spun yarn - dyed by the spinner, can be any combination of fibers/colors, any weight and ply 5. Hand spun yarn - commercially dyed, can be any combination of fibers/colors, any weight and ply 9 6. Article made by spinner using his/her hand spun yarn (hat, scarf, clothing, T placemats, etc.) N E BEST OF SHOW IN SPINNING ................................................................ ROSETTE M T R A P E D 118
QUILTS ENTRY BOOK 786 - BED QUILTS PREMIUMS: 1st = $8; 2nd = $5; 3rd = $3 FINISHED QUILT CLASSES WILL BE JUDGED ON PIECE WORK AND BINDING ONLY (QUILTED BY SOMEONE ELSE) A quilt will consist of three (3) layers: backing, batting, and top. A quilt must be quilted. Minimum size 63” x 87”; maximum size 120” x 120”. 1. Machine Appliqué: predominantly appliquéd quilt 2. Hand Appliqué: predominantly appliquéd quilt, traditional, or modern 3. Pieced: predominantly pieced quilt 4. Hand Embroidery Quilt: design is hand embroidered 5. Machine Embroidery Quilt: embroidery is done on machine BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 787 - QUILTS PREMIUMS: 1st = $5; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $1 UNFINISHED QUILT CLASSES BY INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITOR ONLY - CLASSES 1-4 ONLY (see above for sizes) TOP ONLY* 1. Hand Pieced 2. Machine Pieced 3. Appliqué 4. Embroidery BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE *Edges of quilt top must be machine baste or stitch around complete quilt top FINISHED QUILT CLASSES BY ANY EXHIBITOR 5. Lap Quilt, minimum size 36” x 36”, not to exceed 48” x 48” (no baby quilts), machine or hand quilted. 6. Throw, minimum size 40” x 70”, not to exceed 60” x 80”, machine quilted. 7. Miniature Quilt must measure less than 24” on all sides. Quilt with overall reflecting reduced scales and blocks, no larger than 4”. All blocks are reduced. 8. Throw, minimum size 40” x 70”, not to exceed 60” x 80”, hand quilted. BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 9 ENTRY BOOK 788 - FINISHED QUILT T N ALL WORK DONE BY EXHIBITOR E Minimum size 63” x 87”; maximum size 120” x 120” M PREMIUMS: 1st = $8; 2nd = $5; 3rd = $3 T R 1. Machine Appliquéd : predominantly appliquéd quilt A 2. Hand Appliquéd : predominantly appliquéd quilt P 3. Machine Pieced and Machine Quilted, traditional or modern E 4. Hand Embroidery Quilt - design embroidered by hand D 5. Machine Embroidery Quilt - predominantly machine embroidered 6. Hand Quilted - pieced, appliquéd, or embroidered BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 789 - QUILTED CRIB TO YOUTH MUST USE CHILDREN’S PRINTS OR COLORS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Child’s Quilt, Crib, 36” x 50” approximate 2. Child’s Quilt, Youth, 54” x 75” approximate 3. Quilted Child’s Bedspread, 60” x 80” BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE 119
ENTRY BOOK 790 - MISCELLANEOUS QUILTED ITEMS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Purse/Bag 2. Placemats 3. Potholders 4. Pillows 5. Toys 6. Tree Skirts 7. Christmas Stockings 8. Holiday Decorations, set of three BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 791 - QUILTED PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Wall Hangings, up to 52”, ready to hang 2. Table Runners, 30”+ 3. Tablecloths, 36”+ 4. Jelly Roll Rug BEST OF CLASS ...................................................................................... ROSETTE 9 T N E M T R A P E D 120
SEWING ENTRY BOOK 792 - SEWING (no article on dress forms) BRING CLOTHES ON HANGERS PREMIUMS: 1st = $5; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2 CLASSES: 1. Ladies’ Dress-Up Outfit 2. Ladies’ Dress, Formal or Wedding Gowns 3. Ladies’ Dress, Casual 4. Ladies’ Blouse or Shirt 5. Adult Two-Piece Suit 6. Ladies’ Skirt, Street Length 7. Adult Vest 8. Adult Sleepwear/Lounge 9. Adult Sewn Costume 10. Adult Shorts 11. Up Cycle Clothing 12. Outerwear Jacket or Coat 13. Men’s Shirt 14. Adult Blazer 15. Adult Slacks 16. Apron 17. Doll, up to 36”, entirely handmade 18. Purse/Tote/Backpack 19. Any Other Sewn BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 793 - BABY TO YOUTH SIZES SEWING BRING CLOTHES ON HANGERS PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Child’s Sleepwear, up to size 14 2. Infant’s Sleepwear 3. Child’s Vest, up to size 14 4. Girl’s Dress 5. Child’s Costume, up to size 14 6. Child’s Slack or Pants, up to size 14 7. Child’s Shirt, up to size 14 9 BEST OF CLASS ....................................................................................... ROSETTE T N E M T R A P E D 121
YOUTH CLASSES SEASON TICKET NOT REQUIRED ENTRY BOOK 794 - MADE BY YOUTH UNDER 9 YEARS OLD BRING CLOTHES ON HANGERS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Sewing 2. Crocheted or Knitted Article 3. Quilted Clothing 4. Quilted Quilt, minimum 36” x 36” not to exceed 48” x 48” 5. Holiday Decoration 6. Youth Team Quilt (60” x 80”) ENTRY BOOK 795 - MADE BY YOUTH AGES 9 THROUGH 14 BRING CLOTHES ON HANGERS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Sewing 2. Crocheted or Knitted Article 3. Quilted Clothing 4. Quilted Quilt, minimum 36” x 36” 5. Holiday Decoration 6. Youth Team Quilt, minimum 36” x 36” ENTRY BOOK 796 - MADE BY YOUTH AGES 15 THROUGH 18 BRING CLOTHES ON HANGERS PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 CLASSES: 1. Sewing 2. Crocheted or Knitted Article 3. Quilted Clothing 4. Quilted Quilt, minimum 36” x 36” 5. Holiday Decoration 9 6. Youth Team Quilt, minimum 36” x 36” T NBEST OF CLASS YOUTH ......................................................................... ROSETTE E M T R A SPECIAL AWARDS TO CHAMPIONS P E Finished Quilts D Crochet & Knitting Sewing Needlework Spinning/Weaving 122
TENTH DEPARTMENT ARTS & CRAFTS, CERAMICS, FLOWERS, HOBBIES & COLLECTIBLES, PAINTINGS & DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHY CRAIG NORTON MARIE WAITE Co-Superintendent .................................................................. Craig Norton Co-Superintendent ................................................................... Marie Waite ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: Membership or Season Pass $40.00 ENTRY TAGS: Entry tags will be mailed to each exhibitor. The exhibitor is responsible for the accuracy of the entry tag. Office errors will be corrected. Exhibitor errors/omissions cannot be changed. BRING IN EXHIBITS: SEE EACH DEPARTMENT FOR TIME JUDGING: SEE EACH DEPARTMENT FOR TIME DISMISSAL: All items must be picked up Sunday, August 27, between 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm. Items not picked up on August 27 will be moved to the Fair Board Office. These items will be disposed of after one week. NO ITEMS OR RIBBONS WILL BE MAILED. Premiums should be picked up between Buildings 25 & 26 on Sunday, August 27, from 5:30-7:30 pm or until Thursday, August 31, at the Secretary’s Office. Please check entry tag information sheet for details. Any premiums $20 or less not picked up by noon on Thursday, August 31, will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. 123
EXHIBITS IN ROSES, DAHLIAS, GLADIOLI, AFRICAN VIOLETS, HOUSE PLANTS, ANNUALS, FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS, JUNIOR ANNUALS, AND JUNIOR FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 — leave on shelves or Wednesday, August 23, 2023, until 11:30 am JUDGING: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 @ 12:00 pm by an accredited O.A.G.C. Judge RULES: 1. Before it can be placed for competitive judging, entry tickets must be attached to your exhibit with the exhibitor’s number visible. 2. The decision of the judge will be final in the matter of competitive excellence and all premiums will be paid as they appear on the judge’s sheet. 3. The management cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of exhibit but will exercise due care and supervision. 4. The exhibitor is responsible to have his/her entry in the proper class. 5. Removal of entries before designated time may subject exhibitor to refusal of entries for the ensuing years. 6. It is suggested that all questions about exhibits be asked when judging is complete. Please do not interrupt the judge while he/she is working. 7. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Exhibits for Book 80 are to be brought in on Wednesday, August 23, by 11:30 am ENTRY BOOK 80 - ROSES RULES: 1. Two entries can be made in each class. 2. Entries must be disbudded unless stated otherwise. 0 3. All flowers must be properly groomed. 1 T 4. Flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. N 5. It is suggested that the variety name be noted on the entry ticket. E M T PREMIUMS: 1st = $2.00; 2nd = $1.50; 3rd = $1.00 R A HYBRID TEA ROSE (one bloom, disbudded, named, foliage attached) P E 1. Peace D 2. Tropicana 3. Red or Red Blend 4. Pink or Pink Blend 5. Orange, Orange-Red, or Orange Blend 6. Yellow or Yellow Blend 7. Any Other/Unnamed Variety 124
OTHER 8. Miniature Roses, one spray 9. Miniature Roses, one bloom 10. Climber Rose, one spray 11. Shrub Rose, one spray 12. Collection of Roses, three in one container, each of a different variety and/or color BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $2.50 ENTRY BOOK 80 - DAHLIAS RULES: 1. Two entries can be made in each class. 2. Do not remove any leaves from stem. All natural leaves must be on stem. 3. Items must be in proportion to bloom. 4. Flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. 5. The variety name must be on the entry ticket. 6. Classes 38-48 and 38A-48A: Need to see foliage on each stem. PREMIUMS: 1st = $2.00; 2nd = $1.50; 3rd = $1.00 TWO TYPES OF GROWERS: Beginner Dahlia Grower - use Classes 26A-48A Seasoned Dahlia Grower - use Classes 26-48 Beginner Dahlia Grower can show in Classes 26A-48A for three years, then must show in Classes 26-48. “A” SIZE (over eight inches) 26/26A. Formal Decorative, one bloom 27/27A. Informal Decorative, one bloom 28/28A. Semi-Cactus, one bloom 29/29A. Cactus, one bloom “B” SIZE (six to eight inches) 30/30A. Formal Decorative, one bloom 31/31A. Informal Decorative, one bloom 32/32A. Semi-Cactus, one bloom 33/33A. Cactus, one bloom “BB” SIZE (four to six inches) 34/34A. Formal Decorative, one bloom 35/35A. Informal Decorative, one bloom 36/36A. Semi-Cactus, one bloom 37/37A. Cactus, one bloom 0 1 MINIATURE SIZE (two to four inches) T N 38/38A. Formal Decorative, one bloom E 39/39A. Informal Decorative, one bloom M 40/40A. Semi-Cactus, one bloom T 41/41A. Cactus, one bloom R A P OTHER TYPE E 42/42A. Size “A”, three blooms, same or mixed varieties D 43/43A. Size “B”, three blooms, same or mixed varieties 44/44A. Size “BB”, three blooms, same or mixed varieties 45/45A. Miniature, three blooms, same or mixed varieties 46/46A. Ball Dahlias, three blooms, same or mixed varieties 47/47A. Pompon, three blooms, same or mixed varieties 48/48A. Other Type Not Mentioned, three blooms, same or mixed colors BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $2.50 125
ENTRY BOOK 80 - GLADIOLI RULES: 1. Two entries can be made in each class. 2. All natural foliage must remain on stem; remove all side shoots. 3. It is suggested that the container be in proportion to height of flower to ensure good standing for displaying purposes. 4. Flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. 5. It is suggested the variety name be noted on the entry ticket. PREMIUMS: 1st = $2.00; 2nd = $1.50; 3rd = $1.00 55. White, one spike 56. Rose/Pink, one spike 57. White with Markings, one stem 58. Red, one spike 59. Yellow, one spike 60. Orange, one spike 61. Lilac or Purple/Lavender, one spike 62. Brown or Rust, one spike 63. Green, one spike 64. Buff, one spike 65. Salmon, one spike 66. Light Rose or Violet, one spike 67. Any Other Color, one spike 68. Any Color, 4” and under (DWARF), one spike 69. Three spikes, same color, same size BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $2.50 ENTRY BOOK 80 - AFRICAN VIOLETS RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. One plant per pot with maximum size of pot eight inches, leaves must not be treated. 3. It is suggested that the variety name be noted on the entry ticket. 4. Watering instructions should be noted on entry/placement ticket. 5. Each entry will be judged on its own merit. 6. Violets must be blooming. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.50; 3rd = $2.00 0 1 T 75. Single Crown, single flower, one color N 76. Single Crown, double flower, one color E 77. Single Crown, single flower, bi-color M 78. Single Crown, double flower, bi-color T 79. Multiple Crown, single flower, any color R A 80. Multiple Crown, double flower, any color P E D 126
ENTRY BOOK 80 - HOUSE PLANTS RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Maximum size of container shall be twelve inches, leaves must not be treated. 3. It is suggested the variety name be noted on the entry ticket. 4. Watering instructions should be noted on entry/placement ticket. 5. NO HANGING BASKETS/PLANTS. 6. Each entry will be judged on its own merit. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.50; 3rd = $2.00 85. Any Table Vine 86. Any Table Foliage Plant 87. Any Table Flowering Plant, must be in blossom 88. Table Geranium, any color, must be in blossom 89. Table Succulent or Cactus Plant up to 6 inch container 90. Table Succulent or Cactus Plant larger than 6 inch container ENTRY BOOK 80 - ANNUALS RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. 3. All flowers must be disbudded unless otherwise stated. 4. Requirement of three blooms must be same color unless otherwise stated. Container top in proportion to stem. Need to see foliage on each stem. 5. Containers of clear glass to be furnished by the exhibitor. PREMIUMS: 1st = $1.50; 2nd = $1.00; 3rd = $.50 95. Aster, one bloom 96. Asters, three blooms, one color, one variety 97. Asters, three blooms, three colors, one variety 98. Calendula, one variety, three blooms 99. Celosia, plumed, one stem 100. Celosia, cockscomb, one stem 101. Cosmos, three stems, buds permitted 0 1 102. Marigold, French, Red, single, one stem with as many blossoms as possible 103. Marigold, French, Yellow, single, one stem with as many blossoms as T possible N 104. Marigold, French, Red, double, one stem with as many blossoms as possible E 105. Marigold, French, Yellow or Orange, double, one stem with as many blossoms M T as R possible A 107. Marigold, White, three blooms P 108. Marigold, White, one bloom E 109. Marigold, large, Yellow, carnation flower, three blooms D 110. Marigold, large, Orange, carnation flower, three blooms, one variety Best Bloom or three blooms, Marigold only - Best of Show Rosette 111. Petunias, single, plain, scalloped, fringed, or ruffled edge, one spray, do not disbud 112. Petunias, double, plain, fringed, or ruffled edge, one spray, do not disbud 113. Snapdragons, one spike 114. Snapdragons, one variety, three spikes 127
115. Snapdragons, one variety, three spikes, three colors 116. Sunflower, decorative, stem in proportion to head in jar or vase, flower not to exceed six inches 117. Zinnias, small flowered, three blooms, one color 118. Zinnias, California or Dahlia flowered, three blooms, one color, one variety 120. Zinnias, California or Dahlia flowered, three blooms, three colors, one variety 122. Zinnias, Fantasy or Cactus, three blooms, one variety, one color 123. Zinnias, Fantasy or Cactus, three blooms, one variety, three colors 124. Zinnias, Intermediate Class, two to four inches, one variety, three blooms, one color 125. Zinnias, Intermediate Class, two to four inches, one variety, three blooms, three colors 126. Zinnias, Miniature, less than two inches, one variety, three blooms 127. Zinnias, Persian or Mexican, one variety, three blooms 128. Zinnias, Green, three blooms, one variety 129. Zinnias, White, three blooms, one variety Best Bloom or three blooms, Zinnias Only - Best of Show Rosette 130. Bells of Ireland, one spike, do not remove leaves nor bell centers 131. Daisy, shaped annual 132. Daisy, shaped perennial 133. Delphinium, any color, any variety, one stem 134. Larkspur, one stem NOT LISTED IN CLASSES ABOVE: 135. Any Other Annual Bloom - please name the variety, one stem or bloom 136. Any Other Perennial Bloom - please name the variety, one stem or bloom 137. Any Other Biennial Bloom - please name the variety, one stem or bloom NOTE: Stem in Proportion to Herb - write name on all herbs 139. Herb, Anise, one stem 140. Herb, Basil, one stem 141. Herb, Chamomile, one stem 142. Herb, Fennel, one stem 143. Herb, Lavender, one stem 144. Herb, Mint, one stem 145. Herb, Rosemary, one stem 146. Herb, Sage, one stem 147. Herb, Tansey, one stem 148. Herb, Yarrow, one stem 149. Herb, Thyme, one stem 150. Herb, Lemon Balm, one stem 151. Herb, Pennyroyal, one stem 152. Herb, Parsley, one stem, curly variety 153. Herb, Parsley, one stem, Italian 154. Herb, Catnip, one stem 155. Herb, Catmint, one stem 156. Herb, Dill, one stem 157. Herb, Comfrey, one stem 158. Herb, Chives, one stem 159. Herb, Oregano, one stem 160. Herb, Tarragon, one stem 0 161. Any Other Herb, not named above 1 T N PLEASE NOTE: E - An annual plant is one that the seed/bulb must be planted each year. M - A perennial plant is one that lives three years or longer. T - A biennial plant is one that grows one year and blossoms and sets seed the R A second year, then dies. P E D 128
ENTRY BOOK 80 - ARRANGEMENTS SPECIMEN WILL BE JUDGED ON FORM, COLOR, SIZE, FOLIAGE, FRESHNESS, AND GROOMING RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Materials used in arrangements need not be grown by exhibitor but must be FRESH flowers only and must have been made by exhibitor. 3. Accessories, painted, or dried materials only in specified classes. (Any accessory includes ribbons and bows.) No American flags. 4. These rules apply to both amateur and professional exhibitors in this show. 5. All arrangements should be made so that the committee can move them if needed. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 AMATEURS ONLY 162. POPCORN - an all white arrangement in a white container, no accessory 164. OHIO PROUD - arrangement using one accessory 165. GOLDEN YEARS - flower arrangement of marigolds, no accessory 166. TINY SPACE - arrangements no more than six inches any direction 167. HARVEST TIME - arrangement including grain and/or grasses, no accessory 168. TEA TIME - arrangement in tea cup or mug, no accessory 169. BABY SHOWER - arrangement using one accessory 170. MY RAINBOW - arrangement using three colors 171. 4-H - white arrangement in green container with green foliage with accessory 173. RAIN - flower arrangement with water showing, one accessory permitted 174. FLY, FLY AWAY - flower arrangement using one bird as the ONLY accessory 175. LOOK AT ME - flower arrangement using a mirror as the base, no accessory 176. DOWN ON THE FARM - a creative arrangement suggesting farming, one accessory permitted 177. I’M FINALLY A TEENAGER - arrangement using THIRTEEN flowers plus foliage, any variety or combination, one accessory permitted 178. TAILS - arrangement featuring cattails, no accessory permitted 179. SECOND TIME AROUND - arrangement including weathered wood, one accessory permitted 180. IT’S A BOY - arrangement in shades of blue using one accessory 181. JUST LIKE OLD DAYS - arrangement in pint mason jar 182. LOST MY SHOE - arrangement in old shoe 183. IT’S A GIRL - arrangement using pink or shades of pink flowers using one accessory 184. SOUP’S ON - arrangement in soup mug or bowl 185. GRANDPARENTS - arrangement of any fresh flower using an antique/ 0 reproduction container, no accessory 1 186. I’M PERFECT - arrangement using only ONE flower and foliage, no accessory T permitted N 188. OFF TO COLLEGE - an arrangement of flowers for a dorm room, one E accessory permitted M 189. CONSERVATION - an arrangement using only dried or painted materials, no T accessory permitted R A 190. Z’S - arrangement using zinnias P 191. REFRESHING - an arrangement of flowers using a pitcher as the container, no E accessory D TH 192. 4 OF JULY - a centerpiece arrangement suitable for a picnic table, accessory permitted 193. OSU BASH - an arrangement using scarlet and gray 194. PROM - a corsage of fresh flowers with or without ribbon bow, one other accessory permitted 195. RETIREMENT - a dried arrangement 196. BRIDAL SHOWER - arrangement using one or two accessories 129
197. I DO - a fresh flower bridal hand bouquet - a decanter will be furnished for displaying, one accessory permitted 198. YANKEE DOODLE - arrangement using a feather BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $5.00 BEST OF SHOW ARRANGEMENT in Amateur Division will receive an award donated by PUFFER’S FLORAL SHOPPE PROFESSIONALS ONLY (A professional is an individual who is involved in preparation of arrangements for sale) 203. DUO - arrangement using two colors 204. PROM - a corsage of fresh flowers with or without ribbon bow, one other accessory permitted 205. TAILS - fresh flower arrangement using cattails 206. I DO - a bridal bouquet of fresh or dried flowers, a decanter is available for display, accessories permitted 207. CLIMBING - free standing design with any color 208. FIREWORKS - arrangement in red and white in blue container using one accessory 209. WELCOME - arrangement suitable for an open house 211. WHERE’S MY SHOE - arrangement using an old shoe BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................... ROSETTE & $5.00 ENTRY BOOK 80 - FAIRY GARDEN RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Made by exhibitor. 3. No larger than 8” x 8”. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 215. HALLOWEEN THEME 216. SUMMER THEME 217. CHRISTMAS THEME 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 130
ENTRY BOOK 80 - JUNIOR DIVISION FAIRY GARDEN ON NEXT PAGE! RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. 3. All flowers must be disbudded unless otherwise stated. 4. Containers of clear glass should be furnished by exhibitor. PREMIUMS: 1st = $1.50; 2nd = $1.00; 3rd = $.50 CLASSES 220-223 ARE FOR JUNIORS UP TO AGE TWELVE: 220. Marigold, large, one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached 222. Zinnia, large, any variety, one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached 223. Zinnia, medium (two to three inches), one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached CLASSES 230-233 ARE FOR JUNIORS AGES TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN: 230. Marigold, large, one bloom disbudded, foliage attached 232. Zinnia, large, any variety, one bloom, not disbudded, foliage attached 233. Zinnia, medium (two to three inches), one bloom disbudded, foliage attached 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 131
ENTRY BOOK 80 - JUNIOR DIVISION FAIRY GARDEN RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Garden must be made by child. 3. No larger than 8” x 8”. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 CLASSES 255-257 ARE FOR JUNIORS UP TO AGE TWELVE: 255. HALLOWEEN THEME 256. SUMMER THEME 257. CHRISTMAS THEME BEST FAIRY GARDEN IN THIS CLASS will receive an award donated by MIDWAY TROPHY CLASSES 260-262 ARE FOR JUNIORS AGES TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN: 260. HALLOWEEN THEME 261. SUMMER THEME 262. CHRISTMAS THEME BEST FAIRY GARDEN IN THIS CLASS will receive an award donated by FLOWERS BY SHARON 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 132
ENTRY BOOK 81 - CERAMICS PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 1:00 pm-5:00 pm JUDGING: Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00 pm RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Entries must have been made in the last year. 3. Specified classes qualify more than one piece. 4. No entry shall be over 27” in any direction, unless specified in class. 5. Any class not in book will not be considered for judging. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 ENTRY BOOK 81 - PROFESSIONALS ONLY A professional is any person who receives money, teaches classes, or holds a certified license. 1. Air Brush, underglaze 2. Underglaze, sgraffito 3. Underglaze, item detailing 4. Scene, an activity on a ceramic base 5. Set - Nativity, Chess, Tea Set, Jewelry, Village 6. Glaze, combination of glazes 7. Glaze, combination of techniques 8. Stain, antiquing 9. Stain, air brush 10. Stain, combination 11. Stain, translucent finish 12. Stain, opaque 13. Stain, dry brush 14. Overglaze, China, plain figurine 0 15. Overglaze, luster or metallic 1 16. Chalking/Acrylic T 17. Porcelain or China, any media, NO DOLLS N 18. Holiday item, any finish E 19. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff M 20. Glass Sagging, by use of mold T 21. Jar/Bottle Sagging R 21a. Glass Miscellaneous - Kiln Fired A P E D 133
DOLL SHOW: A doll is a jointed human figure. 22. Doll, ALL CERAMIC, up to 36” 23. Doll, CERAMIC with cloth, composition body, up to 36” 24. Doll, ALL PORCELAIN, up to 36” 25. Doll, PORCELAIN, with cloth, composition body, up to 36” 26. Lace Drape Doll, CERAMIC ONLY, HARD FINISH 27. Doll Set, ceramic or porcelain 28. Animal Doll, any media BEST OF SHOW (classes 22 through 28) ...... ROSETTE and Honorable Mention 29. Pastels/Chalks, PORCELAIN 30. Pastels/Chalks, CERAMIC 31. Lamp, any media, up to 36” 32. Music Box, any media 33. Angel, any stain - not to be placed in any other class 34. Hand-Built Ceramic, NO MOLDS 35. Hand-Thrown Pottery BEST OF SHOW (classes 29 through 35) ...... ROSETTE and Honorable Mention ENTRY BOOK 81 - AMATEURS ONLY 36. Air Brush, underglaze 37. Underglaze, sgraffito 38. Underglaze, item detailing 39. Scene, an activity on a ceramic base 40. Set - Nativity, Chess, Tea Set, Jewelry, Village 41. Glaze, combination of glazes 42. Glaze, combination of techniques 43. Stain, antiquing 44. Stain, air brush 45. Stain, combination 46. Stain, translucent finish 47. Stain, opaque 48. Stain, dry brush 49. Overglaze, China, plain figurine 50. Overglaze, luster or metallic 51. Chalking/Acrylic 52. Porcelain or China, any media, NO DOLLS 53. Holiday item, any finish 54. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff 55. Glass Sagging, by use of mold 56. Jar/Bottle Sagging DOLL SHOW: A doll is a jointed human figure. 57. Doll, ALL CERAMIC, up to 36” 58. Doll, CERAMIC with cloth, composition body, up to 36” 59. Doll, ALL PORCELAIN, up to 36” 0 60. Doll, PORCELAIN, with cloth, composition body, up to 36” 1 61. Lace Drape Doll, CERAMIC ONLY, HARD FINISH T 62. Doll Set, ceramic or porcelain N 63. Animal Doll, any media E BEST OF SHOW (classes 57 through 63) ...... ROSETTE and Honorable Mention M T 64. Pastels/Chalks, PORCELAIN R A 65. Pastels/Chalks, CERAMIC P 66. Lamp, any media, up to 36” E 67. Music Box, any media D 68. Angel, any stain - not to be placed in any other class 69. Hand-Built Ceramic, NO MOLDS 70. Hand-Thrown Pottery 71. Glass Miscellaneous - Kiln Fired BEST OF SHOW (classes 64 through 71) ...... ROSETTE and Honorable Mention 134
ENTRY BOOK 81 - STUDENTS (ages 15, 16, 17, 18) 75. Stain 76. Underglaze 77. Glaze 78 Overglaze 79. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff 80. Scene/Set BEST OF SHOW ............................................. ROSETTE and Participant Ribbons ENTRY BOOK 81 - STUDENTS (ages 12, 13, 14) 85. Stain 86. Underglaze 87. Glaze 88. Overglaze 89. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff 90. Scene/Set BEST OF SHOW ............................................. ROSETTE and Participant Ribbons ENTRY BOOK 81 - STUDENTS (ages 9, 10,11) 95. Stain 96. Any Glaze 97. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff BEST OF SHOW ............................................. ROSETTE and Participant Ribbons ENTRY BOOK 81 - STUDENTS (ages 6, 7, 8) 100. Stain 101. Any Glaze 102. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff BEST OF SHOW ............................................. ROSETTE and Participant Ribbons 0 1 T N ENTRY BOOK 81 - STUDENTS (ages 5 and under) E M T R 105. Stain A 106. Any Glaze P 107. Fabric Coat, Suede/Puff E BEST OF SHOW ............................................. ROSETTE and Participant Ribbons D 108. CERAMIC SHOPPE EXHIBIT - Any Ceramic Shop, teaching ceramics, may display ONE ITEM with their business card (maximum size 5” x 7”) attached. This will NOT be judged for placement and NO ribbons will be awarded. No entry shall be over 27” in any direction. Enter and introduce your shop and show your talent! 135
ENTRY BOOK 82 - PAINTINGS & DRAWINGS PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 1:00 pm-5:00 pm JUDGING: Sunday, August 20, 2023 5:30 pm RULES: 1. Only one entry can be made in each class. 2. Entries must be completed within the last year. 3. Classes 1-92, maximum total size 24” x 36” including frame. Must have sturdy hangers. 4. Student Classes 100-125, maximum total size 11” x 14”. Must have sturdy hangers. 5. Student Classes 126-155, maximum total size 8 1/2” x 11” except collage classes. No hangers or frames - just picture. 6. Management will not be responsible for damage or loss. 7. An entry will not be exhibited if the subject is not in good taste according to the Fair Board Director or his committee in charge. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3; 2nd = $2; 3rd = $1 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 136
ENTRY BOOK 82 - PROFESSIONAL ONLY (see rules 1, 2 & 3) A professional is any person who receives money and/or teaches classes. Must be painted by exhibitor. OIL 1. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 4. Seascape 2. Landscape 5. Other 3. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 6. Animal or Bird POLYMER/ACRYLIC 8. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 11. Seascape 9. Landscape 12. Other 10. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 13. Animal or Bird WATERCOLORS/TEMPERA/GOUACHE 15. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 18. Seascape 16. Landscape 19. Other 17. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 20. Animal or Bird PASTEL/CHALK/CRAYON/COLOR PENCIL 22. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 25. Seascape 23. Landscape 26. Other 24. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 27. Animal or Bird PENCIL/CHARCOAL/INK (BLACK & WHITE) 31. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 34. Seascape 32. Landscape 35. Other 33. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 36. Animal Or Bird (these 6 classes should be sprayed with fixative to prevent smudging) MISCELLANEOUS 40. Mixed Media 44. Graphic Design 41. Abstract 45. Sculpture 42. Dry Brush 46. Calligraphy (Pencil or Pen) 43. Air Brush BEST OF SHOW - PROFESSIONAL .......................................................... ROSETTE 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 137
ENTRY BOOK 82 - AMATEUR ONLY (see rules 1, 2 & 3) An amateur is any person who does not receive money for his work or teach classes. OIL 47. Flower/Fruit/Still Life 50. Seascape 48. Landscape 51. Other 49. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 52. Animal or Bird POLYMER/ACRYLIC 53. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 56. Seascape 54. Landscape 57. Other 55. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 58. Animal or Bird WATERCOLORS/TEMPERA/GOUACHE 59. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 62. Seascape 60. Landscape 63. Other 61. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 64. Animal or Bird PASTEL/CHALK/CRAYON/COLOR PENCIL 66. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 70. Other 67. Landscape 71. Animal or Bird 68. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 72. Miscellaneous Subject 69. Seascape BLACK & WHITE/PENCIL/CHARCOAL INK 73. Flowers/Fruit/Still Life 77. Other 74. Landscape 78. Animal or Bird 75. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 79. Miscellaneous Subject 76. Seascape (these 7 classes should be sprayed with fixative to prevent smudging) MISCELLANEOUS 85. Mixed Media 89. Cartoon Character 86. Abstract 90. Graphic Design 87. Dry Brush 91. Sculpture 88. Air Brush 92. Calligraphy (Pencil or Pen) BEST OF SHOW - AMATEUR ..................................................................... ROSETTE 0 1 T N ENTRY BOOK 82 - STUDENTS (ages 15, 16, 17, 18) E (see rules 1, 2, 4, 6 & 7) M T R A P 100. Pencil/Ink 107. Science Fiction E 101. Charcoal/Pastel 108. Abstract Painting D 102. Colored Pencil 109. Collage, maximum size 18” x 24” 103. Oil/Acrylic/Polymer 110. Mixed Media 104. Watercolor 111. Scratch Art 105. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 112. Computer Graphic Art 106. Cartoon BEST OF SHOW ......................................................................................... ROSETTE 138
ENTRY BOOK 82 - STUDENTS (ages 12, 13, 14) (see rules 5, 6 & 7) 113. Pencil/Ink 120. Science Fiction 114. Charcoal/Pastel 121. Abstract Painting 115. Colored Pencil 122. Collage, maximum size 18” x 24” 116. Oil/Acrylic/Polymer 123. Mixed Media 117. Watercolor 124. Scratch Art 118. Portrait/Figure (clothed) 125. Computer Graphic Art 119. Cartoon BEST OF SHOW .......................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 82 - STUDENTS (ages 9, 10, 11) (see rules 5, 6 & 7) 126. Pencil/Ink 131. Collage, maximum size 18” x 24” 127. Charcoal/Pastel 132. Crayon 128. Colored Pencil 133. Mixed Media 129. Watercolor 134. Scratch Art 130. Cartoon 135. Computer Graphic Art BEST OF SHOW .......................................................................................... ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 82 - STUDENTS (ages 6, 7, 8) (see rules 5, 6 & 7) 136. Pencil/Ink 142. Crayon 137. Charcoal/Pastel 143. Mixed Media 138. Colored Pencil 144. Computer Graphic Art 139. Watercolor 145. Go Green - Recycle It - item made 140. Cartoon from a bottle, food box, can, or jug 141. Collage, maximum size 18” x 24” no bigger than 12” x 12” BEST OF SHOW .......................................................................................... ROSETTE 0 1 T ENTRY BOOK 82 - STUDENTS (ages 5 & Under) N (see rules 5, 6 & 7) E M T R A 146. Pencil/Ink 152. Crayon P 147. Charcoal/Pastel 153. Mixed Media E 148. Colored Pencil 154. Computer Graphic Art D 149. Watercolor 155. Go Green - Recycle It - item made 150. Cartoon from a bottle, food box, can, or jug 151. Collage, maximum size 18” x 24” no bigger than 12” x 12” BEST OF SHOW .......................................................................................... ROSETTE 139
ENTRY BOOK 83 - HOBBIES & COLLECTIBLES PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 1:00 pm-5:00 pm JUDGING: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:00 am RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. Open to all ages unless class has specified age limit. 3. A last year blue ribbon entry cannot be exhibited. 4. No display can use more than 24” long space, unless specified in class. LEGO BASE AND TRACTOR BASE ACCEPTABLE - up to 18” wide and 30” long. 5. Bases/under covers not acceptable unless stated in class. 6. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT EACH INDIVIDUAL PIECE OF A COLLECTION BE MARKED WITH IDENTIFICATION TO ASSURE EACH EXHIBITOR THAT HIS/HER FULL COLLECTION IS RETURNED. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 1. Christmas Trees, 4, up to 10” tall 2. Tin Cans/Tin Boxes, 4, same theme 3. Animal Figures, Raccoons, 6 4. Ceramic/Glass Shoes, 6 5. Creamers/Pitchers, 6, 6” and under 6. Doll Figures, 6, no ceramic, up to 10” tall 7. Animal Figures, Horses, 6, ceramic/glass only 8. Organization Pins, 8, mounted 9. Animal Figures, Cats, 6 10. Bells, glass, 6 11. Animal Figures, Dogs (6 different breeds) 12. Animal Figures, Horses, 6, plastic 13. Animal Figures, Lamb/Sheep, 6 14. Cups/Saucers/Tea Cups, 6 15. Animal Figures, Cows, 6 16. Bells, metal, 6 17. Animal Figures, Pigs, 6 18. Wild Animals, 6 19. Animal Figures, Chickens, 6 0 20. Milk Bottles, 6 1 21. Angel Figures, 6 T 22. Jack O’Lanterns, 4, up to 10” tall N 23. Easter Eggs, 6, up to 10” tall E 24. Farm Animals, 4, plastic/ceramic M T 25. Animal Figures, Elephants, 6 R 26. Key Chains, 12, mounted A 27. Solar Powered Figures, 6 P 28. Salt & Pepper Shakers, 6 pair, metal/plastic/wooden E 29. Teapots, 4 only, over 6” D 30. Salt & Pepper Shakers, 6 pair, glass only 31. Avon Bottles, 6, no vehicles 32. Animals Figures, Adult and Baby, 4 pair, different species 33. Animal Figures, Rubber Ducks, 6 34. Figurines, Dolls, 6, ceramic, up to 10” 35. Beaded Purses, 4 36. Fishing Lures, 6, mounted 37. Teddy Bear Figures, 6, no stuffed 140
38. Disney Pins, 8, mounted 39. Animal Figures, Flamingos, 6 40. Costume Jewelry, 6, bracelets, mounted 41. Cookie Jars, 4 42. Banks, 6 43. Avon Bottles, 6, vehicles only 44. Insulators, 6, different 45. Nutcrackers, 6 46. Toothpick Holders, 6, glass only 47. Figures, Dolls, 6, under 12 years of age, mounted 48. Pocket Knives, Advertising, 6, mounted 49. Salt & Pepper Shakers, 6 pair, ceramic 50. Animal Figures, 6, Dogs, same breed 51. Shot Glasses, 6, nominal 2” high 52. Animal Figures, Farm, 6, under 12 years of age 53. Animal Figures, Wild, 6, under 12 years of age 54. Spoons, 6 55. Religious figures, 6 pieces, under 10” tall 56. Farm Tractor, 6, 1/16 scale only, on base for moving (tractors only) 57. Farm Tractor, 12 pieces, 1/64 scale only, on base for moving (tractors only) 58. Lego Construction, under 12 years of age, multiple construction (scene, setting), on base for moving (NO KITS) 59. Airplane/Helicopter Model, under 12 years of age, on base for moving 60. Car Model, under 12 years of age, on base for moving 61. Truck Model, under 12 years of age, on base for moving 62. Lego Construction, under 12 years of age, single construction (figure, vehicle), on base for moving (NO KITS) 63. Matchbox Cars Only, 12 pieces, on base for moving 64. Other Model, under 12 years of age, not mentioned in classes 62, 63, 64, on base for moving 65. Lego Construction, 12 years of age & over, multiple construction (scene, setting) on base for moving (NO KITS) 66. Airplane/Helicopter Model, 12 years of age & over, exhibitor assembled, on base for moving 67. Car Model, 12 years of age & over, exhibitor assembled, attached to a base 68. Truck Model, 12 years of age & over, exhibitor assembled, attached to a base 69. Other Model, 12 years of age & over, exhibitor assembled, not mentioned in classes 66, 67, 68 (on base for moving) 70. Bobblehead Dolls, 6 71. Hand-Created Model, under 12 years of age, (NO KITS) on base for moving 72. Postcards, 12, mounted on poster board to hang 73. Wind-Up Toys, 4 74. Comic Books, 12 books, in notebook 75. Hand-Created Model, 12 years of age & over, on base for moving (NO KITS) 76. Lorain County Fair items, 6 77. Matchbox Trucks Only, 12 pieces, on base for moving 78. Train - Engine and 3 cars with Track, can go up to 60” - “NOTE CHANGE”, Steam (Engine, needs tender car plus 3 cars), Diesel (Engine plus 3 cars) 79. Hats, Cap Style, 6, same theme 80. Pez Dispensers, 6, fastened on display board 81. Aprons, 4, not mounted 0 82. Pot Holders, 6, not mounted 1 83. Challenge Coins, 6, mounted T 84. Chalkware Prizes, 6 N E BEST OF SHOW .......................................................................................... ROSETTE M T R A P E D 141
. ENTRY BOOK 84 - ARTS & CRAFTS PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 1:00 pm-5:00 pm JUDGING: Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:00 pm RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. No entry can use more than 24” in any direction except in specified classes. 3. A last year blue ribbon entry cannot be exhibited. 4. Entries should be made by the exhibitor. 5. No entries may contain the name or business name of the entrant - any such marking will result in disqualification. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 1. Scrapbooking - decorated scrapbook pages in book 2. Plastic Canvas Tissue Box Cover 3. Gift Wrapping, Bridal 4. Painting on Rock/Stone 5. Duct Tape Creation - WATCH SIZE 6. Decorated/Covered Scrapbook/Album 7. Decoupage on Slate/Wood 8. Square Handmade Reed Basket, with or without handles 9. Standing Holiday Decoration (no Christmas) 10. Gift Wrapping, Holiday 11. Painting on Glass 12. Handcrafted Jewelry, any media 13. Dollar Store Craft - attach sales receipt 14. Oil/Tole Decorative Painting on Slate/Wood 15. Upcycle Craft - giving something a new use - WATCH SIZE - 18 and under years of age 16. Upcycle Craft - as above - over 18 years of age 17. Hanging Holiday Decoration 18. Leather and/or Beadwork 19. Potpourri, one arts/crafts item you have made and want to share - WATCH SIZE CAREFULLY - over 18 years of age 20. Gift Wrapping, Mother’s Day 21. Any Other Shape Handmade Reed Basket, with or without handles, i.e. oblong- 0 step 1 22. Decorated Wine Bottle (one only) 23. Handmade Christmas Tree Ornament (one only) T N 24. Plastic Canvas Coasters E 25. Cricut Craft, maximum 18” any direction M 26. Gift Wrapping, Father’s Day T 27. Miniature Handmade Reed Basket, under 6” R 28. Handmade Greeting Card/Stationery, 6 pieces, with envelopes A 29. Wall Sign - rigged to hang P E 30. Stenciling on any Media, i.e. wood, cloth, basket D 31. T-Shirt Art - one shirt on hanger 32. Painting on China 33. Furnished Miniature Room/Stand 34. Painting on Hand Saw, including crosscut, circular (any size) 35. Paint by Number, over 18 years of age 142
36. Flower Pot Decorating (one only) 37. Holiday Table Centerpiece 39. Duct Tape Wallet/Purse (one only) 40. Handmade Paper Twist Basket, lined or unlined, with or without handle(s) 41. Gift Wrapping, Baby 42. One Angel, any media but ceramic 43. Material Lined Basket, any style with or without handle(s) 44. Mason Jar Decorating (one only) 45. Wreath - fabric, quilted, novelty, straw, basket top no more than 24” in any direction 46. Popsicle Stick Craft, 18 and under years of age 47. Stamping/Embossing, on greeting cards/stationery 48. Holiday Door Arrangement 49. Decorated Hair Accessory 50. Memories in a Jar - arrange collection of baby, wedding, birthday, anniversary, ribbons, mementos in a glass jar 51. Leaded/Stained Glass, maximum size 14”x18”, hanging, standing, table decoration 52. Decorated Mini Birdhouse, up to 8” 53. Potpourri/Christmas Lights in Glass Jar 54. Symography (string art) 55. Snowman, any media, no ceramic 56. Potpourri - one arts/crafts item you have made and want to share, 18 and under years of age 57. What can you do with a flower pot? Decorated/artistry using flower pot/pots as basis, NO PLANTS, over 18 years of age 58. What can you do with a flower pot? Decorated/artistry using flower pot/pots as basis, NO PLANTS, 18 and under years of age 59. Paint by Number, 18 and under years of age 60. Woodturning, under 12” 61. Woodturning, over 12” 62. Woodworking, Toy 63. Woodworking, Birdhouse 64. Woodworking, under 12”, over 18 years of age 65. Woodworking, 12” to 30”, over 18 years of age 66. Woodworking, under 30”, 18 and under years of age 67. Woodworking, 30” to 60”, over 18 years of age 68. Woodworking, 30” to 60”, 18 and under years of age 69. Wood Carving, under 12”, over 18 years of age 70. Wood Carving, under 12”, 18 and under years of age 71. Wood Carving, over 12”, over 18 years of age 72. Wood Carving, over 12”, 18 and under years of age 73. Scroll Saw, maximum 24”, over 18 years of age 74. Scroll Saw, maximum 24”, 18 and under years of age 75. Laser Cut Woodworking 76. Wood Burning, under 30”, over 18 years of age 77. Wood Burning, under 30”, 18 and under years of age 78. Blacksmith Forging, up to 18” 79. Blacksmith Forging, 18” to 36” 80. Blacksmith Forging, up to 48” 81. Oil Tole Painting on Tin 0 82. Acrylic Tole Painting on Tin 1 83. Acrylic Tole Painting on Slate T 84. Quilling, one example N 85. Metal Work, under 48”, not a forging E M BEST OF SHOW in Arts & Crafts except Classes 60-77 ............................. ROSETTE T R BEST OF SHOW in Woodworking, Classes 60-77 ...................................... ROSETTE A P E D 143
ENTRY BOOK 86 - PHOTOGRAPHY PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Sunday, August 20, 2023 1:00 pm-5:00 pm JUDGING: Monday, August 21, 2023 11:00 am A special THANK YOU to the Friends of the Erie Shores Photography Club for set-up and dismissal of exhibits RULES: 1. Read all rules carefully. Any entry that is received that does not meet sizes and mounting requirements, even though shown, will not be in the competitive judging. 2. All entries should be current photographs by the entrant and not previously entered at the Lorain County Fair. NOTE: only one photo per entry except Tell-Story Category, Class 25. 3. Exhibitor needs to put each photo, maximum size 8” x 12”, in a plastic sheet protector or photo protector 8” x 12”, NO MATTING, just picture. EDGE TO EDGE PRINTING. 4. Note that sizes of photos and mounts may vary by category, please read the requirements carefully. 5. Exhibitor tags must hang securely in BOTTOM RIGHT HAND CORNER of protector of the photo mount, preferably attached by tape. 6. No Xerox type reproductions or color copies except for Class 25. 7. Entries determined not to be in good taste according to the Director in charge will not be shown. NOTE: Ribbons are awarded at the discretion of the judges. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS DESCRIPTIONS The Class Descriptions Apply to all Classes in Entry Book 86 PORTRAIT: A well planned photograph, where the photographer controls the subject, lighting, background, and the environment where the 0 image is being taken. The photograph must show the character and 1 identity of the subject or subjects. T N E BUILDING EXTERIOR: The primary subject is obviously the outside M view of a building. Not focused on a door or window but primarily a T building. R A P BUILDING INTERIOR: The primary subject is obviously the interior view E D of a building. Not focused on particular details of a room but the entire room. ANIMAL: The primary subject is obviously an animal. Examples: dog, cat, horse, bird, cow, etc. Any other creature, such as an insect, a caterpillar, etc., should be entered in a different class. 144
NATURE: A photograph taken outdoors displaying objects in nature that do not show the hand of a man. Subjects such as wildlife, plants, insects, and close-ups of natural scenes. Not landscapes. PICTURESQUE: A photograph in which the subject is a panoramic view of a landscape, seascape, or cityscape. ACTION: A photograph that depicts the obvious active motion by the subject. Examples: racing, running, jumping, throwing, speedy subjects, panning, etc. STILL LIFE: The photographer plans and arranges inanimate objects in the photograph. SIMPLY PEOPLE: Pictures that show all sides of people. The best and the worst and anything in between. The person or persons should be the main subject. COUNTY FAIR/FESTIVAL: A photograph showing what goes on at the event. MISCELLANEOUS: A photograph that does not fit into any of the above classes. Take care: if your photo can fit into any of the above classes, it will be disqualified. OPEN: A photograph you just could not leave at home! The minimum size of the photo must be 5” x 7” with the maximum size 8” x 12”. The entry must be placed in a plastic sheet protector (see Rule 3). Only ONE entry can be made in each class. BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS: 1. Portrait 7. Action 2. Building Exterior 8 Still Life 3. Building Interior 9. Miscellaneous 4. Animal 10. Simply People 5. Nature 11. County Fair 6. Picturesque 12. Open COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS AND DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS: 13. Portrait 19. Action 14. Building Exterior 20. Still Life 15. Building Interior 21. Simply People 16. Animal 22. Miscellaneous 17. Nature 23. County Fair 18. Picturesque 24. Open 0 1 BEST OF SHOW - BLACK & WHITE ......................................................... ROSETTE T BEST OF SHOW - COLOR OR DIGITAL .................................................. ROSETTE N E M 25. TELL-STORY CATEGORY: The entry may contain up to ten photographs T R mounted on ONE plain white board (poster board permitted but no foam core), A maximum size 22” x 28”. This series should depict a “happening.” Both Black & White or Color photographs are permitted and will be judged together. P E D 145
PHOTOGRAPHY BY YOUNG PEOPLE open to those up through 11 years of age Black & White or Color photographs, 5”x 7” in photo protectors 27. People 29. Animals 28. Places PHOTOGRAPHY BY YOUNG PEOPLE open to those 12 to 18 years of age Black & White or Color photographs, 5”x 7” in photo protectors 30. People 32. Animals 31. Places The management of this Department will exercise due care and supervision of exhibits. The Fair Board will not be responsible for unclaimed articles after the close of the fair. The Director in charge will make the final decision for exhibiting. SPECIAL AWARDS will be presented by the Erie Shores Photography Club. Their representatives will make their own choices. The official judging is separate from these awards. 0 1 T N E M T R A P E D 146
ELEVENTH DEPARTMENT BEEF CATTLE JOHN PIWINSKI Superintendent ....................................................................... John Piwinski Assistant Superintendent ................................................... Nikki Claubaugh Assistant Superintendent ............................................................. Jed Lamb Assistant Superintendent ....................................................... Brian Twining Assistant Superintendent ..................................................... Patrick Twining Assistant Superintendent ........................................................... Vicki Morris ENTRIES CAN BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AND ENTRY FORMS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE at loraincountyfair.com or forms picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 ENTRIES CLOSE: August 5 5:00 pm Entries will be accepted at the Secretary’s Office or by mail (must be received by entry deadline date) or at loraincountyfair.com Entries will be accepted starting July 1 ENTRY FEE: 1. Membership or Season Pass $40.00 2. Entry Fees - 10% of first money Please see pages 42-43 for entry fees and late entry fees. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:00 pm through Thursday, August 24, 2023 9:00 am DISMISSAL: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:00 pm JUDGING: Saturday, August 26, 2023 9:00 am RULES: 1. The Lorain County Fair Beef Committee reserves their final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations. It further reserves the right to determine any unforeseen matters not covered by these rules. 2. Exhibitors must have the original registration certificate on each animal available for inspection. Ear tattoos must be legible and correspond to the registration certificate. 3. Registration papers must be available from Thursday morning until the end of show on Saturday. The Committee will check tattoos on Friday at 9:00 am. Each exhibitor should have someone available to meet the Committee. 147
4. All animals must be 100% beef. 5. Each exhibitor limited to two entries in any single class and one entry in Classes 22-30. 6. The Fair Board reserves the right to have any animal that is uncontrollable removed from the fairgrounds by the owner. 7. All exhibitors must meet and abide with the Ohio Exhibition Rules found elsewhere in this premium book. 8. All bulls over one year of age must have some type of nose lead. 9. No grooming chutes in aisle ways. 10. If there is only one exhibitor entered in a breed, it will be shown in All Other Breeds. 11. If we have a problem in housing cattle, we will tie in temporary housing with the approval of exhibitor. 12. Show order by breed will be announced before show. 13. Straw, shavings, and sawdust may be used for bedding. 14. All fans must be placed out of pedestrian aisle way and meet approval of Fire Inspector. Extension cords 50 ft. maximum; 12/3 gauge wire. 15. All registered cattle will abide by the rules set forth in their respective breed association for purebred percentages. Maine-Anjou - 3/4 (brown papers) Herefords - registered with Association Simmental - 3/4 or higher Limousin - 3/4 or higher Short Horn - 15/16 Any other registered animals may show in All Other Breeds. 16. Any animal that does not meet any breed requirements must show as crossbreds. 17. Any other breed will be for exhibit only, if space is available. 18. Cow/Calf - Class 22 - Calf must be natural-born calf. 19. Due to fire and safety concerns, NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED AROUND FAIRGROUND BUILDINGS. Any vehicle or trailer parked around a building in violation of posted signs or fair rules will be towed and impounded. There will be a $75.00 towing charge. The Lorain County Agricultural Society will not be responsible for damage. Towed vehicles or trailers will not be released until towing charges are paid in full. 20. Premium checks not cashed within 60 days will be considered a donation to the Lorain County Agricultural Society. ENTRY BOOKS: ENTRY BOOK 1 — SIMMENTAL ENTRY BOOK 2 — POLLED HEREFORD ENTRY BOOK 3 — ALL OTHER BREEDS ENTRY BOOK 4 — CROSS BREEDS ENTRY BOOK 5 — LIMOUSIN ENTRY BOOK 6 — MAINE-ANJOU ENTRY BOOK 7 — SHORT HORNS 1 1 T N E M T R A P E D 148
PREMIUMS: 1. Classes 1-19: 1st = $40; 2nd = $30; 3rd $25; 4th = $20; 5th = $15; 6th = $10 2. Classes 4, 8, 13, 20: 1st = CHAMPION ROSETTE; 2nd = RESERVE ROSETTE 3. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE & BULL - Classes 9 and 21: $25 plus a BANNER will be given 4. Classes 22-29: 1st = $25; 2nd = $20; 3rd = $15; 4th = $10 5. Class 30: 1st = BANNER CLASSES: 1. Junior Bull Calf January 1, 2023 or younger 2. Senior Bull September 1 through December 31, 2022 3. Summer Yearling Bull May 1 through August 31, 2022 4. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL & RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL 5. Junior Yearling Bull January 1 through April 30, 2022 6. Senior Yearling Bull September 1 through December 31, 2021 7. Aged Bull 8. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL & RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 9. GRAND CHAMPION BULL & RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL 10. Junior Heifer Calf January 1, 2023 or younger 11. Winter Heifer Calf November 1 through December 31, 2022 12. Senior Heifer Calf September 1 through October 31, 2022 13. JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE & RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE 14. Late Summer Yearling July 1 through August 31, 2022 15. Summer Yearling Heifer May 1 through June 30, 2022 16. Spring Yearling Heifer March 1 through April 30, 2022 17. Junior Yearling Heifer January 1 through February 28, 2022 18. Senior Yearling Heifer September 1 through December 31, 2021 19. Aged Female 20. SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE & RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE 21. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE & RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE 22. Cow & Calf after January 1 23. Pair of Calves - both sexes represented 24. Pair of Yearlings - both sexes represented 25. Pair of Females 26. Pair of Bulls 27. Produce of Dam - two head shown in individual produced by one Dam 28. Junior Get of Sire - three head shown in individual Classes 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 29. Senior Get of Sire - four head shown in individual Classes 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 30. Breeders Herd - one junior animal, one senior animal, and one of any age, all bred and owned by the exhibitor NOTE: Classes 27, 28, 29, and 30 are not open to crossbreed exhibitors. SPECIAL AWARDS: • SUPREME CHAMPION classes for Bulls and Females will be at the end of the show. GRAND CHAMPION from each breed will compete against each other; • HERDSMAN AWARD - will be awarded on Sunday at 1:00 pm. 1 1 T N E M T R A P E D 149
NOTICE TO LIVESTOCK EXHIBITORS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COLUMBUS, OHIO 901:1-18-01. CHAPTER’S APPLICATION (A) Animals listed in this chapter when moved or imported into Ohio for exhibition purposes only shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and when in compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall, with the exception of rules governing movement and importation of quarantined animals, be exempt from any other rules governing movement within or importation into Ohio. (B) Animals moved within or imported into Ohio for any purpose in addition to exhibition shall meet all movement and import requirements of chapter 901:1-17 of the Administrative Code. 901:1-18-02. DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter: (A) “Exhibition” means any public show of animals which is sponsored by or under the control of an Ohio county or independent agricultural society organized under chapter 1711. of the Revised Code; or the Ohio State Fair; or which is assembled for a period which exceeds thirty-six hours or contains animals of origins other than Ohio. (B) “Certificate of veterinary inspection” means a form from the state of origin which has been issued and completed by a licensed accredited veterinarian attesting to the health status and identification of an animal listed thereon. (C) “Approved veterinarian” means any licensed and accredited veterinarian approved by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, or an employee of the Ohio Department of Agriculture or the United States Department of Agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services. (D) “Licensed and accredited veterinarian” means a person who is licensed by the State of Ohio to practice veterinary medicine and who is certified by the United States Department of Agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services, to be an accredited veterinarian. (E) "Residue" means any poisonous or deleterious pesticide governed by 40 C.F.R. 180, any poisonous or deleterious substance governed by 21 C.F.R. 109.6, or any other substance governed by 21 C.F.R. 556. (F) "Contagious or infectious disease" means any disease, including any foreign animal disease, or vector, capable of transmission by any means from a carrier animal to a human or to another animal and includes dangerously contagious or infectious diseases. (G) “Tuberculosis accredited free herd” is one that has passed at least two consecutive annual negative official tests for tuberculosis in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules - Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication”, and has no other evidence of bovine tuberculosis. 901:1-18-03. EXHIBITIONS: SANITATION, INSPECTION AND RECORDS (A) Each entity sponsoring an exhibition shall have in attendance an approved veterinarian for the duration of the exhibit. (B) Each entity sponsoring an exhibition shall: (1) Immediately, prior to an exhibition and under the direction of the approved veterinarian, thoroughly clean and disinfect each building, pen, stall, ring or other enclosure in which animals are to be quartered for exhibition. (2) Have the approved veterinarian: (a) Examine the certificate of veterinary inspection, when required, for each animal brought to the exhibition. (b) Inspect within a reasonable time of arrival each animal brought to the exhibit for symptoms of any contagious or infections disease. (c) Daily inspect each animal present at the exhibition for symptoms of contagious or infectious disease. (3) Maintain a record for one year from the date of the exhibition of each animal present at the exhibit. The record shall contain the name and address of the owner of each animal and the species and breed of the animal. (4) May order the immediate removal of any animal which in the opinion of the approved veterinarian places other animals at unacceptable risk of disease. (C) An exemption from the requirements of paragraph (B) (1) of this rule may be requested from the department and will be granted when, in the judgment of the 150
department, cleaning and disinfection will serve no purpose. By way of example only, cleaning and disinfection will generally serve no purpose in a newly constructed building that has never been occupied. Effective 1/30/91 901:1-18-04. EXHIBITORS (A) No person shall present for exhibition or exhibit an animal which he knows or has reason to suspect is affected with or has been exposed to a dangerously contagious or infectious disease or residue. (B) The owner or bailee of an animal with symptoms of an infectious or contagious disease shall, when directed by an exhibition official, the approved veterinarian, or an employee of the Ohio Department of Agriculture immediately remove the animal from the exhibition premises. (C) Upon request, each person who presents for exhibition or exhibits an animal, shall make available any certificate of veterinary inspection, registration certificates, vaccination certificate and other documents to exhibition official, the approved veterinarian or an employee of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. (D) Each person who presents for exhibition or exhibits an animal for which a certificate of veterinary inspection is required by rules 901: 1-18-01 to 901: 1-18-11 of the Administrative Code shall forward a copy of the certificate of veterinary inspection to the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Division of Animal Industry. 901:1-18-05. POULTRY AND FOWL (A) All turkeys, chickens and game birds moved within or imported into Ohio for exhibition must: (1) Originate directly from a flock or hatchery which is a participant in national poultry improvement plan for the eradication of disease and be accompanied by documentary evidence that they meet the requirement of this paragraph; or (2) Originate directly from a flock which has had a negative test for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease within twelve months preceding the opening date of exhibition and be accompanied by documentary evidence that they meet the requirement of this paragraph; or (3) Have had a negative test for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease, within ninety days, preceding the opening date of the exhibition and be accompanied by documentary evidence that they meet the requirement of this paragraph; or (4) Be tested for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease upon arrival at the exhibition by a tester approved by the Ohio Department of Agriculture and found negative. (B) The rapid whole blood test shall not be used to test turkeys for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (A) (2), (A) (3), and (A) (4) of this rule. (C) Waterfowl, doves and pigeons are exempt from this rule. Effective 3/12/90 901:1-18-06. CATTLE (A) All cattle moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animals presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (B) All cattle imported into Ohio for exhibition must: (1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition; (2) Originate from a tuberculosis-accredited free herd, an accredited free state or zone, or a modified accredited advanced state or zone; Effective 6/01/01 (3) If originate from a modified accredited state or zone must comply with Rule 901:1-17-03 of the Administrative Code; Effective 6/01/01 (4) If originate from an accreditation preparatory or a non-accredited state or zone are prohibited from exhibition; (5) If from a Brucellosis Class A state or area/zone must be negative to an official Brucellosis test within thirty days of the opening date of the exhibition unless; they are under six months of age, steers, or official vaccinates under twenty months of age (Dairy) or twenty-four-months of age (Beef); and (6) If from a Brucellosis Class B or C state or area/zone must meet all requirements for pre-entry testing as specified in 9 C.F.R. 78.9 and obtain an Ohio permit prior to movement. (C) Cattle from a Brucellosis certified free herd or class free state or area/zone are not required to be Brucellosis tested. Effective 1/30/91 151
901:1-18-07. GOATS (A) Goats moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (2) All sexually intact animals and any wether eighteen months of age and older must be identified with an official identification as defined in rule 901:1-13-04 of the Ohio Administration Code. (B) Goats imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the exhibition opening date; (2) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease; and (3) The owner and the veterinarian must attest to the following statement written on the certificate of veterinary inspection “the goats in this shipment are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of “scrapie”. (4) Originate from a tuberculosis accredited free herd as defined in rule 901-18-02 (G) of the Administrative Code for bovine tuberculosis eradication; or (5) Originate from a bovine accredited free state or zone, or a bovine modified accredited advanced state or zone, or (6) Originate from a bovine modified accredited state or zone must comply with Rule 901:1-17-06 of the Administrative Code. (C) If originate from a bovine accreditation preparatory or a bovine non-accredited state or zone are prohibited from exhibition. 901:1-18-08. HORSES, MULES AND PONIES (A) Horses, mules and ponies moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) If not under quarantine and if they are free of any signs of a contagious or infectious disease; and (2) If the animal is twelve months of age or older, the exhibition manager may require that the animal has been tested and classed negative to an official test for equine infectious anemia within twelve months of the closing date of the exhibition. (B) Horses, mules and ponies imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Shall be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days of the opening date of the exhibition or obtain a permit for extended time granted by the chief of the division of animal industry as authorized in paragraph (C) of rule 901:1-17-01 of the Administrative Code; and (2) If the animal is twelve months of age or older, it shall be accompanied by evidence the animal was negative to an official test for equine infectious anemia within twelve months of the opening date of the exhibition; and (3) Upon request by an authorized representative of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the person responsible for each animal must make available a chronological list of dates, places and events attended by this animal within thirty days prior to entry into Ohio. 901:1-18-09. SHEEP (A) Sheep moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (2) All sexually intact animals and any wether eighteen months of age and older must be identified with an official identification as defined in rule 901:1-13-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code. B) Sheep imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the exhibition opening date; and (2) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease; and (3) The owner and the veterinarian must attest to the following statement written on the certificate of veterinary inspection "the sheep in this shipment are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie”. 152
LIVESTOCK TAMPERING EXHIBITION RULES Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code (Ohio's livestock tampering exhibition rules) can be found at http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/901-19 or will be made available to the livestock exhibitor or adult advisor upon request. SCRAPIE EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS Chapter 901:1-13 of the Administrative Code (Ohio’s scrapie exhibition requirements) can be found at http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/901%3A1-18 or will be made available to the livestock exhibitor or adult advisor upon request. FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES! The Lorain County Fair is looking for volunteer organizations to help put on the best fair possible! We are seeking organizations that are willing to work as ticket sellers, ticket takers, and traffic attendants and we will make a donation to your group. If you are interested in learning more, please email [email protected]. 153
EXHIBITOR BUILDINGS OPEN 10:00 AM TO 10:00 PM MONDAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 21-26 10:00 AM TO 7:00 PM SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 STORAGE AVAILABLE AT THE LORAIN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Camper, Boat, Car, Motor Home storage is available at the fairgrounds from mid-October until the end of April $13.00 PER FOOT PLUS TAX for the season Please check our website for information and exact dates! 154
SPONSORSHIPS Please visit our website at loraincountyfair.com under “Sponsors” for many new sponsorship opportunities and our downloadable pamphlet. Sponsorships are vital to the success of the Lorain County Fair and beneficial to our sponsors with exposure to a wide variety of people and ages. Sponsorships help support the 1,500 youth who exhibit in Junior Fair, keep gate costs down, and allow us to continue to offer free attendance to children 8 years & under and recognize our Senior Citizens and Veterans on Thursday of fair week. Sponsorship is a great way to support your county fair and a valuable investment in your business! Please keep our sponsors on the following pages in mind when looking for a business to patronize throughout the year. You can visit our website for links to our sponsors. 155
SPONSORS OF THE DAY THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS OF THE DAY: Wednesday Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Thursday NorthCoast Wireless Communications “Official Internet Provider for Lorain County Fair” Saturday M&J Building & Excavating Freedom 1st Tactical, LLC. * * * * * * * * * * * We are currently looking to secure additional “Sponsors of the Day” for 2023 - if you are interested, please contact the Fair Office at (440) 647-2781 156
FRIENDS OF THE FAIR Achieve Credit Union AgCredit Armstrong Beriswill Insurance Agency Burnett’s Septic Services Mark Diedrick D R Metals Scrapyard Double Flush Septic Services Harrison Ford & Featherlite L & K Construction Lorain-Medina Rural Electric M&J Building & Excavating Freedom 1st Tactical, LLC. NorthCoast Wireless Communications Ortner Farms, Ltd. Ross Environmental Shaw Farms Ltd. Wellington Implement 157
THANK YOU TO OUR THURSDAY SPONSOR “Official Internet Provider for Lorain County Fair” 160
B & K TRUCKING 12576 Vermilion Road Amherst, Ohio 44001 (440) 965-4912 Topsoil • Limestone • Fill Dirt • Sand • Gravel • Mulch • Coal • Lime SPIRITUAL UPLIFT Everyone’s invited to stop in at the “inspiration tent” located behind the cafeteria every evening for gospel music from 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm. The tent is open for volunteer gospel singers to also participate. The tent is there for you to be inspired thru God’s uplifting and blessings. For more information or questions, please call: Paul at (419) 903-0562 or write to P.O. Box 1363, Mansfield, OH 44901 168
LORAIN COUNTY FAIR HISTORY The present “Lorain County Agricultural Society” was organized in the year 1846. Prior to that date, shows for stock, etc., had been held in Elyria and Oberlin. As early as 1833, a stock show was held east of the Beebe House, on the site of Ely Park. How many of these exhibitions were held previous to the organization of the present Society cannot be ascertained - there must have been several. In October 1845, a show was held in Oberlin and it appears that there had been earlier meetings of a like nature. Whatever had been done by Elyria or Oberlin prior to 1846 no doubt partially paved the way for the Lorain County Agricultural Society, which was formed under an act of the legislature that would encourage agricultural development. This piece of legislation passed on February 27, 1846, and the first meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday, April 29, 1846. Those present voted on committees, directors, and membership. It is very evident that, in the early days of the Society, the managers were men who were deeply interested and very zealous in the work. The first four fairs were held at Summer’s Park in Elyria. The first permanent fairgrounds extended south along the Black River on West Avenue from Second Street to Third Street. The fifth fair was held in Oberlin in 1850 and was moved to Wellington the following year. In 1852, the fair was brought back to the original Elyria site and, in 1863, the Society voted to enlarge the fairgrounds. Purchase of land from the Ely family for $500.00 cash was finalized in 1867 and volunteers helped the Society move buildings to the new Elyria site, get the grounds ready, build offices and other buildings. Over the years, a dining hall and floral hall were added. The fairs were held at this location until 1941, when the Lorain County Fair merged with the Wellington Independent Fair and moved to Wellington at the site they are held today. One of the original buildings from the Elyria site was moved to the current fairgrounds and the restoration was complete in 2009. It is now known as Heritage Barn. Following the 1941 merger, the fair struggled through the war years, but still continued to grow. As the fair grew, it was extended over the years from three days to the seven day fair we have now to accommodate the throngs of people who came to the fair. More land was purchased and some land traded with the Village of Wellington. The land south of the railroad was traded so that Wellington could build its Upgrade Reservoir. The fair received land on the east side of the fairgrounds beyond the old pond that was used for livestock water. When the fair began 174
to get their water from the Village, the pond was filled and used for more parking. The 4-H program is one of the largest in the state and our young people are very dedicated to their projects and a big asset to the fair with many volunteers. The Junior Fair Board and 4-H programs have grown as quickly as the fair and the Society. The Junior Fair Board is made up of teenagers with several adult advisors. Currently, there are 30 youth on the Junior Fair Board selected by the Junior Fair membership. That membership consists of more than 2,000 members involved through 120 4-H clubs, special interest programs, overnight camping participants, day camp participants, and school enrichment programs. Over the years, from the late 50’s to present time, the Board of Directors have filled the evening hours with many different attractions, such as country music stars, a super modified tractor pull, the combine demolition derby, car demo derbies, and rodeos, to name a few. Two stages behind the grandstand provide free entertainment and many more events too numerous to mention. During the daytime, there are many judged events at the Livestock Barns and in the Arts and Crafts Buildings. We can thank our ancestors for the Lorain County Fair as we know it today. They laid a good foundation for what a county fair should be. The county fair represents the work of many dedicated and hard working Board members, volunteers, individuals, and families. Hours of labor and love of many people, who share their leadership skills and talents, are responsible for making this event happen each year. The Lorain County Fair is always held in August, two Mondays before Labor Day, and runs for seven days. It is the third largest county fair in the state with one of the largest Junior Fair programs. The goal of the fair has always been to educate people about animals and to hold a family-oriented event that represents the high standards that have been set over the many years. Special thanks to Gordon Greene for his contribution to our Fair History page 175
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177th Welcome to the Lorain County Fair August 20-27, 2023 LORAIN COUNTY BICENTENNIAL *Celebrating Together* Since 1824 �\tl Co l.I • • ���.1, David J. Moore, President j>•Jt�, � lil:� Jeff Riddell, Vice President �1�� Michelle Hung, Member C'l 0 � :--a;.!SJ' � .... "11ss,o� www.loraincountyohio.gov