GRANDSTAND SCHEDULE Sunday, August 20 3:00 pm FREE HTCS Harness Racing Monday, August 21 11:00 am FREE HTCS Harness Racing Monday, August 21 8:00 pm TBD TO BE ANNOUNCED Tuesday, August 22 8:00 pm TBD TO BE ANNOUNCED Wednesday, August 23 9:00 am FREE Open Class Ponies and Stalled Hitch Classes Wednesday, August 23 7:00 pm $12 OSTPA TRUCK PULL Thursday, August 24 8:30 am FREE Pony Pull Thursday, August 24 12 noon FREE Horse Pull Thursday, August 24 6:00 pm FREE County Tractor Pull Friday, August 25 6:30 pm $17 NTPA GRAND NATIONAL PULL Saturday, August 26 10:00 am FREE Open to the World Draft Horse & Pony Hitch Saturday, August 26 7:00 pm $15 COMBINE DERBY AND PICK-UP TRUCK DERBY Sunday, August 27 4:00 pm $15 DEMOLITION DERBY Grandstand events appearing in BOLD require tickets. These may be purchased in advance as listed below. Show tickets are sold: ONLINE: IN PERSON: Secretary’s Office behind the grandstand on fairgrounds at the address below PHONE: (440) 647-2781 MAIL: ATTENTION: TICKET ORDERS LORAIN COUNTY FAIR 23000 Fairgrounds Road Wellington, Ohio 44090 NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS BEGINNING AUGUST 14 For mail orders, a ticket order form (available on our website) and payment must be included with your order. Credit/debit cards are accepted, as well as check or money order payable to Lorain County Fair. If your first choice is not available, we will fill your order with the next best available seats. Orders are processed in order of date and time of receipt and are subject to ticket availability. All orders must be on a ticket order form and include $5.00 per ticket processing fee. NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT BEGINNING AUGUST 14. NO REFUNDS. ***Please see our website for updates to pricing and specific seating charts for each event.*** During fair week, tickets can be purchased online, at the Secretary’s Office, or at the ticket booth behind the grandstand. Ticket booth hours will be posted on the ticket booth during fair week and sold out of the Secretary’s Office when the ticket booth is closed. A limited number of BOX SEATS (12 seats per box or 6 seats per half box for every show listed above) are available on a first come, first serve basis at a discounted rate. To be placed on our waiting list for a full or half box, please call the Secretary’s Office at (440) 647-2781. 12