PICK-UP TRUCK DERBY SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2023 @ 7:00 PM Held during Combine Derby In Front of Grandstand TIM SICKELS Superintendent .......................................................................... Tim Sickels Assistant Superintendent .................................................. Nikki Claubaugh Assistant Superintendent ...................................................... Don Crawford Assistant Superintendent ........................................................ Chris Jordan Appointed Personnel ........................................................... Jason Stanfield ENTRY FEE: $40.00 through August 20 $60.00 August 21 - day of show APPLICATION FORMS AND RULES can be found online at loraincountyfair.com or picked up at the Fair Office at 23000 Fairgrounds Road, Wellington, OH 44090 SPEED PROGRAM SCOTT SMITH Superintendent .......................................................................... Scott Smith Assistant Superintendent ......................................................... Matt Hignett Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Dan Linden Assistant Superintendent ....................................................... John Piwinski A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: the OHHA & the Ohio Standardbred Industry See next page for details 32