FOURTH DEPARTMENT HORSE PULLING • DRAFT HORSES • DRAFT PONIES MATT HIGNETT RICK TERNES Co-Superintendent ................................................................... Matt Hignett Co-Superintendent ....................................................................Rick Ternes Assistant Superintendent .......................................................... Heath Baus Assistant Superintendent ........................................................ Chris Jordan RULES: 1. Teams will be pulled on a stone boat. 2. The official pull shall be a continuous forward movement of 27 feet. Pulls of a shorter distance shall not be used except to determine winners when two or more teams fail to pull the full distance of 27 feet. The distance chain to be fastened to the center of rear end of boat. Three trials will be given to each team. 3. Three judges will be selected by the Fair Association to determine the winners. 4. The owner of each contesting team must pay $10 for each team. No other fee will be charged. 5. The owner of each contesting team must have a written weight certificate issued to him by the Superintendent of the fairgrounds scales or a written weight certificate from a pull held within the previous 7 days. 6. The Board of Directors for the Lorain County Agricultural Society unanimously voted that all money winners in the horse pulling contest are subjected to a blood test, to be given by an authorized veterinarian. 7. All monies to be held pending the results of the blood test, and, if the analysis of a blood sample indicates that a horse has been drugged or otherwise improperly stimulated, such horse shall be disqualified and owner barred for life from any horse pulling contest at the Lorain County Fair. 8. All first and second division teams will be pulled together, so please be on time. 9. The distance between side boundary lines shall be 20 feet, or as close to 20 feet as the judges may allow. Crossing the boundary line disqualifies the pull in progress. 10. First and second pulls shall be in the direction indicated by the judges. If the driver unhitches after the first pull, he indicates he is passing up his second pull. The third and final pull can be taken in either direction, but in the order the team originally pulled. 11. Any forward movement of the sled, after the driver gives the command to pull, will be counted as a pull and measurement recorded. In cases of breakage, the team is entitled to another pull. 60