2023 Annual Report
Hastings Prince Edward 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
HSHPE 2023 Annual Report Contents Our Work and Mission .............................................. 4 The Year in Numbers ................................................5 Chair’s Message ......................................................... 6 Executive Director’s Message ................................ 9 2023 Highlights ...................................................... 10 Capital Campaign Highlights .................................15 2023 Revenue and Expenditures ..........................16 Tribute to Donna Endicott ......................................18 Board of Directors ....................................................19 3
Our Work Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward cares for stray, surrendered, neglected and abused animals in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. The Society returns lost animals to families, coordinates adoption of animals to forever homes, provides medical care and other necessities for animals in distress, provides spay/neuter services to control pet over-population and educates the public about animal welfare. Our Mission To promote the prevention of cruelty to animals that are neglected, abused, exploited, stray or homeless. To work within the law and in cooperation with the government, OSPCA and the public, in order to improve conditions for animals while maintaining a balanced sensitivity toward both animal and human needs. We’re Connected by Compassion. 4
2023 The Year in Numbers 1700+animals assisted 1128 Cats, 429 Dogs, 55 Rabbits, 54 Guinea Pigs, 23 Chickens, 7 Ferrets, 5 Rats, 3 Exotics, 2 Fowl, 2 Lizards, 2 Hamsters, 2 Bearded Dragons, 1 Snake, 1 Pig, 1 Duck. 5
Chair’s Message They say the right leader comes along at the right time. That was never more true than in the case of my predeccesor as board chair, the late Donna Endicott, who passed away in August 2023, just months after passing the gavel to me. It’s hard to capture in mere words the impact Donna Endicott has had on Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward. She provided vision, determination and non-pro昀椀t governance expertise at a critical juncture in HSHPE’s development. There is no doubt we would not have been in a position to make the great strides we have in the last 昀椀ve years, including of course the building of our much-needed new shelter, without her. As the new board chair, I am honoured to follow in her wake and delighted to have the opportunity to work with HSHPE’s dedicated sta昀昀 members, volunteers and board directors. I am continually touched by the support shown to HSHPE by so many generous individuals and small businesses in Hastings Prince Edward. With a new roof over our heads and the task of furnishing and landscaping the new shelter largely completed in 2023, we turned our focus to the long-term 昀椀nancial sustainability of the organization. The importance of this task was brought sharply into focus with the capacity and costs challenges we were presented with in the last half of the year. Rising rent, food and veterinary costs have taken a toll of many local pet owners and the surrender of pets to HSHPE rose sharply in 2023. More animals arrived at our doors, often with more complex medical needs. Faced with these new challenges, we move into 2024 knowing that our continued capacity to provide essential services to this community depends on our ability to forge new partnerships with the municipalities we serve. I look forward to being a part of HSHPE’s very bright future. 6
L-R: Outgoing chair, the late Donna Endico琀琀 passes the gavel to incoming chair Greg Sudds in May 2023. 7
L-R: Marilyn Lawrie and Greg Sudds addressing Belleville City Council in November 2023. 8
Executive Director’s Message 2023 was an exciting and invigorating year - for our sta昀昀, who make miracles every day, our dedicated volunteer Board with their governance oversight and our many community volunteer teams who perform animal care duties and transport, dog walking, laundry/ dishwashing duties, fundraising activities and more. We could not do what we do, without each and every one of you! Our new facility at 34 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road, opening to the public in October 2022, was a long-awaited achievement. 2023 brought new experiences as we settled in with respect to: daily operations, new public focus with increased attendance by the young and the young- at-heart, as well as 昀椀scal oversight of our new ‘forever home’. We also saw a dramatic rise in animal care expenses, capacity overloads as well as acknowledging the real struggle that many regional residents are facing to care for and provide for their pets’ veterinary care. We continue to adapt our operational plans to meet these ongoing challenges. My enduring thanks to the HSHPE sta昀昀, our incredible volunteer teams, and our public supporters who contribute so much to support the many animals in our care now, and in future. 9
Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward 2023 Highlights Wiggle Waggle We promised a bigger and better Wiggle Waggle in 2023 and we delivered! Improvements included a new Pet Festival with more vendors and food options, a pet blessing event, a new website, a new walkathon route and more walkers. We welcomed presenting sponsors Darryl DaSilva and Collin Myers from CIBC Wood Gundy Private Wealth; walkathon sponsor Pet Valu Belleville/Brighton/Picton/Trenton and obstacle sponsor Ren’s Pets. Together, we raised over $45,000 for animals in need. Spay/Neuter Clinic July 13 was a great day for local pet owners who took part in our spay neuter clinic at Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic. With the support of HSHPE patrons Tony Martin and Ralph Johnston, we were able to subsidize the spay and neuter of 20 dogs and 20 cats. Loyalist Presentation Loyalist College students, faculty and sta昀昀 gathered at Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward in May to present their donation of student-made furnishings. Five benches, 昀椀nished in the shape of dog bones and a large doghouse were constructed by students in Loyalist’s Carpentry and Renovation Technician and Community Integration Through Cooperative Education programs. A Special Holiday Gift Christmas was a lot merrier for animals at Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward in December with a special $10,000 gift to the shelter from the Bay of Quinte Golf and Country Club owner Roger Lichtly and his wife Jennifer Meade. Seniors for Seniors Program The Seniors for Seniors program launched in October. Sponsored by Bay View Home Hardware, the program waives the adoption fee on senior animals (6+) for senior adopters (60+) and encourages the adoption of older animals, who have traditionally proven to be harder to rehome. 10

More 2023 Highlights Kitten Shower and Small Animal Circus Shelter sta昀昀 held two animal-focused education and fundraising events in the Donna A. Endicott Community Education Room during the year – the Pitter Patter Kitten Shower in May and the Small Animal Carnival in September. Both events were well attended and gave community members a chance to meet animals in the shelter, learn how we care for them and explore HSHPE’s volunteer opportunities. Saving Cornelius Cornelius was born in our care at Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward in March with a large cleft in his palate. He survived thanks to the tireless e昀昀orts of animal care sta昀昀 members, who have fed him day and night, through a tube inserted into his stomach. We launched the Saving Cornelius Campaign in June with the goal of raising $10,000 to pay for the surgeries necessary to repair the cleft and happily ended our campaign weeks later after raising close to $17,000. Now a year old, Cornelius has endured pheumonia, infections and several surgeries and all are looking forward to what we expect will be his 昀椀nal surgery, in 2024. 14
It Takes Heart Capital Campaign 2023 Highlights Monies Raised Total gifts in 2023 to HSHPE’s Capital Campaign totalled $119,042. Support from Sandbanks Winery’s Dog Day Celebration Sandbanks Winery celebrated the opening of its Leash Free Dog Park in June, dedicating funds raised to the HSHPE’s Capital Campaign. The inaugural dog day celebration featuring wine and music and auction raised more than $5,200. A New Van In July, as part of the Capital Campaign, Boyer Auto Group donated a van to HSHPE to transport animals for vet appointments and spay/neuter procedures. To complement the gift, Signarama Quinte produced and installed a wrap of the van, with HSHPE branding. 15
Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward 2023 Revenue – Operations 15% 19% Fundraising Shelter Fees & Adoptions 9% Interest, Dividends & Invest. Amort. 6% Municipal Pound Contracts 5% Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) 3% Government Grants 41% 3% Donations Miscellaneous (Individual, Corporate & Foundation) Total Revenue $1,509,531 16
Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward 2023 Expenditures – Operations 10% 23% Amortization Direct Animal Care 8% Facility & Utilities 5% Fundraising 5% O昀케ce & Marketing 3% Other 2% 2% 42% Grants Financing & Personnel Payroll Fees Total Expenditures $1,839,939 17
Donna A. Endicott We sadly lost of one of our most active and in昀氀uential supporters on August 7, 2023 with the unexpected passing of Donna Endicott. Donna, who served as HSHPE’s board chair from 2016 to early 2023, was a driving force in e昀昀orts to rebrand the organization and build a new shelter. A nurse by training, Donna moved back to the region after retiring as regional director for the Canadian Red Cross (Toronto Region) in 2000. As a Canadian Red Cross delegate, she was deployed for earthquake relief in Armenia (1988), Relief Administration in South Sudan (1989) and the American Red Cross during Hurricane Andrew’s devastation in 1992. She had previously served as executive director for Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (Toronto) and associate executive director for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ontario. Donna had also served on the board of the Community Development Council (CDC), Three Oaks Foundation, and Friends of the Trail Inc. She is survived by her husband Rensford (Butch) Nobes, son David and his wife Laura and granddaughter Rachel. On October 4, 2023, as part of our celebration of World Animal Day and the 昀椀rst anniversary of the o昀케cial opening our our new shelter, we gathered with Donna’s friends and family to celebrate the dedication of our community room, now known as the Donna A. Endicott Community Education Room. October 4, 2023 dedication of the Donna A. Endico琀琀 Community Education Room with (l-r) Butch Nobes, Ruth Ginman, Marilyn Lawrie and Greg Sudds. 18
Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward 2023 Board of Directors Greg Sudds, Chair Brenda Bond, Director Hazzem Koudsi, Vice Chair Peter Kempenaar, Director Daniel Ringham, Treasurer Wendy McCoy, Director Arlene Shepard, Secretary Nicole Peters, Director Fred Armitage, Director Rhonda Schmidt, Director Retiring from HSHPE board in 2023: Donna Endicott, Jim Woolnough, Kelly McCaw, Chris Barry. 19
Learn more at humanesocietyhpe.ca With special thanks to