Chair’s Message They say the right leader comes along at the right time. That was never more true than in the case of my predeccesor as board chair, the late Donna Endicott, who passed away in August 2023, just months after passing the gavel to me. It’s hard to capture in mere words the impact Donna Endicott has had on Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward. She provided vision, determination and non-pro昀椀t governance expertise at a critical juncture in HSHPE’s development. There is no doubt we would not have been in a position to make the great strides we have in the last 昀椀ve years, including of course the building of our much-needed new shelter, without her. As the new board chair, I am honoured to follow in her wake and delighted to have the opportunity to work with HSHPE’s dedicated sta昀昀 members, volunteers and board directors. I am continually touched by the support shown to HSHPE by so many generous individuals and small businesses in Hastings Prince Edward. With a new roof over our heads and the task of furnishing and landscaping the new shelter largely completed in 2023, we turned our focus to the long-term 昀椀nancial sustainability of the organization. The importance of this task was brought sharply into focus with the capacity and costs challenges we were presented with in the last half of the year. Rising rent, food and veterinary costs have taken a toll of many local pet owners and the surrender of pets to HSHPE rose sharply in 2023. More animals arrived at our doors, often with more complex medical needs. Faced with these new challenges, we move into 2024 knowing that our continued capacity to provide essential services to this community depends on our ability to forge new partnerships with the municipalities we serve. I look forward to being a part of HSHPE’s very bright future. 6