Executive Director’s Message 2023 was an exciting and invigorating year - for our sta昀昀, who make miracles every day, our dedicated volunteer Board with their governance oversight and our many community volunteer teams who perform animal care duties and transport, dog walking, laundry/ dishwashing duties, fundraising activities and more. We could not do what we do, without each and every one of you! Our new facility at 34 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road, opening to the public in October 2022, was a long-awaited achievement. 2023 brought new experiences as we settled in with respect to: daily operations, new public focus with increased attendance by the young and the young- at-heart, as well as 昀椀scal oversight of our new ‘forever home’. We also saw a dramatic rise in animal care expenses, capacity overloads as well as acknowledging the real struggle that many regional residents are facing to care for and provide for their pets’ veterinary care. We continue to adapt our operational plans to meet these ongoing challenges. My enduring thanks to the HSHPE sta昀昀, our incredible volunteer teams, and our public supporters who contribute so much to support the many animals in our care now, and in future. 9