More 2023 Highlights Kitten Shower and Small Animal Circus Shelter sta昀昀 held two animal-focused education and fundraising events in the Donna A. Endicott Community Education Room during the year – the Pitter Patter Kitten Shower in May and the Small Animal Carnival in September. Both events were well attended and gave community members a chance to meet animals in the shelter, learn how we care for them and explore HSHPE’s volunteer opportunities. Saving Cornelius Cornelius was born in our care at Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward in March with a large cleft in his palate. He survived thanks to the tireless e昀昀orts of animal care sta昀昀 members, who have fed him day and night, through a tube inserted into his stomach. We launched the Saving Cornelius Campaign in June with the goal of raising $10,000 to pay for the surgeries necessary to repair the cleft and happily ended our campaign weeks later after raising close to $17,000. Now a year old, Cornelius has endured pheumonia, infections and several surgeries and all are looking forward to what we expect will be his 昀椀nal surgery, in 2024. 14