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Examinethebaseofyourroseandcuttothe BostonIvyorClema�s(forafloweringplant) groundanydeadwoodandanyshootsthat acouplefeetawayfromthehouseandgive are headedawayfromthesupport,giving themsomethingtoclimbonbesidesyour moreenergytothebranchesclimbingthe house.Atrellis of chicken wire a�ached to support. Moreenergyresultsinmoreblooms. yourroofoverhangandsecuredtotheground Roseso�enhavebranchesthatdieover nearyourivyplantswillsoonbecovered.Ivy winter and need to be removed before bud requires a lot of a�en�on and pruning or even break. Roses are a summer blooming shrub, theleast aggressive varie�es can twine somaintenancebeginsinthecolderweather aroundadownspoutorevestrough.If of very early spring. pruning is not an ac�vity you wish to regularly engagein,coveringyourhomeinvinesis Deadwoodonarosebushisbrownandlive likely not the best op�on for you. woodisgreen.Cutbackthedeadwoodright uptothegreensec�onofbranch.Notall Pruning Desirable Vining Plants roses are climbing; hybrid, tea, and shrub Typically, vines do not just climb all by roses need pruning also and should be pruned themselves. Not only must they be pruned, in the same way as summer blooming shrubs. butalsomustbepersuadedtoclimbanarbor or trellis. Vines like Clema�s (Clema�s ssp) Undesirable Vines andhardykiwis(Ac�nidiaarguta)needhelp Therearevariousclinging vines, such as climbing. English Ivy (Hedera ssp) and Trumpet Vine (Campsisradicans) that are s�ll sold in Therearenumerousbestprac�cesfor nursery catalogues but are extremely invasive. pruning vining plants; Clema�s alone has 3 Somuchso,infact,thattheyarebothlisted different methods based on the species and ontheNa�onalInvasiveSpecieslistfromthe whenitflowers.Ge�ngitwrongcanresultin USDA.EnglishIvyandTrumpetVine,among killing the plant, so be sure to keep all care others, cling easily to any surface they are material included with a plant so you can climbing due to their aerial roots. refer to it when comes �me to prune. ManyBri�shco�ageswouldlikelyfallapartif theivycoveringthemdiedorwasremoved. Thatsaid, most vines need to be pruned back Thoseaerial roots a�ach to any rough quite dras�cally in the first few years while surface, par�cularly the mortar between establishing their form. For example, grapes stones or bricks. While the roots will not create a trunk and branching “cordons” are damagesturdybrickorstone,theproblem trained to wire or over a pergola. The arises when a chip or crack allows the aerial “cordons” need to be �ed to the support with roots to move into the mortar and cause the aso�materiallikeknitragswhiletheyare crack to expand, beginning a slow crumbling shaping to the support. Removing excess of the exterior. Ivy traps moisture on your branchesgivesmorefruitandflowersbut wall, se�ng it up for mildew and mold while mustbedoneoverwintertoensureabe�er allowing the lower part of your wall to serve grapeharvestinthefall. as a welcoming homeformiceandother Whilethisdiagrammayseemdras�c, rodents. especially when covering a pergola, you will Agoodwaytoachievethe“ivycovered needtoatleastprunebacktoapairof co�age”lookwithouttherisk,istoplant healthy buds, poin�ng toward the support in 19

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 19 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 18 Page 20