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methodcausestheleastamountofstressto PruningVines yourplantandkeepsyourlandscape�dyin Whethergrapes,kiwis,orroses-viningplants theprocess. all need regular pruning. They also need to be coaxedintover�calgrowthtoproducefruit Year 1: Start by removing 1/3 of the oldest, andflowers.Arosebushmayputoutalong least a�rac�ve branches. Cut them back to horizontal branch, but chances are low that groundlevelwithathinningcut.Ifprevious this branch will bloom if it is growing close to improperpruninghasle�amul�-stemmed theground.Grapesneedproperpruningin evergreenwithatrunk,cutback1/3ofthe late winter to produce a good harvest the least a�rac�ve branches to a main branch. following season. Year 2: Remove another 1/3 of the oldest, Climbing roses make a spectacular display and least a�rac�ve branches with a thinning cut create an elegant entrance into a garden to ground level, or to a main branch. whenproperlymaintained.Imaginethe Year 3: Remove the last 1/3 of the old delight and permanent impression le� on overgrownevergreenbranches.Theplant guests entering your garden through an shouldhaveputoutnewgrowtheachyear archedpergolacoveredinbloomingroses. andasthenewshootsgettobeaboutafoot Cul�vatedclimbingrosesneedsupportand long, �p-prune to encourage lateral maintenancetogrowupward.Each�meyou branching. gobyyourclimbingrosebush,lookfornew Finally, you have your sidewalk back. growththatseemstobeswayinginthewind. Threaditintothetrellis with the �p heading Remember,shrubsandtreesdonotgrow upanditwillsoonse�lenicelyintoitsnew unruly overnight, so be observant. Pruning to posi�on. keepabeau�fullandscapeisverysa�sfying. g n i m r a F e l b a n i a t s u S g n i t r o p p u S 18

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 18 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 17 Page 19