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Beaware:therearespeciesofwisteriathat are considered invasive species, especially in thesouthernUSA.Trytofindana�ve species such as American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens) or Kentucky wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya) as the Chinese and Japanese species are extremely aggressive and can take over yourgarden,houseorshed. Honeysuckle(Loniceraspp)is anotherplantwitha wonderfulfragranceandis available as either a shrub or a vine, but both are considered invasive and aggressive. Be sure andcheckwithyourlocal extension service before buying a par�cular species. There are many species to choose from to plant in a spot youpassfrequently,soyoucano�enenjoy thepleasantaroma! order for the vines to fill out sufficiently over Apergolaortrellis can easily be covered with �me.Notethatgrapevineshavesubstan�al bloominghoneysucklevineswithveryli�le supports. Most vines need a lot more support coaxing because they twine around supports. thanyouimaginewhenyouini�allyplant Honeysuckleshavealongbloomseason,but them.Vines,like shrubs and trees, need to be mostspeciesneedtobeprunedinlatewinter envisioned in their mature size so that before bud break, allowing them to bloom on support, spacing, and effect on other plants newgrowthcomespring. canall be considered. Whenpruningforbloom,removedamaged, Thewayyoupruneawisteriaissimilarto diseased, or crossing branches. This creates g n i grapevine shaping. Remove any branches that m r air circula�on and allows the plant to give all a F are growing low to the ground by cu�ng back e its energy to the blooming branches. If your l b a to the main branch. A vine will grow on the n i honeysucklevineisold,it mayhavewoody a t s ground(belowthelawnmower)un�litfinds u growthatthebase.Cutbackacoupleof S g somethingtoclimb,perhapsevenpu�ngout n i t branchesnearthegroundtoallownew r o roots in the middle of your yard. A climbing p p shoots to emerge in spring. u S rose will do the same thing. Vining plants have the most diverse pruning Manybookshavebeenwri�enabout needsofanytypeofshrub,tree,orplantso wisteria. It has beau�ful cascades of blue or besuretodothenecessaryresearchbefore purple flowers and is very fragrant. a�emp�ngthatfirstcut. 20

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 20 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 19 Page 21