VCE VM NUMERACY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM NUMERACY VCE VM NUM OVERVIEW VCE Vocational Major Numeracy focuses on The contexts are the starting point and the focus, enabling students to develop and enhance and are framed in terms of personal, financial, their numeracy skills to make sense of their civic, health, recreational and vocational personal, public and vocational lives. Students classifications. These numeracies are developed develop mathematical skills with consideration using a problem-solving cycle with four of their local, national and global environments components: formulating; acting on and using and contexts, and an awareness and use of mathematics; evaluating and reflecting; and appropriate technologies. communicating and reporting. This study allows students to explore the underpinning mathematical knowledge of number and quantity, measurement, shape, dimensions and directions, data and chance, the understanding and use of systems and processes, and mathematical relationships and thinking. This mathematical knowledge is then applied to tasks which are part of the students’ daily routines and practices, but also extends to applications outside the immediate personal environment, such as the workplace and community. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT VCE Vocational Major Numeracy is designed a) Personal numeracy around four complementary and essential b) Civic numeracy components: c) Financial numeracy 1. Eight areas of study (four in each unit) d) Health numeracy that name and describe a range of different e) Vocational numeracy mathematical knowledge and skills that are f) Recreational numeracy. expected to be used and applied across the three outcomes. 3. Outcome 2 elaborates and describes a four-stage problem-solving cycle that underpins the capabilities required to solve a mathematical problem 2. Outcome 1 is framed around working embedded in the real world. mathematically across six different numeracy contexts: 4. Outcome 3 requires students to develop and use a technical mathematical toolkit as they undertake their numeracy activities and tasks. Students should be able to confidently use multiple mathematical tools, both analogue and digital/technological.