VCE VM LITERACY SUBJECTS OVERVIEW UNIT 1 Outcome 1 UNIT 3 Outcome 1 • On completion of this unit the student should • On completion of this unit the student be able to demonstrate understanding of should be able to demonstrate the ability to how text types are constructed for different locate, read and understand the purpose, purposes, audiences and contexts through audience and content presented in a variety of a range of written, digital, oral and visual informational, organisational and procedural responses. texts through application of knowledge to real-life documents. UNIT 1 Outcome 2 UNIT 3 Outcome 2 • On completion of this unit the student should be able to apply an understanding • On completion of this unit the student of the conventions of literacy and digital should be able to create organisational, communication by responding to and informational and procedural texts that creating a range of digital content, suitable reflect a specific workplace or vocational for a community, workplace or vocational experience. context. UNIT 4 Outcome 1 UNIT 2 Outcome 1 • On completion of this unit the student should • On completion of this unit the student be able to illustrate understanding of the use should be able to explain the purpose, of language in advocacy by producing a range audience and main ideas of diverse of written, visual and multimodal texts for arguments presented in different text types the promotion of self, a product or a chosen by creating a range of annotations and community group. written, oral and multimedia responses that reflect learning. UNIT 4 Outcome 2 UNIT 2 Outcome 2 • On completion of this unit the student should be able to negotiate the topic of choice for, • On completion of this unit the student and complete, an oral presentation that should be able to interpret the values and showcases reflections and evaluations of opinions of others and present in oral form student learning. points of view supported by evidence. Option 1: Literacy for civic participation • Students deliver an informative or instructional presentation on an area of civic participation that is of personal interest. Option 2: Literacy for everyday personal contexts • Students deliver an informative or instructional presentation on an area of personal management that is of interest.