VCE VM NUMERACY OVERVIEW UNIT 1 Outcome 1 UNIT 3 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select, interpret and use the mathematical key knowledge extract, evaluate and apply the mathematical key knowledge and key skills from the four Areas of Study 1-4, embedded in and key skills from the four Areas of Study 1-4, embedded familiar, routine and some less familiar contexts across the in a range of routine, non-routine, unfamiliar and some chosen range of numeracies. specialised contexts across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 1 Outcome 2 UNIT 3 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to On completion of this unit, the student should be able select, interpret and use the four stages of the mathematical to select, evaluate and apply the four stages of the problem-solving cycle, using a range of both informal and mathematical problem-solving cycle, using an expanding formal mathematical processes, representations, and range of both informal and formal mathematical conventions relevant to the mathematical key knowledge processes, representations, and conventions relevant to and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the mathematical key knowledge and key skills specified the chosen range of numeracies. in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 1 Outcome 3 UNIT 3 Outcome 3 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select and effectively and accurately use the appropriate On completion of this unit, the student should be able mathematical tools and applications chosen from a to flexibly, effectively and accurately use a range of developing mathematical toolkit relevant to the key appropriate tools and applications chosen from an extensive knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, mathematical toolkit relevant to the key knowledge and and across the chosen range of numeracies. key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 2 Outcome 1 UNIT 4 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select, interpret and use the mathematical key knowledge On completion of this unit, the student should be able to and key skills from the four Areas of Study 5-8, embedded in extract, evaluate and apply the mathematical key knowledge familiar, routine and some less familiar contexts across the and key skills from the four Areas of Study 5-8, embedded chosen range of numeracies. in a range of routine, non-routine, unfamiliar and some specialised contexts across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 2 Outcome 2 UNIT 4 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select, interpret and use the four stages of the mathematical On completion of this unit, the student should be able problem-solving cycle, using a range of both informal and to select, evaluate and apply the four stages of the formal mathematical processes, representations, and mathematical problem-solving cycle, using an expanding conventions relevant to the mathematical key knowledge range of both informal and formal mathematical and key skills specified in Areas of Study 5-8, and across the processes, representations, and conventions relevant to chosen range of numeracies. the mathematical key knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the chosen range of UNIT 2 Outcome 3 numeracies. On completion of this unit, the student should be able to UNIT 4 Outcome 3 select and effectively and accurately use the appropriate mathematical tools and applications chosen from a On completion of this unit, the student should be able developing mathematical toolkit relevant to the key to flexibly, effectively and accurately use a range of knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 5-8, appropriate tools and applications chosen from an extensive and across the chosen range of numeracies. mathematical toolkit relevant to the key knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 5-8, and across the chosen range of numeracies.