PHYSICAL EDUCATION NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Physical Education explores the complex UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM interrelationships between anatomical, YEAR 10 DOES THIS biomechanical, physiological and skill • Explore how the body systems work together FOLLOW ON FROM? acquisition principles to understand their role in to produce movement, and how they adapt Physical Education producing and refining movement, and examines and adjust to the demands of activity. Fitness behavioural, psychological, environmental and sociocultural influences on performance and • Evaluate the social, cultural and participation in physical activity. environmental influences on participation. • Consider the use and consequences of legal and illegal practices to improve performance. UNIT 2 • Gain an appreciation of the level of physical activity required for health benefits. • Collect data to determine perceived enablers of and barriers to physical activity • Focus on a range of contemporary issues associated with physical activity and/or sport. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? In units 1 & 2, students will participate in a • Wriiten assessments Sport Uniform and variety of practical activities to examine the and participation in practical sessions core concepts that underpin movement and • Case Studies is compulsory that influence performance and participation in physical activity. • Topics Tests • School assessed coursework will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the links between theoretical and practical content.

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