SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 consist UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY of the areas of study: ‘Algebra, number and For Unit 3 a selection of content would OR CAREERS structure’, ‘Calculus’, ‘Data analysis, probability typically include content from the ‘Discrete COULD LEAD ON and statistics’, ‘Discrete mathematics’, mathematics’, ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, TO? ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, and ‘Space ‘Algebra, number and structure’, ‘Space and Engineering and measurement’. The development of measurement’ and ‘Calculus’ areas of study. Science course content should highlight mathematical Pharmacy structure, reasoning and proof and applications UNIT 4 Computing across a range of modelling contexts with an In Unit 4 the corresponding selection of content Biomedicine appropriate selection of content for each of Unit would typically consist of the remaining content Mathematics Statistics 3 and Unit 4 from the ‘Discrete mathematics’, ‘Calculus’, and ‘Space and measurement’ areas of study and the content from the ‘Data analysis, probability and statistics’ area of study. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER NEED TO KNOW? WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: Requires a CAS calculator and textbook • Problem solving There are three School Assessed Curriculum You need to have assessment tasks and two end of year written successfully • Data analysis examinations. completed Mathematical Methods Units 1 • Mathematical modelling Exam 1 - technology free and and 2 and preferably Exam 2 - technology enabled Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2. You should be enrolled in Mathematical Methods Units 3&4.

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