SPECIALIST MATHEMATICS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE If you are electing to study Specialist Mathematics it is expected that you will also be studeying Mathematics Methods in the corresponding units. SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2 provides UNIT 1 & UNIT 2 SUBJECTS FROM a course for students who wish to undertake The areas of study for Specialist Mathematics YEAR 10 DOES THIS an in-depth study of Mathematics, with an Units 1 and 2 are ‘Algebra, number and FOLLOW ON FROM? emphasis on concepts, skills and processes structure’, ‘Data analysis, probability and Specialist related to mathematical structure, modelling, statistics’, ‘Discrete mathematics’, ‘Functions, Mathematics problem solving, reasoning and proof. These relations and graphs’ and ‘Space and assumes units are ideal for students who wish to study measurement’. proficiency in mathematics and/or engineering at a tertiary algebra and has a level. At the end of Unit 1 students are expected to fast pace and high have covered the material in the areas of study: workload. Completing the ‘Algebra, number and structure’ and ‘Discrete Year 10 Advanced mathematics’. Mathematics elective is Concepts from these areas of study will be recommended. further developed and used in Unit 2 and also in Students taking this course must Units 3 and 4. also take Mathematical Methods Units 1&2 SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Requires • Problem solving • Knowledge of the course materials purchasing a CAS calculator and the textbook. • Data analysis • Ability to select and apply mathematical techniques and use of technology through • Mathematical modelling an investigation task • Modelling task • Problem solving task and three tests. • Class work

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