SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 extend Unit 3 FURTHER STUDY the introductory study of simple elementary OR CAREERS functions of a single real variable, to include A selection of content would typically include COULD LEAD ON combinations of these functions, algebra, the areas of study ‘Functions, relations and TO? calculus, probability and statistics, and their graphs’ and ‘Algebra, number and structure’, Engineering applications in a variety of practical and applications of derivatives and differentiation, Science theoretical contexts. Units 3 and 4 consist of the and identifying and analysing key features of the Pharmacy areas of study ‘Algebra, number and structure’, functions and their graphs from the ‘Calculus’ Computing ‘Data analysis, probability and statistics’, area of study. Biomedicine ‘Calculus’, and ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, Mathematics Unit 4 Statistics which must be covered in progression from Unit 3 to Unit 4, with an appropriate selection of A corresponding selection of content would content for each of Unit 3 and Unit 4. Assumed typically consist of remaining content from knowledge and skills for Mathematical Methods ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, ‘Algebra, Units 3 and 4 are contained in Mathematical number and structure’ and ‘Calculus’ areas Methods Units 1 and 2, and will be drawn on, as of study, and the study of random variables, applicable, in the development of related content discrete and continuous probability from the areas of study, and key knowledge and distributions, and the distribution of sample key skills for the outcomes of Mathematical proportions from the ‘Data analysis, probability Methods Units 3 and 4. and statistics’ area of study SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE NEED TO KNOW? A range of School-Assessed Coursework and an • Problem solving end-of-year exam Requires purchasing a CAS calculator and the • Data analysis textbook • Mathematical modelling

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