MATHEMATICAL METHODS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods is central to many with connections between and across the SUBJECTS FROM areas of science and technology. Mathematical areas of study being developed consistently YEAR 10 DOES Methods provides background in mathematics throughout both Units 1 and 2 THIS FOLLOW ON for students to better understand the world FROM? around them and for further study. It provides UNIT 2 Mathematical a foundation for study in various fields, ranging The focus of Unit 2 is the study of simple Methods assumes from medical technology and engineering to transcendental functions, the calculus of proficiency in economic predictions and statistical modelling. polynomial functions and related modelling algebra and has a applications. The areas of study are ‘Functions, fast pace and high UNIT 1 relations and graphs’, ‘Algebra, number and workload. Completing the The focus of Unit 1 is the study of simple structure’, ‘Calculus’ and ‘Data analysis, Year 10 Advanced algebraic functions, and the areas of study are probability and statistics’. At the end of Unit Mathematics ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, ‘Algebra, 2, students are expected to have covered the elective is number and structure’, ‘Calculus’ and ‘Data content outlined in each area of study. recommended. analysis, probability and statistics’. At the end of Unit 1, students are expected to have covered Material from the areas of study should be the content outlined in each area of study, with organised so that there is a clear progression the exception of ‘Algebra, number and structure’ of skills and knowledge from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in which extends across Units 1 and 2. This content each area of study. should be presented so that there is a balanced and progressive development of skills and knowledge from each of the four areas of study SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE NEED TO KNOW? Requires • Problem solving • Investigation task purchasing a CAS calculator and the • Data analysis • Modelling task textbook. • Mathematical modelling • Problem solving task and tests. • Class work

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