SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY OR CAREERS • Use biomechanical principles to analyse COULD LEAD ON human movement. TO? • Analyse movement skills and skill acquisition Human Movement Biomechanics principles to improve and refine movement. Personal Trainer PE Teacher • Investigate the contribution and interplay of Coaching the three energy systems to performance. • Explore causes of fatigue and consider how to postpone fatigue and promote recovery. UNIT 4 • Analyse movement skills from a physiological, psychological and sociocultural perspective. • Analyse skill frequencies, movement patterns, and heart rates of an activity. • Apply training principles and methods to a training program to improve performance. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? In units 3 & 4 students will participate in a • School-assessed coursework Sport Uniform and variety of practical activities to examine the and participation in practical sessions core concepts that underpin movement and • Written reports, is compulsory thatinfluence performance and participation in physical activity. • Practical lab reports • Tests and an end of year examination.