HEALTH & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Health & Human Development looks at an UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM individual’s health and wellbeing as a whole, This unit looks at health and wellbeing as a YEAR 10 DOES that is subjective to change and interpretation. concept that has changed over time. Wellbeing THIS FOLLOW ON They analyse how our ideas of health and is a complex combination of all dimensions FROM? wellbeing has changed over time, and of health, where an individual feels happy, Health and Human investigate the development of the human body healthy, capable and engaged. With a focus on Develepment across the lifespan. youth, students consider their own health as individuals and as a cohort. They build health literacy through interpreting and using data, investigating the role of food, and through extended inquiry into one youth health focus area. UNIT 2 This unit investigates transitions in health and wellbeing, and development, from lifespan and societal perspectives. Students look at changes and expectations that are part of the progression from youth to adulthood. This unit promotes the application of health literacy skills through an examination of adulthood as a time of increasing independence and responsibility, involving the establishment of long-term relationships, and management of health-related milestones. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Various definitions of health and wellbeing • Case studies • Variations in perspectives of and priorities • Written responses relating to health and wellbeing, according to age, culture,religion, gender • Data analysis • Explain the functions of major nutrients for • Multimedia presentations. general health and wellbeing