SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Health & Human Development Units 3 &4 focus UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY on the health status of Australians and how This unit looks at health, wellbeing and illness OR CAREERS this can vary across population groups such as as multidimensional. Students look at the COULD LEAD ON between males and females, indigenous and fundamental conditions required for health TO? non-indigenous, rural and urban. It also looks at improvement, as stated by the World Health Health professional the health of populations on a global scale and Organisation (WHO). Area of Study 2 focuses Youth Worker how the UN and WHO assist in promoting health on health promotion and improvements in Aged care worker across the world. population health over time. Nursing Medicine UNIT 4 Advertising This unit examines health and wellbeing, and human development in a global context. Students use data to investigate health status and burden of disease in different countries, exploring factors that contribute to health inequalities. Area of Study 2 looks at global action to improve health and wellbeing and human development, focusing on the United Nations’ (UN’s) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the work of the World Health Organisation (WHO). SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Analyse the role of Medicare, private • Case studies health insurance, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the National Disability • Written responses Insurance Scheme in promoting Australia’s health • Data analysis • Describe characteristics of high-, middleand • Multimedia presentations low-income countries • End of year examination. • Evaluate data

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