BIOLOGY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM Students will study cell size, structure and YEAR 10 DOES Units 1 and 2 enables students to investigate function, how substances cross the plasma THIS FOLLOW ON the processes involved in sustaining life at membrane, energy transformations, functioning FROM? cellular, system, species and ecosystem levels. systems. They also investigate survival through Chemistry In undertaking this study, students examine adaptations and regulation, how living things Biology how life has evolved over time and understand are categorised based on their characteristics, Psychology that in the dynamic and interconnected system and relationships between organisms within of life all change has a consequence that may an ecosystem. The investigation requires the affect an individual, a species or the collective student to develop a question, undertake an biodiversity of Earth. The study gives students experiment to collect data, interpret the data and insights into how knowledge of molecular reach a conclusion. and evolutionary concepts underpin much of contemporary biology, and the applications UNIT 2 used by society to resolve problems and make Students will study the cell cycle, asexual advancements. reproduction and sexual reproduction, cell growth and cell differentiation. The genetics component investigates genomes, genes and alleles, chromosomes, genotypes and phenotypes, pedigree charts, genetic cross outcomes and genetic decisionmaking. Students run an investigation, communicate the findings and justify their conclusions. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Practical experimentation and research • Unit tests • Critical and creative thinking • Practical Reports - guided and/or student designed • Communication • Annotations of a practical work folio of activities or investigations • Scientific Posters • Coursework • Exams

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