SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In undertaking Units 3 and 4, students explore UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY the importance of the plasma membrane and Students will study plasma membranes, OR CAREERS its permeability to specific solutes. They study nucleic acids and proteins, gene structure COULD LEAD ON nucleic acids and proteins as key molecules in and regulation, structure and regulation of TO? cellular processes and examine the nature of biochemical pathways, photosynthesis and Botany Genetics biochemical pathways. At this molecular level cellular respiration. They also investigate Immunology students study the human immune system and cellular signals, the body’s response to antigens, Microbiology how it provides immunity to a specific antigen. and immunity. Pharmacology Students also consider the continual change Zoology and challenges to which life on Earth has been UNIT 4 Biotechnology Dentistry subjected. They investigate the relatedness Students will study the changes in the genetic Ecology between species and the impact of various makeup of a population and in biodiversity Food Science change events on a population’s gene pool, over time, they determine relatedness Forestry including technological developments. Students between species, and look at human change Health Care examine the human fossil record and the over time.From this students move onto DNA Horticulture interrelationships between human biological Medicine manipulation, and biological knowledge and Optometry and cultural evolution. society. The investigation requires the students Physiotherapy to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate Vet Science a hypothesis and plan a course of action. Environmental Conservation Forensic Science Medical research Sports science SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Understanding of key biological models, • Practical investigations theories and concepts • Scientific Posters • Investigation skills • Group work • Informed perspective on contemporary • Course work • science-based issues • Unit tests • Research, ethical and safety principles • End of Year Examination • Communication

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