CHEMISTRY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Chemistry Units 1 and 2 focus on the UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM Students study the elements and the YEAR 10 DOES diversity of materials from the atomic to the periodic table, metals, ionic compounds, and THIS FOLLOW ON molecular level and the uniqueness of water. how to quantify atoms and compounds. FROM? This course provides the opportunity for Chemistry independent and collaborative work through They investigate materials from molecules, Biology experimentation, fieldwork, literature reviews carbon lattices and carbon nanomaterials, Psychology and molecular modelling through hands on organic compounds, and polymers. Students approach and simulation. also undertake a research investigation relevant to one of ten options. UNIT 2 Students study the properties of water, focussing on water as a solvent, and acidbase and redox reactions in water. They will conduct water sample analysis, including salts, organic compounds and acids and bases in water, and the measurement of solubility and concentration. The investigation requires the student to develop a question, undertake an experiment to collect data,interpret the data and reach a conclusion. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Understand the various fields of chemistry • Practical investigations • Chemistry’s social, ethical and political • Posters impact • Data Analysis • Scientific Questioning • Molecular modelling • Experimental Analysis • Coursework • Develop and evaluate hypothesis and • Unit & Chapter Tests methodologies • End of year exam.

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