SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 3 and 4 students explore the factors that UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY increase the efficiency and percentage yield of a Students will study the method of obtaining OR CAREERS chemical manufacturing process. They look at energy from fuels, fuel choices, galvanic cells COULD LEAD ON as a source of energy, and fuel cells as a source TO? energy options and their resources, and of energy. Through this they then investigate Agriculture the minimisation of their impact upon the the rate and extent of chemical reactions, the Biochemistry environment. Students develop their use of the production of chemicals by electrolysis, and Dentistry Dietetics language and conventions of chemistry related rechargeable batteries. Engineering to reactions and laws. They also look at how the Environmental carbon atom has unique characteristics that UNIT 4 studies Food technology explain the diversity and number of organic Students will study the structure and Forensic science compounds. Students investigate the structural nomenclature of organic compounds, their Forestry features, bonding, typical reactions and uses categories, properties and reactions, and Horticulture of the major families of organic compounds conduct an analysis. They use this to investigate Law Medicine including those found in food. key food molecules, the metabolism of food in Nursing Oceanography the human body, and the energy content of food. Pharmacy Sports science The investigation requires the students to Winemaking identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply models, theories and concepts • Practical investigations • Use the language and methodologies • Analysis of data • Investigation skills • Model making • Informed perspective on contemporary • Scientific Posters sciencebased issues • Coursework • Research, ethical and safety principles • Unit Tests • Communication • End of year exam.