PHYSICS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Physics seeks to understand and explain UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM the physical world by examining models Students study the principles of YEAR 10 DOES and ideas which are sometimes challenged thermodynamics, including climate science and THIS FOLLOW ON as new knowledge develops. By looking at other related issues. They investigate concepts FROM? the way matter and energy interact through used to model electricity, including circuit Physics observations, measurements and experiments, electricity and electrical safety. Students will physicists gain a better understanding of the also examine the origins of atoms, particles in underlying laws of nature. VCE Physics provides the nucleus, and energy from the atom. students with opportunities to explore questions related to the natural and constructed world. UNIT 2 In Units 1 and 2 students consider thermal Students study the concepts used to model concepts by investigating heat, probe common motion, including forces and energy. Outcome analogies used to explain electricity and 2 they will have twelve options, based on a consider the origins and formation of matter, different observation of the physical world, as well as explore the power of experiments in available as areas of study to investigate developing models and theories. through experimental data. The investigation component requires the students to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply physics models, theories and • Practical investigations concepts • Posters • Language and methodologies of physics • Annotated folio of practical activities • Investigation skills • Research reports • Research, ethical and safety principles • Practical Reports • Communication • Coursework • Unit Tests • End of year exam.

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